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<br /> � - �.. IQotwiEbstastdin�aay of ^°�•�:�°-•••"—•R,°a�of TtnsE to tas onnuary.the terms of this secticn shatl ��t`�4�,'4' `
<br /> `' � � `� , spivive aay fore�ciasmce o:sadsfas�iun oY tbis Dead of Ttust teg�dless of aay gassage of tide w Beae�iat�►as aay f.._.',`� ' . -
<br /> s vv .
<br /> �r. ; `; .`- ctisposition by Beae�'ici�ry of anyor all of the Fmgsrty.Any ctainas au�d�feases to the c�traqr are hereby waive�. , , :
<br /> � Y VF � 20.CONlD�A'�'ION.Tivstor wttt gtve Beaefdazy pmmpt�tue af any acxion.Ral ar tbreatenad,bY P�+��P�� � ` t
<br /> .;°`� �o��, ` entities w patrhase or take any or a U o f t h e P m g e r t y.i n c t n d i ng a a Y�t s.t h m����.�a n d o m a�n, � .<�. :,x _i
<br /> ,.''``:°°� Y:.:�,': ar any other�eans.TrtasOOr fuithet a�ceea to natIfy BeneSciary of a�t pr�ceediags insoituted for 1he establis�ment of any <� .`•., `.
<br /> " � t. ' ; a^�rer,a�, oonse�vat�on.ditch.d�age.or other district rEIadag tfl or b�nding upoa the Fra�erty or aay gaort of f� f �; .` .-'`: �
<br /> ev � °�
<br /> `:��` � Tiustor autho�es Heaefidary to iate�ene ia 7�aswr's nam�ia any of the above described scx�ns or clslms aQ0 w colte� � � , �
<br /> ,�� ,
<br /> -- and�eceive aU s�ms�lting fmm the actIoa o:claim.Trnstor asslgns w Eeuef�ciary the ptoc�ds of any award or cdaim � y_�
<br /> � - �p����cv�be ap�pl�piovlded in this Deed o f'In�ist p 1 H i s assignmea�t o�f p n u ce a d a�i s snb�ect w the �.L � _ .
<br /> . . ` terms o�any prlor securit�ag�a�• ` ` �`
<br /> . ` ' ._. .�- 21.II�ISUI3ADIGE.1Yuswr agrees w maintain insa�nre as follows: '�.��," .`�."'=°
<br /> � instued ag�iast tass by fin�theft aad other ha�r�and risks reasonablq assacIat�i `'�"
<br /> ` � ,:,•�: . A. Tmator sball k�p the Ptogerty :,. � .. '
<br /> =�_ - - - .�t,rtW.���•:we.�+mA t.,�aeims:nthP.ha?�r+Ta and mska mav incIude.for exampie.mvera�e ag�st yt"' :
<br /> � '�: loas due to floods or flaod�ng. '[bis insorauce s1�a11 be ma�ttaiaed tri the amaunts and for ttte perlads mat �=
<br /> ;'"" B�effciary reqnires. 7he insmanoe � pmvid�ng the ��e sha11 be chosen by Trastar subject W _�.
<br /> .� ' . . .-,.' B�eticiasY'S aPPro�+�1,wHict� sbaU not be anmasonably witbheld. If Trustor faifs to m�ntaia the oaverage , :��.�••�°
<br /> ' : . t •.., descdhed ab�ve.Beae�dar9 m�►y,at Benefidasy's api�oa.obtatn cov�age ta pmtecx Beneflciaq►'s rlg8is in t�e ���:;'.:: '=----
<br /> .� . : ' • . �P�Y��8 to ths t�ms of tbis Deed af T:nst. . ; �..
<br />':,"•: � .. A11 �s�ce golic�s and r�ewals sball 6e acce�table to Benefdar3��d sbaU iaclude a standa:d °mnrtgage �._ —
<br /> � � � _�,;� � ctause° mW,where applicable, "beaeficiaiy la$s payee claus�.°Trasoor sha31 immediateip aotify BeaeBcFa�9.of `. .r��.�-
<br /> ,"`.�� wareitation or tccmination of ths insivaace._Bene&c�ary sirall have the right w flold the pollcies aad rraewals.tf ...
<br /> '� ` B�ary'�uires. Tmstnz�hall iffia�t�ely give to B�Scia�9 al� r�t�of paid psem�u� mnd t�aeerel ,
<br /> <• � � notipes.[Jpoa toss,Tiustor sLall gtve imrnediate nodse w the insu�aace caerier and BeneBciasy.BeaeSclazy may � ,�—,_
<br />:�-. � ° . `�''° make praof of toss if nat made imnt�edi��tely by Tmswr. ` - -
<br /> F `•� • tJnless Bt�aaeS�ctarsr aad'IYostas otherwise agree in writing insurauce prudeeds shaD be appl�ed w iesWrat�oa or ' ',�- F �
<br /> : e ,..�
<br /> .... ._� _ �pait of the PraPett9 d�aa8e�if the rest�aiioa or repair is ecuno�cally�feasib2e and S�eBeiaty's sevaritY is uoi. : ° ,
<br /> '' `: .�`�;� tessened.If the restoradon or repair is not ecuaomicaliy feasi6le os B�eSciary's secmtitq woald be Iesseaed.the ' ��
<br /> r -
<br /> .:'���°���;;;' ` .:� • �nsurante groceeds sbs�]1 be applied to the S�red Debt;wh�h�os aot t�8ue.'��Y�P�d�T�r. , .
<br /> `�' �� �f 7Yuator abaadons the Pcoperty.ar da�not answer wltbIa 3a daqs"a natice faam Benef�clary tl�et the�nsutance ---- --
<br /> <:;
<br /> 1 � �` . carrIer has offeted.to settlle a claim,then Henefclary may ca l 2ect t he��a�c e�d s BeneS c l a Y y m a y nse tLe . :
<br /> I..'., ;�. � procee�s w repair or reswre the Property or to pay th$Secared Debi wHe�+�r or nt�s thea due.lhe 30�day pettod ;;, ,
<br /> �;;; . w�l beg�wh�the nu8ce ia given. ,�',; �. - -
<br /> _-':...�: , ,. ,
<br /> ,., .:
<br /> ' •��;. �� �� Untess Hene�ciary ang Trustor otheiwrtse agree in writiag.anY aPPlicarian of p�s to princiPal shall not extend �;��, �°'`�°=�
<br /> .'`"`' , . ... or postpone the due date of schedaIed Pay�ats or change the amount of the paym�ts.If the Pnnperty is accinired
<br /> • � _ by Betzeficlary,Tmswt's right to any insarance policles and proceeds res�ilting from damage to.ttie Yroperty before � ��: :;�.E.�;:—
<br /> -. � the acquin�it�oa sbalt pass to Beaefciary tn the exteat of the Semred Debt�mmrdiateIy 6efare tPte acqoisition. , ,�-_,•. -- -
<br /> .. B. T:ustor agrees to maintaia comp:chensive$eneral liability�Qe naming HeaeRcia:y as an additfoszal insur�d in _ �L�-�-��3=_.
<br /> ,. an amoaat acceptable w BeneSciary, lnsiuing against etaims artsing from&uy sccideat or�i n oi an the -
<br /> .. ptoperty. ����
<br /> - - -� - G 3'n�star agr�w m�intai�r�rl loss ar Lusiuess.iinte��apito�L�si:esace.ss��by B�;cltup.ib�t�a: „.{., ��'-=`'--
<br /> m in
<br /> . . . equat to at least ooverage of on�yeas's debt servlce,and required esacow aeeau�t depos�ts(if agned w sepacatelq . � �,��.-T-.--
<br /> • . iu writtng),uader a foim of poL�q acceptable to Benefrciary. � . -`'.'-.' -_
<br /> ,;` ,. ... 22.N�ESCItOW FQR TAXl�S AAiD WSUI3Ai�ICE.Untess othetwise p:asit7�in a sepa:ate a�t,lYnstor wjll not ' _ 'i�-_
<br />_�-. '- be reqnired w pay to 8eaeficiary�eads for taxes and insurauce!a escmw. , ��: r.;,�:,,�—
<br /> �.; . . . ::������
<br /> .� ,':r���
<br /> . . 23.Y�IIVANCIAE.REpO&�'S A1W.ADDITIONAi.Dt1CUMENI'S.Tiustos wril pmvide to Benefclary upon reqnest.any � _ ��. ��.;s-,.�.--.
<br /> � " flnaacial statement or informadon Belcefic�ary may deem necessary. Trustor warrants thai ari flnancial statements and • - __
<br />- , � .. informatioa 'IYusWr provides w BeneRciary are. ar w111 be. aea�rate, comect. and cumptete. Tn�star agtoes to siga, `;-.:;;:>..
<br /> ' . ..� . dellver,a�u4 fiIe as Beneficiary zaay reasonabIy request any addiflonal dacuments os certifieations that Benefic2ary may . .
<br /> ..� . . oonsi�necessary w.perfeet,ocr,sinue,and preserve Tmstor's obli�ationa under this�d oY Tnsst and Beneflclary's llen %;;�;;•�
<br /> *� ''� • statns on the PmpenY.I4 Tnss�.cz�alls w do so�Be�efrdary may siga.deliver.aad�Ee sueb dacuments or certifsates ia •'�'�'�'°
<br /> ... ,;,;�
<br /> . "" .� � Tn�stor's name and Tivswr�e r e b y irrevacably appolnts Beaefic2aty or Heneflciary's a�ent as attomey in fact to do th6 �:�..:��•: •
<br />- � . things necessary to cotuyly w��b t)il a section. . .
<br /> . . � � 24.JOII�17C ANII�IIVDIVIDUAL 1dABILITfi; C(1�SIGNE�lSt SUCCESSORS AND A�GNS BOUND.All du�es under - --- ..
<br /> -- . • � Wis Deecl of Tmst are joint and indivtdual. If'fiustor eigas this Deed of Trost but G�aot s�gn We Evidence of Debt, � ,; .,� �
<br /> ' ' � . . Truswr does so oNy to morcgags 7'rastor's interest ia the Property to secure paym�t of the Seaued Debt and Tiastor � , ,:;,.,.;..�.
<br /> � ' doeo not agrree to be personally liab2e on the 5ewred Debt.Tmstor ag�eea that Ben�cfary and any party to thla Deed oY �� �` -
<br /> ;.,,: � Tiust ar,ay extend, madify or maYe aay change in the tecros of this Deed of Tnist or the EviQeace of Debt arlthant • �
<br /> Ttnstot's consent.Such a cd�ange wiU not release Tn�swr from the tenms of this Deed af Tust.'Iti d�ittes and bmeflts of . .
<br /> ' - tWs Dad of'tYust shaU b�nd and benefit the successors and assigas of Tmstor and Bec�ef ciary. � - ���
<br /> " ` � � ° r If this Deed of Tzust secures a guaranty 6etwcen Beneflciary and Trustor and does not directly seeurc the obl9gatlaa which � �
<br />_ � � � . is guarantied.Trusto:agrees to waive any dghts that may prevent Benet3ciary from bringln�aoy action or clalm a�ainst �
<br /> : . . TntsWr or any party inAe6te�under the obl�gatton including,but not limited to,aat�-deficieatiy or ona-action 1awa. . . �
<br /> , " ' � � 2S.APPLICAB�,E bAW; SEVEItABILITY; 1KTERPAETATION. 'IUis Deed of Tn�st is�govemed by the laws of the �
<br /> �. . ' ;,�, jwlsdiction ia which Eeneflciary is located,except to the extent otherwise required by the tawa of the jurlsdicdoa where . .
<br /> _ . . , ` tne Property is located.This Deed of Tn�st is wmy2ete and fully incegrated. i'his Dced of Trust may not be smended os . . :
<br /> � modlfied by otal agreesment. Any section or clanse ln W9s DeeA of Ttust, attacbmenta, or any ngaeement related to the
<br /> 5�bebt tLat canflicts with applicable 1aw wi11 aot be effective.untess that law expressly or impl�edly permits Use
<br /> variations by wrltten agreement. If any sectton or c2ause of this Deed of Trnst cannot be enforced aecording m its terms, ,
<br /> • that section or elause wlll be sevemd and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of th�s Dced of Ttust. : .
<br />. � . � Whenevet useti,the singular shall Inctude the plural and tfie plural the singular.The captioas aad headlag�of the secttons � . : '
<br /> • . � ot th9s Deed of Tmst are for wnvenience unly and aze not to be used to interpret or define the temns'$f t?�,S�b�.�f Trust. ,
<br /> � ' . Time is of the essence in Wis Deed of Trust. pogo s o�e
<br /> _ .� � -�..._�_
<br />- �— - —.-----�--. . .� m 1993 8antan SYnams.1�..St.CtauO.M!!It-800-39�•�3411 form AOfCbOT•NB 9119190 .. - ..
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