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<br /> l-:��{� -t,' � • ���
<br /> :�� :• � �. � S. �Iamad or Pe�uparty Insc�a¢ce.Bo:mwer sbal!keep th8 impmvemeats now exis�ag or oa the y-. ; :
<br /> ty
<br /> ..•' ^`'���'• ..•. . ���$UT��3�nSL ZOS4�1}t�r���Y1�II�P.�6[II1�P7�ICII�COYCi'3gC°'dDd 811}I��14.i 'bd78IQSs jIICt11�II$ ,
<br /> �`:`.�����`�" flaods or IIoodiag,�r wbich Leudsr ceqaues iasuiaasx.This Imgu�ance s9a1�b�maintain�d ia the amouat�auQ for the geidods
<br /> �
<br /> .� ' �� � - d�at l�nder reqinre.a.'I'tie�ce ca�rier grovlding�he insuran�e sha116e�ossn by Bomower subjert w Lender's sppraval •�
<br /> �
<br /> . . ".�° wluch shall not be ua�easoaabty witbLetd if Barmv�er fa�s m maintain oove:age descn'�ed abflve.L�ad�r mai►.at LendePa
<br /> - . � �a'S r agtion.obmin ooverage to prntea Lendes's rights in the Progerty m accordaace wisH parag�aph 7.
<br /> � �' All in�u�se Polici�s and tenewuls e6all be acceptzble to i.eader and shaU inctude a staadazd martgage cta�se.l.endec L ,��
<br /> � sha11 have the right m hold the polictes aacl ieuewals.If Lender�u�s,Botrower shali pm�ptty Bive to L�der aU rPCeigts af ,,:�`:
<br />_ ' paid piemiva��d teueaal notices.Ia the event of tosa.Sortower sha11 give PmmPt notice ta the insutance carrter a�L�der.
<br /> . . . - l,eader may make pmof of toss if n�t made pmvnptiy by Bormwer. . •:
<br /> �eader
<br /> 117. •,. .
<br />_. . ` � Unless l.eader aud Borrower other�vise a$ree in writing,�agutance,proceeds sBaU be apgtied w resto:ation or repair of the .
<br /> •'��� .'. - �P�Y�5�•if the s+eswiatioa or tepait is ecanomically feas�le an�Lend�es's�utiry is not tes�sened.if the reswsation or �
<br /> _ , °,t`,�.,`, :' . repair is not economicalIy feas�Ie or Leader's se�urIty wantd be tesseaed,the iasur�ce pmceeds shall 6e appliad to the siuns i
<br /> `<�. secatted 6y dus SecaritY�su�eut,whether or not then das.with aaY excess paid to Barrower. If Bartawer abandans the
<br /> , � :
<br /> . Property,or does not�swer Rrithin 3Q days a notice fcum Lender tha�the i�asar�se cazrier has offered W seule a ctaim,WSn `;,"',`�;:;
<br /> . � i.end�may cflilect the iastuaaoe pmo�ds. L�der may use the praceeds to i+epair or tesWne the Pc+operty or to pay sams .� ,,`�-;
<br /> - �` `°`. . ':�';� sectued by this Seauity Instrnment,w�itter or not ihea dne.The 3Q�day periad w�l begun when the nottc�ia given. -.,
<br /> , ..�,
<br /> . ` `<<_ Un2e�s i.t�tder aad Bo:rawer otherwise agr.�in wrlting, anY BPPIication.of praoe�ds to pr�pal shall not exten�or ` �.`,'t:
<br /> ``, ". ��� � :`� postgone the dne date of the moIIthlY Paymenta� to in patagrapba 1 antl 2 or change the amonnt of the paxments.If ,:'�,..
<br /> �_��:a .:4... . . .•'�.f�_.
<br /> ' mi8er paragrapb 21 the Pmpertl+is acqaired b3►Lender,Bonawer's rigtu to aaY msunace polides and proceeds�esatting fmm � 4�•*
<br /> . `','� damage to the Pmperty prior to the acquisiHan sLaU pass to Len�w the exteQt af the sums s�d fi+�Seauity Insuument -
<br />= ::���''`�. "`: �mmediazety prior w the acqaisition. • ; . ; -�
<br /> ' 6.Qmcap�cy.Pt�etvatian,Mainteo�ace and Pcot�tion aY t�e P�ap�ri9>Borrow�'s Loaa Apie�Ctatiani I.easelaoIds. ;
<br /> � " ,� So:roaver shau ocaipy,establish.aud use the Pmperty as Bormwer's priacipal xesidence aithia eixtY days ai�er the eaecutton of ''-�:
<br /> ��:,•. ...
<br /> . • . . , this Securlry tnsaumem and slsall oantlnne w_�y the Property ss Bonower's p�incipal residence for at least one year after ---'
<br /> � �``� � the date of oaupancs►.imless Leac'�r otheawise�s in writing,which cansent s1�aU aoi ise�sonabiy witbhetd,or un2ess
<br /> ;,r � . ctama 'or ait the . �- -- -
<br /> . .._ extenuadng circamsrano� �ist wbich ate beyond Borrower's coatroi. Boirower sba11 not de.guoy. 8e �P =-;'-
<br /> . Prapesg►.allaw the Propert�+w deter�orate.or commit waste on the Propeny. 8onower sball be in defanit if anyr forfeiuue -.
<br /> - ._.. . actian ar pros�ediag.��h�her ctvl or arsminal,is begnn f�i in I.ender's gaod faitb judgment tt.outd result in.forfeit�ue oY ihe �='
<br /> -, Yr+apeny or othe�►ts�matcrially icm�pair t&e l�en crated by this 3ecurlry Instrument or Lendei's seauity mte�st.Borrower may �==-
<br /> mp
<br /> ' c�tt+e sach a default�d�tate,as provide4 in patagraph 18,b3►causlnS the acc�on oi proceeding to be dismisseQ with a:aling �,�,:
<br />-- . ' that� tu I.ender's gaad faith determiaation,Preclades forfeiture of the Bormwer's iaterest in the Property or other materlal.
<br /> u
<br /> • er's interest.Borrower shall also be ia defavlt if ��'•:;y-
<br />_ ' , impa�rment of the Ilen created by tbis Security Insnvment or Lend aecuuty ._ .
<br /> � . ..: : Banower.diuing the loaa appiication praces.s,8a�e materialtY false or in�canate information ur staye�zats to Leuder<or failed. . „_,..'"f:.
<br />-�r' , to provide Lender with aay materjal lnfarmatian�ut conaectlon witb the Ioan evideaced by tt�e Note.iacIuding,b�nat Ii�iteQ _`'�,"_
<br />-- � � w.rePresentattons oonceening BorcaWer's occupanc�+of the Praperty as a priucipal residen�.If this Secusiry Irlsuument is on a �:.�_.
<br /> ' �' I�asehold, Borrower s�all comp2y �:th all the provisiaas of the Iease. If Borrawer aa'i�s fee dde w the Pmpeny, the '%��,:
<br /> ' ,`,;� leasehold and the fee titte ahaU na[merge�mless�.ender agrees to the merger ia wrtting. ��•�
<br /> .end �
<br /> , • � 7.Ptotectton oY Leader's Ri�ts in the Fh�prrt9•If Borrower fails to p��oma the oovenants and agreementa contained in `'�
<br /> , � '-,' ' tLis Seca�iry Instwnent•or there is a legal gmceeding tHat may sigait�cantiy affea L�eader's rights ia the Property(sach as a y =
<br />_ � ' '.. . pmoeedin g in banloruptcy,probate;for condemnation or forfeiaue or to eaforce taws oz�galadans>,then Lender may do and . , �
<br /> . � ,. pay foi whatever ia necessary to pmtect the value of the Property and Lender's r�ghts m the Property. Lender'a acacas may � u
<br /> . � includs Daying any sums secared by a lien w1�ic�_Las priorlty over this.Security Instrument. aDP�� ��� F� ��=:
<br /> � reasanabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Pmperty to make npaits.Atthough Leader may take actIon under tAis patagraph -
<br />°° • '�� T;L�nder does not have to do so.
<br /> :� L n =
<br /> -�_. < � � My ammmts disbwsed by Len�er under this Daragra�h 7 ahall become addidonal debt of Borrower secura�by this � _-
<br />;,: ': , . Seauity Insuument. UWess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear iaterest&asn the
<br />�;- .. date of diabutsement at t he Note rate an d s H a l l b e paya b le.w i t h i n t e r e s t,u P o n n o t i c e f c a m L a W e r t o B m a o w e r i e q u e s t i n g ,
<br /> _ paym� �
<br />_ . , ,'�:'� 8.Mortgage Insurauce.If Lender iequired mangage�nsurance as a condidon of malcing the loan seaued by thia SecurIty . _—--
<br /> � ;_ � Inst�ument,Boirower ahall Day the yremiums require4 to maintain the mortgage insarance in effeq. If, for a�r reason, the
<br /> mortga��insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be 1n effesc,Borrawer shaU pay the preminms req�IreC to
<br /> _���. � �-;; � obtain coverage substantiaily equivalent to the aiortgage insurancc previously in effea, at a cost substantia,Uy equlwatent to the
<br /> �� �,;�
<br /> - . cost to Borrawer of the martgage insusanee pr�viously in effect, from an a]teraate mongage iasvrer approved by Leader.If
<br /> ' substantially equivatent mortgage insurance coverage ls not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender eas2�month a sum equal to �
<br /> �'���� � ' � • � �� one�twelftb af the yearly mongage lnsuraace premlum be�ag paid by Borroaer when the llrissurance caverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> � . � be in effect.Lender will aocept,irse and mtain these payments as a loss resenre in lieu of mortgage insvrance. Lass raesve �
<br /> � , .
<br /> , . + iarm 3028 9180 .
<br /> . I . ��8V(�I1E)192121.Ot �apo 9 0l 8 tmqatf:� ,
<br /> , � ' 1 m �
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