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<br /> . ��. � ` ..� �Cc 4}•� �4-. .. � , � � a . - ,;,�' .a (�,1. � ���:4'�a4� � ..�L..'F` ,t �5:. �t � 1. .
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<br />-t.r f, "� ... •C ' � . �� ����� � 2`t,• � ,4, .
<br />- ' _-,�;:� TOOBTHER BIT�PH ell the i�provements nav�ot hemaRer erecteA dh the p,ropatty.and all eazeme�s.appurtea�ses.�d � �� : <`4'�°��
<br /> : e urtea
<br /> _�� .. �" ;.t��� fixnues aaw os hereafter e pan a!the property. AU xepl�emcnts aud additIons sha1J also be eovered by thls �ecuriry '. `:.';�;`;;..�
<br /> t� �� ��:...t tasuumeut.All of t�foregoing is r�ferred to in tl�is Seruriry tassmunent as the°Frdperty.• ;:N �.:a;:-
<br /> ' �< ` BORRQW�R CaYENAI�iTS�at Bo�owes is lawtulIy seised of t�e�hereby oonveyed aad has tTae dghc t�graat and F
<br /> --..�'*""'°�, W R
<br /> = coavey the Pc��nyr ��ttiaz the Praperty is u�natmbecod,exaPt Por eatumbr�nces af recar3. Bonoarer�ts aad�rilt - _
<br /> d�fend geaerally t�e tade to the Propeny a�sinst all claims aad demands.subject to any enaimbraaces oY cecard. t.L,�, i F ;,.�•
<br /> _'. . . THIS SECi7ItiTY INSTRUMENT co�bines uniform wvenaz�is for nadcmal use and no�uniform covenants arith limited . _' ..... :
<br /> `` � variaz�to�n}s��by�jfu�r�isMdic�t���n*co��o7o.�n�st[mte ausifor�se�auity insuument covering ceal P�P�Y•
<br /> �"-�� -
<br /> '• � � Vl�K'014��W r Gl��7J���7.Bmrower audt Lender covenant aud age�as folloa�s: , ., �y� --
<br /> '. ... ,. � . t. Fmpweat of P�tmtp�e�d�ntec�A�ga3r��ut end�Iate Ctiat�geq.Bomawer shall pmmpdy pay wlten due the �;.� ."c �.
<br /> ;•� . �
<br /> . - ��E priusipal of�d mter�at aa dte 8ebt evidenoed by the Note aad�Y Qr�PaYnteat aad tate charges due under the Note. �_.'� -
<br /> � • � Y.�m��or Tm�and I�ce.Snbject ro applicab2e taw or w a written waIver by ixuder,Bmmwer sbaU pay w � --- _
<br /> a
<br /> � ..�.< t' = I.eader oa the daJ►m�thiY Payments are due under the Nate.until the Note is paid i�►fiill,a eum('Funda')for.ia?Y�IY� r•:::•r•;�"'�`�
<br /> � . - .� �` �� and a�ments arhicli may attain priori over tLis Searri Insut�eat as a lien on the Pm payments ,
<br />_4�:, . ;�• tY tY P�Y:(dJ Yearly Ieasehald . `� :_�-_
<br /> or grouad r�nts on the Praperty,if any;t�)Yearly�azatd or PmFecty insur8cce pzem�ams:(d)Y�Y���P��► �,��°.�<.
<br /> r;., .t-, -
<br /> �f any:(e)Y�i]►�n8��P�•��Y;��(��Y�P�le by Bnrrower w LeIIder.in axardauce arith .,;�-' �;�-
<br /> .-_ , t�+�pravlsiona of paiagrapb 8,in liea of tlte paymet�of martga�e insurance premiums.T�ese it�ms ate call�'Egctaw Items.' : :�r-.;: ;',�`
<br /> � . i,eader may.ai auy cime,�coltect and hold Funds ia an amouat not to�acceed the max�mrm amntwt a lender foa a tiederally - --
<br /> _ � � �.,°; ` �`� r�2ated raongage toaa may tequire for Barraarer's es�smw acaeoimt aader the federat Reat 8state Seulement Pmcedaces Ast of " � . -
<br /> --.,..._.. ., . _ � .
<br /> . `°` 1�7'4 as an�eud�from d�ms w Nme.12 U.S.C.Seaian 2601 et seq.('RESPA°).unless enotfcer law ahat applies to the Funds � � ,`' _.
<br /> - , sers a iesser a�unt. If s�,L$nder may,at any time.couecx and hold Funds in aa amount aot w eacad the lesser amouat. . .... �`;,..6�_
<br /> � ' Lender may esrimate the ama�mt of Fuads dae oa the basls of carrznt data and reasoaable estimares of expenditure.s of Pot�e =4�.::. �A-=:�,.
<br /> ' • �' ��• Fssmw Itemaor othescvise i�accordance wIth�appl{cab2claw. • `��=_=_
<br /> _ .�...r ...,__�r .; The F�mds shaU be heid ia aa insthuttoa whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, insnumearalitY.ot entiry .-�` ,�
<br /> (including Leader,if Leuder is sacd�an anstItat�an)or in a�r Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the ��
<br /> - . Fscs�aw It�.Lender may not cbatge Bonnwer for hoIding anQ applyIng the F�mda,mmnaU}anaty�ing the escrow aocaunt,or
<br /> :t.. " ``, " eerifYing the Escrow uems,un2ess Leader pays Bosrower iater�st oa[lte F�m44 and agplicabEe 1aw permits I.ender to mage such � ..-
<br /> -� .:`: �� B a oaatime c for an independeni n�ai estate tax onin senrice
<br /> ri�' ` • s chatge. However,Lendes may mqafire ormwer w PaY harge 'a r� S ��:;;.--
<br /> '.�;,;� �,y� nsed by I.ender in caonnecdon with cL�s loan. uatess applicable law provides ot�e:wise. iJntesg aa agreement ia made or. ��."£::,. __
<br /> ' • ' � ` applicab2e laN reqair�s iatemst to be paid,Lender shaU not be reqnined to pay Eomnwer aay interest or eamings mn the Fuads. -��;:.
<br /> �.`�<:��ti�' Borrowet and L�tder may agtee ia wtipng,however.tLat interest shall be paid,oa the Fands.Lende�shaU give to Borrower, .,;.,,;.-7:; -.--
<br /> ,51�r
<br /> � withont cbarge, an aanual�accuunting of the Funds.showing credits and debits w the Fuads and the puiyose for whicd ear�
<br /> hi .._ �
<br /> i � � . � : �� , debit to the Fuuds was ma�te.The Funds are pledged as additIona]secazlry for sIl sums secured by t�is SecurIty r++ ,m . '• "�`',�---�
<br /> � � � If the Funds Aeid by l,eader exceed tLe amounrs p�rmitted to be held hy applfcable law.I.ender shall accaunt to Baaoever �'r==�,-""
<br /> .: far the sxcess Funds in accoidance with the neqairetaents of applicable law.If the amnunt of tfle Fands htld by Lender St aay . �M'�;'�„�'��-
<br /> .' . � : time is not a►S�ient tu pay the Escrow Items wheu due.L¢IIdC!IIL3y SO IIOti�I BOItOWCI�D WritiDg,and,In sucb ca�s Barm�ser . _ :; `��:-
<br /> ''�� � ' ' shaU Pay w LeadeF the amouat necessary to ma�up the deSciency. Borrower ahall make up the deSciency in no maie tl�u.. .,;=Y�L_ =--
<br /> ..;
<br /> �J;,;,f;: ... � aarelve montlilY PaY��,at Leade�'s sole disccetion. � - �_�=- . � _
<br /> i:�;;;� . . � . �''s lJpoa paymeut in fuIl of aU sams secared by this Seattity iasuum$nt, Lender shall pmmpdy refund to Bar,rower atry ,
<br /> �' � . �..: . .: � Ftmds held Dy Lendet.If,mnder paragraph 21.I.ender shall acquise or seU the Propeny,ixndes,Prior w the acqnisidaa or sale .: �.:y:_--
<br /> T�, �. . . �_-=�__
<br /> s1.; ..' . � , . of the Pc�peity. sLaU apply any Funda Crsld by Lender at tLe cime oP acquisidan or sale a�a er�dit against the snms seeured by . -
<br /> .�= . � . ..,,• tt�is Sewtity Insuument.. , . , ___ _°
<br /> '�" ' � � 3.l�ppltc�tton ot F��etits.UWess applicable 1zw pmvides otheiwise.all paymants received lry Lender uadez paragrapbs �___ ___..
<br /> '. ';' 1 2nd 2 shaU 6e applieE:�use. to arry Prepayment c�es due under the Note:secund,to amaunts payable wWer paragrayh 2: ' . - �.;��.=
<br />:;�: . ' third�to inte�€si due; fourtD,to princlpal due;and 1ass,to any late charges due under the Note. • .
<br /> , . � . �;� 4.C1�ges;Ltea9.Boaower shall pay aU�es,assessmen�,d�arges,fines and 4mpositions atm'butable to the�roperty . '��
<br /> _ " . !' wl�ich may attain ptioriry over this Securlty Instntmeat� and lease�o:8 payments or gromnd sents.lf aay. Borrower shall pay �:.'�':':`:',•:."
<br /> _ ' � � these obligadons ln the mamner provtded in paragr�Ix�,or iY not paid in that m�er,Bonower shaU pay them on time directty � . '. � -
<br /> '�. � - ��' to the persan owed pay�nt.Borrower shall pmmgdy�am9sb co Lender all narciaca of amounts to be paid under cbis paragtapL. � .
<br /> � � . If Borrawer makes these paymeata di�ectly,Bomower shaU prompdy fiuuish to Lender receipts evidencing ttce Dayments.
<br /> Borrawer shalt gromptly discharge anyr lien whicb has priority over this Secwiry Instriuncnt unless Borrower:(a)a�rees in . • .::•
<br /> . .;; ., arridng to the payment of tLe obligaaioa secureA by the lien ln a manner acceptable to Lend�r;(b)conteata in good fa�tb tLe lteu � ' ��,�i�.
<br />:. . by, or d�feads against enforcement of the lien in, tegal procee+iings whicb in tbe Lender's opinton operate to prevent the . . _ . '
<br /> � • ' enforcement of the lien;ds(c)s�s from the holder of tJie lien an agreemeas saiisfactory to Lender subordlaating the lien to � �
<br /> � � �
<br /> � .. this Security tnst:ument. If Lender determiaes that a�►part of the Propeny is s�bject to a IIen which may attain prlority over .
<br /> � � �� tAis Security lnstn�ment,Lender may give Boaower a notice tdentifying the lien.Bnrravler shall satisfy the lien os take one or •
<br /> . • mare of the actions set forth above wlthin 10 days of the givtng of notice. .�:�''.
<br /> . • .
<br /> �o�ao2a s�90 .
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