. SFS'. � .�i.�.'.:eC�S.E�. :�ay:,��.i�.r. � �3 0 or _ ' F:�f`"�iw _ �-r;�`._�r +•- '
<br /> �GT .- _ _ .,do s3a:Lla-S� � __
<br /> �.�reT-.��� . �- ` _'�" . � ._ __ �, - "t. :L, - . _ t. L _— __ -_ .-T /{� .-.
<br /> �1� �'� 'C�� - . .a . , aA L'� = ..
<br /> .�� _ - -f 4 k a3� fc. � � _ - .4 C . �C. ; �i _ .t� �� .�f ` `�r t ..� �--;r -
<br /> �`�/ '�\.£ [L Y• •Z �..�J.�. '.� '
<br /> ' �`-
<br /> .!
<br /> u�-ti,., � y�''�V
<br /> �:C '" �.ff, 4 . ' .. ._
<br /> t �' �_ v
<br /> E t f s � 10 �ortou�rer�t 6�ciease�;Fo�earatece�Y Le�er Not a 1�9t�r�r.Extsnstor�of the dme tor payment ar madi�ca�on -� � �,°"�'..
<br /> .� � � rta s .
<br /> - .�°.��., t.`` �`�� of ainartizatton ottlle sums secured byti�isDesd oi'iivst granied by lsrt$er ta any successor in interest of Borrawer sha{I not � � . '�-
<br /> ��-:d.� ` �.�
<br /> _ . ` op�ratstoreteasa.iasrrymannsr.thetiab113ty�ftheodginai�8artawarand6arrawer'ssuccesso�s[ninterssLLendershalinot �.�• : . ��_`.,
<br /> .4-�: �``.: "�. ' tra required to commence proceedin�agafinst sucb.successor ar�efisse ta eutend 8rete br payrnert or atherw3s�modity ' �.����°•. _
<br />_. :.. :�_ ; :_: . ` `.R. , `.
<br /> �ur�ortimftanofthesumssscured bythisDeadof'ttustby�sasonotarrydemandmadebyU�eariginal8orrowerand BormuYer's,�
<br /> . • ;.t,• �.�
<br /> ''� `� ��-'�; :�•�� '�'�uc�a�s(n(�a�est,My torpear�c�by Lertder tn exerctsing any rtght or temady he[eunder.or atherrr�tse allorded by� < : � - �. .ti::
<br /> _ • :, �rappticable Iaw.sha11 r�ot be a��atver at or prectude the sxercise of ar►y such�ight or re�edy. � � �,� . - ":.:�.�-=
<br /> < ��:. . `.'� t• 14. S1iCf�8S�f38Rd AS3ST�il9 BO�lildi d�tt�4 end Several LdabU[ty;Co-signeta The oovenents and agreementa harein� 4.;,;.,' . -
<br />`.-a� ` � ,4`:� r�-cornaSnedshaifbirtd,endtherigAtahere�andersh�ilimrrei0.the�esp�ctivesucc�ssor�endassfgRSOlLenderandBamavrer, .. -_� ��•�
<br /> -�,. ���'„ �� .• .
<br /> : � ;BUbjest to the pauvtslons of paragreph i�hereot Atl cav�nants and agreeme�of Borrower ahali De joint.and s�veraf.My "y ��.� „
<br /> .. v� •
<br />.�;s � .`.�� 6orrorver�uho co-s3gna this Desd ai Trust,but daes not execute tP�e Note.{8�is co�signing this Oea�of 1i�ust onty to gtant and _ . . �
<br /> - car�veyihat Bor�:rar's ienerest!n tt�e Property to Th�tse und�r t�e terms ot this Deed ot�ust.Nj ts not personal�y Uab1e on "�' ,_ �
<br /> . ,•, r .` � `� theNateorondertlnfs0eedoiTrust,and(c)agreesttiatL+enderartdarryotherBorrowert�ereunde�mayagreetoextend,modify. ; _ i _4�
<br /> �-=' , `� torbsar�ormaEceanyotheracaommadattonawithregardtothatermsotthis0eedofTrustortheNate.wtit►outthatBoRCwer's `�.��.
<br />.��",• ..�'., � conseM and withaut reteasing tAa�Barrower or madifying thia Deed ot Trust as to that Bomawer's lnterest tn the Property. �., ,., .,. ,, <<`�.`. �
<br />��� ' 1�. Nattc�rc�acept tor arry nottce required undsrapplicabt�tawtaBe g[ven in enother manner.(a)any notice to Borrov�er �
<br /> ° •`�F°:�'•' , provide�torinthi�DeedafY[ustshallbeglvenbydeliveringitorbyma3lingsuch�atkebycertifiedmailaddressedtoBomawer .- .- .-'`t"r`°
<br /> 'a4. �� .-`. . `'. • ;.. atthe Pmperiy Addre9s or at such ather addrass as Bo�ower may designate by nottce to Lender as pravided herein.and(b) �`: �� '' �._,_u:�:�
<br /> � anynoticetotrendersAatibagivenbyceRlRedmaittoLendersedQresas�tedhereinortosuchothsraddreasasLendermay , ;` ___
<br /> ` �. ��� � desIgnatebyrto�ceto6orrovrerasprovtdedhs�ein.Myna�ceprovfdediorinthisDeedofTrustshalibedeemedtahavebaen . �•�°
<br /> .� givan to Somawsr or Lendar when given in the mannec designated herein. f .,° � ��"�`
<br /> _��� ..., ::;;.-�
<br /> . - 13 Go�e�Nregl�w;Ssvera�bi6ty.Thastadeartdlocallawsap�ilcebtetothis0eedafTnis4shatlbethelawsafthsjurfsdtc�cn _ _
<br /> - � .�- . ' in uvhich the Pbperty Is�acated.The taregotng senterece shail not limit the appiicabitity►ot Federai taw to thts Oeed of TrusL
<br />-��j� � •..� � . In the event that a�ny pravision or ctause ot this Oeed of 11�us4 or the Note conflicts with appticabte law,such confltci shall noY _ -
<br /> ' - aftect other provfsions of thts Qeed af Trust or the Nota which can be gtven effect without ttie confltcting provfisia».and to this ;�_----
<br /> � - . end the pmvtsions oithis Qeed of Trust and the Hote are deciared to be severable.As used herein."cos�.s';"axpenses"and :� .��_ ', s�
<br /> - "atiomeys'faes"include ali suma ta the extant not prohibYYt�d by app�tcabie taw or Itmited herein. ��
<br /> � � '�"� ` 14. BoerovreP'e P,mpyt.Borrowar shall be tumished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Dead of Trust at the time of �"�
<br /> `� � '4 . execuUon or a�s reca�datton hereof. . " ` .�—-
<br /> � �' 15 Rehabilitation Loan Agwemer�t.Borrotiver shall te�lfltt all of Barrower's obllgatIons under any home rehabilitation. � :� �'��,;;<�-
<br /> ..�.;��;'�.`. .,.�-:-�
<br /> 1 �•r�'-� lmprovemenl,�epalr,orothe►toanagreementwhichBonowereMersfntawlthLender.Lender,aiLender'sopt�on,mayrequire __ �------
<br /> �'"'4if`• Borrower to e�cecute and detiver to L�ender,in a form acceptabte to Leader,an assignmemi of any rtgMs.ctatms or defenses . . , :•��`
<br /> . ._,...;,t�:. � : _
<br /> ;.�� : ,,` �� which Sorrcwer may have egainst pasties who supp(y tabor.materiats ar servEces in ccnnection arith improvetrcen�made to ,�.,�-;. �___ _
<br /> r � '�I' the P�OpBRy. .._._..
<br /> ' �� t8. Thettster a!Pr��rty oPa Bene f ic ia i tn t e c e s t!e B ortogrer.I f a i l o r a n y p a r t o i t�e P ro p e R y o r a r ry i n t e r e s t i n i t t s s o l d --
<br /> `�� � , , . ' ? ortransferred(ortfabeneficialirnerestin8omawerissoldortrar�sferredand8orrawerianotanaturaipersan)wfthnutLenda►'s . =_
<br /> �� � � •� � prlot written consent,Lender may,at iLS option,require Immediste paymertt In futl ot all sums seeured by tt�is Deed of Trust. � ';�;
<br /> �,,�: . • ; Hawever,this option ahall not be exenci�ed by Lender if exercise Is pmhibIted by fedsral la�as of the date otthis De�d uf Trust. , '`�,�
<br /> w:.' t..n•
<br /> � �r It Lender exercises this option,l.ender shaii give Borrawer nottce ot acceteratfion.The notice s ha l l prov i de a par ia d a?no t _ �Y�
<br /> �'"�.•- � '' tessthan30daysframthedatethenaticeiadelic�redorma�tedwithinwhich8orrowermustpayallsumssecuredbythisDeed - ��;'��_-=
<br /> ��.. ' . .�.:< - _
<br /> of Trust.ff Sorrower tails to pay thsse sums prtor to the expiratlon of this Reriod,Lender��imroice arry remedies permitted �_--
<br /> � � by thts Deed of Truat without turthar notice or demand on Borrawer. � �� ��.
<br /> • � MON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.�arrower and Lender fuRher covenant and agree as foltows: , ,;,�._--
<br /> , ,. • 17. �icceteration;�tamed[es.�xcept as pravtdea!in paragraph t6 heneo9,upon Bomaw�ar's breach of eny c�aenant '�..
<br /> '`���=' � • orogreemee�totBorr�a�erinthisDeedofllrust,inctudingBor�wePstafturatopay,�ytheendoflOcatQndardaysafier _ -
<br /> '- � � they ere due.arty sums seCUted�yl thfs DeeQ of Ti�ust,A�ender prior to accetewtlon shail giye notice to Bomnwar as -.- �,, , :`-
<br /> �' ,� �. ;:�`` � pc�vides In paragreph 1?.her+�o!s�ciiyirtg:(1�tha breaeh;(�)3he ectlon required to cure sucA breash;(3)a�to,not � � � � � - -
<br /> �..: � �. '. � � w
<br /> ,� , _ • tessthan 20 days from the date the¢�2ice fs maite0to Bo�awer,lrywfitch such dr�each c�ra�st be cuted;and(4jt�-3 tafiurm - ` �,�'°
<br /> � � tocurOSUCNbreaefionorbetoretheda4eapecdflediMhenaticomayresui4lnaeceterationofthesumsseeur�dbylhia -
<br />-?;_ • . " ��;,. ,•`c Oeedot7tuslendsateoithePraperiy.ThertotyarashalltuAherin4ormBorrawerotthecighttor�olrtsmYeafterecceferation •. � _'����
<br /> -- � •� and the�ight to bdng e court actton to asaoh 4he no�eextstence of a detauft or arry othei detense af Borrower to �''�-`
<br /> ;� . , ' accet8rationandsate.IfthebreaeEe�snotcure�lono�betarethealateapecffiedintheaoUc�Lender,atLander'soptton. ; �'. .
<br /> � � � �,� .' •. . maydectareailo4thesumssec�bythta0eedo41tus1tobeimmedlatety6weeredpayabtewith6utiunO�Rdemand ::r;,,�
<br /> � � '" [� andmaylmolcethepawerolsfllean�arryotherrertredlespermlttedbyappticabtAfaw LendersAsllbeenttttedtocoltoct . •
<br /> � � �' `�� all reasanabtecoatea�d�cpense�incurrod ln�ursutng the remedt�spravided intMa paragnsph 17�Inctuding,but no3 . - . •
<br /> ,:.
<br /> - � � . �..-; Umfted4o,r+easonable ettomoys'teea __.._._ _"_...
<br /> . ,.:`;: � tithepovreroleat�IsimrotccO.Ztusteeshail�ecar0a�oticeotdet�ultineachcountyinwhlchthePropertyorsorte °:,, '
<br /> •� .� ' paRthereofislncatedandahailmailcople9otsuchnoitcelnthomannerpr�scrl6edbyappifcablelawtoBomavrerand . . .
<br /> - '�':�, � � to the other persons�rescribed 6y applicabte tav�After ths tapse of auch time as may be roquired by sppiicei�ie law, .- :
<br /> � ' lfrusteashaligivepublicnoticeofeatotothepe�so�endinthemannerp�scribedbyappitcamtelaw Ttustee,wtthout . . � �''�
<br /> .� �� ' . . aemand on Borrower,ahail selt tho Properry at pubiic auction to tP�e ht��est bldder et the time and ppaco and under . � �
<br />:�:s.�; � � ti�otermadesignatedinthe�oticeolsateinonsormo�parcotaandinsachorderasYMuste�maydetermtne.Ttut�tee , �. •
<br /> . maypo�tponeseTeof aIl orany pa�ef ofthe Propertyby publlc announeementatt4�Atimeendplaceotarry prevtousty �
<br /> scheduled eale.Lender or lsnder's deslgneA may purchase the Piroperty at any sate. � � � �
<br />,• ' . . Upon receipt of paymont of the price btd,ltustee ahatl deitver to the pur�haser Ttustee's deed comsying th� � � : �•
<br /> • . ' Prope�tysold.Thereeitatalnthettuatee'sdeedshatlbeprimafeeiaavidoneeolthetru9hofthestatementsmadethereln. .. �
<br /> . � lfusteesha0apptythepnoceedaofthesatetnthetaitmr,+ingorter.(a)toallreasonabteeostsandexpenseaottPtesele, �
<br /> ' {� inctuding�but�solllmf4edto,Ttuatoe'stoegectuailylncure+edotnotatorothan %of4hegros98e10ptiCe. : ,� .
<br /> ";. �� � �� �asonabteattorrwys'feesandcostsottitieev�denee;(b�toapsumaaecuredbythlaDeedolhuat;ert�(c)theaxcess� , � . . _
<br /> N arry,to tho person or persona legalty entitted thereto. .
<br /> ;� � 18. Borrower's RIgh9 to Roinsta4e.Notwithstartding Lender's acceteration ot the sums secured by this Qeed o!Trust. � �
<br /> .�,,�`��.. • due to Borrawer's breach,8orrower shalt havethe ri�ht to have any proceedings begun by Lender to er�orce this Oeed o!Trus! ;� .
<br /> � . ' � discontinued at anytime prior tothe eariierto occur oi(i)the fifth day before sate of the Proporry pursuant to the pawer of sate �
<br /> �� ; contairced in this Oeed of Trust or(il)entry oi a Judgment enforcing this Deed of Trust if:(a)Borrower pays Lender el l sums which ' '
<br /> � .: � � wauld be then due under this Daed of Trust and the Note had no.acceleration occurred;(b)Borrov�rer cures all bteaches of any
<br /> � othsrcovenantsoragreementsofBorrowercontainedinthis0eedolTrust;(c)Borrowarpaysa(Ireasanableexpensesincurred ,; .. .'°
<br /> � by Lender and Trustee in entorcingthe covef�anis anC agreements a!Borrowe�contalned inthis Qeed of Trust,and in enbrcing � .
<br /> . = — _ - • � Lender's ena Trusiee s rHni�niie5 es�tc,vided in�atag;apri=7�sretst,ir►clutiis�g,bs�ssoi lisssitv^cl2o.r�a2ctk:bl.^.a!lorttcy�'lC�; - -_----:_-
<br /> -�._' PnaE9 •
<br /> ;,,i.•, . . ) ° .
<br /> .,' � �.� .i . , .
<br /> , . - - ,�..,,..-.:�-.�.,.. �.:_._:,_�:. .__.:�...-... -._-� -�„�=r-..��-�n�+-�� . .t � .. • +,:'
<br /> ' •.... . - _ __ . .. .
<br /> ..'�..�""�'�."',^� .�'_'_..?°."+��.����..�__ � �.�E �,. �_ –. —. ��e��. � _ ..,�_ �. �-- - -��_.�.� - -,� _
<br />