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<br /> �J . .��.,f•`• _`•k� �.. ::-..C� c � +� <<`E� �h: . . . . ��C.���- 7. -�. ?�� .-* o`_
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<br /> ` UNtFORM CO1fEtdANTS-Borrower and lender cauenartt att�agre�as iottows: ��m ����.a� � �� � �,�� f < <"�
<br /> � `�`���� � �;��`� 1. Psyment of PaJr•�Dpat a��9[n4s�sY.Bor[owar sha0 promptiyypay when due th�prtncipal�d ir�erest indebtednass .
<br />__ . G.�F4..". . � r'.. `4..CY 4 r �_
<br /> • evIdencsd bjf the Nqt�and late cft�cges as provided tn the Rtota �•�.�4:'i`�. ,:.:
<br /> �`,� ' ° ,, 2. IFu�stcr�esend[flsueaatta�Subjet�toappdcabtetaworewritoenw+aiverbyl.ertder.8or[owsrshalipaytotend�r `<-.� e,�.- ,�r-;,:t-
<br /> ��:�� . `��� `��.;r- on the day moruh[y Payr�tecds of Rrinc(pal and IMereat ar�payabte underthe Nat�ur�il the Note fs paid�n futt,asum(heretn �,� .
<br /> h
<br /> "F�nd�'�equal to ons�aifth o!the yaariy tax�s en�assessmeNs(including condominlum and ptani�ead�u p devatopmertt ��
<br /> � . asges.smeat�ifanyjwhlchmaYei�ir�Pdarityovar4hislReedofTnist,andgroundreritsorethePrape�ty� . lusane�ett�h ° - ..
<br /> � � . . � � ..,. �.
<br /> ..� .<.-.��-,�..;.: :<�,...�
<br /> _ ,. F�, R�Ye�YP�{�m��im_:�r►tsbrha:ardlnsurence,Piuson�twelfthotyeartypr+emiuminstatimerr�tssformos4gageinsurance. , .
<br /> �" ;�,: ,� ifany�allasre3sonablyasttmaieOinfUaltyaruZiromt€m6tatlmebyLendaranthebaslsof�ssessmentsaMbiltsandreasonabla -�- ��.:.:`L'�.,.`,`
<br /> ° ��° - `, e5tt��therefltBorrawl�rshailndt6eobligated�ma�sachpaymeMsotWndstoLenderwthee�dentthatBomowsrmakes ,:. ;� �
<br /> ` :�_;� sach paymen4s tp the hotder af a prtar maRgage or deed of trust It such�oiQer is an insti►.utionaf fender. ` ,��
<br /> .Y � (f Borra�var pays FuriQs ta Lender,the Funds shati 6e fleid in�n ir�stti�tttan ihe dspo�t�os eccu�nts o!�lch are insured . -
<br />_ � or guaraMesd by e Federat or etate egen�t(�nclu9ing lender[f Lender is such an fnstitu�onf.l.,�nder shatl apply the Funds
<br /> �°` ���� w pay said tax�es,esseasmerrts,tnsurance premtums and ground rents Lendss may�ot ch�rga for so hotdia9 s�sPPh►f�8 1 ;' ""� '
<br /> � �� � MeFurtda,enaiyzingsatdeccoentorv�diyingandcompilirtgealdass�ssm�nisasldbills�untesstsnderpaysBorrawerinterest ����;����,:;_�
<br /> ' � ontheFundserdepplir,ab181awpermitaLvndertomakeauchacharge Bortov+rerartdLendermayagrseinusrritingcttthetfnte �"'t �,
<br /> afexecu4lona3t�IsQeedofltuatthailaterestoniheFundsahaiibepatdtoBorraurer.andunlesaeucbegreement(smad�ar , ,:� s �:
<br /> � ' epp9iceDt�tsvv�qutressuchGtter�sdto6sp�l0.Lendsrs�siinoEberequiredtop�yBarrow�ranytnterearaream�ngeonthe _ _,-�
<br /> �` � . Funds.Lender shail glve to Bont�vver,wtthout charge,ein annuai accoun4ingof tne Furtds eh�.vtng cra�fts anddebtts tothe "� ,`,_
<br /> � j4 - Fundgandth�pticpa�ofarvfitche�chCebitto4heFunds+rrasmade.Th9Fundsareptedge�asaddittonalsocuriiyto�thesums , +_ _,,..i_
<br /> ' � sec�ted by thts Oeed otT�ust. , . �
<br /> ti��.- ��.,.# Iftheamountotthe�undsheidbyLender,tagathervyiththefuhsremanthtyinslalfinentsofFurtdspayabtepdortothedue .
<br /> � dates ot taxea assessmen�.insurance premi�ms end ground rents,sha(I excesd the arnou�t requi�ed.W pay said m��,
<br />� � assessmerrts.�oaurancep�emiumsandgroundrerusa��syfaitdae.suchexcessshallbe�atBommnrer'scption.either�amptty _ -
<br /> s
<br /> .�. ,�� . �`��.�� repaidto8arrowerorareditedto6o►roweranmonthlyinstallmerrtaofFundatftQseamou�tolthe�undshetdtryLendersAati � � _
<br /> `� ,� .� aotbesu�icterntapaytaxas,assessmer�ts,tnswanceprem[umsandgrourt�rscnsastfreytaltdue.Borrowershailpaytolender _
<br /> _ , ��.,;.:; any amount necessary to make up the deftciency tn one or mare paymer�as Lender may requtre. � � -
<br /> •. �Y�� �� ': UponpaymeMintutlolallsumssecuredbythiaQeedof'fivst.LendershallprompttyeetundWBorrowera�IFundshe�d �` � �, ,4�
<br /> ��'�'� byLender.Ifunderparagr�pb97her+eofthePropertyiasaldorMeProperty[sothenvlsaacquiredbyLender�lendarshafiappty, ��:.�. �..�-�.,��
<br /> �.�.� rto Iffier than immediatety pdor to the ssle o?the Property or its acqu(sitlon by L�nda►�eny Funds Pteld by lendet at the ttme :�. , ,,.��_�_
<br /> � ������`� of epplication ss e ctedn agstnst the surr�s secureQby thls Oeed of Tntst: � _� 1i �
<br /> .. � Ap�'llcsttonafPayr►�enfa.UnlossapPitcabie(awpravidesctherwlse.atlpaymerrtsreceivedbyLenderund�rtheNate "� ` �'
<br />- ` "��� L � and para�apha 1 and 2 hereo!shali be appfied by Lsnder flrst in payment of emouMs p$yabte to Lender by BnrroEVer undar � � _
<br /> • �: a . :''� �.�'. .
<br /> . - ` paragrapb 2 hereof,thsn to interest payabte on the Nc28,and then to ths princtp�i of the Nota • .�.�.. ;_ _
<br /> � .�;; 4. E�rlarllRortgagesen40eedaofTtu�t;ChAe�e�l.lo�s,.Borrawer:�hallpsrtormatlotBonawer'sobligationsunderany '� �..: •.: i___
<br /> � . `,. ,� mortga�2�deedoftrustorothersecurityagseerneMwIthalienwhichdaspriorityoverthts0eedofTNSt.irtcNdtngBflm�wer's `'` .;;��0..-._
<br />- � }� covenar�stomakapaymerdsvuhendue.Borrowershalipayorcausetob�paidailtax�srassessmentsandotherctoaz�es�ftnes •. ��,.:`_,.� _
<br /> � . �� .��, andimpas�lonsattributabfet+�tha�roperrywhfchma}rattainepriorityaverthis0eedofTnist,andteasehoidpaymer�scetground �_�,�;;; .-____
<br /> • `�,.� •. - rents.ifany. :.._-�_�_ _
<br /> 'Y � � 8 �ndlnsurance.6orrawershalltceeptheimprovementsno1rueuistlngorhereaftarereatedontheFtopertp(rtsured _
<br /> • against la�by flre,haaards inctu�leQ within the term"exten�ad coverage';and such other hazards as Lender may c•eqWre -�� y•- .' ,:_�_
<br /> � '� � � and in sucb amounis and for suc�psdads as Lender may�e�uire. . `"�''" �� .
<br /> `"� � � `��� Thi s insurance carrier providing the insurasice shalt by chosen by Bonawer subject to approval Dy Render.pr�vlded�that -.
<br /> ' , ��.'��' such approvat shail not be unreasonabty withhafd.Ail Insura»ce poltctes and renewals thereo!shall be in a form acceptaGie .. _••�.��;"�`�
<br /> � � �� . �` to Lender and shall inctude a standard mortgaga ctauss in tavor o!and in aform acceptable to Len�1�r.i.snder shail have the �:°1��+,__
<br /> � � �ighttohnldthspoliciesand�ensv�r�lsthereof.subjectwthetermaofarrymortgage,deedotttustoroihersecurityagreemeM � .--�-�=�-
<br /> � " � �� ' with a i��n whtch has priority over tbis Oeed of Trus� ""f''�
<br /> __ ' � intheeventofloss.BoROwershallgivepromptnottcetott�einsurancecarrieran�Lender.Lendermaymakeprootoftoss _- _�
<br /> � it nat made promptty by BoRawer. '� " --
<br /> .: .,,:.:
<br /> . ,, H the Property is abaneoned tiy Borrower.or if BoROwer taits to respond to lender within 30 days from the date natice is `_
<br /> ` � �` ; maite�by I.�nder to Borrower th�i ihe insurance carrter of�er�to settle a ciaim for insurance benefiis,Lendet is authbrized , :.�;,
<br /> � .�'�`r• ' toodTJ�ciandapptytheinsurancepraceedsatlender'sopUor,e��hsrtorestorationorrepa:rafthePropertyorWtha�mssecured . �� ._. -
<br /> .. , �� by th3s Deed of Tr,�st. , .
<br /> � 6� Pre�mrvationandMairRenanceofProperty;l�easehofds;Condominlums;PaannedUnitD�refopmen4a6orrower ,
<br /> _ PuB°
<br /> � sha!tcegp the Proparty in good repair and shall noi commit waste cr permit impairment or deterioration of ths Property and ., _
<br /> � � �- � ah�?!�ompty vQth tfie provistons of any teass it this Oae�ot Trust is an a teasehald.M this Deed at Trus4 ts on a unit in e . .
<br /> ." • condaminlum or a planned unit devetopment,Bo►rower sh�°I pertorm all of Barrower's obiigatlona under th��laratton or
<br /> , ...;;.
<br /> • ' ' cavenantscreatingargavemingthacondominlumaptanne�unitdeveiopment.thoby-tawsendregu(atfonsafti�emnndamiNum � ; , , .
<br /> • '. � or pianned unii development,and constituent documents. �� : . .
<br /> . � 7. Proie�tion o!I.�ndor`a Security.tf Barrawer faits to perform the covenanta and agreements aontair�2Q in this Qeed . r '� ' ��� . �
<br /> � � of Trust,or if any actlon or proceeding is commenced which materlalty aNecta Len6er's interest in the P ropeRy.t hen l ender. " �
<br />____ , atlender'soption,uponnoticetoBorrower,maymakesuchappearances,disbursesuchsums,inctudingreasonabfeattomeys'
<br /> �. �� teas.and tako such action as is Recessary to protect Lender's interest.If Lender required mortgage insurance es a condition . .
<br /> ' � � ofmakingtheloansecuredbythisDeedof7rust,Bonowershalipaythepremiumsrequirodtomairtitainsuchinsuranceineftect ; ;.� : �
<br />, . � untilsuchtimeastherequlrementtorauchinsurartceterminatesinaccordancewith8orrower'sandLender'swrittenagreament . . � .
<br /> _ �. . � . or epplicabto law , . .
<br /> �•. � Atty arttounta disbursed by Lender pursuant to thia paragraph 7�with In4eres�therecn,at th9 No2e rate,shall 6ecome � � �
<br /> additianal indebtednessof Borrawersecuredbythis0eedo4Trust.Unless Borrowarend Lenderagreetoothortermsotpayment, �
<br /> � � such amounis ahall be payabie upon notice irom Lender to Borrower requesting payment thoreof.Nothing cantained tn thts � . :
<br />- . . paragraph 7 shaU requlre Lender to incur any expense or take any actlon hereunder. '
<br />_ .� : , e InspQCtion.Lender may make orcause to be mada roasonable entrles upon and inspectiona otthe Property,pravided - • �
<br />-- tbat Lender shail give BoRawor notice prlor to any such inspection specitying reasonabt�cause theretor�etated to Lender's �
<br />