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<br /> 1�. LEND�p'�RIOHT Tf�CWMI�IiNCR OR OEFEND i�OAL ACTIOHS. Clnnta�hall Inm�dlat�ty ovid�L�nder with wdnen notico ot any eclual a =_:
<br /> prov d
<br /> thnatm�d.sctlun,w8,a olh�r proaacMnp�Hatirp�h�Prop�rty. Qrenta h�r�by appoim�Und�r aw It�eriorn�yIndact to corrxrrnce.Intsrv�n�In,and !��
<br /> � d�hnd�nCh actlon�,sulu,w oth�r I�al proca�din�•end ta comp�srnise or e�tlk any clalm or conlroversXp�rtalning thereto. I.ender shall not bs Ilebl�to
<br /> � (3rtihlor fa nny Actlon,arw,misleke,oml�tlon a d�lay p�nelninp ta th�ectlon�de�alb�d In thle paragrepn or any dameAo�reauhing theretrom. Nothiny�
<br /> .M oontelned h�rsln wlil prw�m lmda Irom ukinp�FN ectbnf do�crfb�d In thls penpraph in Ito own nams. ��
<br /> � 1�. iNDE�1IFICA710N. Lendt�shell not asaume a bs re�ponaible tor the psAomiance ot any ot Orantor't obllgatlona with ros t to the Propeny under
<br /> eny dreumqancas. Cirantar�hall Irmndlel�ly provlde Lender with writtsn nmio�ot and Indsrmify and hold Lender and Ite ahero o!ders,directors,oHleere,�
<br /> - ampbyeea and egents harrrrota from ell datme,d�nage�,ilabllitks(Induding attomeya'fees end legal expensea),causea of actlon,actionn,suita and
<br /> othar kgel proca�ding�(wmdetiwly"Clalms")pertelnln to the Props►ty(Indudng,Iwt rl Ilmited to,thote invoiving Hezerdr�us Materiah�. Oranta.upon�
<br /> ' � �. the rsque:t of Lender,ahu4 h.n lepel oounssl to d�f�nd�der firom�udi Clalnx,and pey 1Fx�atlomeys'be�,lepal expensea and other caats incurred In�
<br /> oomiection iherewlth. In the altametive.Lender ahad be entltled to empfo�Ita own legal counael to doiend such Clalms et Orantora cost. C3rentore�
<br /> �,�,�� obiipetion to indartnlly Lender unWrthls peragreph ehel!aurvhre the Iem�inat on,release w(oreclosure ot this Daed ot Trust.
<br />.:i�rie4��l '^-:
<br /> � 16. TAXES ANa ASSESSMENTS. C3ranlor shall pay all taxes end aasassrt�ent�relating to Property when due and Imrnadiatety provide Lander eddence�.t �
<br /> of payrt�nt of sema. Upon tha request of Lendar,Granta aha�l depoait wfth Lender each month one-twelRh(1/12 of the eatlmeted annual inaurencer- r�
<br /> �;...
<br /> pterr(um,texaa and atsassnant�perteining to the ProFaty. So bnp as there is no defaufl,ihase artwunts ahall applled ta the peyment of taxea, _
<br /> i� asaessrt�enis ond Insurenee es requireci on the Property. In tha event of default,Lender ahali have the dgM et its sole optfon,to appiy ihe funda so hald to v
<br /> � pay any taxea or egeinst the Obligetbns. Any tunds applied may,at Lender's oplbn,be applbd In reverse order of tho due date thereof. K
<br /> � 16. INSPECTION OF PROPERTY,BOOKB,RECORD9 AND REPOR78.C3renta shall aliow Lendar or ks a�rrts to examine and Ine the Properry �
<br />�. ,.. � and exertine,inapect and make coplss oi(irantor'a booka end rscorda pertaining to the Properly fram time ta t me. Q►arrtor ahaM pro any asslaance
<br />;•�i�,:,�;h , requlrod by Lender fa thsse purposes. All of the si tures and Infomiatlon oontelned in Cirantor'e 6odcs end reaxda shall be Qenulne,true,aceurate and
<br /> '� , eonpiete In all respeete. Grantor ahaJl nWe the e �tenoe of Lsndet's beneftdal irtterest In it�booke and records peAeiNnp to the Property. Additbnally,
<br /> r '� • Grantor ahall report,In a fortn aatisfeetory to Len�br,wch Infwmetbn ae Lender rttay re�eat ragerding drantor's flnandal oonditlon or ihe Propeny. The
<br /> � • infom�ation ahall be tor auch periods,shall reflect Ciranto►'a racada at such time,and ahall be rondered wHh such frequer�^.y ae Landar may deafgnate. NI
<br /> __F^'�"?��� Infortretton tumlahed by Orantor to Lendar ahall be true,exurate and cartptetc In elI reapects,and slgned by drantor If Lender requests.
<br /> ==•ir�u�
<br /> •-:r4?�i:'�
<br /> ---�� 17. ESTOPPEL CEA7IFICATEB.Wlthin ten(10�deys a(ter any requeri by Lender,�rantor shall delhrsr to Londer,or eny Intended transferee ot I.endera
<br />=��-��' riphis with reapect to ihe Odpatbns,a slpned and acknowledged statament s fying(aJ Aie outatending balance on tha OWIpations:ruid(b)whether �
<br />