� .:,
<br /> '' . . . . . . ....,,,.f ..-
<br /> „ � .,..... . , ..,. .� .. . ..,a , , . , . . .,�n M."-t' :. . . , ,. .u�:,.,
<br /> ,,....,_--
<br /> • -c;�
<br /> _ �---
<br /> (c) AII npplleabN Inw�And npulntlom,InGuWn�,wlihatl Ilmitation, Iho Amulcan�wlth Ol:ndlllle�Ac1.42 U S C Sacllon t2i0� ot aoq (nnd NI .
<br /> • ngulnUbns pronulpeud Ih�nund�r)wnd all tailrp and bulldlnp law�nnd npulatlon�rNnth�p lo Iho Prop�rty by vlrnm ol nny lotlsral,�tet�or nrinlclpnl �; , .,
<br /> �►ulhorily with Writdictlon ovar Ili�Propety,pnuntly ete nnd thnl!W abwrvod and coirpll�d wlth In nll n►ninnnl ro�pocte,nnd nll riphts.IICOI1606,
<br /> ''permit�,and wnuiun�s of occupnney(Indudinp Iw1 not nmtad lo ioning vndnnws,epodni o.copuona lor nonconlorn�np ur.os,nnd Ilnnl hnpocUan
<br /> approvals),whother tsmporery or pornbn�nt,whlch ere malerlal to th�ua end auipnncy ol tho Property, proaunlly nro nnci ehnA bo e6tninod, ..
<br /> � pre�ervsd and,whero n�ssery,renew�d;
<br /> (d) �rantor has ths rlph!and li duly euthorlt�d to ex�cuts and p�rlorm It�Obllyetlone undar thl�Qe+d of Trust cnd Ihe�a ncllons do not ontl shell not �'
<br /> � confllct wlih 1he provlslone of eny etelute,rspulatlon,ordnance,rule o1 law,conirect or other ep►aemed whlch rtuty bo bin6ng on�rantor at any tlmo. '
<br /> . � (s) No actlon or procseding le or thall b�p�ndinp a ihroetened whlch might rt►etsriaNy aff�ct ih�P►operty:and
<br /> (� (irantor haa not vlolnted end ehatl nm vloiate any stetute,rogulatlon,ordlnance,rulo of law,contract or other agreemeM(Ineluding,bul not Ilmitod to. '�'
<br /> -:��,+� Truat,�voming Flaznrdous Matorlals)v�hich mt�t matadally af(oct tha Prapany or l.onder'�dghts a Intorent In the Property purauent to thls Deed of �
<br /> a �:���
<br /> � . ��...
<br /> . { 3. PRIOR DEEDS OF TRUSL Orantor represents end warranis ihat ihere sre no prior deeds of irunt etlecting any part of Ihe Property except as set forih � :;�`.��:
<br /> on Schedule B attached to this Deed ot Trust,which G►antor aprees to pay and parfortn In a iknely manner. If ihere are any prior deeds of irust then� ,:,x::.�=
<br /> •w+�""�`i (3rantor agreen to pay all amountn owed,and peAorm all obllgationa requlred under auch deeds of truat and the Indebtedness secured ihereby and funher —��„-;--
<br /> -• ! agrees that a defaufl under any prlor deed of trunt shall be a default under ihls Doed of Truat and ehali entitle Lender to aY dghis and remediea eontained W �"_!'_!��
<br /> y hereln or In the Obiipattons to which Lender would be entitled In the event ot any other dnfeuR. �'-'"�"
<br /> � 4. 7RANSFERS OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEfIC1Al INTERH9TS IN ORANTORS OR BORROWBRS. In the evenl of a sale,conveyance,lease, �__ - _
<br /> " coniract for deed or transfer to any parson of eN or eny parl ot the real property describad In Sehedule A,or any Interest theretn,or of ell w any beneiidal
<br />. � Interest In Borrower or Qrantor(If Borrower or�rantar Is not a naNrelp rson or persons but is a carporatlon,Nmited Iiability company,partnershlp,irusL or
<br /> � other lepal entiry),Lender may,at its opt(on declare the outstendnp ptlnd I balance of iho Obligatlons plus acuued irnerest thereon Irmiediately due end
<br /> t
<br /> payaWe. At Lender's request,Cirantor or Bortower,as lhe case mayPbe,s ell lumlah a oortplete statement setling forth all af its stocidiolders,membere,or
<br /> partners,as appropriate,and ihe exlent of lheir respeetive ownerehip interesis.
<br /> � 6. ASSKiNAAENT OF RENTS. In conaideratlon o(the Obligatbns,whlch are sewred by thts Deed of T�ust,Orantor ebsoluteiy assigns to Lender ail
<br /> � C3rentor's astate,ripht,title,Ir►tereat,claim and demand now owned or hereafler acquired In aN existing end tuture leases of the Property(Inciudng
<br /> extenalons,renewaTs end subleases�,all agreemenin for use and oawpancy of the Properry(all sueh Ieases and agreemenis whether writlen or oral,are
<br /> • hsraafter referred to aa the'Leasea),and allguarentlas of tesseea'pedortrence under ihe Leases,tageiher wlth the Imnediate and oontlnuing rfgM to � .
<br /> colbct and reeehre all of ihe renta,incortie,recelpts,revenues,Issues,proflis and other Income of any neture now a hereafler due(InGuding any Income of
<br /> any nature coming due during any redemptbn perbd)under the Leasea or hom or arising out of tha Property induding minimum renta,additlonal renis,
<br /> percentega rerns, parking or comnon area maintenance contributions,tex and Insurenco contributlons, def(cieney rents,Ilquldated dartages foliowing _
<br /> defauH in any Lease,aIl proceeds payable under any polky of Insurance eovering loaa of rents resuhing from untenantadlity caused by destruction or
<br />' •• dartiege to the Property,all prooeeds peyeWe as e result of a lessee's exercise of an option to purchase tho Properry,all proceeds derived from the
<br /> termination or reJecilon of any Lease In a banlwptcy a other insolvencyproceeding,and all proceeds from any righis and clekns of any k(nd which Orantor =
<br /> may have a�afnat any lessee under the Leases or any occ+�panta of the Properry(all of the above are f eroafter wilect(vely relerted to ea the'Rents'). This --
<br /> � asslgnmem is aubjeM to lhe right,power and authority given to ihe Lender to collect end appiy the Rerna. This asaignment Is recorded in axordance with -
<br />? appNcable atate law;ihe Ilen ueated by this assignment Is Intencled to be speclfla,peAected,and choate upon the recordng of this Deed of Trust,all as --
<br /> provided by appiicade state law as amended from tkne to tlme. As bng as ihere is no defnuft under the Obllgations or thla Deed of Trust,Lender grants
<br />�_ Cirantor a revacable Ilcense to eollect ail Rems trom the Leases when due and to uae euch proceeds In Cirantor's buslness op�ratlons. However,Lender
<br /> may at any tlme require(3rentor ta deposft ell Rents Into an aeeouM maintained by Orantor or Lender at Lender's inatitutton. Upon default in ihe payment
<br /> �• of,or In the peflom�ence of,any of the Obiigatlons,lsnder may at fls optlon teke possessbn of the Properhr and have,hotd,manage,lease and operata the
<br /> Pro�etty on tertns and for a period of time ihet Lendar deems proper. Lendet may proceed to ooNect end reoelvo all Rents from ihe property,and Lentler
<br /> ;.h9,!1t3�e!t!U p�Y!p!to m9kp elte!?t�4!+9,ranovatk+na;repalre or replacements to ihe Property an Lender may deem proper.Lender mav eadv all Rerns in
<br />�' Ler�ier'a aole discrotion to payment of the Ohtlgatlons a to the peymerrt of the cost of such alierationa,ronovatbna,repaka and replaament�and eny
<br /> expenaes Inddent to teldng and retelning possesslon of the Property perlodcally and the menagement and operation of ihe Property. Lendar rrrey keepthe
<br />-' Property properly Inaured and may discharge any taxea,chargea,Gaims,assessments end other Ilena which may eoerue. ihe expense and wst of th�se
<br />� actlons rrey bap�Id from the Renta reoelved,and any unpaid artwunts ahall be added to the princlpal of tha Obligatlons.These emoums,together with
<br /> - " other costs,shell Yecome part of the Obilpations secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />"l "• • . 0. LEASES AND OTHER A4REEMENTB. Qrenta ahaY not ieke or fail to take eny actlon whkh may cause a permit tha temdnation or the wNhholdfnp of
<br />- any peyrtMnt in oonnxtlon with eny Lea�e or otherapreement('Agreemem')pertelnlnp to the Property. In addition,Grema.without Lander's prior wrlltsn
<br />_ ....;",+'' eonar►t.�hall not:(ay cdbct any monks payebl�undK eny Ag�srtrm mors than one month in edvana:(b)modlly enY AqrsarMrn:(e)e�slgn a allow a
<br /> . ?� Ii�n,Wcwity Imsreat a other sncumhrana to b�plaead upon C3renta'd rlghts,thle and IntK�at In end to eny Apreement a ths artwunt�payable
<br /> �„;;:�,; th�twmd�r;or(d1 tamilnate or cancN any Aprwment exapl torlhe nonpayment of eny wm or olher material breach by the other party thereto. It C3rentor
<br />;;,,;;,.,�r,...._�, r�aiws et eny tlrrw any wrldsn comrunication aaaertinp a dslautl by Grantor under en Ayraement u purportinp to terminate or cencel any Aprsemmt.
<br /> �:�r C3renta�hell�romptly(orward a oopy of�uch com�ntcatlon(and any aubs�quent oommunicatlons�elatinp thsreto)to Lader. All such AprearrNnt�and
<br /> r.*��-s,`-: the atrwuMS dus lo Orantor ihenunder ero heraby esslgned to Lender ea additional secudry fa the Obllpntions.
<br />��.u�'..
<br />_-._-ti.�'.'���i3'':,._
<br />�„�,..,.--:`� 7. COLLEC710N OF INDEBTEDNESS FR0�I1 THIRO PARTY. L�nd�r shall be sntfti�d to notlly or►equtr�Cirantot to notily eny third perty(indudinp,but
<br />— not Ikrit�d to.NisMf,IIoN��f,povsrr�m�ntal euthoritN�and Inwrancecompanlas)to pay Lsnder eny ind�bt�dness or obligation owinp to(irerrtor wNh
<br />--""-`�V�• respact to the Proporty (cumulathr�ly Ind�btsdness') whsth�r or not a detault exista under thls Dead of Truat. CireMOr shall dilipently�oil�ct iha
<br /> �=�"'G'�� Indebtsdnasa owi to aronta from thsss lhird ks umll ths of such notiflcatlon. In the svent that Orema ss�asea a nceN�s poatassia�ot
<br />��z�:,�.,,° �9 P� 0��0 Po
<br /> _ �, any Instrumenis or other rertittences wNh reapeet to ihe IndsbUdneas folbwing tha giving of such nmiflcation or It the Inqrumente or other temfttanas
<br /> ����`��''`;a: comtriute the prepayrtrnt of any Ind�btedr►ese or the payrront ot any Insuranee or oonWrmatlon prooMds,Granta ahall hdd wch In�trumsntt and other
<br />�:,;;�;� °.� remittancaa In trust for Lendsr apart hom its other proporty,endaae the instrumenta end other remittences to Lender,and Nrrr»dately proNds Underwflh
<br /> possesalon of tha Inatrumems end othx rertittances. Lender shail be entitled,but not requlred,to colbct(by legel proceedngs or othervrise),extend ihe
<br /> ��;��,� time tor payrrMnt,conprortiae.exchanpe or robase any obligor u eollaterel,a otherwiss sattla any ot the Indebtedness whether or not an event of da(ault
<br /> exlat�undo►thln Ayreemerrt. Lendsr ahall not be Ilada ta Orenta(or any ection,error,mistake,omlasbn or delay pertelninp to the actlone desaibsd In this
<br />�a�.���_�=`�� parapraph pr any derrepes reaulting thxehan. Notwithetendng the faegoing, nothkig hereln shall cause Lender to be deemed a
<br /> ;;;�; mortpag�edn-poasesalon.
<br />�'w�;**^�:_ e. USE ANO MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Orenta ahall teke ail aetions and make any rep�Irs needed to maintein the Property In good condhlon.
<br />'�a��- . Ciranta ahall not cortrNt or permit ony waste to be committed with respect to ihe Property. drurta shell uae ihe PropertY solely In compllance with
<br /> - , °•�r� • applMable law end Insurenoe polides. Grentor ah�l not make any alteratlons,additions or irtprovemants to the Properry whhout Lender's prbr written
<br /> _ �� coneerrt. Vlfithout Ilrtiting the foreaolnp,ali alteratione,addtions and Improvements mede to the Properry shall be subjeet to ihe beneflGal Imerest belonping
<br />- to Lender,shall not be removed w�fthout Lender's prla wriflen consent,and shali be made at Grantor's sola oxpense.
<br /> Y
<br /> p• �� 8. L03S OR DAFIACiE. Cirantor shall bear the e��tlre►isk of any loss,thelt,destruetion ar damage(eumulatNely"Loss or Damage")to the Property or any
<br />- ponion thereof from any cause whatsoever. In the evern of any Loss or Damage,Orantor shall,at the optlon of Lender,repair the attected Property to Rs -
<br />- prevlous condtlon or pay w eause to be peld to Lender the docrease In the talr merkel velue of the aHeded Property. -
<br /> ��
<br /> 10. INSURANCF The Property will be kepi Insured for its full InsureWe value(re acement cost)agalnst all hezerds InGuding losa or damage caused by 6-�
<br /> . flood,earthquake,tomado and 8ro,ihoft or other easually to the extent roqulr by lsnder. Grantor may obteln Insurer�ce on the Properry hom such �'�.-
<br /> � campanles as aro axoptoblo to Lender in ks solo diseretbn. The Insuranee pollcies sheH requlre the insurance company to provide Lentler wit6 at least °
<br /> 30 days'written notice before such potides are aNered or cancepnd In any rrenner. The inauranoa polldes shall name Lender as a bsa �;_
<br /> • payee an o that no act or omlaalon of Cirantor or any otherperson chall affect the rigM of Lenderto be pald the Insurenoe proceeds pertalning to the �>°--
<br />- loss or damego of the Property. In the eveM Orama falls to aoqulre or malnteln Insurar�ce.Lender(aher providing notice aa may he requked by Iaw�may ��_'=��
<br />- I�Its dscretion procure tipproprlate insurence coverege upon the Properly and the insurance eost ahall be an advance peyable end bearing Interest as .�r���—=
<br /> - , •� desalbed In Paregreph 23 and sowred hereby. Grantor chalf fumish Lender with evidence of Insurance Indicating the requlred coveraga. lender mey act .�';.'r;;%•R-�.
<br /> aa attomey-in-lact for Qrantor In meldng and settNng dalms uncl�er Insurance pollGes,cancelling any poll or endorsing Orantor's name on any drah or • --��,=-
<br />- _ _ _ __J negotleble instrument drawn by any insuror._All such.insurenoepolides shall be Bmiedat�ly asslgned,ple�ed end dailvered to Lender es}uAher security _�•:=�i'E�_.�i,=•
<br /> ---- fot ihe Obilgatwn8. In tne ovetrt at toss,tirentor snan imneaateiy grve�enaer wrnten not�ce ana�enaer�s aumonzea to rtaKe prooi of ross. tacn
<br /> Insurance c:�mpany Is direeted to make paymerrts directly to Lender Instead of to Londor and Oranta. Lender shall have ihe right,at ita sole optlon,to •
<br /> _ apply sueh moniea toward the Obllgatlons or toward the cost of rebullding and restoring the Property. Any amounts may at Lender s optlon be applled in � '
<br /> tha Inverse order of the due dates theroof.
<br /> 11. 20NIN0 AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantor shall not Initlate or oonsem to any change In the zoning provislons or prlvate covenants eHectinp the • �
<br /> ' use of the Property without Lender's prior wrftten consant. If(irantor's uso of iho Proporty becomos a nonconlomiing use under any zoningprovisbn.
<br /> � j C3rantor shall not cause or permlt such uso to be cGscontinued or abandonod without ihe prlor wrftten cansent of Londer. Grenior wNl Immediate�y provide
<br /> ° Londer with written notke o�any proposed changes to the zoning provislons or privete covenanta affecikig the Property. �•
<br /> � � 12 CONDEMNATION. Cirantor shall Imrnediately provide Lender with written notice ot eny actual or threatened conciertnatlon or eminent domain
<br /> _ � prooeeding pertalning to iho Property. All rtanlos payablo to orantor trom such condortnatlon or teking are hereby essigned to Lender and shall beappIted
<br /> I flrst to tha payment of Londer's attomeys'feos,legal expenses and other costs(Including appralsal(ees)In connection wqh tho concbrtnatlon or em(nent
<br />- ' domain proceedings and ihon,at tho option ot Lander,to tho paymern of the Obligetiona or the rostoratbn or ropair ot tho Properry.
<br /> = I .
<br /> _ ; .
<br /> I �a.
<br /> 't � NEDOTBHev.297 Papotol6 S'. ..
<br /> - i
<br />