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<br /> 1-4 FAM�LY RIDER -
<br /> Assi�nment oP Rents 20028028
<br /> THIS 1-4 FAMILY kiDER is made this 6TH day af NOVEMBER • 1 997 '
<br /> und is incorporated into and shall be deerncd to nmend and supplement the Mortgugc. Dccd of Trust or Security
<br /> Deed (the "Security Instrument"1 of the snme dnte given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to r�ecure
<br /> , Borrower's Note to
<br /> The Equitable auilding and Loan A�sociation of Grand Island�
<br /> Nebraska� A Federal Savings Bank (che'•Lcndcr•')
<br /> of the same date and covering the Propercy described in the Security Instrument and locate�at:
<br /> (Property AddrcssJ
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In addition to the covenanu and agreements made in the Security Instrument,
<br /> Borrower and I.ender further covenant and ngree as follows:
<br /> Properry descri►�ed in thc Security Instntment,the following Items are added to the Properry description,and shall
<br /> also consiitute the Property covered by the Security Instrument:building►naterials.applianc�es and goods of every
<br /> nature whatsoever now or hereafter located in, on, or used. or intended to be useci in connection with the
<br /> Property, including, but not limited to, those far the purposes of supplying or distributing heating, cooling,
<br /> electriciry. gas. water, air and light,t'ire prcvention and extinguishing apparatus, security and acass control
<br /> apparatus. piumbtng, bath tubs. wacen c�atc►s, water ctos:;ts, sin�s, ranaes. sio��, r°friS�r�rrmr�; dishwashers.
<br /> disposals, washers. dryers,awnings,Etorm windows, storm doors, screens. blinds, shedes. curtain�and curtain
<br /> rods, anached mirrors,cabinets,panelling and attached floor coverings now or hereaft�er attached to the Propercy.
<br /> all of which, including replucen�ents and udditions thereta, shull bc dcemed to be and remain a part of the
<br /> Prciperty covered by the Security [nstrurnznt. Alt of thc foregoing together with the Propetty describtd in the
<br /> Securiry Instniment(or the leasehold estate if the Security Instrument is on a leasehold)are referred to in thls 1-4
<br /> Family Rider and the Security Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> B. US� OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE W[TH LAW. Sarrowcr shall not seek, agrec to or m�lcc a
<br /> change in the use of the Property or its :oning classific,ltion,unless L.ender has agreed in writing to the change.
<br /> Borrower shall comply wlth all laws. ordinances, regulatiotts and requirements of any gover�unental body
<br /> apPlicable to the Pcopeccy.
<br /> C.SiJBORDINATE LIENS. Except as permitted by federal law.Borrower shalt not allow any lien inferior
<br /> to the Seturity Instrument to be perfated against the Propeny without L.ender's prior written pecmission.
<br /> D.RENT I.0.SS 1NSURANCE.Borrower shali maintain insurance against rent loss in addition to the other
<br /> ha7ards for which insurance is requirod by Uniform Covenant 5.
<br /> E."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REIAISTATE"DELETED.Uniform Covenant 18 is deletal.
<br /> F. BORROWER'S +DCCUPAATCY. Unless L.ender and Bottower otherwise agree in writing. the first
<br /> sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property is dcletod. All retnaining
<br /> covenants and agreements set forth in Uniform Covenunt 6 shall remain in effect.
<br /> MULTISTATE 1-4 FAMILY RIDER•Fsro� M�s/Freddi�Mac Unitorm Instrum�nt Fam 3170 3193
<br /> � •67 1930�1-01 VMP MORTOAGE FOAMS•IB001627•7281 � P�h��d on IMCY�P�
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