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<br /> �7—��,C�g563 aaozaoza
<br /> � Upon riceipt ut p�yment ot the price bld� Truxtee �hcill dellver to Ihe purchaser Trustec'g decd conveylna the _
<br /> pruperty. The recl¢d�In the Trustee'�decd shall bc prlms f�cle evldrnce nf the tr�+th of the stxtement� made theretn.
<br /> u
<br /> Truatee rhall�pply Ihe prr�ceedn ot the Rnli in the fol�awinp ordert(�)t�pll cc�tx pnd expenseA ut exerrciaing_the powcr o�
<br /> �le,�nd the�le,includlr�the p�y
<br /> ment ot the Truata'e tee�wctwlly I+►curred,nae to excced 00
<br /> o�the p�inciprf amaunt uf the nnte At the tinu ut the dcclArntlon of def�ult, and re�sona�►Ir wttorneys'fees a.9 permitted
<br /> by law; (b)to�11�um�recured by thfe 5ecurity Inatrument;�nd(c)A�iy exc�lu U�c pc�xon or�ersons lcgully r.ntitled to _
<br /> It.
<br /> 22. Reconvey�nce. Upon payment of all �sum.q sscured by this Security Instrument, lxnder shall roque�t rustee to
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all ►wtes evidencing debt secured by this Securiry
<br /> Instn►nxnt ta Trustee. Trusta shall reconvey the Pmperty without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally
<br /> entltled to it.Such persan or persons shdl puy any raardatian costs.
<br /> 23. Sut�stitute Tnistee.l.eixlcr.at Its option, muy fmm ttnte to time rcmovc Trustee and appoint a successor trustec to —
<br /> any Tnistee appointed hereunder by an insuument recorded fn the county in which tids Security Instrumcnt is recurded.Without
<br /> conveyance of the Propeny.the successor trustee shaU succe,�d to nll the title,power and duttes confercod upon Trustce herein
<br /> wid by applicable law.
<br /> 24. Request for Notices. Bonower requests that wpies of the notices of dcfault and salc be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> which is the Property Address.
<br /> 25. Ridet�to thts Seeudty Instrument.If one or more dders are executed by Borrower and recorded together wlth this
<br /> the covcnants a d agcaments of his SecpunrynInstrumen�t aif he rideK�we��i P�ft�Sn��tY Instroment a��supplement
<br /> [Check applicable box(es)]
<br /> ❑Adjusiable Rate Riider �Condominium Rider � 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> ❑Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider 0 BiweeklY Payment Rider
<br /> ❑Baltoon Rid�r �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rlder
<br /> []V.A.Rider d Other(s)[spocify]
<br /> BY SIGNINO BE1..OW,Borrower accepts and agrees to tha terms end wvenants contained in this Security Instnrment And
<br /> in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded wtth it.
<br /> Witnesses: �m (Seal)
<br /> OHN J GOWAN -aarcower
<br /> � ts�3
<br /> DOLORIS N MCGOWAN -eorrower
<br /> (Seap �(Sesl)
<br /> •8oerower -Borrower
<br /> STATE OF I�EBRASKA, Counry ss: $ALL
<br /> GTH da of NOVEMBER , 1997
<br /> foregoin insttument was acknowlodgal befote me this Y '
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial se�l at GRAND I SLAND. N BRASKA r 1n sai County,the date s�f�rsaid.
<br /> : My�ommission Expires: � —
<br /> �NERAI NO1ARr-Stite ot NtEruM� NutAry pubpc
<br /> IA�Comni.Exp.Au�.1.2000
<br /> . P.o.o oi a Form 3028 9/90
<br /> � -
<br /> � ' , — ---
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