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<br />-,:" 97— �cr�sso [
<br />_� IP the power oP salo!s Invokcd�Truste2 shall record a nottce oi dcfault lIIa each county In whlci�the �
<br /> __-� Property or some part thereotLt IocAted and shall mall oopla otsuch nodce in the manner prescribecl _
<br /> � by applic�ble law to Borrowar and to the otder persons prescribed by applk�ble law. ARer the lapse
<br /> ot such dme as may be requirctl� by appilcable law� Tnista adall �ive publlc Aotic.e of saie to We �'
<br /> persaas and W the manmr prtscrit►cd by applics�bk law.Trusta,wiWout demand on Borrower,shall `
<br /> �,;
<br /> sell the Property At public auctton W the hl�hhest bidder at the tinK and place and under the tern�s =
<br />".,_:. : desi�stted [n the notice af sale ta one or more parceis and M such order as Tru4tee may determtne. =
<br /> ,` �;�,,� '1'rustee may postpone eak oi all or any parcel ot tl�e Properly by pubtic anaouncemept stt We Wne and �
<br /> "���`��=+d!� place ot Any previously acheduled sale.I.endet dr Lender's desi@�a may purch�se the g'rop�rty at any �
<br />_._,';--��., . &Ale.
<br />- '_,:`y' C
<br />.�::�r.a�� Upou� recetpt ot payment o! the price b1d, 'lYustee shall deUver to the purchaser'ltvstee's deed �
<br />•��� coaveyin= tde Pro�rty sold. 11�e recitalQ in the'IYustee's dad shaU be pdma fACle evidencc of Gie —
<br /> -�=':��iiai iruth of the atAteajents made thereta. Trustee shaU Apply the procads ot the sale tn the fopowing —
<br /> - s =- orders (a) to Wl rexsouwble caste and eicpenses af the s�le, inctudiaQ,but not limited to,7�ustce's fas �
<br /> �"'�'""== actually incurred ot not more tliw S 96 of We gross sale price.reasonable attorneys' fas aad casts
<br />,_—�;,�� : of titk evidenoe;(b)to all sunis secw�ed by t61s Dad of Trusk and(c)the�ass,if any,to tde person
<br /> _�.:�::lP,� or pasons le�ally�atitled thereto.
<br /> 18. Borrower's RIEht W Retnstute.Notwlthstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this
<br />.-_��-���, , Deed of Trus�t,due to Borrower's breach, Borrower shall have We right to have auy proceedings begun by
<br /> -- Lender ta enforce thls Deed of Tivst discontlnued at any time prlor to the earller to occur of(i)the fifth
<br /> — ' day befon the sale of the Froperty pursuant to the power of sale contained in this Deed of Trust or(ii)
<br /> __��'�i; entry of a judgment enforciag this Dced of Tcust if: (a)Borrower pays Lender all sums whIch would be
<br /> �_�:� then due under tt�s Deed of Trust and the Note had na acceleration occurnd; (b)Borrower cures all
<br /> __���;� bs+eaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower coata�ned!n tlil.c Deed of Trnst;(c)Bormwer
<br /> .__. __ - gs�s 312 rt�n3blz eltgeaSes inr»tTe� hp T Pruier and Tructee in enfnrcit�g the cavenants and agreements of
<br /> '�='a� Borrower contatned in this Deed af Trust aud in enforcing L.ender's and Tnistee's remedies as�ruvidod in
<br />