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<br /> ,.;.�,r�'''�"� does not execute the Note, (a)is co-sigaing tlils Deed of Ttust oNy to gt�ant and convey diat Borrawer's '
<br /> - interest in the Property to Trustee under the ternis of this Deed of Trust,(b)is not personally liable an the
<br /> Note or under Wis Deed of Tnut, and(c�agrees that I.eader and any ather Bonower hereunder may agree
<br />:p� to extend, modify, forbear, or make any otber accommodations wlth regard to the terms of this Deed of
<br /> Trost or the Notr., wlthout that Borrawer's consent and wlthout releasing that Barrawer or moditying thls =
<br /> Deed of Trust as to that Bon'ower's interest in the Property. ��
<br />� 12. Notice. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in anather manner,(a)any �
<br /> � notice to Borrower pravided for in this Deed of Trust shall be glven bq delivering it or by mailing such l__
<br /> , notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address as �
<br /> Borrower may desipiate by notice ta Lender as provided herein, and(b)any notice to Lender shall be Y;_
<br /> givea by certlfiod mall to Lender's address stated herein or ro such other address as Lender may designate �`.�
<br />� �� . by notice to Borrower as provided hereiu. Any nodce provIded for in this Deed of Tn�st shall bc deemed _
<br /> - to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner desigaated herein. i;�•
<br /> . �� 13, Governing I,sw; SeverabUity.'The state aud local laws applicable to tbis Deed of Trust shall be the �:�.
<br />�'` ' � . laws of the Jurisdicdon ia whlch the Property is located• 'fhe foregoing sentence shall not ltmit the __
<br />� applicability of Federal law to this Deed of Tnist.In the event that any prov�Slon or clause of this Deed of
<br /> - ' Trust or the Note couflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisIons of this Deed ���:
<br />�'" `'�` of Trust or the Note which can be given effect wlthout the contlicting provision,and to this end the _
<br /> � , ,� ;-.•.. � provisions of this Deed of Tnist and the No:e are declared to be severable. As used her�in,"costs", F�:
<br /> �T��-
<br />_��'��- �� "expenses" and "attomeys'fees" include all sums to the extent nM prohtbited by applicable law or limlted _
<br />.r:'.:`' r, herein. _
<br /> ��.�{• .
<br /> 14. Borrower's Copy Eonower shall be ftu�nished a confor[ned copy of the Note and of this Deed of �_
<br />;�,��;,,��,� Trust at the time of execudon or atter recordadon hereof.
<br /> ��: 1S. RehabUttation Loan Agru�aen� Borrower shall flilfill a11 of Borrower's obligations under any
<br /> -` �-' � -� home rehabilitation, tmUrovement, repair or other loan agroement which Borrower enters lnto wlth _-
<br />-�-i'`� �� Lender. Ixnder, at Lender's option, may requu'e�orrower w exex:ui�and d�ltv�r io I.�nder,ia a form
<br />�rti�.M:.�.:� -
<br /> --_F;;�.� acceptable to I.ender, an assignn�ent of any rlghts. claims or defenses whtch Borrower may have a�ainst
<br /> �-�-^=-•±,� parties who supply labor,matedals or servlces in connectlon wlth 1mProvements made to the Property
<br />=.;�;i.r�.» 16.Transkr ot the Property or a BeneR�al Interest tn Borrower.If all or any part of the Property or
<br />�-:,�?� � any int�rest In it is sold or uansferred(or if a beneflcW int�rest In Borrower Is sold or transferred and —
<br /> Borrower is not a aatural persan) vv�thout Lender's prlor wrltten wnsent,Leader may,at its opdon.
<br />�"`�-� reqnire iaunediate paynnent in fiill of all sums secured by this Dxd of Trust.However, this opdon stv.�l
<br /> _=�n�=-� �ot be exerclsed by I,�nder if exercise is proWbited by federal law as of the date of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> -��=-v���� If Lender exercises this optioa, Leader sba11 give Boreower notice of acceleration. The nodce shall
<br /> _��� ` pmvide a perlod of aat less tUan 30 days from the date the notIce LS del[vered or malted within whiich _
<br /> --��_� � �omower must pay all sums secured by this Deed of Tcust.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to
<br /> — , the expiratlon of this pedod� Le►�der maY it►voke any remedles pern�ltted by this Deed of Tivst without
<br /> -- ° fl�rther notice or demaad on Borrower.
<br /> � ' NoN-UN[FOI�M CAVBNwN1's. Borrower and Lender flirther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> -- � 17. Acceleratbni Reaaliea.Fsoept as provided in paragraph 16 hereof,upon Borru`ver's breach of
<br /> i�_ - ---- �ny covea�at er ag�eernent of Borrower in this Dsed ot Trust,including Borrower's failure W pay�by
<br />�:� the end oT 10 calendar days�f lter they are duq any s�urt�sceurcd by this Deed o[Trnst,Lender prior
<br /> to aocderation shall eive noticx w Bon'ower as provtded in paraQraph 12 hereof spaitying: (1)the
<br />_-=��� breach; (Z) the aetion required to cure such breach;C3)a date,not less th�n?A days tk�om the date the
<br /> •�-""' eotice Is matled to Bon'ower, by which such breach must be curcd;and(�that faSlure to cure such
<br /> _:��_� bnach on or before the date spxiAed in the notice may result in axele[ation ot the sun�s secured by
<br />- -T-=�� thts Deed o! Trust and sak ot the Propaty'►l�e notice sb�ll further tnform Borrow�r of the ri�ht to
<br />����� reinstAte atrer acceleradon and the ri=ht W bring a oourt action tn asscrt the noneatctence of a default
<br />���;;..-��.?' or any other defense of Borrowar to acceleratlon and s�le.It ths breach Lc not cured on or be[on the
<br /> �:;;"'�'�+yr �� date spedtled In the noNce, Lender,at Lender's opHon,eaAy declue all ot the suuts secw�ed by this
<br /> �-. ��'�h`��'`� Deed o{ 'l�s�to be[mmediately due and paya6le without[urther demand and may[nvoke the power
<br />� � �!- _� .. Itcable law.I.ender shall be entitled to ooilcet all _
<br />'F` � of sale and any other remedies pera�[tied by app
<br /> � reasonabk costs and expenses incumd in pursuing the remedles provided in this paragi'aph 17,
<br />= includin�,but not Iim[ted to,reasona6le attorneys'tas. �'' / � =__
<br />� so�owatnhW._//� �=_
<br />- Form3828 r�g�4ar6�g�d, �---
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