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<br /> �; y,.�� n. w�..��.,,.k ..� In any �r�1�r TM�utle deterplloe�. Truatce may�n stDo�e �k of ali ar any parcel of the
<br /> Property by pubqe ��nouncemeat at the ttme and place or aay prevMualy echeduled wk.�.emler or It�deei�nee may
<br /> purchase tde Propertyat any salc. �-
<br /> Upon receipt of p��meat o� the price bid, Trusta ebaU drliver to the purc6�uer Trustee'e deed rnnveying the -
<br /> Property.The recitaY fa the TruateR'e decd ahsll be p�ima f�ck evideace ot the truth of the rtatem:nts m�de thereta.
<br /> Trustce s1uU�ppir tre prooeed�ot the Mk la tLe toUowin�order:(w)to atll caets�nd expen�ues ot exercbin�t6ie pm�er of
<br /> �tk,aad the s�k,tnchdin�the parmeat of t6e Trustee's teea�ctuaUy iacurred,nat to exoeed 3.o 0 0 96
<br /> ot ths prjncip�1�mwiet ot the note�t t6e time of the decWrAtba of dehult,and reASOntbk�ttorneys'tees aepermttted by
<br /> I�wi(b)to�II sums secured by this Security Inatrume�t;�nd(c)Any exoese to the peraon or persona Ie�aQy entltled to i�
<br /> 22.Reoonveruaa, Uponpa yment of all sums secund by this SocurIty Insuument, Lenda shallroquest Trustco to
<br /> reconvey the Pmpe:ty and chall surtender thls SxurIty Insirument and all notes evidencing debt securei by this SecurIty
<br /> Iasstiuument w Trustee.Truscao s1�U reconvey ihe Property wlthout warranry and wlthout charge to the person or persons legelly
<br />� endtbd to iG Such person or persons shallpay any recordation casts.
<br /> 23.Sub�titute Trosttee. I.ender,at its opdon,may from tlma to dme remove Tivstee and appo�nt a successor txustee to any
<br /> � Trust,ee app�inted henunder by en lnstrument recordod In the counry in which this Securlty Instrument is rocorded.Without
<br /> . conv�y�ace of the Property.die succes.wr uustee shall aucceed to all the tede,powu and dudes confemd upon Trustee herein and
<br /> ` bY aPPlkabb law,
<br /> ' 24.Itequeat tor Notka. Borrowu requests that copies af the notkes of default and sale be sent to 13orn�wtr's addnss
<br /> which L thep�y Addre.vs.
<br /> , 2S.Ridera fo thie 3ecurity Inatrument. If one or moro rlders are oxecuted by Borrowu and recaded cogethu with this
<br /> Socority Instrument, the covenants and agreeroents of each such ddu shall be incoiporated Into and shaall amend and supplement
<br /> the covenants and agraments of this Secudty Instrument ag if the ddu(s)wera a part of this Sec�ulry IasCn�men�
<br />`� [Check appiicable box(es)]
<br /> ' 0 Adjustable R�te Rider 0 Condominium Rider ❑ ld Family Rider
<br /> C]Gradwtod I'�ymcnt Ridec 0 Plennod Unit Davdopraent Rider ❑ Bfweekly Payment Rider
<br /> ; ��ailoon Rida []Rste Improvement Rider ❑ Second Home Ridu
<br /> __; [�VA RidK �Othet(e)(Spocify]�►ssiqnmsnts of Rrnt
<br />: �
<br /> BY SIdP1IN(3 HBLOW,Sarower acapts and agras W the ttrma end coveaants wntainetl in this Securiry Inatrument and in
<br /> any rida(s)eaceutod by Bomowa and recordod with iG
<br /> Witr�nc.g: ��s��/,���f/ (Se�l)
<br /> TODD A BROWNELL -Barower
<br /> ��,
<br /> � �-'� /�l? __ {Seal)
<br /> sARA F NSWMAN qKA SARA F. BROWNELL-eorrowe:
<br /> +.� �5�� (g��
<br /> _,.�
<br /> '� -BorroMer -Bartower
<br /> _ �
<br /> ,� St�te ot NebrnelW t�1wL County as:
<br /> . Tt�e faegoing inlCu����Ytti��tlCd�Od�E��r��14� 6TH daY of NOVENIDER , 199'7 ,
<br /> bY TODD A BRONNaLL 8XR�1 8 NHfiMllti, HUBB71ttD lIDTD WIlB '
<br /> � Witness my Innd and nomrial seal at a� Isr,��ND. NEBRt►.SXA in said County.tha date afortsaid.
<br /> � My Commission Eupircs:
<br /> N blio
<br /> - ; �c�+�au.�or�tr�aaoi�we�uw
<br /> ! .�ACAU'M�AYOUe
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