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<br /> , 1 . i�.��„�;`.'o���;. �qnQw��cha11 bc given dne confonncd copy of thc Notc and of this Securfry InsuumenG �
<br /> '•� 17.Tmneter ot the Property or a Benefkitil lntereat in Barrower. lf ail or any pari uf tt�e Fio�,urty at any irstcrest!n it i� � ;•.:�ti.. .��{.�.
<br /> sold or transfencd(or if a bcneGcial intcrest in Borrower Is sald or uansferrcd und Borrowcr is not a nawral person)without
<br /> � � � Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at its opdon, require immccliate payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry '���.;,
<br /> Instrumen�However,thi�option shal!not be exercised by Lendu if exercise is prohiblted by federffl law a9 of the date of this };��_—�="°-
<br /> � Scciulty InstcumenG ��z���
<br /> .-. N �:<<:
<br /> +�.� If Lendu exercises thls opflon,Lender shall glve Bonawer nodce of acceleradon.The notice shall provide aperiod of not less `,i}�,��;,:_4
<br /> �� than 30 days from the date the notice is deHvered or mailed wi�hin which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Securiry � ;��;-__ __
<br /> - InstrumenG If Borrower fails w pay these sums Prlor to thc expiretion flf this period,L.ender may mvoke any remedies permiucd ,L�,,,.__`
<br /> by this Security Instrument without further nodce or demand on Borrower. ';��__-_�
<br /> �, 18.Borrower'a Right to Reinstate. If Bonower meets c�rtain condidons, Borrawer shaU have the r3ght to have _—___ __
<br /> enforcement of d�is Securlry Instrument discondnued at any ume pdor ta the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other pertod as
<br /> ' ursuant w an wer of sale contau►ed in this Secnriry
<br /> applicable law may spocify for reinstatement)befora sale of the PrapercY P Y Pa .--
<br /> ,t Insirument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Se�urity Inswmen�'Ihoss condidons are that Borrower.(a)pays Lcnder aU ,�
<br /> �' sums which then would be due under this Security I nstrument and the Note as if no acceleradon had occurred;(b) cures anY �;.�_—
<br /> default of any other covenantv or agreemenu;(c)pays all expenses incuzred in enforcing this Security Insuument,including,but �•�-
<br /> not limited to.re�onable atiorneys'fees;and(d)tekes such action as Lender may rcasonably require to assure that the llen of this �,,
<br /> Security Inslrnment, Lender's rlghts in the PropereY and Sorrower's obligadon to pay the sums secured by this Security �,
<br /> � Insuument shall continue unchanged. Upon reuis�atement by eorrowcr�t�►is Securlty Instrument and the obli�ons secured F .
<br />. hereby shall remain fully effecdve as if no acceleradon had occurred•However,this r�ght to reinstate shell not app y in the case of ��
<br /> acceleraaon under paragraph 1T.
<br /> b9.Sale o!Note;C6ange ot LoAn Servicer. The Note or a partial int�rest in the Note (together with this Securiry _.
<br /> Insuument)may be sold one or more ti�nes without prlor nodce to Borrower. A sale maY resulc in a change in the entity(known ,.-�-
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due unda the Note and this Sscurity InstrumenG'fiere also may be one or —.
<br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrclated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Serviccr,Borrower will be ��"�
<br /> � given written nodce of tha change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wUl state the name and
<br /> address of tha new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. 'Ihe notice will also contain rny otl�er _
<br />, informadon requlred by applicable law.
<br /> � Z0.Hw�rdous Substances. Borrower shall not causo or permit the pmsence, use, disposal, swragc. or release of any
<br /> Ha7ardous Substaz►ces on or in the Property.Borrower shall raot do,nor sUow anyone else to do.aaything effecUng the Properey
<br /> � � that is in violadon of an�r Environmental Law.'Itie preceding twu se�►tences shall not apply w the presence,use.or swrage on the
<br /> - -- pnnpetty of smait quanni�w of Fla�idans�ah^tattce°ihsi at�ge!�!'t�lty rec.c�gnized to be approDr3ate to nonnal residendal uses
<br />_� � and W maintenance of the Propecty.
<br />;'�.` , Bonowu shall prompdy give I.eadcr wriuen nodce of any investlgadon,claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br />,�,,, . .,. ; involvin the PropertY end anY Ha�ardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> ,. ,__ .F,. govemmental or cegulatory aBencY or private Party' S
<br />=�:��.--�;,-••� of which Borrowu has ecwal knowledge.If Borrower leams. a is nodtie3 by eny governmental or regulutory authodty.that any
<br />-,� :`.',.-.. removal or other reme�iation of any Hazerdous 5ubstana af'faang the Property is neces.sary,Borrower shall promptly takc all
<br />';:--"`..:::�, � necessary remedfal acdons in accordance with Environmentel Lew.
<br />- ��', '` ps �sed in this paragraph 20. "Hazar+dous Subslances" are ehose substances defined as toaic or hazarduus substances by
<br />_"�'t`""W` Eavironmental Law and the following substances: Basol�►e�kerosene, other tlammable or toxic petrokum �rodiucts. toxtc
<br /> � '�"'�` pesticides end herbicides,voladle solvenis.mate�iels contei►►ing asbestos or fortnaldehyde,end radioacdve metenals.As used in
<br />��:`.°`;:,�. � this aragraph 20,"Bnvironmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate
<br />_ � �-. to healp th.sefety or e,�vironmental protecdon.
<br /> M.Y„��y���-f'lyy:.'-'�.
<br />�.S��C�N J...w�
<br /> r��!; NQN-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S•Borrower and Lcnder funher covenant and agree as follows:
<br />—"�=-'•: ' 21.Acoekratbn;Remedies.Lender siu�U give notice to Burrower prior to accekratbn folbwing Borrower's breac6 ot
<br />�=�:�';; any wvenant or agrament in thL4 Securtty Instrument(but not prtor to accekratbn under paragrpp6 17 unksa
<br /> zY:�*. ' • �pplkabk law pmvides otherwLs�).T6e notke shAU spec[fy:(w)the defoulti(b)t6e actbn requiral to cure the detauitj(c)
<br />''��'�• `j � a date,not less than 30 d�ye trom the date the notice is glren to Borrower,by whkh t6e detAUlt must 6e cured;And(d)
<br />:�,__.. , .
<br />==""�t"`'� that failure to cure the det�ult on or be�ore We date speciikd ie t6e aotke may result in accekratioe ot the sums aecured
<br />�- ��.`.��.�
<br /> �:4� �-: by thia Security Iestrument and sak of the Property.Ttie notice shall turther inform Borrower ot the right to reinatatt
<br /> � �er accelerxtbn and the right to brtng a court Actioe to assert t6e non�dstence of a defitult or any ot6er detense oi
<br />-- '.: ���, Borrower to Acceleratbn and sak.It the defautt is not cared on or beTore t6e dxte speciP�ed in the notEce,�.ender��t ite
<br />-�„•••� •• uptbn�may requtre immedlate payment in tull of all sucna secured by thl� Security Instrument wit6out iwrther demand
<br /> • .�� Ikabk law.Lender ahsdl be entitled to colkct
<br />;,,., -i,� and may[nvoke t6c power ot ss�te and any uther remedies permttted by App —
<br /> . a11 expenses incurred tn pursuing the remedies provider�i��hb pArpgraph 21,includieg, bud not limited to,reasonAble
<br /> attorneys'tees and costs ot titk evWence.
<br /> If the power of sak is invoked�Trvsta a6ai1 record 4 notice of defitult in exch oounty In whic6 any part uf the _
<br /> �, Property is located and shall mail rnpies ot such notice in the manner prescribed by appiica6k I�w to Borrower and to the
<br /> � other persons prescribed by appikabk law.Aner the tinne required by applicAbk law,Trustee shAU give public notice of _
<br /> t sale to the persons end in the manner prescribed by applkable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,sholl sell the ��
<br /> � � Property at pubik auMbn to the highest bidder at the time s�nd pWce and under the terms designated in the notice of ss�k �u_
<br /> �.-_�,::-._-- -�
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