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<br /> . S.Hw�urd or Property Insurttnce. Borrower shall keep the improNements now exisdng or hereafter crected on the Prapeny ,
<br /> insured against loss lsy fuc, hazards incTuded within the temi "eatended coveraga" and any other hazards, including floods or
<br /> flooding,for whieh I.ender requires insuranchs•'I'hi.9 tnsucancc shaU t�c mainmined in thc amounts and for ihc periods that I.ender
<br /> -�'.''"'�� rcquires,The{nsurencc carrier provlding tha insarancc shall bc chosen by Bonowcr subject to Lcndcr's apprc�val which shaU not _
<br /> w�,� be unrcasonably withhcld. If Borrower faila co mainia[n covcragc describcd above, Lcnder may, at Lender's option, obtsit� .
<br /> coverage to protect Lender's dghts in ihe Property ln accordence with paragraph 7. .,;
<br /> - All insurance policies end renewals shall be acccptable to Lender end shall inciude a standard mortgagc clause.Lender shall ,�.__
<br /> havo ihe r�ght to hold the policies and renewals.If L.endcr roquires.Horrower shall prompdy gtvc w L.ender sU recelPts of paid __-
<br /> premiums and nnewel not�ce.g.In the event of loss,Bortowu shell give prompt nodce to the insurance carrier and I.ender.Lender __
<br /> may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Bonower. __�
<br /> ., Unless L.endcr and Bocrowcr otherwise a8ree in writ�ng. insurance procceds shall be applicd to resWratton or repair of the _
<br /> - • property damaged,�f the mstoradon or repsa is economically fcasible and Lender's seciuity �S not lessened. If�ec�r��s�
<br /> repair is not economically feasible or I.ender's securiry would be lesscned,the insurance procecds shall be app =
<br />- socured by thi.g Securlty Insuument,whether or not thcn due,with any excess paid to Bonower. If Boaower abandons the
<br />;.. .
<br />�� � .� Pcope�ty,or does not answer within 30 days a nodce from I.ender that the insurance cacrler has offered to seule a elaim,then _
<br /> „`- ..: Lendu may coIIect the insurn�ce proceeds.Lcnder may e=se tha proceeds to repair or restnre the Propert�'or to pay sums secured 6
<br />- by this Securlty Instrument,whcther or not then duc.Ttie 30�day period wll11�e 8 i r�w hen the nodce is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Hoaower ot�erwise agree in wriuu►8��Y aPPU�on of proceeds to principal shall not cxtend or postpone
<br /> the due daie of the monthly payments refeaed to in paragrapbs I and 2 or change the amount of the paymenis.If under paragraph _
<br /> � 21 the Property is ecquired by L.endear,Borrowu's r�ght w anY insurance policies and proceeds resniting from damage to the
<br /> ec
<br />;,., ..,..}, Property pdor to the acquisi6on shall pass to I.ender to the eatent of the sums se�ured by th�s Soc�rity Insuument imn►ediatelY
<br />' prlor to the acquisidon. Borrower's LOAA A licetbn;LeASeholds.
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Preservation.lNaintenance�ad Protection ot the Property. PP _
<br />,�,;• .�I,,• Botrowa shall occupy.establish. and use the Property es Borrower's principal ra3dence within sixty days after the execudon of
<br /> .' U�ia Security Insnument and shaU continue to oceupy the Pcope�ty as Borrower's principal residence far at least one year aftec the
<br />'�Q°:, •' date of occupancy, unless Lender otheiwise e�Oes in wr�t�ng� w��►CO�nt shall not be unreasonably withheld. or ualess
<br />-_ - exanuawig cui:wusietic�s�r3st w�sich�rc t�;ond gQtrnwer•�cnntrol.Borrower stiall not desiroy.damage or impair the Propaty.
<br /> . ra
<br />�t=.��,.��!.�� allow the Property to deterlorate.a commit waste on the Property. Borrower shaU be in default if any forfelwre action or
<br /> :; `' * proc�eeding,whether civu or criminal,is be8un that in L.end:r'e good faith judgment could result�n forfeidue of the Proputy or
<br />-'����L,►� othenwlse mstedallY imPair the tieci created by this Securiry Instrument or I.ender's securlty interesL Barower may cure such a
<br /> ��.�"�„ h 18.by causing the acdon or pmceedinB to be dismissed wlth a niUng that,in
<br />';;�4_a�.,. defaulc and reinstate�as provided in paraB�P
<br /> _=��;,,` Leader's good faith determination,precludes focfeiaue of the Borrower's interest in the ProputY a otha mau�e�MP��t of
<br />-=��''r,_-;� the lien creatod by this Security Insuument or Lendu's security inures�Borrowe�sfiall also be in default if Borrower.duting the
<br />-- � loan mppllcadon pmcess.gave mataially falsa or inaccurate informadon or staeements to L.endu(or faikd to provide Luider wlth
<br />-�m��. pny material infonnation) in conncction with the loan evidenced by the Nota,including,but not Wnited to. �eprese�tedons
<br />�;;«��� conceming Bomnwu's occupancy of ihe Propes'ty as a prfncipal res{dence.If this Securlty Instrumei►t is on a kasehold,Borrower
<br /> — sha11 comply with all tbe provisions of the kase.If Borrower acquirts fce dde to the Property,the leasehold end Ihe fee dtle shall
<br />� not mtrga unless L�entler agcees to ttliee muger in wrldng.
<br />�:�= 7.PcoteMioa ot Lender's Rights ia the Property. If Botrowu falls to perform the covenants and agc+oements cantain�in
<br />'�`�'`��y"��" this Socurity Instrument,or there is a legal procecding that may significanfly afFect Lenda's rights in the Property(such as a
<br />�`°p^i"°� bate,for condemnation or forfeiture a to enforce laws or reguladons).then Lender may da and 1�Y
<br /> ri.,LL.:�,�;� proceeding in banlauptcY.Pro
<br />�,�k;� fa wtiatevu is necessary to protect the value of the Proputy and Lender's rtghts in the Property.Lenda's acpons may include
<br />��:`� paying any sums sec�nxi by a llen which hes priority over this Security Insirument,appearin8 in court.PaYL►g ceasonable
<br />:;�;�� attomeys'fees and enuring on the Propercy to make repairs,Although Lender may tal��acdon under this parn�aph 7,Lender
<br />�'-:»��i: does not t�ave to do so.
<br />=�_�� Any amounts disbursed by L,ender under this par$graph 7 shall become addidonel debt of Borrower securod by ihLv Seciuity
<br /> _ --"°"°"==� InsttumenG UNess Borrower and Lei►du agroe to othu terms of paymcnt,these emounts shall bear int�erest from the date of
<br />}''-'"1e°1e"f' dIsbnrsement at the Nott rate and shall be payable.with Interest,upon notice from Lendcr to Bomower requesdn8 paYmen�
<br />�r�"�';::"'i S.MoKgage Insurance. If I.endar nquirect mortgage insurance aa a condidon of making the loan secured by this Security
<br />�:-�" Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintein the mortgagc insurance in effect If, for any reason, the
<br />=. ;, , mortgage insurance coverage requaed by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Botrower shall pay the pm.miums requirod w
<br /> obtain coverage substandally equivalent to the mortgage insurence previously in effect,at a cost substanw�lly equivaknt w the
<br /> - • wst to Borrower of the mortgage uuurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage insurer epproved by Lender. If _
<br /> * sutrstantially ec(uivalent mortgago insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum eqnal to _
<br /> . . one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance pmmium being paid by Barrower when the insurance coverage Iapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in effecG I.ender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss rescrvc in licu of mortgage insurance• Loss reserve =
<br /> � Form 302i OI90 �
<br /> ' Initlair. ��-.
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