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<br /> - .`�'�"� _�ntoFCst.l.ender�hall not be requirad to co�nce proceeding��gdast�uch cacce�sor or reflue to extend time for poyment or othe�wise modify �
<br /> ! � omorttzation of the s�ms.secured Dy thi�Deed oSf Tmet by reawn of ony demand mado by the originAl Borro Ilcablo IBw,ahall notuhe a weiver
<br /> . ,� .
<br /> , h� intercct.Any forbearAncc by l.ender in exercitin my ri8ht or nmody hereunder,or otherwiso a1'Forded by app —=
<br /> of or prcclude tho exereise of any euch�Ight or remedy. �'�`
<br /> � ��' 1 L Sutcaan��d Aal�a�Bonad;Jolat�nd Sever�l LltbNltyi Catl�aen.7'ho rovenunta and agrccmente herein conteincd ehall �'.;
<br /> �+ b1nd,�nd 4he rfght�hereunder�hdl inuro to, tho rc�pective �ucceuors and oaaf oi of Lender and Borrower, subject w tho provision�of �,
<br /> 8 ��
<br /> pu�gnph 16 hereof.All covennnb md�IIrcemenu of Borrower shail be Joint and eeveral.Any Borrower who ca-afgna thi�Deed of Tru�t,but
<br /> doa not execute tho Note.(t)it co-signing this Deed of Truat only to grant and convey that Bartowere intcro�t tn the Property to Trunee under �
<br /> '� � � , the temu of thi�Deod of Trust,(b)1�not pcnonally liablo on the Note or undcr thie Deed of Truat,and(c)ogreca that Lendcr and any other � _
<br /> _..wt � Borrowe�hereundor rtuy agrco to extend,modity.forbwr,or make any other accommodetiom with rcgard to the temu of thie Deed of Tnut or �
<br /> =L%=n�'�� lhe Note without that Bortowera conant anJ without rcicasing that Dorrowcr or modifying thia Deed of Trust us to thut 9artowers intertst in ' �
<br /> , ,-.
<br /> - the Property.
<br /> -- 13. Notlea Except for�ny notice required under epplicable Iaw to be given in another manner,(a)my noticc to Borrower pmvided
<br /> for in thit Deed of'I"ruit shdl bo given by delivering it or by mailing�uch notice by artified msi��ddressed to Borrower at the Property Address Q
<br /> o�et�uch other�ddras s�Borrower maY desi8mte by noNce to Lender ea pmvided heroin,and(b)any notice to Lender shRll be given by �
<br /> ceRifled mail to Lendera addrai rtt►ted hercin ot to auch other�ddreu a�Lenda mxy daignate by notice to eorrower aa provided herein.My �
<br /> ' �� nodce provided for In thia Deod of Trust ih�ll be damed to have been given to Horrower or Lenda when given in the nwr►ner designated herein.
<br />'.�'•� ' 13. Goventa�Lawi SevenbUity.The stete end local I�ws npplic+�ble W thie Deod af 7tivst shnll be thc lawa af the juriidicdon in �-
<br /> ':;�:�kA . •.
<br /> ;;::,,. which the PropeRy ii loentted.The forcgoing�entence�hdl not Umit tho appNcabtliry of Feders!I�w to thi�Deed of 7�urt.ln the eveat t6u�ny
<br /> 0
<br /> ' pruvision or alause of this Deed of Trust or the Noro conflist�with applfable I�w,such confltct�h�I1 aot sffect other provislon�of this o
<br /> ` Tnut or the Note wMch c�n bo Siven effcct without the wnflicHng providon,wid to thi�end tbe provi�iona of this Deed of 1'rust u�d the Note
<br /> .�•��.�,�;='' are dealued ta be severable.As used hercin,"costa","expenses"and"attomeys'fees"include all eums to the extent not pmhibited by�pplictble
<br /> :.y'R'��;�::
<br /> r,�'� law or limited herein.
<br /> �.��• 14. Borrower'�Copy.Bortower shall bc flimished a conforrned copy of the Note end of thia Deed of Trust at the ame of execu on
<br /> •�a-'�::�: or after recordadon hereof.
<br />-�•1.Etiiti�xr_ IS. RehtbiltUdon Loan A�ramenG BoROwer shall fiilfill �ll of eortowe�e obligauons under eny home rehabilitarion,
<br /> ;R - at Lende�a option,may rcquire Borrower to
<br /> '`:;;,.� improvement,repair,or othcr loan agrcement whieh Borrower entecs into with 1.ender.Lender,
<br />:';;�.,;:�'' exeeute ond ddiver to L.ender,in a fotm acceptsble to l,onder,an assignment of any righte,cleim or defenses which Borrnwer may have�gainat
<br /> -' ,�y,,r,; putta who wpply l�bor.materi�l�or�mica in cunnection with improvemente msde to the Propaty.�e� or u►y interat in it is wid or
<br />:'�'{� 16. Tran�ter ot the Properly or s Beaellcial Interat ta Borrower.If ait or any part P�Y
<br /> �.M,�-u
<br /> -u,__��.� pnn�f2rted(or if s beneilcid tntercst in Borrowa is�old or trensfemed and Borrower is not t natural p�rwe)without�i�on sh�ll not
<br /> N,,,�� consent,Lcnder may,at tU opNon,rcquin imit►ediue payment in fLll of all sums secwed by thii Deed of 7Yust.However,
<br /> '`.`»;t�L, be exercicod by L,ender if exereice io prohibited by fedeni law a of the dste of thia Dad of ltust.
<br /> ,..,. If Lender exer+cises this oPtion,Lender ah�l�give Hortuwer noHce of accel��sums acuood by thie�Dad of�.If Borrower fiii�ta
<br /> _����;; � d�ys flrom the dste the noNce it delivered or rtW lod within which Borrowa must psy iKed by this De�of'1'rust vvtthout fi�rtha nodce or
<br /> r�:��f;•� psy these sum�prior to the expintfon of this period.Lender msy invoke u►y nmedla prnn
<br />=-- =� d�muKl oi Sut-t�tv�.
<br /> �°-""�•"� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender ft�rther covenont md sgroe a�foltow�:
<br /> u'�'� 17. Acakntiaa;Remedia. Bxcept as providal in parograph 16 hereof,upon Bortowefs bre�ch of any covrnant or sgrcement of
<br /> -----..�
<br /> Bortower in this Dad of 1livat,including the covrnents to PaY when due�ny suma acurcd by this Dad of 1Yust.Lender Pdor to�ccelenHon
<br /> �� —�' sh�ll give nodce to Borrower�provided in paraBrePh 12 hereof spxitying:(1)the bnach;(2)the action roquired to curo auch breach;(3)a
<br /> date,�ot leas th�n 10 dayi from the due the noNce is mailed to Borrower,by which such brach must be cund+and(4)that fdlure to ewe auch
<br /> �-�� brach on or before the drte specified in the aoHce msy cesult in accelenuion of the swtu Kcurod bY this Deed of 1Yutt and ale of the Property.
<br /> --'-'°° 'It�e nodce�h�li fLnher inform Borrower of the dght to rcinsate after acceleration�nd the dght to brtng 4 court action to attert tho non°xi�tence
<br /> �'"'°� of i defwit or my other defen:e of Bocrower to accelenHon and ale.If the brcach i�not cured on or befae the d�e�*P�ecified��
<br /> =_•'@���� Lenda,yt Lende�s option,msy decLtc�II of the�ums secured by thit Deed of Trutt to be immtdiately due md psy�b
<br /> :�:��� ufd msy tnvoke the powa of ale and u►y other ttmediea pemdtted by epplicable Iaw.Lender shilt be entitled to colloct aq re�onable cosu�nd
<br /> exprnus incurra!in punuing the remedies provided in this paregraph 17.including,but not limited to,rcason�ble�ttomeyi'fea.
<br /> If Lender invokes the puwa uf sal�+1-�nde�shell execute or puse Trusca to execute i writtrn nodx of the occiurence of an evrnt of
<br /> defw(t uid of Lende�s election ro cw�e the Property to be aold end shall cause such notice to be recorded in each county in which tt�e P[operty
<br /> or wme put ther�eotis tocated.Lender or Tnucee shall mail copies of such noNce in the manna prescribed bY applicable law.Tru�tee shtll give
<br /> ,____-� publfc notice of sala to the persont and in the menner prescribed by appliable law.After the lapu of such timc as mty be required by applicable
<br /> - - ��w�'('rustee,without dertwnd on Borrower,ahiq sell the Property at pubNc auction to the higheat bidder�t the dtnc and ne aale f d�or ane
<br /> ___� temudai�nued inthe noHceblic�announcenxne t�'me enid Place o eny P��O slyYscheduled sal�e.Lenda o�de�'s daignx rruy
<br /> - pa�cel of the PropeRy by p
<br /> --=�—;Y„�� piuch�se the Property et any aale.
<br /> — T�vatee�h�ll deliver to the purch�ser Trunede deed conveying the Proporty w wld wtthout airy covenu►t or w�ty,expres�ed or
<br /> implted.The reciul�in the Tnutee'a deod shall be prtma fecie evidence of the auW of the s»temrnte mde thaein.Tnutee�hill aPP1y che
<br /> �.�_��� procada of the sale in the fotlowing order.(a)to nll�areasoecbl��abnd�i�f�°�(��he excas tif�ny�w�the peraon or Ferwns
<br /> - �i�•-��• and attorneya'feta md cnscs of dtle ovidence;(b) Y
<br /> - ����k, legally enNtled thercto.
<br /> ! "ir::°�'��• 18. Borrowa•'s W=ht to Retnshta Notwithstending I,endei's ecceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of 1Yust due to
<br />- ��-r�:�, , Borrowers breach,Borrower shell have the dght to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce thi�Deed of Trust discontinued at any
<br /> time pdor to the earlier to occur of(i)thc fifth day bcfore sale of the Property pursuant ro the power of sale contained in this Deed of Trust or(ii)
<br /> ' � entry of a judgment enforcing this Decd of Trust if:(a)Borrowcr paya Lender all sums which would be then due under this Dad of Tcust ond
<br /> � ' the Note had no acceleradon occurred;(b)Borrower curcs all breaches of any other covenants or agramenb of Borrower containal in this Deed
<br /> � " of Trust;(c)Borrower pays ail rcasonable expenses incurnd by Lender and Trustee{n enforein��p venanta end agroements of Borrower
<br /> �. contained in this Deed of Tn�st,end In enforcing Lender's and Trusteds remedies es rovided in h i?hereof,including,but not Iimited
<br /> �, to,rcewnable attomeyd feea;and(d)Borrower tekea such action as L,ender may reasonably ttquire to assure that the Uen of this Deed of Trust,
<br /> Lender's intcrest in the PropeRy and Borrower's obligaHon to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shell continue unimpaircd.Upon such
<br /> f 1 payment and cun by Borrower,this Dccd of Trust nnd the obligationa secured hercby shall remain in flill force end effect as if no acceleraHon _
<br /> `f�j`�- ' i had occurred.
<br /> ... _t_• s �
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