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<br /> ,,,�t� � ,� UNIFQRM COVENANTS.Horrower end Lende�wvenant and agrce as follows:
<br />",;;�x;,:.x � 1. Paymept ot Prlactpnl ind Interest.Harrowcr shall promptly pay when duc the principal and intcrest indebtedness evidenced by
<br />_ � • thc Note and late chwga as providod in thc Notc. 6_...-
<br /> .,�(�,. �. 3� Funds for Ta:et�ad laiur�nca Sub�ect to npp8cable law or a written wuiver by Lender,Borrower ahull pay to l,ender on the �L�.`.
<br /> " • d�y mon4hiy puymmu of pdncip�l end interest arc payable under nc�Note,undl tha Notc ia paid in tlitl,a sum(hercin"Funda")equ�l to one- p�,_
<br /> ;.:.�;':. ,. ,• � —
<br /> twelfth of the yevly texes utd asse.3menu(including condominium ond planned unit development assessmente,if any),which msy attain -_
<br />;:-�` .� prioriry over thie Deed of Trust,ond groimd rcnte on ths Property.if any,plus onc•nvelfth of yearly premium installmenw for hezard ins�uance, --
<br /> _v`��,::, �. plw one-twelRh of yeiuly premium installments for mortgage insurance,if nny,oll es reasonabty estimated initinlly nnd from Nme to time by ��
<br /> "'•'`'c� Lender on tho basia of isseasment�nnd bilta end reasonable eatimatea thereof.9orrower shall not be obligated co make such paymenu of Funds
<br /> to t,ender ta the extent that Borrower mekes such payments to the holder of a p:�tor mortgage or deed of trust if such holder is un institutlonal
<br /> �
<br /> �J=�� lender.
<br /> � �� lf Borrower pays Funds to Lender,the Funda ahall be held in en instilutian the deposita or accounta of which ere insurcd or guarnnteed �
<br /> };� �
<br /> by a Feder�!or atatc agency(including Lcnder if Lender ia such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said texes,assessmenta, �
<br /> •�- �;�:_ . insurance premiutna and ground rents.Lender may not chuge for so holding utd applying the Funds,analyzfng suid account or vedtying en
<br /> ='�`�*' campiling atld auessmenta�nd billa,unlesa Lender psys Borrower interest on tho Funde and applicable law permits Lender to make iuch a �.
<br />;`'y'•±:,:
<br /> • charge.Batrower and Lender may sgra in wrlNng at the time of cxecutian of this Deed of'I�ust that tnterest on the Funds�hall bc paid to
<br /> � I.�, Bonower.and unless such ngreemrnt ie made or applicable law requirea�such interest to be p e id,Lender sh�ll not bo requlred ro psy Borrower
<br />,�,';�;�� �ny interat or aming�on the Funds.Lenda shall give to Borrower,without chuge,en annuAl�ccounHng of the Funds chowing crediu and �(*
<br />== debita ro the Funds nnd the pucpose for which each debit to the Fund9 was mada The Funds are pledged as addittonal acurity for the auma �;
<br />_:,;��;K`; sesured by this Dad of TrusG �C•
<br /> ' L'� � If the anount of the Funda held by Lender,together with the flttnre monthly installmenta of Funds payable prfor to thc due dtta of �""
<br /> ,¢.._._.
<br /> �e. taxea,�sseumenta,insurance prcmiums and ground rents,ehell oxceed the umount required to pay said taxea,assesamente,insurer►ce premiums
<br /> �'w�""`" and ground rente as they fall due,such excas shail be,ut Borrowc�s option,either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on
<br /> __�==:r� monthly instalimcnts of Funde.If the amount of thc Funds held by Lender shdl not be aufficient to pay texea,asse.ssmente,insurance pnmiums
<br /> __m�°�_� and ground rente as they fall due,Bortower shall pay to Lender any amount necessery to meke up the deficiency in one or more payments as
<br /> Lender may rcyutre.
<br /> �•°�a�.'� Upon payment in tUll of e11 sums secured by this Deed of Tnut,L.ender shall promptly nfUnd to Borrower any Funds held by Lender.
<br />-,�.��
<br /> If under prragnph 17 hereof the Property is sold or the Propecty is otherwisa uquircd by Lender,Lender shall apply,no later than immedistelY
<br />,.�M� prior to the aale of the Property or ita acquisitlon by Lender,any Funds held by Lender at the ttme af application as a crcdit�gainat the sumi
<br /> securcd by this Deed of Ttust.
<br />�_•.�Mp� 3. Appltcadon of P�yment�. Unlcss applicuble la�H provides othenvise,ap ptyrr�ents rccei�ed bY Lender under the Note and
<br /> -"-- pangnphs 1 and 2 hereof ehsill be applied by Lender first in ptyrmnt of amowts ptyuble to Lender by Borrower uader pangraph 2 hereof,then
<br /> -""= to interest piyable on the Note,and then to the principal of the Note.
<br /> 4. Prior Mort�t�a�nd Dad:of'A'rutt;CQar�a;Ltena Borrcwer ahall perfortn all of Borrowe�'4 obligationi unda any mcxtgage,
<br /> �_-- deed of uust ar other security tgreert�ent with a Hm which ha�prtority over thla Deed of Trust, including Borrowe��covm�nta to mdce
<br /> - _____ paymenta when due.Borrower ahill piy or esuse to be paid all taxa,osseaunente and othu ebu8es�fines and impodtions ittrlbuuble to the
<br /> _-__ Property which may tttafn a prionty over ti�i�Leed of Trusi,and taschoid Fi:y��Krds ir gra�us3 n�ts�,if any.
<br /> — S. Htzard Insantnce.Borrower�hall kap the improvemente now existtag on c�reafta erected on the Property insured�gainst loas
<br /> by fin,hazud�included within the tertn"extended coverage",and such other hazards as Lender may rcquin�nd in auch unounts and for�uch
<br /> _ pedais as Lender may requtre.
<br /> 'Itie insw�ence c;artier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender.provlded,thu such approva!
<br /> shall not be unraaonably withheld.All insuronce policia and renew�ls thereof shall be in a fortn�ccepttble to Lenda�nd sh�ll inolude a
<br /> atandud mortgtgz clw�e in favor of and in t focm acceptnble to I.enda.Lender�hsll have the dght to hold the policia u�d renew�l�tharo�
<br /> subject to the terms of any mortgage,deed of truat or other security s�reemene wlth s lim which hu priority over this Deed of'Ituat.
<br /> In the ovent of loa,Borrower shdl give prompt notice to the insur�nce�+urler and Lender•1.er►der may make proof of lost if not m�de
<br /> P��Y by Barowcr.
<br /> If the Property i�abandoned by Borrower,or if Borrower fafla to reapond to I,ender wtthin 30 dayi from the duo nodce it mailed by
<br /> Lender to Bonower that the insurance curier offere to settle a claim for Inaunuice beneSta,Lender is authorized to collect and apply the
<br /> insur�nce procceds at Lendere opHon either to restontion or repair of the Property or to tho swns cecund by thia Dttd of Trurt.
<br /> 6. Praerv�No�and Mainteoance of Yroperty;Leauhoids;Co�dominirns�Plae�ed U�it Devclopmeah.Barower�h�il keep �
<br /> the Propaty in good rcp�ir and shall not commtt waste or pennit impairment or d¢teriorotlon of the Pruperty snd�hall cumply with tho
<br /> provisiont of�ny laae if thiR Dad of Truat is on s le�sehold.If this Deed of'!'ruac ia on a unit in t condomintum or R plenaed unit developmc+lt,
<br /> Borrower shall perform�11 of Borrowers obligationa under the declarnion or coven�nu craHng or goveming the condominium or pitn�ed unit
<br /> developrnent,tho by-laws md regul�tlana of the condominium or placuied unit development,md conitituent documenta.
<br /> 7. Proteedoo ot Leader'i Seeur[ty.If Hocrower fefis to perform tM s covenmta ond tgreenxnts containal in thi�Deed of Trutt,or if
<br /> '� �� any�ctlon or procading i:commenced which materietly affects Lendera interest in the Property,then I.ender,at Lender'o option.upon noNce to
<br /> Borrower.may make wch tppeumca,di�bune such sums,including rcasontble attomeyi'feei,u�d hke:uch�oa as b neeessay to pcatect
<br /> L,ende��interat.If Lender requiral mo�tg�ge tn:ur�nce aa a wndiNon of m�king tho loan sxured by this Deed of Truct,Borrower�ll pay the
<br /> � premiunu requlrcd to rrutntain such insurnco in ePfect until such dme w the requirement for auch insnrance terminatea in�ccordance with
<br />.,_�:z�s��� Borrowcre ond Lende�'s wrimn�greement or applicable law.
<br /> — Any anounts diabur�ed by Lender pursuAnt to this peragreph 1,with interest thereon.at thc Note nte, sh�ll become�ddidonal
<br /> -=.'��.. indeMednas of Bortower aecured by thta Deed of Trust.Untess Borrower uid Lender agrce to othcr temu of�uyment,:uch amounb ahdl be
<br /> - ;;1�_�� psyable upon notico flrom I.ender to Botrower requesttng paymrnt thcrcof.Nothing contalnod in this paragroph 7 shaU roqutn Lender to incur
<br /> --�::�s��. uny expmse ortek�u�y acNon hereunder.
<br />_;�:,;'�� . 8. In�peedon.Lender may msice or cause to be made reasonable enfia upon and{nspecNans of the Property,pmvided that Lenda
<br /> � �;.�r:��+ shall give Borrower notice prior to eny such inspection specitying reasonable causc therefoc related to L,�nders interest in the Propeny.
<br /> ���'. ' 9. CondemnaUon.The proceeds of any awurd or claim for damages,direM or consequential,tn connection w{th any condemnation or
<br /> - - other teking of the Property,or part thercof,or for conveyance in Iicu of condemnation,are hereby assigned and shall bc paid to Lender,subjcet
<br /> . ' �.7 to the tertns of eny mortgage,deed of ttust or other securiry agrament with a Iten which has priodty over this Deed of Trust. —
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not �Walver. Sxtension of the dme for paymrnt or modificallon of _
<br />� ^�r � umort{zation of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust grnnted by Lender to eny successor in intercst of Borrower sh�ll not operate to nlease,in `
<br /> any manner,the liability of the original Bortower and Bortower's successore in
<br /> + s ! —
<br /> �
<br />