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<br /> Z7. COLLFCTIOM CO{Ti.To ih��xantp�m itt�d by I�w,(irantor�prM�to p�f�L�nd�r'I f�u0fl�bl�1N�Nd OO�t�,Inoludln�,but not Ilm to; '
<br /> M�n�ployn�i o���wh�u�i Inou"rnd ��n "�O�Ilmfbdon ps�Wqui,oNrk�Nd oaawkant�),wh�th�r or not�uch�ttom�y or�ni.l� •.
<br /> Dy Ian�ir In oou�at�np rny�hiount dw or�nfordnp�ny rl0ht or rem�dy und�r thl�DNd ot Trutt,.��
<br /> whNh�r a not wit I�broupM.Irbludlnp,but not Ilmibd to,�I fw��nd oo�b Inoumd on�pp�u,ln brnkruptay,�nd for po�t�Judpm�nt coll�etlon
<br /> on�.
<br /> . PARTW.HELFABE. I.�nda mwy nt�ca It�Intonit In a portion of th�Property by�x�cutlnp�nd ncordlnp on�or mon Partl�l [�d o}
<br /> yol��a wkhout�M�otlnq Iq In�rwt In thw ren+�inlnp portfon of th�Pr rty Nothl huNn thNl W dNm�d to ob►I��U L�nde to rN�aN
<br /> t�n�t In th�Prap�rty(�xapt u rpulnd unNr Pu�pnph 37j,n�df Und�r bi oblipxt�d to nl�aN�ny put of�h�Prop�ty If Cinntor
<br /> in d�fwk und�r thl�DNd of Tnut. Th�INn and wourity Inbn�t aaad by th�D�f of TruN r�m�ln In�H�ot with r�»ot tu th�t pordan of th�
<br /> ,�s d�fln�d In tM L1Md ol T�uM,that N na N►�wbj�ot of thie a�ny P�1 ONd o1 FMaonwy�na.
<br /> MOON'ICATION AND YVANER. Th�maWNoetbn or walwr of�ny of(3nntor's Obll��tbns or Und�r'a rlphte undor 1hU DNd of TruK muM b�
<br /> oonfafn�d In a wrfNr►�Nornd t:y Und�r. L�nd�r rtNy_p�Aorm�ny of Borcow�r9 or(ir�nfor'�OblI�adom,dN�y or f�il to�xKOIN�ny oi ib riphte a
<br /> n,�oorpt pzym�nb teom Qr�ntrn a�nyon�oth�r tN�n GN�ntor wfthout oau�inp a wafwr of tlwN Obllq[doni or dptiH. A walwr on om 000�Won�ha11
<br /> not conMltut��w�lvsr on�ny oth�r onoulon.dnntar'�ObliaaUans und�r thit ONd ot TrutF ahdl not W atf�ot�d if 41nd�r am�nds,oompromis��,
<br /> ��xohar►p��,t�ll�to�x�tdp Imp�n or rN�aa�any ot th�Obllpadons bNonpinp to my(3nntar,Borrow�r or Mird party or�n�of ite rlphb�p�inst
<br /> my Cir�ntor,Borrow�r or th�r dp�y or�ny ol th�P r opwty. L.mWr'�hllun to InWat upon drlot pKMrmanoe of any o f t h�Ob l lpa�om�htll not b�
<br /> dNm�d a walwr,md Und�r sh�M have th�ripht at my dm�tMnattsr to Iml.n upon mlot putormRna.
<br /> 30.aUO3T11'UT!TRUBTEl. In oaa�of th�dath,Inablliqr,rNuui to act or�bNnc�ot th�Tru�from ths�tata wh�n th�Prop�rty is la+at�d or In
<br /> oau th�hold�r of tfi�Obltpatlom sh�l d�sin tor my ntMn Eo nmow th�Trutt��or an/�ub�fitut�trust��a�tru�t��h�nund�r and toappoint a
<br /> new trustM In hls plaa and��d th�frold�r ot th�Obllpation�Is Mnby pr�nhd f�.il��w�r to appoint In wrlNnp�abnitut�uu�1or teld Tru�,
<br /> �p�ut�po�i��obJ�of U�iliw�ot TniK""d, 'w� Iv�OOa,°N.r�,�.�'.��a`o�b aoT►��h�irNo onh�irrid�on�i T����I WoorrN w�bd In him tor
<br /> 31. �UCCE880R6 AND ABSIGNB. Thli Dwd ot TruM�hall b�bindlnp upon u►d Inun to th�b�n�Nt of t�rantor�nd I.�nda uid d»Ir n�p�otiv�
<br /> wooNSOn��Wyn�,tru�,r�oNv�n,�dmlNKrator��p�non�l npnwrtlatwM�NOatw��nd dwl�.
<br /> �. NOTICEB. Exapt�u oth�rwlN nqulnd by I�w,�ny notia or otMr oommunlo�tlon to b�provfd�d und�r thi�t Os�d of Tru�t�hNl b�In wrlHnp
<br /> �nt to 1M paq���t tM�ddna�d��aib�d In thh DNd Wt TruK or suoh ottwr�ddna y th�puti�may dy{pnat�in wrltNp irom tlrn�to
<br /> h rrN. My such nodco w qiwn and smt by flrK clu�mtll,pottap�pnpNd,ohut b�dNm�d piv�n th�eull�r o1 thn�(3)day�atUr woh notic�I�
<br /> �wnt or whm nodwd by th�p�run to whom wch noda I�bNnp piwn.
<br /> �. SEVEHMILITY. Wh�n�wr posalbN,�aah provi�lon of thie OMd of Trun�hdi b�IMNpr�Ud ao a to b��fhoriw and vatid und�r appNo�bN
<br /> �I«,w.�M my provitlon of thU DNd of Tm�t vbl�bt th�law or 1t w�Moro��bN,th�nat of thl�DMd of Trust ahNl oontlnw to b�valid and
<br /> -�3A.APPLICADLE LAW. This DNd af Trust shtll b�powmad by the ltws ot the state where the�erty Is Iccated. Unlsss eqplfable law provides
<br /> otMrwlM,Cinntor oonnnM to th��u�l�dkcion md wnw of any court a�l�obd by L�M�r,In Its�ols d faNbn,Iooabd In that�
<br /> �� �e. NC THIRL�PARTY R10HTl1.No p�ran U or�h�Jl b�a thlyd�party!»nstlolary of any provlNon of ffi(�DMd of Trutt. NI provi�lon�of thi�DMd of
<br /> Tn�n ln tRVOr of I.�ncNr u�inbnd�d solely for th�b�n�Ht of Und�r,iuid no third p�rty�hall b��rMiq�d eo auum�a�xpwt that I.�nd�r wlli waiw or
<br /> oonMnt to th�modifla�tlon ot any provlWon oNhls DNd of Trust,fn Und�Ps wl�di�a�tion.
<br /> �. PRESERVATIOq OF LIAeKJ1Y AND PRIORITY. YYftl�out�fhodnp th�IlabNiry of Bor�ow�r,(inntor,or any puuaMOr of 1M ObIIp�Uom w any
<br /> otlNr p�non(�xwpe a p�non�xpr�sNy rN�twd in wdtlnp tor th�pRyrm�nt uid p�rlorm�na of tl�Obliyatbm,md wkhout Nf�otl th�r�qhtt of
<br /> Und�r with n�p�ot to my Prop�rly not�xpmsly ni� In wr(Uny,�nd wkhout Impairinp in aiy w�y th�priority of thls DMd of�nr�t owr th�
<br /> Inbro�t of anyp�non�oquind a fi�st wid�nad by noordinp subMqwnt to th�r�oordi�np of 1hi�DMd oi Ttust L.�nda may,NtMr bMan a�fb►
<br /> 1M maturity of th�Ubllpatlons,�red wNhout notia or eonWM: nl�a»�ny p�non It�bN for paym�r►t a p�r�orm�na of�II a�ny piwt ot tl»
<br /> Oblipatbns: m�k�any r�n�nt �Iarinti tM t�ms at paym�nt or p�Aorm�ot all a any part ot th�Oblbadom; �xKd»or n�nln trom
<br /> �x�rdsirp or walw�ny ht or nm�dy that I.,�nda m�y havr undK this Dwd o}Yru�t;aoapt additional aacuriri of�ny klnd for�n�yof tM
<br /> pbN�tIon�.a rN�s�a dW wfth�ny naf a p�nonal propxty Noudnq 1M OWipatlom. AnY W►wn ao4u�dnp a naor�tnp wId«�of
<br /> �ny int�t of�ny n�tun In th�Pro�rly sh�l b�dMmod,by�oqul�iny wd�irM�rNtor noordiny:ny wid�na tlwrwf,to h�w oonMnbd�o�II or
<br /> ury�uoh aoNons byr tsnd�r.
<br /> 97. DEFEABAMCE. Upon th�p�ym�m�ndp�p rmana In full of ul of th�Oblfpation�,Und�r will�x�cub�nd dNiwr to Cir�rttor thow doa�m�nb
<br /> ifi�may i»nquind to ni�u� t�d oi'irusi of noord. Cx�nior sh�ii E�nsponrot�io pay�ny oost�oi�oordauon.
<br /> 3�. CONiTAUCTION LOAN. � Thh D«d ot Trust ia w oontlruadon mcAp�p�und�r th�UnMorm Comnf�rdtl Cod�,tu Maua u►obllpation
<br /> Inaurnd tor 1M ornslruWbn of�n Improwm�nt on Isnd,indudln�th��oqui�itlon oo�b df I�nd. Tht�DNd of Truat Mouna a oonftruotfon lo�n,and
<br /> R wHl b�wb�o!to th�t�rm�of�oonnructfon ban�pn�m�nt b�twNn fir�ntor�nd Unde.My mat�r(d�,�qu(pm�nt or rupplN�u»d or Inqnd�d
<br /> for uw M tM oonNrucdon,dwNoprr»nt,or op�ratlon o}th�Prop�rty,wh�tMr�eond on a nif 1M Prop�rty,�hall dso b�wbJrat to ffi�Ii�n af 1hi�
<br /> D��d of Ttuet.
<br /> . fl W��R Of HOMF.STEAD A110 71iEA E�MPTIOtis. (inntor h�nby weiv���I homtiMad and oth�r�x�mpdon�In tM Propaty to whioh
<br /> �o. Miacewu+�ous. cx.�,�obry�,a�a.r�..u,n ern.i.m a�.a«no..�a�.�tor W.iw.pr.«nan.M,a.m.�,d ror p.yn,.�n�notiw of dlN�ona
<br /> O�i a��lhsUxO�blfpuaUo�ni�dl 6��1 ���ThI,D�iW��o�f�TruD�dr���f uW��In�bprabd�uncNrsw�dtnpl�rbNwiin�(iran��or ar W
<br /> l.�nd�r p�rt�Inirp to tln t�rms and oondMbn�h�nof.
<br /> 011 sA�ED llPON,TMIS DEED OF TRUST.
<br /> S Ci�anta�cicnowl�dp�s that(iranta ha�ned�und�nb�nd��and aprNS to th�t�rms and oondltion�af thi�Owd of Trun,and adcnowl�d�s nalpt of
<br /> r �n�x�ct oopy ot wn•.
<br /> �{
<br /> . p��i� 31st day of �tob�r. 1997 , .
<br /> �. ����: �rnon D P�nas �TOR Patrieia N P�a
<br /> i N= l c!/J� •
<br /> �rnon as Pa r c �aas
<br /> GMNTOR: GMNTOfl:
<br /> GFiANYOR: tiRIWTOR:
<br /> LPNE61 t D 0 Fam�tbn T�chno�opNs,inc.(>>/Y/i� (80q B3N7pD Pp��of 6
<br /> -'�._ . -- .. ..
<br /> �:r•.•�AN�+r'.i.y�:a�n-:.1��. . . --� ^"- . ----- -
<br /> .. . �Ki�l�y�r..�+w�+w.�y�.�- "�wa►W --- - ...����e..�-—— ---- --�---
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