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<br /> , . • � ;:x,
<br /> . .�.��_
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<br /> e.:: � - �� •� ,� ' • " .. / r..li�r:.u�i�.:74A'1�:�A.i�:, '___ '_.G.v.
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<br /> _�._�.�.. ......_._ _..._._._._ –_'____- ---,
<br /> . + F �fYllYahL[�.f"_--�r'-'•• ' _
<br /> � , rn"i`..rsr.-'..-.�.^+-rnrzrw•..-::__._
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<br /> -..':�ne•ti; �1 —
<br /> , . �,_•.*_•:t 1'b.•TAX�B AND ASSE88MENT9. (3antor thali pRy�il wus and afs�sam�ntt nluinQ to th�Proprrty when due and Immsdlataly provlds Undsr
<br /> .� , Ivid�nc�o}pRym�nt of s�m�. Upon th� nquest ot I.�nd�r,Onntor ahall d�podt with L�nd�r nch mortth oneaweirih(1/12)of the estim�ud snnual
<br /> �ywnnc�pnmium,tax�s md �u�s�m�nU p�rtdnlnp to th�Prop��rty=h6o v�n�of dd uit�Lsnd rashi0 have he ripht at Its solsPopton,tm�pply thu�
<br /> •. �4 uf t�x�s,asa��msnt�and Insuunc�1���qulred on th�Ftop�rty. _.
<br /> ,. f. lunds so hdd to pty any tiucesor aytlnst the Obllpetlonr. Any tund�sppl:�d may,at Under's aptWn,be appiled In reveree order of the due date , _
<br /> �� th�reof.
<br /> 10. INSPECTION OP PROP�RTY, BOOKB, RHCGRD9 AND REPORTB. Or�ntor ah�l sllaw Under or ita a9ents to sxamine and��s�provide�j
<br />' "•''� p�pp�rty and�xamin�,In�p�n!Nd m�k�copis�of Cir�nloP�book�Md ncordt p�rtalnlnp to th�Prop�rty from time to tims. �rantor ehd
<br />-_�,'-„:. . �ny�nl�t�na nqutr�,andLcom rl�t�In dl riuip ot� Ormtor �h��noUrthl�xln�na of Und�usnb�n�flc�Ial InUn�t In�ts books�t d�icords
<br /> -_..�•. 4. p�nuln�, tru�, aaour�t P
<br />-u�'�Y�,; p�rt�Ininp to th�Prop�rty. Acldkion�Ny. Ormtor�hali nport,In a form utisf�otory to Und�r,such IMorm�tlon n Under may nquat np�rdl�g „r�
<br /> Or�ntor'�flnancltl conditlon or th� Rop�dy. 7h� Intormatlon shul b�ta�uch p�rlod�,�hul nfi�ot Orantor'�ncords at tuah tim�, �nd ehul b�
<br /> nnd�rod with nuch frequency e�LenAer mey dee!gmt�. All Iniorm�tion lurnl�hsd by Ountar to Lender ehall bs trus,�cturate nnd compl�t�in all �_
<br />-==� nsp�ots,md tlpn�d by Or�nta If L�nd�r uqu��u. prNtor�hall d�liwr to l.�nd�r,or any Int�nd�d tr�nsf�rN of —
<br /> 17. E8TOPPEL CE�RTIfICATEI• YYNh�n tm (10) d�ys Rft�r any nqu�st by Und�r,
<br /> I.�nd�r's rlphta wlth nsp�ot to M�OblOattons,a eiprnd and acknowlMp�d st�brn�nt sp�cltyinp(a)th�outat�ndlnp bslance on th�Ob119�tionr,�nd
<br /> (b)wh�th�r C�rantor possnNS Ny ddm�,d�t�nws,wt�oNs o►count�rcl�lms wilh resp�ot to th�Ob1Iq�Uont and,I}�o,th�nature of fuch cl�ims,
<br /> r
<br /> � d�f�nwi,Nt�oft�or counf�rol�lms. (irantor will br aonclu�iwly bound by any r�pnssnution tl�at L�nd�r mey miks to th�Int�nd�d tranN�n�w t
<br /> • m •' nsp�a�to th�w matt�n in th�w�ntthat Or�nta faitsto provid�1h�nqunt�d�bment In a tim�fy m�nn�r.
<br />'?�a 1%��' 10. LVENTS OF DEFAULL An EveM ot ONauit thail occur under thle Dad of Truet and Ihe Tru�lee'e power ahnil become operative in the evsnt that
<br /> Cirantor,Borrower or any pu��antor otthe Ob11�eUamc _
<br /> 'i5-�:� � (a) tails to pay any Oblipatlon to l��d�r whm dur,
<br /> _��!L�„�,� (b) f�lls to p�rform�ny ObUpa4on or broach�s�ny wuanty or covenant ro Lrnder contalned in thls Qe�d of Truat or any other pn�ent or futuro
<br /> .",fir'�:� �yn�ment;
<br /> - ~;�+y' (dj e�ke io�rsvok�t�rmin�ts oroM rir visi Imk IU�Ifabiery und�ny puu rttyto L,md�r,�to sefzuro,conflscitlon,or condamnstlon;
<br /> i. �`=:•=�' (s) dles,becom�s I�pally Incompst�nt,ta diaaolv�d or tuminated,Wcomea IntolWnt, mnkea an assignment for the benefit of crsditoro,falls to
<br /> -�� pay d�bri as th�y b�oom�du�,N�s�p�tttbn und�r th�bd�al bankruptcy I�w�, hu an Invoiunwy p�Ution In bankruptoy fll�d in whlch Or�ntor, �
<br /> _-"'�'� Borrow�r or any puu�ntorh nsun�d,or has prop�rty Wcen und�r�u►y writ or proceuot couR: y
<br /> (fl aliowa poada to bo us�d,t�enspoRed ot 6tond on th�Prop�rty,th�po�s�ulon,utnsportaUon,or ua of whlch,is Ili�gfl;
<br />-- �,.�.'� (p allows any party otherfhan Orantor or eorcow�r to ae�um�or und�rt�ko any Obpp�tlon wNhout th�wdtten consent ot Lendor;or _• ,
<br /> ---=— (h� cauws Lrnd�r to d�Kn Ita�N ins�cun du�to a slpniflcmt d�din�In th�vatw of th�Propsrty;or If L.snd�r,in pood laith,tor my nason, �
<br /> __� � belisvssthatth�pro�otof paym�ntor p�dorm�ncs i�lmp�ind.
<br /> :'_:'L:e►�.
<br /> N 1fi.RIaHTS OF LEHDER ON EYENT OF OEFAULT. Upon th�occua�ncs of�n Evsnt of Dehult undsr this Desd ot Truat,Lendsr shatl b�sntitled to �
<br />,;,�,,;, �x�rcls�on�or mon oi th�folbwinp rsm�di�f without notia or d�mand(�xapt n roquk�d by law): �
<br /> ;4�,� (�) to d�clu�th�Obiipstbns Imm�dl�t�ly due md psy+�bl�In fuil,wch�caAraUon sh�il b��utomatto and Imm�dlat�if th�Ewnt ot D�huit b
<br /> `"— a filinp und�rth�Bankruplcy Cads; nnn��`'''
<br /> ,�_;� @) w coll�ot th�ouatandinp Oblipatbns with or without n�orting to Judldal proau; �+
<br /> °� (o) to��qutr�Cir�nta to Nliver md mak��valNbl�to l.��d�r any prnonal propsny or Chattds constftuUnp ths Prop�rty nt a ptaa rsAeonably i
<br />���� canwMmtto(inntorandlmd�r;
<br /> (d) w snhr upon�nd tak�pou�salon of th�RopsRy without applvinp ta or obUinlnp th�appointment of a rsceiver and,at Lender'e optlon,ta
<br /> appoint a nalwr witAoulbond,without flat brinpinp sult on th��blip�tlonaand wlthout oth�rwls�mNtinp�ny ttatutory condiUo��rp�rdinp
<br /> — rsaiv�ro,it Wlnq inbnd�dthatl.�nder sh�l haw this contnotual�ipht WRppolnt ancelver;
<br /> ----— (�) to�mplc�a mmapinp apint of th�Prop�rty and I�t th�sarrN� Nthsr In Trud��'s own nam�, in th�nam�ot I.�nda or in th�nam� of
<br /> __— (inntar,�nd natw th�r1na,Inoam�s,isswa and proi�i.vi�P�:FrcF%�Y���RlY��,Qnsr�"'%'m"�t nt all�.wasary chuae�and
<br /> --�� xpmass,on aocount of 1M ObNpaUons;
<br /> - �fl to psy�ny wm�In anytortn or m�nrnr dNm�d�xp�dbnt by Undu to prot�ctthe security of this Dwd of Trust or to cun any dsfauk other
<br /> --="''= than paym�nt of Int�nst or prindpal on tM Cbllpations;
<br /> -=__,�__,� (y) to toncio�this Dad of Truat Judiddly or nonJudlcially�:,W d'r�a the uN of ths prop�rty throuph sx�rcla�of the powK of s�l� a�
<br /> nt�nnc�d In panqr�ph 20,h�rdn,In aocordsna wiM�pp
<br /> ----•— � (h)to s�t�oft Onntor'�OWIpaUons aQAinat any amount�ow�d Onntor by Lender Inciudlnp,but not Iimited to,monles,inatrumente,and deposit
<br /> --��� accounts m�lntain�d with lsnd�r or my curtsn�y sxistlnp or tuwro�fHllu�of l�nd�r,and
<br /> ., �..w�------N=T=-------_�..----
<br /> (t)to�x�tolas W altuc rlphl�awliw�l�l�tp Lmdu und�r�r►y..vlh�i.xttlY�n�pr�uq�alt4r..�ppyl�.4 ! +1��..w--••,._ -
<br /> -- Lend�Pt rtphri an cumuutiv��nd m�yNb�f arc fs�d t msnt rimi�y in ui �ctlo��painst Gnntor�Grant rhwaiws�po�sdnp of anY�bo�which
<br /> -- the ncov�ry of any of tM Prop�rty by y P 1 � �t� �i�, prop�d�of any TruttN'a�W h�nunWr
<br /> � mlyht oth�rwiw b�nqulnd. UndK or L�nd�r's d� pn��may purch�ss th� Propsrty Y
<br /> --=-_ , shtll b�appliW flrt,to tlN cats�nd �xp�n�c of�x�rdslnp th�povnr of sab u►d ot th�wi�,Indudi�p th�pRymMt of th�TrustN'a tMt
<br /> aotualty tnourr�d�nd netM�x a s d th��mount which msy b�providsd for In thii OHd of Tru�t,e�cond,to paym�nt of th�Obltpatlons Mcund
<br /> h�nby,thlr�i,to th�paym�nt of junior tru�t dNda,morip�!Q�s,or otMr N�nhotGn, and th�balme�,if any,to th�p�non or petons Ipv l y
<br /> �ndtl�cl th�nto. Tht Prop�rtY a�ny part th�rwt m�y t»'°'�'In on�Wral,or In wch parcNs,m�nmr or ord�r�t Lind�r In Its�ol�dUcntlon
<br /> may�Iwt,end one or rna�exKCiNS of th�pow�r h�rNn pnnUd�hvl not�xtinpulM or�xhwst the pow�r unl�u th��nUn Propety fs wid a
<br /> th�obllpaUons an patd N futl,
<br /> �p,�RUSTEE'S IXERCISE OF POWER OF SALE ON DEFAULT. Upon ddwR by Borrovwr In p�ymmt of any OblipaUone a�cund h�nby,Und�r
<br /> -- — may d�dan all wms,t�cund hanby,Imm�dlatNy du�and p�y�bl��nd�h���c�ua�to b�fll�d ot ncord a w�itbn notic�of dMault md�lectlon to
<br /> sdi th�Prop�rty. Atbr 1h�I�ps�of such tirrh as th�n may W rp uind by law lollowlr►p noord�tion of wch notla of dNauk,�nd notia ot saN
<br /> — havinp b�sn piwn as thm nquired by Itw.Tru�,wifhout d�mand on Gr�rAor,thall wll suoh Prop�rty,�ith�r u a whol�or in wpuat�paral�,and
<br /> � in weh ord�r�s it or Unde may dstermirn,a2 publio auctton M th�hlpMat bidd�r,TruHse m�y postpons ths fal�of all or any portion of th�
<br />��-��° � prop�rty by publio announdm��t u the tlme u�d pt�a of�al�,and nom tkn�to tirn�thenaft�r may postpon�th�sal�by pudlo announam�nt�t
<br /> — th�dmo�nd piaa fix�d by 1M pnadinp ponpomm�n� TrustN shall d�W�r to such pu�ch�r Iri dMd corn�ylnp tM prop�rty,or paHon th�raof,
<br /> eo sold,but without�ny cov+nar+t or wunnty,sxpnss or Imp1Ud. Th�nctu�is In auch deW of�ny mtttero ot faot or oth�rwiN,eh�fi b�co�iolusiw
<br /> _____,� proof of ths truthtuln�ssth�rwt. My p�rson,Ineludinp(ir�ntor,Truatw o�Und�r,mry purchass at such e8�.
<br /> __�� 21. REqUEST FOR NOTICES. Or�ntor rsqueats that a copy of nny notia of dHauit md a copy of�ny noHa of sal�h�nund�r b�muiW to sach
<br /> _ - p�non who Is a party h�r�to,tt th�addnas of such p�rtion set torth hKNn�t tM aam�time and In th�wm�mann�r nqulnd es thouph a c�parnb
<br /> _�-�-�.:�,;�„ nqueatth�reof had bsm fiib by nch euch pason.
<br /> -�=;�,� ?Z. 8LCURI7Y IMTEREST UNOER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. This O�ed of Tru�t sh�ll W comid�nd a ftnandnp�rium�nt and•
<br /> �" flxtun eltnp purauant to the provhbns of th�UnNorm Commerclel Codo ks+�P���the at�b wh�n ths Property is loaaud)cowrinp fixturea,
<br /> ,.-`:^ �_
<br />-•:� ;,'!1 chattel�,and artfcl�s of p�reonal propsdy now owmd or h�naftu attached to orto b�used In conn�ctlon with M�Ptopertlr to0�th�r wl►►►any end�II
<br /> ' •� •- • roplawm�nts th�r�of and sddltione th�nto (ths'Chatt�le'),4 d tiranta hereby pran»L�nd�r a e�curity Inbre�t In such Chamis. Th�d�btor Is th�
<br /> _ :f'"�•;+ (irantor d�eerib�d nbov�. The s�curod Party Is th�Under dacdbsd�bov�. Upon demand, Or�ntor sh�ll make,sx�cut�and d6itv�r wch�scurity
<br />- epre�msnts(as such brm UdstlnM In nid Unlform Comm�rd�Codq a�Lendu at NY tim�maY dwnn n�awcY�P�oP�ta1W������ . _
<br /> � ' Lender a p�rf�ot�d a�cudtYlnt��e�In th�Ch�ttsle,and upon Onu�tor's tallure to do sa,Lend�r le authorized to slgn any such epn�m�nt as th�ayent
<br /> ot Grantor. (3rantor hereby wthoiitea Lend�r to tll�fin�nclnp eritements(ea such term is defined in eald Uniform Commsrcial Code)with napeot to
<br /> th�Chatt�la,at any t(me,w�tlrout ths sipnature of Onntor. Grantar will,however,at any�time upon rsqueat of Lsnder,eipn euch flnancinp stat�manb.
<br /> prantor wlll pay all fiilnp fsu 1or the fillnp of euch flnancing sntemsnb and for the r�Nnp thereof at ths tlm�s nquind in the opinton of I.�ndsr,by
<br /> atid Uniform Commsrclal Cads. M th�Il�n of thit Ds�d of T�uat Is subJset lo any seadty egreemsnt covsrine the Chatt�le,then In th�evant of any
<br /> _ ' ;, defauit under thia Dsed of Tmat,W She ripht,title end interest of Grantor In and to any and all o}the Chnttels la hereby aseipned to Lendsr,topethsr
<br /> � with the bensflt of any dspoelts a payments now or hsro�fter m�ds thereof by Grentor or the predecsssors or successoro in tttls of Orantor in the
<br /> �,. ,� Propsrty.
<br /> ,.� ;' 23. REIMBURSEMEHT OPAMOUNT9 EXPENDED BY LENDER. Lendsr,�t Lender'a optlon,may expend funda pncludinp attomsys'feea and I�p
<br /> sxpsnws)to Morm any ut requlred to be taksn by Gr�ntor or to vx�rcl�any right or romedy of Lend�r under thia Dsed of Truet. Upan d�mand,
<br /> - -x� n...,•,�..6.n Pm�.,.di,t.Iv rNmduroa Under tor ali such amounb sxp�nd�d by Lend�r top�thsr w�th Int�roa�t th�ereon�=t�h�^ow�:�th��fa��i�.
<br /> � - - =i descrlbed tn nny Obllpation or the hlphest rate Wlowed Dy iaw from me di■i:�? p:r�.:��.::��.��.o�o..-. .^�..=-•--..._.... -
<br /> � Included In ths dsftnitlon of Oblly�tione henln and shall bs sscursd by th� Wnstidll intaest prant�d h�rstn. M th�ObIlpsUona are pnfd aft�r ths
<br /> ' WpInnlnp of publlcatbn of nottce of snie,as hereln provlded,or In tM event lenda shall,at Ite sole opUon,psrmlt Grantor to pay eny part of ths
<br /> Obllpetlons after ths begindnO of publlcatlrn of notice ot nals,as hentn provlded,then,firanta ahall pay on dsmand nll expensea Incurred by the
<br /> Trust�s and L�ndsr In conrwotlon wlth sald publlcatlon,Includlnp rsafonaEN attom�ye'feea to the ettomeys for the Trustse and tor th�Lender,and a
<br /> reason�bls tes to ths TrustN,nnd thla Daed of 7rust shall be o�curfty for aN such sxpmsse and t�ss.
<br /> attornsya�fei a�d I�palPex�inee�in��nn��ctio wltl�thebex�rcis�of I s�trlpht�s ortremeadles dsPacrib�d fn th e tD�sd of Tr spandbhen ro the paym�nt
<br /> of the rsmalning Obllpetiona In whatever ordei Lendsr chooaea.
<br /> Zb. pOM1Eq OF ATTOFiNEII. Grantor h�reby tppolnri l.snd�r as Ita tttorn�y-indtct to endors�Grantor's nam� on aIl InstrurrHnta and other
<br /> ;� dooumsnte pertalnlnp to tM ObNpstlone or Desd of Truat. In nddftlon,Lendsr ahall be e�tRled,but not requlred.to p�rtorm any aotion or executs nny
<br /> doeumsnt nqulnd to be uksn or execut�d by Or�nta und�r thla De�d of T�ua4 Lender'n performence of such sctlon or executfon of auch
<br /> documents shall not rellsv�Qrantor irom any Obllgatlon or cure any d�fault under thls Deed of Trust.All powera of attomey descrfbed In thle Osed of
<br /> Trust nrs couplsd wIM an IM�r�q�nd ue Irrevocsbls.
<br /> � ae�n ue tl w�i,�n i�oaeiavu�icNsdEby Undi�ngar�dliu of whithi�r thsi�11 nshti�ourltylnt�iri�sta w othir�encumbrancsa havi b��n olasad ofmieo d�
<br /> � iPNFSnC t Fom'�AUOnTecnnobp:ea.inc111:9•86118001BJ7.37B9 Ppge�olS
<br /> , .,,.. ....-._.��.-_.
<br /> . i .. _ .. __...__"_......_..���.—___.... _
<br />