. . , -��. ..,.-�..� � .._.
<br /> :.�, . .,. . . ... _
<br /> ,�.. ._ �! ... . . _ . ;:we,::.`:��;��° ����.b;,;`�''�.,�_,.�__ �. ����_... _�~ T — --
<br /> 7• •
<br /> condemnation or other tekinp of the Property or paR thereoi,or tor�� ariceUln 1ie(i 6i ndemneUon.
<br /> "Proceeds'�In connectlon wlth ar in end rosecute in Ite own name eny ection or proceedlnas,and shall elao =
<br /> Lender ehell be entitted st Ite optian to commence�eppe P
<br /> be entitled to make any compromise ar settlement In conne�tlon with such teking or damage.In the ovent eny portlon ot the Property�s
<br /> so teken or demaged, Lender ehall have the optlon In its sole end ebsolute dlscrotlon,to epply a71 such proceeds, eiter deducting
<br /> therefrom ell costs and expunees Incurced by It fn connectlon with such Proceeda,upon eny Indebtedneas secured hereby and In such
<br /> order as Lender may datermine,or W appiy ell euoh Frocaed�,efter such deductlone,to the reatoretlon of the Pmparty upon such con-
<br /> dlllona ea Lender may determine.Any eapllcaUon of Proceeda to Indebtedneas shall not extend or postpone tha due date ot eny pay
<br /> ments under 1he Nota,or curo any aeiauR it�a�au���a�ar harussd.^+G RIf�tlR�p��!+nd�shell be pald lo Trustor. __
<br /> 6. P�rformenc�by L�nd�r. Upon the occurrence oi en Event oi Default hereunder,or If any act le teken cX lepal proceed►ng
<br /> corpmencad wh�h meteriaUy affects Lenders Intcra,t In tho Propariy,Lender mey in Its own discratlon,but wilhout obligatlon to do so, L
<br /> end without not�e to or demand upon Truator end without roleaaing Trustor trom any obligation,do eny ect whlch Yruator has agree<J
<br /> but talled to do and mey alao do any other act It deeme necessery to protect the sxurity heraoi.Truetor ehall,Immedfetely upon
<br /> demend therotar by Lender,pay to Lender ell wats and exPanses UcuR°d end auma expended by Len�er In connecllon with the exer-
<br /> Gse by Lender oi the forepolny rlghta,together wUh interost thereon at the defauft rate provVded In the Note,whlch shall be added to
<br /> the Indebtedness secured hereby.Lender shail not incur any Ilebli(ty��p'an��^��89�iepp�ic�b�er�wa��tad nanoe snd repulattons
<br /> 9.Hwrdous M�bNal�. TnisWr shall keep the Property
<br /> relatfnfl to IndusMet hyglene or envlronmentet protection(co��ectively raterred to herein es"Environmdntel Lewa').Trustor shall keep
<br /> the Property free from all substancea deemed to be hazerdoue or toxiC under eny Environmentel Lewa(coilectively refeRed to hereln
<br /> ea'Hazardous Materiala').Tnistor hereby wartants end repreaenta to Lender that there are no Hazerdous Materiais on or under the
<br /> property,Trustor hereby agrees to indemnity and hold hertnless Lender,its dtrectors,offlcere,employees end agents,end any succes-
<br /> eore to Lendera intereat,from end egainst eny and all clalms,dameges,iosses and IlebilltiesTHE FORE(301N0 WARRANTIES AND
<br /> use,diiposel 9r transport ot any Hazerdoua Materiale on,under,trom or ebout the Property.
<br /> 10.Assipnm�nt of R�nts.Truator hereby esarovided that�Truator Bhall,u Uenthe occurrence ofte Evant i D�efa It�h reunderd,
<br /> after ariaing renta,Isauea and proflts oi the Property'P
<br /> have the right to coilect and reta in suc h re n t s,i s s u e s a n d p ro ft t s as the y become due and payable. Upon the occurrence ot a n�bt o�t
<br /> qeteuR,Lender mey,either in pereon or b�{��9e���entertupon and take posaession ot�e Proiperty ror en9 Part the�e°t�,In its oywn
<br /> - court end without regard to the adequacy
<br /> name a In the name of tha Trustee,and do any ects which it deems necessary or desireble to preserve the value,marketability or
<br /> rentabtllSy ot the Properly,or eny paR thereot or Interest thereln,or W tncr�aae the Income tharefrom or protect the secudtf►hereof end,
<br /> wlth or without teking poseessbn oi the PropeAY,aue for or otherwise collect the ren re^asu issues end profl e as cos�tsna9nd expapnst
<br /> due and unpaid,by notifying tenante w make payments to Lender.Lender may eppty
<br /> as of operaUon end colfectl°^��G�dt�9 ettomey's fees,to any Indebtedness sacured hereby,ell in auch order em Lender maY dete�
<br /> mine.The entering upon end teking posaess{on oi the PropeRy,the collectlon of such rents,issues and pro8ts,end the appl�atlon
<br /> ����±�wt�re3ald shell not cure or waive any defeuit or noUce of default hereunder or inv�ai'�dat n?f fM► ������^�
<br /> defeult or p�ttsuant to auch notice oi default a�x1, notwithstanding t�n uo��tlnuan�tst �.�5�
<br /> receipt and epplk�tton of rents,issuea or proftts,Trustee end Lender shall be enUded to exerdae every dght provfded tor in aoy�i�e
<br /> Loan Instrumants or by law upon ncaRence oi eny Event of Defau�,Induding wid�oat IlmitaHor►the right to exercise the powe
<br /> Funher,lend��ra rlghta and remedies under thia paregraph shall be cumuletive with,L �r Nstee e d U�e reoeive�eha I be Ilable to
<br /> remedles ur�de�any e3signment oi leasea end rents recaded e9atnst the Property
<br /> account only tor thosa tenta aCtualry reCafved.
<br /> 11.Ewnb oi D�t�uit The followtng shall consUtute an Event oi Detault under this Oeed of Trust
<br /> (a)Fallure to pay any tnsteilment of pdnGpel or Interest or eny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach oi or default under eny proviabn wntatned in the Note,this Deed of 7ruat,any of tha Loan InsKumenb.or eny
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the I'mPertY�
<br /> (c)A writ of execution or ettachment or eny simiiar prooeas ehall be entared e�alnst T�usmr which shall beoome e Iien on
<br /> �he proparty or any porUon thereot or interest thereln;
<br /> �d�Tt�ere shaU be filod by or egeinst Tn�ator or Borrower en action under any present or future tederal,state or other atatuM,
<br /> law u ropulation rote�ng to bank�uptcy,insolvsncy or othsr roibf for dsbtors:or 1h�ro aha��be aPPanbd�ny tluatss,rocefvsr or
<br /> Iiqu(dator oi TasWr or Borrower or oi all or any part of the Propaty.or the rents�isaues or protits tlieroof.or Truator o�Borrower .
<br /> shall make any general asatpnment tor the benefit of creditas;
<br /> (e)The saie,transfe�,lease,essignment,conveyance or turther encumbrance oi ail a eny part ot or any Utereat tn the
<br /> property,efthar voluntaMty or fnvoiunta�i d�oe�a utwmc�oenta�en o�pUon to�purchase and U�e�rm T�M�ich cbes not excaed a�eit.
<br /> ted to execute e lesae oi the I'ropaAf►
<br /> year,
<br /> (n Abandonment of the Properhr,or
<br /> (q)14 Trustor Is not an Ind(v4dual,the Issuance,aeb,trenster, asaignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(H e
<br /> corporaUon)a total ot peroent of ita Issued and outatending stock,or(Ii a partnership)a tofsl oi Par-
<br /> cent oi partnership intereats,or iN e Amited Ilebiliry companq)a total of percent ot the Ilmited Ilabitity compa-
<br /> �y I�terests or votlng rights dudng the period th�s�eed of Trust remafns a Ilen on the propeM•
<br /> �- �2.R�rt�dl�s��eu{eratlon Upon D�hutt.In the event ot eny Event of Default Lende�may.wUhout notice except as required
<br /> by law,declare all tndebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the aame shall thereupon becane due and payable with-
<br /> - out any presentment,demand,protest or notice ot any kind.ThereaRer Lender may:
<br /> (a)Demend that Truatee exercise the POWER OF SALE grented herein,and Trustee ahall theroaRer ceuae Trustor'a inter-
<br /> = est In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be dlstributed,all in the manner provlded In the Nebreske Truat Oeeda Act;
<br /> _ (b) Exercise any and all righte provided for in any ot the Loan Instruments or by law upon oxurrence of eny Event of
<br /> Default;and
<br /> ���Commence en actbn to foreclose this Deed ot Truat aa e mortgege.eppolnt a receiver,or speoi8ce�h►e�tarce any M the
<br />,� covenanta hereof.
<br /> No remedy herefn conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lendar la intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in e oan
<br />.� Instruments or by Iaw provided or permitted,but each shall be cumuleGve,shell be In addiNon to every other remedy given hereunder.
<br />°� In the Loan Instruments or now or hereaRer extsNnp at Iaw or in equity or by stetute,and may be exercised concumently,fndependenUy
<br /> = or succesively. . �
<br /> _ .� T....•.. r�.Tn,stee mav resian at any time without cause,and Lender may at any tMne ando th�ut caTn e KPP�nnv a�u�r- .
<br /> cessor or substitute Tnrstee.Tn�atee shall not be Ilabte to anY parry,inciuding wiuxiui��������..o.��.,.-�.-�--. ..'---. -- - . .
<br /> chaser ot the Property,for any loss or damage unless due to reckless or wlllful misconduct,and ahall not be requlred to take any actt�on
<br /> - In connection with the enforcement of lhis Deed of Trust unless Indemnifled,in wdUng,for ail costs,compensatbn or expenses which
<br /> _ may ba associated ther gwlth1e�e g�1e of ail oeenyapurt�io of the P perty,as provided byllew;orpse I�t�hefProPerlY es whopl�e.YOr In
<br /> sale granted herein);po tpc
<br /> separete parcels or lota et Trustee's d►scretlon.
<br /> 14.Fses�nd Exptns�s.In the event Trustee sells the Proper►y by exercise of power ot sale,Tnastee ahail be endUed to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds flrst to payment of all costs and expenses of exerca i nc�gapowar�In th�e�evont�nBomo err or Tnrsto exercise�aeny dpht
<br /> Tn,steo's attomey's fees, actueily incurred to extent perm►tted by app
<br /> ' provlded by lew to curs en Event of Defauit,Lender shali be entiGcd to recover from Trustor all costs and expenses actually Incumed es
<br /> � a resuit oi TrustoPs defeuit,tncluding withaut IlmltaUon all Trustae's and ettomey'a fees,to the exle�t permilted by appllcable Iaw.
<br /> . i 1b. Future Advanc�s.Upon request of Bomower,Lender may.at ite optbn,make additlonal and future advances and read-
<br /> �: vancea to Borrowar.Suci�edvencea arsd re�dvanc�s.�lth lntere4t thereon,shail be secured by this Deed of Trust.At�o time shell the
<br /> ,_ .. .. _.., .�'__.'"T-F`.:d.+�� dY.'Cw�+nM.11.�nw3�11i=.
<br /> _ . '. . . _ . . . . . �_..
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