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<br /> THIS DEED OF TRU8T,ia made as oi the 6th day of N n ve m h er ,19�_,by and amonp�
<br /> theTruator, James A, Qlson an� Oorla Dee Olson. husband nnd wife �o�
<br /> �
<br /> whose mailinp addreaa la 1904 N. S hertdan Ave., Grand Ysldnd, N E 6�pp,�n•TruaWr',wnecneroneor more),
<br /> sr�eTn�s� Five Points Ran�. il Nr±hr,�IC�,Gp�a�n
<br /> whose maliinp addresa ts P_0_ ,_g,ox 15 Gra nd Is1a n d. N E 68802-1507 (herein'Tnintee"),and
<br /> theeeneflctary, Five Points Bank
<br /> whose mailing address is 2015 N. Broadwell Ave.. G rand Island . N E 68803 (herein•lender").
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIOER�►TION,indudinp Lenders extenalon of credit identifbd herefn to damBS A. O1S011
<br /> �nd Dor1a Dee Olson
<br /> (herein'Borrower;whether ona a more)end the trust heraln created,the recsipt
<br /> oi which ia hereby acknowledged,Truator heroby irrevxably prents, trensfers. conveya end esslgns to Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH
<br /> PAWER OF SALE,for the beneflt and secutity oi Lender,under and subject to the terma end cct�ditions hereinaRer aet forth,the roa!
<br />, =srop�d.°�..cxlt�° �talSo::�:
<br /> Lots Thirteen (13� and Ftfteen (15). Block Twenty-one (21), University Place
<br /> Additton to the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County� Nebraska.
<br /> Together with eii buildings,(mprovemenb,flxturoa,eVeete,aileys,pasaepeweya,easemenb,righta,privibgea end appurtenances
<br /> located theroon or in anywise pertalning thareto,and tl�e renb, issuas and proflts, reverslons and remainde�thereoi,a�d such per-
<br /> sonal property that ia attached to the Improvements so aa to conatltute a flxture,tncfudhg,but not Iimited to,heaUng end 000lin�equip-
<br /> ment;and topether with tlie homestead or marttel interesta,if any,which interests are hereby released end wafvad;all of whk;h,indud-
<br /> ing roplacement�and addltions thereW,is hereby dactared to be a part of the real eatate secured by the Ilen of this Deed oi Trust and
<br /> all of the fornpoinp bs(ng roferted W heroin ea the'Property".
<br /> Th�De�d d Trust ahall aecuro(e)the payment of the pdnctpel sum end Interest evidenced by epromiawry note or cnedit agroe-
<br /> mentdated November 6, 1997 ,havingameturitydateof June 5. 2005
<br /> tn the oripin�l prindpai artaunt of s 3.640.48 .and eny a�d all modlNcatlona,extenslons and renewals �
<br /> • theroof or thereto and any and ail futuro advances and readvenoes to Barower(or any of them if moro than one)here�xrcler purownt
<br /> to one or more promtaaory notes or credft epreements(herein catled `Note');(b)the payment of other suma advanced by Lendor to
<br /> protect the aecurityr of the Note;(a)the performence of all covenante end epreemenb of TNSta set fo�th herotn;end(d)all proaent and
<br /> tuture indebtedneas and obNgattona ot Borrower(or any ot them If more the�one)to lender whether dtrect,indiroct,abaoiute or oontin-
<br /> gent end whether arlsing by note,gua�anty,overdre(t or othenvise.The Note,this Deed oi Trust and eny and el!other documenb that
<br /> Recure the Note or oth�rwise exeCUted In connectbn therewith,including without Ymitetton guaranteoa,secudty egreementa and
<br /> , asaignmenb oi leaaes and roots,ahall be retemed to herein as the'toan Instrumente'.
<br /> � Truator covenanta and agreea w(th Lender es fdlowa:
<br /> 1. Paym�nt of Inrkbt�dn�s�.All indebtedness secured hereby shell be paid when due.
<br /> Z. TttN.Trustor Is the owner ot the Property►,hes tha right and authority to corney tAe Property,end warranta that the Iien croat
<br /> ' ed hereby is e flrat and prior Ilen on the Property,except for Ifena and encumbrences set forlh by Trustor In writlng and delivered to
<br /> _ Lender batore exdcutbn of this Deed of Trust,and the execuUon and delivery ot thls Deed of Trust does not violate eny contract or
<br /> other obligatbn to wh(ch Trustor is subJect.
<br /> 3.Tax�a,Ass�ssm�nts.To pay before dellnquency all taxes,speclal assossmenta and all other charges agalnst the Property
<br /> now or hereafter levied.
<br /> ; 4.Insuranc�.To keep the Property Insured egainat damage by flre,hazarcJs included wilhin the tenn'eMended coverage",a►xf
<br /> auch other hazaMs es Lender may requ(re,In emounte and with companiea ecoepleble to Lender, naming I_ender es an edditlonal
<br /> ' named tnsured,with loss payable to the Lender. In case of loss under such policles, the Lender Is authorized to edjust,ca�iect and
<br /> ' compromfse,all clalms thereunder and shall hava the option of applying all or part ot tfie Insurance proceeds(i)to any indebtedness
<br /> secured hereby and in such order as Lender may detertnine,(II)to the Trustor to be used for the repair or restoraUon oi the Propertyr or
<br /> (ill)for any other purpose or obJect ssitlstactory to Lender without affecting the Ilen M this Deed of 7rust for the full amount eecured
<br /> hereby before euch payment ever took place.My applicati�na ot proceeds to indebtedness shell not extend or postpone the due date
<br /> of any payments under the Note,or cure any defeult thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> � �i!/�►AW ��Mt�W1�}�AI�f�AlNer/i ti�I��N�M TI�����M 0�1��� MV�A�ew�n� �w��N�,wewws�m wvi��we���a�lwwwf� r�Awl�w�
<br /> _'� . ��.�.. _.....�..,.�...�. ..� . �...... �� ... ..�.....�... ..v ....�......y..o...�v�...
<br /> suma to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more ot the folbwing:(i)all taxes,assessments and other charges agatn�t
<br /> the Property, (ii)tha premtums on the property insurence requlred hereunder,and(ill)tho proml�ms on any mortgaga insurance
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> 8. Malnt�nanc�, R�palrs and Complianc�with Law�. Trustor shall keep lhe Property in good condttion and repair,shall
<br /> promptly repalr,or replace any improvement which may be demaged or destroyed;ehall not commlt or permit eny waste or dater(ora-
<br /> tion oi the Properly;shaif not removo,demolish or substantlaily alter any of the improvements on the Property;shall not corr�mit,suifer
<br /> or pertnit any act to be done In or upon the Properly in vlolatbn ot any law,ordtnance. or regulatlon;and shall pay and prompUy d�s-
<br /> charge at Trustor's cost end expense ali Itens,encumbrencos a�d che�qes levied.Nnposed or ecoessed against the Property or eny
<br /> part therdof.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Dom�ln.Lender Is hereby asslgned ell compensatton,awards, damages and other payments or rellef(hereinefter
<br /> HEC N3/l��De�al lYr BNE
<br /> o�9ee ww+r era a can.am.rrwi w B+v^7+��+ocreon.t.coY�.Nw�w
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