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<br />__�v.�;��:_- or a�� iptenst lnit _ __
<br /> 17.Tramfa oi the Propat7 or a Be�xllcial Intereat in�flrcawer. lf ull or xny part of the Praperry y
<br /> � ' ' is sold or transfened(or lf a bcneficlal intcrest in Horrower is sold ar uausfeaed aad Bamawer is nat a natural pecson)wttl�out
<br />-� L.eadcr's rlor writtea conssut, LeuQcr may, at itti updun� rcquIre Lunzedlate paycnent in full of ell sum.4 secured by thic
<br /> '"� Securl In4uwnent.Hawever,tW»opdon ehhall not be exercised by Lender if exerclse is prohibited by federal lxw a9 of the d t ��"_
<br />.•��� of tUis Sec�erity Insm�ment.
<br /> - — If I.ender eaercises thls opdon,L.euder sball give Barrower nodcx of accelerution.The nodce ahall provide p pariod of not �`;ti
<br /> � less thau 30 daye f�nm the date the nc�det �e delivered ar mailed witdln whlch Ronower must pay all swns seeuc�d bY tbis .`-�;-
<br /> n�
<br /> r Security Instrument. If Borcower fails to pay the.se dwns pdar to the eaplradon of thls periad,Lender way invake any nmedtes __
<br /> ..::.. •. pem�itted by this Sxurlty Iasaument without further aodce or de�uad oa Banower. c
<br />_.jn y,;�;:,,, ' ls. Borrower's Ri�ht to R di�s t x te. I f Horrowo r m e e t s c e c�t a i u c o n d i d o n s, B o n o w e r s hall have the rj g ht to have
<br /> ,;��_=�';; eaforcement of tWe Secwity Inst:ument discondnur_-d at any dme priar to the earller of: (a) 5 days (or such other pedod as _
<br /> ���;:�<`.. , applicRble law iaay spxlfy for ainsuttesaent) before sale of tbe Property pursuwt to any power of salr cantainal in this
<br />--�:.•.�'.. Security Iasuument;or(b)encry of a judgaaeat enforcing this Security lasauuient.'Rtos�condldoas are�hat Horrower(a)p�y s
<br /> �''���"`x L,eadar xll sums which then would be due w�der t8is Sxurlty IustnunEnc and t4e Note as if no sccelerAdoa had occumclt(b)
<br />°_',",,,� cures any def�ult of aay other covonants or Qgreementsc (�)PaYs All eapenses incurnd in enforcing thie Securlty Insmiment.
<br /> r� including.bnc not liaiited ta,reasonable Attomeys' fees;And(d)ukes such acdon as Lender m�y reasouAbly require to sssure
<br /> --""� ttu�t tbe lten of tbis Securtty Instnuaent,Lender•s rlghts in tbc Propeny sud Borrower's obligadon w�ay the sums sccnred bY
<br /> ���,=�..� this Security Instrument sLaU coatlnue uuchanged. Upon reInstutemeut by Borrower� this Secunty Instn�msat And the _
<br /> — obllgadoa9 sxured henby.6�11 nmatn fully effechv��if ao acceleradon had occurred. Howevrr.this right w n3�statt shaU
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleraaoa under paragrap
<br />�''�``� 19. Sa�e oi Note� CbanQe oF LoAn Servica'. 77ie Note or a pardul iaterest in the Note (tngether wIth this Securtty
<br />�� ° Ia�t�ua�ent)may be sold one ar more dmes wtthout prior no�ce to Borrower.A sale uuty resvlt ia a chnnge ia the enpty(kmwn
<br />_r�..� as the'Loan Seivicer")that collects mouthly payments due wider the Note and Wls Securlty Insuuinent.There also msy be one
<br /> °—' or more ct�anges of the I.oan Servictr uarelated to a sale of tlu Note. If then is a change of the Loaa Servlcer. Borrower wUl be
<br /> given wrltten nodce of tt►e change in accardance wlth pacaSraph 14 above and applicable law.The nadce will state the n�aae Aad
<br /> _��t.� address of the new Loan Seevtcer And the address to which payments ahould be made.The nodce wlll also contaia aay other
<br /> -_�ao� informidon requirod by appIIcable law.
<br /> - Zp. H�rdo�Substnnces,Borrower shaU nat cause or petmit the pnsence. use. dlsPosA1. ston►ge. or roles�se of Aay
<br /> Hazanious Substances oa or in the Property. Borrower s1�U ttot do, nor allow anyone else to do� aaytbin8 affadn8 che
<br /> _ -- pn,ge,ty that is in violadon of any Bnvlronmentnl G►w. The preceding two senteaees shall not spply to the pnse�e,use� oI
<br /> storage on the Property of s�aall quanttties of tlArardous Subscances du�s ue gcncmlty iew��d ta�;,appraprF»tc so sm�
<br /> ���1 u�s xnd to ma[ntenance of the Property.
<br /> -�— Borrower st�ll proraptly give Lender wrlttea nodce of any Invadgadon, claim,demand,lawsvit or other action by Any
<br /> governenennl or regulatory�BencY or prlvau party involving the Property and aay Harardous Subswnce or Hnvlmmnental LaR'
<br /> - of which Boaower has ectual lawwlalge. If Horrower learns� or�S notified by any �overnmenwl or ngulatory autharlty,that
<br /> any remov�l or other nmedlation of any Hazardoas Substance affecting the Prolxrty is necessary,Borrow�r�PI'O�P�ly�
<br /> --— ��yr t�etnedial acdoav in Accordu�ce wlth Bavlronmental Iatw.
<br /> �S v�d in tl�is pxr�gr�ph?A. 'HAZardous Substances' are those substances definal as toxic or hnzardous substu�ces by
<br /> Emrlmnment�l Lw and We following substances: gasoline, lcerose►x, other flsmnv�ble or toxic petrolewn pradacts. toxtc
<br /> �-------� �stiCides and herbicldes.voi�dle solvents.maucials containiag asbesws or fomiald�ehpde.and rAdioactive xus�urlals As used in
<br /> -- tbis p�ragr�ph 20, 'Bnv�romuent�l 1.aw" meaas fedeml laws xnd laws af the jurisdicdon where the Property is loa►ted that
<br /> relau to he�lth.safecY or environmen�at protection.
<br /> NON-UIJIFORM COVSNANTS.Borrower u�d Lcnder further covenAnt nnd agtee as follows:
<br /> 21. Accdaationi Reoxdia.Laida'shaU Qive notia to Borrower pdor to aooda�tton followin=Borrowar'�bnach
<br /> ot� oo�au�nt or a�re�ane�t tn tht� Socurity Instrumait @ut not Prior to accda�tion ander piun�aph 17 u�e� �
<br /> appUable Ixw pro�ides�ofLenviec)•'Ihe►wtEce shaU spalfJ': (a)t6e det'adt;(b)the adion reqWred to ane tix det�Wtt
<br /> (c)�d�te,not Iw t6an 30 dsye from the date the nottce is�ires to Borrowa, b�wiilch the defadt must be curedi�ad
<br /> (d) th�t[dlun to cure the�lef�ult on or bdore the date specifled in tl�e notice may r�sult in nccda�Non of the aw�r
<br /> -- — aecured by tl�fa Secw�ity Iratrument and sale of the Propaty.'ltie notice st�11 furtfxr[ntorm Borrowa o[t�ri�ht to
<br /> --- rdmtate at�er�ccdention snd the d�fit to b►�in�a court ndlon to assert the non-e�dstemx of a ddault or �ny otha'
<br /> --¢°° de!'eme oI Borrower to accdaation nnd sale.If the deFaWt Ls not cured on or before the date spedfled in tl�e notioe►
<br /> � Lender, at its optton,may ret�uulre immedIate paymart in full o[all sums secured by tlds Security Instrument wklbut
<br /> 4urtlxr demand and tnay invoke the power of sale and�ny other ranedies perRdtted by applicable law.I.anda'a1Wl be
<br /> ��--..— entitled to collect all expa�ses tncun�ed in puraoin8 the rmtedies provided[n Yhis ptra�'aPh 21�includln�,but not limited
<br /> ,�� to�re�sonable�ttorne�s' fas and wsts of tltle evidcnce.
<br /> __�y=� If the powa of sale is tn�oked, Tnuta st�all record s noNce of det'ault In a�ch count�in which any prrt o[the
<br /> -- ; propaty L+located and af�all aiaU copies of such notice in the rn�nna prescribea by applicable law to Borruwer�nd to
<br /> -_R;`�, �a�y.�o�p�ribed b npplicable law.Af�er the time requlred by xpplicable law,Trutitee at�ll�ive publte uotice
<br /> - `.-,�,; of sale to the pason4 and[n�e msm�er prescribal by�pplicable law.'ltirustee.without danand on Borrower,shell sdl
<br /> " �,: the property�t public Auction to tbe hi�hest bidder at the t[me snd place and under the ternu dest�nated ln the ndioe of
<br /> _ � `� � sale in une or more parcds and In any order Trustee detern�ines.Trustce ms�y postpone sale of all or any ps�rcd of the
<br /> ' PropaRy by public Announc�nent at the t[me and place of auy previously schedWed sale. Lendar or tte desiyna may
<br /> . purdwse the Pcoperty at any aole.
<br /> t Form S0�9/90 _
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