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<br />_ pAymet�ta may no longer be requind.at the apdoa af I.eader.If�uartgage insurancc cnverr.ne{in�t������fos s!r�a3 =-
<br /> ' ttwt L.ender regu�ns)provldal by wn Iwurer xppmval by Ler�der aga�a becomes avatlable And Is abtained. Borrower sdall pay
<br /> , the premiums requIred to maintnin mortgagc insumace In effect,or to provIde a loss reserve.until the requiremeut for iuortgagc �
<br /> insunuxe eade la accordauce with nnny wtitton agrermcat betwa;n Borrower nnd Leader ar stpplicxble law.
<br /> = 9.Impection.Leader or Its ageat m�►y m�ke reasanable nntrIes upott and lnspc�cNonq of the Praperty. Lender suall gtva
<br /> Hoirower mdce at the time of or pdor to An inspection�specitying reasonxble c�use far the iaspecdon.
<br />= !0. Condemn�tlon. fhe proceeds af sny�ward or claica for damages, dlrect or coaaquentt�l, in connxdon wlth aay
<br />- condemnadon or ather tAking of aay part of We Property,or for convcyAnce Iu lieu of condemnadon, are hereby aastgnal and
<br /> _ shAU be pxid ta L.ender. —
<br />- In the event of A totAl taldng of the Properry,tbe prnceeds shaU be applled to tho sums sxured by thiA Secudry Insuvment,
<br /> whether or rwt ttun due, with�ny excess paEd to 8onower. In the event of A pArdal taldc�g of the Property in which the fair
<br /> ' market value of the Propemy lmcnedlatcly b�fon the takTwg ia equs�ll w or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this
<br />- Securlty Iasbnunent ipunedlately before thc ta{dng,ualess Borrower and I,endzr othccwise ugae ia wridng,the swns secured by
<br /> this Suurtty Insmament shs�U be reduced by the amoant of tha praceeds muldplied by the foUowIng ftxcdon: (a) We wutl
<br /> amouut of the sums secured Immediately befon thc taldng, dIvidal by (b) tbe fair markot valne of the Property immediAtely
<br /> befora the tAldng. Auy l�lance sLAll be pxid to Borrower. In the event of a paxtiai taidng of the Property in which the fair
<br /> maxket v�luo of the Property iminediately befon the taldng Ls la�s th�w the amount of the sums secund immedixtely befon the
<br /> taldng�unlass Bomower Aad L,ender otherwlse agcee la wridng or wiless�pplicAble law otliecwise provides� the proi:ads shall
<br /> ba applied to the sums secured by this Scciulty Insm�ment whether ar not the sums are then due.
<br /> '. If the Property Is abandoned by Borrotvex,or if,aRer nodce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> . awud or settle a claini for damagcs� Borrower faiDs to respond to Lender wIthiu 30 duys after the date the nottce is givcn,
<br /> � Le�cr is authorized to coltect�nd apply the procxds,at ite opdon,either to restoradon or rep�Ir of the Property or to the sums
<br /> • secured by thie Security Iustrument,whether or mt then due.
<br /> IInless Leader aad Borrower otherwIse agree in wrlting, aaY aPPli��on of proceeda to principal shall not exteud or
<br /> postpone tLe due date of the monthly payments nferred ta In pArxgraphs 1 and 2 ar change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borrowee Not Rele�sed;Forbearance By Lender Not a Wdva.BxtencIon of the tlme for paymenc or modificadon
<br /> - ssf s�t�zi�zafloa of tha��;au-�by it�s�utity Ius�ient g�utctl t,y I.eixte�u„�.y aui�;cawr in wiensc of Borrower ahtil .
<br /> not operate ta rele�.se the lisbiliry Qf the orIginAl Borrow�er or Borrower's svcassors in int�nst. Lender sball not be required to
<br /> ' comme�e pmcadings agatnst Aay successor ia lntenst or nfuse to extend dme for pAyment or othervvise modify amorti�idon
<br /> of tLe sums securod by this Secudty Insuwuent by reason of xny dema�nd made by �he adg�l Borrower or Bamower's
<br /> suocessors la Interest. Any fo�nce by Lender in eaercL�ing any rIght or remedy shaQ mt be a waivu of or pnclude the
<br /> exercise of any rlght or raaaly.
<br /> 1Z. Succaaore aed Assi� Bound;Jolat and Se�eral Llabtlity; Co-si�nere. Tlie covenants And agreenunts of this
<br /> Securtty Iasuvmeat sL�ll biad�ad benefit the suc�.ssors and asslgns of Lend�r and Borrower. evbjxt to the pmvlsions of
<br /> '� parngr�ph 17. Bormwer's coveaants and ASreements sball be joint nnnd several. Aay Borrower who co-siga9 tlils SxurIty
<br /> Iasuviment but does not execute the Note: (ay is c�-signiag Wis Socurlty Iacmuaent only co mortgage. gra�at and comrey that
<br /> . Bormwer's IaurGCt Ia the Property under tbe teims of this Securlty Instcumenh (b)is aot personally obHgAted to pay tve sums
<br /> secund by this Security Instrument:and(e)agrees tl�at Lender rnd any otluer Borrower miy agree co eatend,modify,forbar or
<br /> . m�1�e�ny accommadations with regxrd to the terms of this Security Iastn�ment or the Note without tbat Boaower's coaceiu.
<br /> ' 13.Loaa Cluit�es. If the loan secured by this Sxuriry Iustiument is subject w A law wh(ch sets maximum loan c.l�uges�
<br /> aad t1�t law is Sually inteipreted so that the interesc or uther loaa charges collectod or to be collected in cflnnxdoa wIth tbe
<br /> lwn exceed the peimitted Wnits�thea: (a)any such IoAn charge shall be roducat by the amount nxessuy w reduce the cuuge
<br /> 0o the pemiittod limit:and(b)my sums alra�dy colDected fmm Bormwer which excecded pemutted limits will be refimded W
<br /> � Borrower. I.e�der may cboose to make this reti�d by reducing the princlpa! owed uader the Note or by m�ldng A dicect
<br /> . payment to Boirower. If a nfuud reduces pzincIpal, the ralucdon wlll be uexted as a partIal prepayment withont any
<br /> prepAyment cbarge undea the Nate.
<br /> 14.I�otica.Any uodce to Borrower provi�cd for in this Security Insm�ment shaU be gIven by dellvering it or by mxiling
<br /> It by fust class n�ail uNess applicable law nquiros use of another method.The nodce shall be dincted to the Propertq Addras
<br /> or any othet address Borrower designates by nodce to Lender. Any naNce to Lender shaU be given by first class mail co
<br /> Lender's address staud herein or any other address Lender desIgnuus by notice to Borrower.Any nodce provided for in this
<br /> . Sxurity Insuumcnt shall be damed to Lave been given to Bomnwer or Lender when given as provIded in this paragraph.
<br /> 15.Go�ernin� Ia�w; Se�a�bllity. This Securlry Insttument shall b@ governed by federal law and thc law of the
<br /> jurisdtedoa in which the Property is located.In the event that any provIsion or clAUSe of tbis Securlty Iostrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts wIth�tpplicable law, such conflict shall not affxt other provisttins of thLs Security Insaument or the Note which can be
<br /> glven effect whhout the cottflicdng provision.To this end the prov3sions of this S�uity Inshument and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable. -
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be givea one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Insuument.
<br /> Form 3028 9J90
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