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<br /> � �_�` .. .... . . . . . -. - - . . . . . ._ _ e!n«-..�:Af!'!TRSV!'�'�^r. ._--------- --
<br /> a' '
<br /> z�AMt i-S�'EU • -.--
<br />-�=�'���,g STSVSN A COLLYSTSR DIANNB J COLLIBTER ��i �/� ��v 4905794 il/04/1997 =
<br /> ,_:��s+��.'�• �•V
<br /> 4.Condemnnttnn.The proc:eeds of smy award or c for g . rect or wnsequend�l. in connecdon wtth�ny
<br />- �� �•.�,n,� caademnadon or other takIng of the Property. or put thereof, or for conveyance in lIeu of condemas�don. ue heceby
<br /> •±� assigu�d and s�ll be paid to Leuder.subject to the terms of any mortgAge.deed of avst or other securtry agreement with A ��,__
<br /> uo
<br /> Ilen wl►Ich has pdarlty uver tlds D;ed of Trust. ��
<br />_ . �� 10. Borrower Not ReleasedR Forbatr�u�e By 1.a►da' Not a Waiver. Exteasian of tke dmr for pAyment or �-
<br /> a�odlflcadon af amordrs�don of the suuB secun:d by tbis Deed of Tcust granted by Lender ta any successor in lnterest of ��
<br /> ' �� Borrower siWl uot operate ta rcleASe. in any nianner.the liabilIty of ths odginal Borrower and Borrower's successors in __
<br /> "��;':-, ..•�. iaterese. Lender shall aat be requlred eo commence praceedlugs Agninst such success�r or refuse to extead dme for p�yment --
<br /> � ar ot4erwise niodify anx�rtizadon of the ewus sccured by thls Deed of Trust by reason of any dca�nd a�nde by the original _
<br /> ,+++�!� Barrower And Borrower's suaessors ia interest. Any forbearauce by Lensler in exercising any rtght or remedy hereunder, �-
<br />—r-- or otherwlse uffocded by applicable law,sh�ll not be a waiver of or preclude the exerclse of any such right ot�eaxdy.
<br /> :.-"�� 11.Suocwors and Assl� Boundt Jolnt snd Severai LtebWty;Co-sl�ners. The cavewia[s and agreemeuts hereitt
<br /> - .. coptaiaed shpll bind.xnd the dghts hemmder sl�ll tutue to,the respocdve successors ancl assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br /> " ,;;., subject to tde pmvisioas of parsgraph l6 hera�f. All coveaauts and agraments of Bonower shall be jolat Aad scveral.
<br /> .�;•r,i,'=� . Any Hormwer who co-signs tl�ils Deecl of Tcust.but does not execute the Note.(A)Is co-stgaiug tliis Deed of Trust only to
<br /> � � � �: grant a n d comey t h�t &srro w e r's i u t e r e s t l n t h e P r o p e r ry t o T r u s t a w i d e r t h e t e c ro s o f t b l s D e e d o f'f r u s t, (b)i s a o t
<br /> a_.�`.�.�•.
<br /> -�::.��s�'ja�,. persoa�tlly liable on the Note or uader this Deed of Ttust,and(c)agrees that Lender aad swy other Barrower hereunder
<br /> _"�� ` may agcee to eatend.a�odify.forbear.or make any other accommodA doas w i t h regu d to t he terms o f t h i s D e e d o f T i v s t o r
<br />�°:,:�l�":, the Note.wIt6out that Borrower's consent and wtthout releasing¢l�t Borrower or modifying this Deed of Tivst as to that
<br />��,'-,;;;�_.��� Borrower's iaterest in the Property. .
<br /> 12. Notice. Bxcept for Any notice require.'d under aPPHcable law to be given in auother manner. (a)any nodce to
<br /> ----�"�'y Borrower provided for in tWs Deed of Tnut�haU be glven by deltvedag it or by maillng such uodce by cerdHed mail
<br /> - -`'-.—'�'=�i Addressod to Harcower at the Property Address or at such other addm�s as Horrower u�ay desIgaate by nodce to Lender as
<br /> --::�.��_i providal hetein.and(b)aay aaldce to Lender t�hall be given by certl5ed m�il to Lender's address swtcd hecein or to such
<br /> -_:.�'q�,��•.��
<br /> _,r.�,,,j� other address as Lender may designau by nodce to Borrower es pmvided heretn. Any nodce prov=ded for in this Dad af
<br /> - Tnut sdall be damtd to have been givea to Bo�rower or Lender when gtvcn in the manner de::gnated hercia
<br /> -•:=;,.°.�.-'-.y�,� 13.Goveratn�Ia�w;Se�erabitity.The state and local la�vs applicAble to this Deed of Tcust shaU t�e the laws of the
<br /> jurlsdicdon in which the Pcopetty is located. The fongoing seutence shall�t limit the applicability of Federal law to this
<br /> _..�� Dxd of Tn�st. In the event tuat aay provislon or clause of this Deed of Trust or ttie Note wnflicts with applicable law,
<br />_,___�,_,,,� such contlict stu�ll not affect other provlsions of this Deed of Tiust or the Note which can be given effect wltbout tbe
<br /> — = conAicdng provlston.and w this end the provisions of thls Dad of Tn�st and the Nou are decland co be sever�bls. As
<br /> -_ - used 6enin, "costs". "expeiues" and'attoraeys' foes' include all sums to the eatent not proWbited by applicable Isw or
<br /> - — limita!herein.
<br /> _- _� 14. Bon�awer's Lopy.bornower shaii be fucnisi�ai s�:v;uui�3 r.ogy of th�I:att:ad of t2�,Dced uf Tnut at i�
<br /> dme of execudoa or after mordatlon Ixreof.
<br /> iS. RehabWtat�ou Lo�n A�t. Borrower shaU fulflll all of Borrower's obllgadons undes any home
<br /> rehabiUtadon.improvement.repair or other loan agmmeat which Borrower enurs into wlth Lenckr.Lender.at Lender'a
<br />— opdun, miy requin Bortower to eaaute and del{ver to Lender.in a form Accepuble w Lsnder. an sisstgnment of at►y
<br /> rlghts.claims or defenses wWch Borrower aoty have agaiost pudes who supply labor. muer�tls or servias in wnnocdon
<br /> wlth improvements m�de to tbe Property
<br /> 16.Tramkr ot the Prope:ty or i Bene�ldd Iuta�at in Borrowa'. If�1 or my part of the Propercy or any interat
<br /> - in it Is sold or tzansfernd (or if a beneficinl interest in Borrower is sold or riaagfernd swd Bormwer is not t natural
<br /> person)without Lender's prlor wriaen r.o�ent. Lender mry.at its opdon.require immediate puyment ia fuU of�11 su�
<br /> secured by this Dad of Tnut. However. this i�pdon shaU not be exe�cised by L.ender if exercise is prohlblted by federal
<br /> IRw�s of the date of this Dad of Tnut.
<br /> If L.enrkr exe�cises this option. Lender sball give Borrower notice of acaleradon.The noaice shW pcovtde a pedod
<br /> — of not less than 30 days from the dau the niodce is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay dl sums seeured
<br /> ------� by tl�is Dad of Trust. If Bonower faUs to p�y these sums prior to the expitation of this pedad. Le�ler msY invoke anY
<br /> remedics permitted by this Dad of Ttust wlthout fuzther notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> NON-UN�oRM CoVSNArTt'S. Borrower u�d Lendcr further covenant anci agree as follows:
<br /> --- -- 17. Aocda�don4 Remedks. E�ccept As provlded in para�xph 16 IKreot► upon Borrovva''s breach ot�un�
<br /> oo�em� or�of Borrower In thts Deed of Tnt�t, tndudtn�Bon'ower's fdteue to pay, b�tl�e a�d ot 11
<br /> a�ena.r a.�a�ta c5er ,u�aue, .nr �eec�na ar tms neea ot Tr,nc,i.enaar�or co acoe�cion a��d.e
<br /> ootke to Borrowa ss pcodded In pu�p�ph 12 hereot apedfying: (1) the brach;(2)the actlon req�dred to cure
<br /> such breach;(3)�d�te►not I�s than x0 dtye trom the dste tUe ndke is matkd to Bon�ower,by whk6 such M�a�ch
<br />--- _-- muet be curedi and(4)td�t fi�llure to c�re such M�eacd on or be�ore the date spec[[led tn the notke m�y e+eault in
<br /> -r$�� �oodar�tton of the a�ns sauiYd br thi�Deed ot Trust �nd aale o[the Propaty.'fhe notice sl�ll hut6er Intonu
<br /> r-�•r,�.vat,�� $pprpW!!'O��f1E l'I=IK�0 IYIRS[�E�!!�00lIl1'�HOII illa ttl!!I�t0 IHItI$A OOU[t il'�IOII t0 i�lK�fl!�I�ldOC 0�
<br /> •����"'�:�`� a default or any ot6er deferee of Ba'rower to�ccdeeaHon u�d sale.V the braich��wt cmred oa a bdon the date
<br /> _._;:��`, epecltlM!n the nottce.I.emkr•�t Lcnder's optton,m�y dxlare di ot trie a�ans secured by thts Dad ot Tn�t to be
<br /> _ ;:j;� t�nmedl�tdy due and p4y�ble wttt�out t�rthe�'dan�nd and m�y tnrake ttk power o[sAle and aqy other renedia
<br /> "J.�"'�r,::�:' pacmltted by applkabk l�w. Lender ahsp De eatitkd to colleei all reawn�ble oosta and a�peires i�xwrred (n
<br /> :�;..:
<br /> . . ' � � pursula�tt►e ranedtes provided In this p+�rwW�aph 17,[ncludin�,but cat Wnited to�e+easoetble attQrae�s'[ea•
<br /> � - It the power ot s�le is invoked,Tn�sta slu�ll record a nottoe of deYault in ach county In w6icd the Property or
<br /> sane pfut tUereo[ts located and shatl mdl rnpks of such notia ln the mxexr preacrlbed by applicabk law to
<br /> y�"` : Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by tpplta�bte law.ARa the lapse ot such ttme as may be reqWrtd by
<br /> , , applkabk Isw, Tndta alall �ive publk notice of sale to the person4 aad in the mAnner prescribed by a�►plicabk
<br /> _�..�_ -'_ .r.. T - ...u�.....�.�.......a.,..tt,�.�,vr�_clu�l Mu tM PeYft�rt�at twblic al!lHa1 to t6e IlilMlt bldfl[Y'it tbE timE
<br /> - -- -
<br /> ___.-�:.:.,,..=• s- ...... ...a..�w......,.... ��__. _.�_�------�- . • -
<br /> And pl�ce and under the tatr�deslp�ated[n tLe notioe ot a�le In one or mo�+e pwe+cels�nd In such orda��s TrueRee
<br /> may determine.Tn�ta mty postpone sale of dl or uiy pnrcd ot the Propaty by pubik aw�ounoene�t at the time
<br /> : + and ptace ot any prevlously schedded sak.L.a�da'or I.ender's dral�nee may Purchase ihe Propaty�t�ny aai�.
<br /> Upon rectip�t ot p�yntent o[the pda bid, Tn�tee shatl delher to the purcha5cr Tn�sta's dad comeyin,�the
<br /> Prope�ty sold.The recitab[n the Trustee's deed ahall be prima hde e�idence of the Mrth of the shtemeds m�de
<br /> therdn.Trustce aAall appiX the proaeda ot the snle in the[ollowlna orda:(s)to aU reasonable costs�nd expens�s of
<br /> the sale,includin�,but�wt limtted to,Trusta's fees actwlly incuntid ot not mo�than S 96 ot the p�oss s�le prlcq
<br /> reasonable attorneya' fees and caete ot Nt6e evide�x� (b) to dl snms secured by thls Deed of Tnnt; antl (c) tbc
<br /> rrcce.ss,it any,to the pnson or pe�sony leg�lh•endtled thereto.
<br /> NeDnak�26b76•3 7i97 Origiaal(Rtcord�d) Copy(Hranahl Copy(Cu�tom�r) PaAe 3 ots
<br />