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Subiect to Applicatble law or a wdtten witiver hy L.eader,Bor[ower shall pay to ° <br /> ���'^� Leadcr on the dty roomdly pnyaunts of pdtxipal and ipterest an payable uader the Note,undl tlu Nnte is paId in full,A - <br /> � suru(derein "Fuads') equal to one-twelfth of tbe yauly twces aud�essmeuts(iucluding co�xlomiuiwu and pls�naed unit <br /> �?�- development assessments, if any)whlcu u�y a�txin prlodty over this Deed af Tnist,and�rou�xl rents ou the Praperty.if - <br />_.T�_,��-�i anY,plus one-nveifth of yearly pnmium iastailnxats forha�rd one-cweltth of yauly pn�ulwu iastailments r <br /> ------ ? for mangage insutance, if nny. all Ts rensonahly esdmated in3tially ar�d from tink to dme by L.euder on the basis of <br /> �� assessments w�d biila stnd re�somble esdautes tdoreof. 9onower sWll not be obligttod to m�lce such paymenta of Funds <br /> to L.ecder to tbe extent that Barrower ttukes such p�ymeats to the halder af a ptIor mortgage or deect of uust if snch holder <br />- �„- is An lastitutiantl lender. <br /> :Ge�� If Borrower p�ys Funds to Lender. the Fupds s1W1 be hsid inau tnsdtudon the dcposits or accounts of which are <br /> %-=*�� iasured or guannteed by a Federel or state sgeacy(including Leader if I.ender is such sw iasdtudon), l.ender stnll apply <br /> �""��� the Funds to pay sald toxes.assessmepts.insur:mce pnmlwns and ground rents.Lender may not cl►Arge for so holding and <br />----- aPPlyiDB the Funds, amlyzing said accouat or ve�ifylag And complliag said �ssessrnepte and�ilis. ualess Lender pays <br /> - -� Borrowec interest oa ttie Funds and applicable lAw pern�its Lender to make svch a chuge.Borrower and Lender may Agcee <br /> ---= ip wcIdag at tla tlme of execudon of this Deal af Tcust thAt Interest on the Funds s6a11 be paid to Borrower.and unless <br />----�- such agreeinen�Is mAde or appllcable law requins such intenst ro be paid,Leader stixll not be required to pay Bonower <br /> any interest or eanJngs on the Puads. I.ender yhall give to Borrower,wlthout annwl accoundug of the Fuads <br /> shovv�ng credits and deblu w the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are <br /> �� pledgal s�.s tuldidonal security for the svms secured by chis Dxd of Trust. <br /> If the amount of tde Fw�ds held by Lender.together wIth t6e funue mont6l;iastallments of Funds pxyable pdor to <br />----; the due dates of tax�s.assessm.ents. insurance pnmiums aad grawd renrs.sbaU exceed tt►e am�nuat required to pay said <br /> -� taxes, assessmnts,insura�e pnmiva�s aad ground nats as they �Il due, such excess s1�U be. at Borrower's opdon, <br />_�-��e�a eitUer promptly repaid to Bonower or credIted�o Boaower on monthiy instnllments of Fwds. If tt�amount of tbe Fuads <br /> .u.-- 6eld by L.euder sl�ll not be sufficlent to pay taxes. assessment�, �nSUrance pnmiums nnd ground rents as they fall due. <br /> - Borrower shaU�y to Lesnder any amount necessuy to maice up the deficieucy in ope or mon payzaencs as Lcnder may <br /> __ - rcquin. <br /> - - Upon payment in full of aU sums se�ured by this Dxd of Tmst,I.endcr s1�U promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br /> held by Lender. If under ppragrnph 17 hereof the Pcnperty Is sold or the Property is othenvise�cquired by Lender. I.ender <br />___ sha11 Apply, no lxtor than imttxdiauty prlor to the sale of the Pco�ecty ar its acquisidc,u by Lender,aay Funds held by <br /> Lender at tLe time of appliauion as a crodit�g�i�t the sums secured by this uoed of i n�sc. <br /> 3. Appliatlon ot Payments. UNess applicable law provides aherwLse.all p�yments received by I.��ec under the <br /> — Note and p�ragr.►p6s 1�nd 2 hcreof shall be ap��lled by Lender fust in payment of amounts pay�ble to Lender by Borrower <br /> wsder paragraph�hereof. tlua to interes�t payAble on the Note. and t6en to the principal of the Note. <br /> 4. Prlor Matp�CS and D�ed+ot Tnmt; Cluir�est u�. ���r � P��orm all of Borrower's obligadons <br /> under any mortg�ge, deed of trust or atLer securtry�g�+eement wIth a llen whtch has prlorIty over this Dad of Tmst. <br /> includIpg Borrower's covenwts to make pqments wt�ea due.Boaower shnll pay or cause to be paid All taxes.,��nts <br /> aad other charges,fines and Imposidons atuiMiable to the Property which ao�ty atq�in a priodty over this Deed of Tnut. <br /> and le�sebold p�yments or growid nnts.if vny. <br /> S. Haard Insuru�ce. Bortower shall keep tlx improvemena now existing or heteafter ecected on the Property <br /> iasund�g�i�t loss by fin.haruds included N�Ithin the term "oxtended coverage".and such other Lsranls ns Lender may <br /> requlte and la s�rch t�ounts uid for svch pedods as I.ender may requi[e. <br /> The imvr�nce c�enier provtding tLe imvnmce slvll be chosea by Bortower subject w approval by Lender;provlded. <br /> tbat such rpprov�l slvll not be unre�sombly wlthheld. AU insuruce pollcies wd nnewaLs Weroof shall be in a form <br /> accepqble w Lender u�d s6a11 include A standu�d mortgage clause in favor of and in A form acceptable to Lender. Lenckr <br /> shall have the ri86t to hold the poUctes aad crnewals thereof. subjoct to tLe tetm�of aay of uust or other <br /> socurlty s►grawtnt with a lien which has priorIty over this Deed of'I'tust. <br /> � In the event of Yoss. Bornower shall give prompt aodce to the insucnnce eurier and Lender. L.ender mty m�lce proof <br /> of loss if not rowde pmmpdy by Horrowar. <br /> If the Pcopecty is abaadond by Bnrrower.or if Borrower fails ta cespoud w Lender within 30 days fmm the due <br /> -= uotice is m�ailed by Leader to Borcower that the insurance carrier offers ro settle a claim for iasurnnce be�fits.Lender is <br /> -�--= author�id to collxt �nd apply t6e insurance proceeds u Leuder's optioa either ta cestoradon or repair of tLe Pm�perty or <br /> to the sums stcured by this Deed of Tn�st. <br /> =„� 6. Preser�aHo�n�nd M�tinte�ncc of PropeKy; Lauehold+; Condomtnfum�; Pf�med Unk De�elopntents. <br />--",�;�- Bonow�r stu�ll kap t6e P►nperty in good repatr and sl�all not commit waste or pemnit impairaunt or deurloruion of the <br />---_- - Propecty and ahall comply with the provisions uf any lease if this Deed of Trust is on a leasehold.If this De�d of Trust is <br /> - - on a unit in a condominium or a planned un[t develvpment,Bvrrower shlll perform a11 of Bo�mwer's obligadoag twder the <br />��,�>. declaradon or covenaats cre�dng or goveraing che candominium or planned unit development.the by-taws 4nd regWadons <br /> ��'�"�r'' of the condom[nium or planned unit development,and consdtuent documents. <br /> � �"' 7. Protation ot Lender's Security. If Borrower fails to pecform the covenwts and agnements cont�ined in this <br /> � � Deed of Tnut,or if any action ar proceeding is commenced wh[ch tmterially affiects I.ender's taterest in che Proptrty.then <br /> •_„�i9e• • l.ender. at Lemder's option, upon nc�dce to Borrower. may make such appeazances, disbucse such sums, including <br />_ r�•„ .: reasonable attorneys' fees.aact take svch acdon as is necessary to protect Lender's interest. If Lender requiced mortgage <br />:°,.�a�;. ti insur�nee as a condition of making tLe loou►sa.�ured by this Deed of Tmst. Bonower shW pay t6e premiumc roquircd w <br /> .` `'"-�;• matntain suc6 i�urance in ct�ect undl such dme as the reyuirement for such insvrance tecminates tn aocoitiance wita <br /> � Bocrower's and Lender's written agreement or applic�ble liw. <br /> s i My amouucs d+sbu:sed by I.ender pursv�u�t ro this paragraph 7, wIth interest the Noie�all become <br /> ' ' � '• addidnn�l indebtedness of Borrower securcd by this Dad of Tcust.Ualess Bormwer and Leader agree tu wher terms of <br /> payment. such amounts shall be p�yable upon uodce froni Lender to Borcower requesting payment thereof. Nothing <br /> " contatned in this pu�graph 7 shall require L.ender to incur any expet►�e or take ony accion hereunder. <br /> 8. L►spoctlon. Lender may m�1ce or cau�e to be made reasooable entries npon and inspecdon� of the Property, <br /> ; : � provided th�t Leader shall give Borrower nodce prior to any such i�pecdon specifying reasonable cause therefor nlated to <br /> . l.ender's interestin the Property. <br /> ,• Nebnat.26876-3 iro� Osiginsi(Rseordad) Copy(Branch) Copy(Cu�to=�r) 2 ofS <br />