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<br /> Mnafi�r•h�ld by Mn�fici�ry or Trwt •�uah ord���nd m�nn�r'�s•th�y or�ttM tMm m�y In ttNlr ab�olut� ditandon
<br /> daterNn�. Na r�midy h�rofn conlKr�d upon a�ns�rv�d to TnAtit or.B�nd(ciary is int�ndad to 6��xclusiw af�ny oth�r nm�dy •
<br /> h�odn a by law provid�d or p�nnitt�d,but�kh�h�11 b�cumubdda ind f�li be tn addltlon ta�vary attNr��mtdY Oiven h�rtund�r
<br /> � or now or h�naft�r�xladn��t tiw ar In�qdty ar by�t�tut�. Ev�ry power or nm�dy piven by iny af th�La�n Inatrum�nt�to ,
<br /> Trust��or B�neticiiry ar to whfch�ith�r of th�rn'm�y bs oth�rwlu�ntitlyd,m�y b�axercfaed,c�oncurrandy arind�p�nd�ntiy, from
<br /> � tlmt to dm�and at oftm aa may b�dNmM erp�dl�nt by Trwt�� ar O�ntftelary �nd eithv af tham rniy purtu�tnconslthnt
<br /> � nm�din. Nothinp h�r�ln�M►�II b�con.�truMd�s proAlbitinp e�n�flai�ry from s�sWnp a d�ficl�ncy JudOment+patnat th�Tnutor ta
<br /> �•. tM�xt�nt Auch�atlan ir p�rmitttd by I�w.
<br /> C13. Ripwrt far NoMc�. Trusta�ntf NI oth�r p�nl��s�t forth h�ntn h�nby veqwsts�copy of�ny Notic�af DsfaWt
<br /> � �nd�capy of any Natic�of Sal�h�r�under b�mtit�d to th�m�t the addnii set forth In the first pa�apruph o?this Second Deed
<br /> of Trust,
<br /> �
<br /> � 14. liowrr�liry L�w. Thii S�COnd D�ed af Truat th�ll bs povun�d by and ccn�trued In sccord�nca witt9 th�I�wi of
<br /> , th�Stat�of N�braska. In the wtnt th�t�ny provttion or cl�us�of sny of th�Loan Instnimentt aonfllcts wish�ppllcabb law�,such
<br /> r,onflict sh�ll not�1ffeCt attMr pravltton�qf such Loan Insuum�ntt whlch ean b�piv�n�N�ct withaut th�eontuctlnp pravlsion.�nd
<br /> to this Md th� provit(ant of tih�Loan Instnm�nt� u�d�cl�nd to b�s�v�nbl�. Thi�instrurrtent a�nnot bs w�iv�d, ch�np�d,
<br /> dl�tcl�rp�d ur tarmt�tad acally, but anly by �n innrum�nt tn wddnp tipr�d by th�psrty aQainst whom ento�cernent ut a�y walver,
<br /> chanp�,diacharp� or t�rmination I� soupht.
<br /> 16. It�eonwy��by 7rn+tiw Upon�ritten requ�st of Ben�fici�ry ttatinp th�t all auma a�ca�d h�reby hav�b�en
<br /> patd and upon sun�nd�r cf thiz S�cond Desd ot Trust�nd�ny not�to Trustee far cancellatien��d retendo n�nd upon paymarK by
<br /> Teu:mr of Trost��'t fe�t,7rwtw shall neorn�y to Tnittor,or�p�rson or p�rsans l�p�lly ernitlad thento.witt�aut w�rnnty,any
<br /> pordan ot dw'Trust Ett�t�th�n hNd huwnda. Th�ncttalt in auch ncanv�y�nc�at�ny mstters or tsctt s tuN b�co�dusiw p�oof
<br /> of the truthfulr.e�ts thereof. Ths qr�ntM in any r�convsyanc�rtMy be daulbRd a�'ths p�rson or pusaru leQ�lty�ntld�d thereto.'
<br /> 16. Matl�e�t. Whernver Qenaficbry,Trwtar or Trwtee ahall destr�to pive or sen►e my nodci,dem�nd,reqw�t or
<br /> ather communication with rs�pect to thli 5econd Qeed ot Truat,each such nodce,demand,requen or oth er communlcation sFu�ll
<br /> b�in writinp and sh�ll b��HQCttw only if th�ssme ts dellverad by psrson�l aeryice ar mail�d by certifqd m�i1,posaps pnp�id,
<br /> ratmm�ceipt requetted,�ddnssed to the addres�set forth at ths heptnninp of thit Stcand D�ed of Trwt_ My pa►ty may at�ny
<br /> tlm�c.t�np�itt�ddnss for such nctia�s by ddivednp o►m�ilinp to th�other parN�a hsnto. �i afcnsaid,a nodct of auch ChanOe.
<br /> 17. Ae��ptinei by Tirutt�. Trust�e �ccepts this Trust whe�� thla Second Deed af Trust,�uly execuhd �nd
<br /> acknowl�dped, ts m�de t pubUC record�s providtd by I�w.
<br /> 4
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