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<br /> � � (d1 a writ of � :ion or attechment oi 8ny atmliar proceaa , bA entered tpainst Truartor which �h�ii
<br /> . hecome A Ilsn on the Trust Ea�ate or�ny poKion thereof or interesc therein and such execution, ettachment or�aimliu
<br /> process of Judpmant ts not releaaed,bonded, satiafied,vacated nr stayed withtn sixry (80) d�ys aher fta entry or Uvy;ar
<br /> � (el there haa occurred a brench oi or default under any term,covenant, apre�ment, conditlon, provlslon,
<br /> representation ar war�anty cor�tained in any prinr deed of truat or mortgaQe effectlnp the TrusC Fatate.
<br /> 10. AccNa�don upon D�liu/t;Addltloea/R�m�aPes. If an evant of detault occurs, Beneilciary rr�ay dectare th�
<br /> Indebtedneas aecured hereby to be due and payable and tha same shall thereupon become due and payable without �ny
<br /> presentment, demand, protest or notice of any Wnd. Thereafter, Baneftciary may:
<br /> !i) either in person or by apent,wfth or wlthout brinpinq any acdon or proceedi�p,or by a recetver�ppolnt�d
<br /> � by e ccuR and without repard to ths adequacy of ita aecurity, enter upon and take posaesatan ot the Trust EaUte,or any
<br /> � paK thereof,in tta own name or In tho name of Truatee,end do any acta which It deems neceas�ry or dealroble t4 preaerve
<br /> the value, marketabilfty or renta6iilty of the Trust Estate,or part thereof pr Interest therefn,tnGeaae tha Ineome thsrefrom
<br /> � or protect the aecudry hereaf and, with or without taWnp poesetaion of the Trust Est�te,suefor or otherwire coltect the
<br /> rents, isaues and profite thereof, tnctudtnp thoae past due and unpaid, and apply the same,less coste tnd expenses ot
<br /> `,. operatton and collection tncludinp attorneys'fees,upon any(ndebtedneas securad hereby,all�n such order as Beneficiary
<br /> ' may determine. The enter(np upon and takinp possestlon of the Tru�t Estate, the collection of auch rents, I=suei and
<br /> r, proitts and the application thereof as aforesatd shall not cure or waive any default or notice of dehult hereunder ar
<br /> Q tnvatidate any aCi done (n responae to such defauit or purauant to such notice of default�nd, notwithatand(np the
<br /> eont(nuance tn possession of the Trust Estate or the colleciian, recetpt and appllcatton of rente,isaues or pro}Ita,Truatee
<br /> or Benefic�ary shali been entitled to exerctse'every riqht provided tor In any of the Loan Instrumente or by law upon
<br /> occurrence of any event of defauit, fnciudinp the ripht to exercise the power of aale;
<br /> Uii commence an action to fareclese this Deed of Trust as a mortQape, nppofnt a receiver or spec(ftcalty
<br /> enforce any of the covenants hereoi;
<br /> llii) deliver to Trustee a written declaration of defautt and demand for sale and a writ[en notice of defeult and
<br /> election to cause Trustor's interest in the Trust Fstate to be soid, whtch notfce Trustee ahall cauae to be duty flted for
<br /> record in the appropriate offices of the Counry in►vh(ch the Trust Estuta is located;or
<br /> (iv) exercise such other riqhts cr remedies at law or in equtty.
<br /> 1 t. fonclosar�DyPow�rofSa/�, If Beneficiary etects toforeclose by exerctse of the Powerof Sate heretn contatned, •
<br /> Beneftciary shall notify Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee thia Second Deed of Trust and any note evidencinp the Indebtednesa
<br /> and auch recetpts and avidence ot expendituros made and seCUred hereby as Trustee may reuuire.
<br /> (el Upon receipt of such notica from BeneRc(ary,Trustee shail cause to be recorde0, published and deitvered
<br /> . to Trustor such Noiice of Default and Notice of Sale as then requlred by law and by thfs Second Deed af Trust. Trustee
<br /> ahali,without demand on Trustor,after such time es may then bo required by law and after recordatlon of such Notice of
<br /> Default and after Nodce of Sale heviny been�iven as►equt�ed by law,sell the Trust Estate at Ihe time and place of sals
<br /> fixed by it in such Notice nf Sale,elther as a whote,or tn separate lots or parcels or items as Truatee ahatl deem expedient.
<br /> and In such order as it may determfne,et pub8c auction to the NQhest 6ldder far cash in lawfut money ot the Un(ted St�tes
<br /> payable at the time of sale. Trustee ahali deliver to such purchaser or purchasers thereof tts pood and suffic(ent deed or
<br /> deeda conveyinp the property so sold,but without any covenanc or warranty,express or implied.l'he recitais in suah deed
<br /> of any matters ar facts shali be conclusive prooi of the truthtuiness thereof. Any person, includ(np without IlmitaUOn
<br /> Trustor, Trustee or Benefictary, may purchase at such sale.
<br /> fbl As may be permltted by Iaw,after deductiny all costs,tees and expenses of Trustee and of thia Trust,
<br /> tncludinq costs of ev(dence of title tn connection wtth sale,Trustee ahatt appiy the proceeds of iate to payment of�t)the
<br /> Indebtedness(ii)all other sums then secured hereby,and fdi) the remainder,ff any,to the person or persont lepally entitled
<br /> thereto.
<br /> (cl Trustee may In the manner providad by law postpone sale of all or any portlon of the Truat Estate.
<br /> 12. Ran�d/�s Not Exc/vsJv�. Trustee and 8eneflciary, antl each of them,shall ba entitled to enforce payment and
<br /> performance of any indebtedneas or oblipaUons secured hereby and to exercise all r(yhts and powers uMer thts Second Deed of
<br /> Trust or under any Loan(nstrument or other aflreement or any Iawe now or hereafter in force;notwhhstandlnp, some or all of the
<br /> such tndebtedness and obltQatians secured hsreby may now orhereafterbe otherw(se secured,whether bymart�aqe,deed ot trwt,
<br /> pledpe,lien,asstgnmant or otherwisa. Neither th�accaptance ot this Second Deed of Trust nor tts enfo�cement, whether by caurt
<br /> actlon or pursuant to the power ot sale or other powers heratn contained, shatl prejudiCe or tn any menner affect Trustee's or
<br /> Beneficiary's ripht to realize upon or enforce eny other security now or hereafter he�d by Trustee or Benef(ciary,it beinq apreed that
<br /> Trustee and Beneflciary, and each of them,shall be entitled to enforce this Second Deed of Trust and any other securiry now or
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