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<br /> •p%cesds•)�n connsctlon with c;ond�mnatbn or dher uklnp ot lha Properry w paR thereof,or torLron�v±���s4�eu df/condemnaUon.
<br /> Lender ahail be entltled at Ite opdon to commsr�a,sppMr In er►d praecule In Its own neme eny ection or{xoceedinge,and shall also
<br /> ba entitl�to make eny compromise or eeltlementln cannecllon with�uch traking a d�mage.In the event eny portkm of the Property Is
<br /> so blcen or damepsd�I.�ndiw�he��havs the oplbr�in Ib aN and ab�oluta dlscrstbn, to epply ail such proceeds, efter deducAnp
<br /> thKNrom a�l co�h snd exp�ns�s Incurnd by It In connlctlon wllh such Proc�.neds,upon any Indebtedness secured hareGy and in such _
<br /> ader e�Lsnd�r may datermine,or to�pply�II euc� Proceeds,eRereuch dsducUonn,to ths rettoratlon o4 ths Property upan euch con-
<br /> ditlonr e�Lsnder m�y determin�.Any appNCadan ot Prc�ceedti lo Indebtedne�e shail not extend or p�stpone Ihm due date of any pay-
<br /> menb ur�ths IVote,or cun qny d�l�uR thsr�unds�a h�reundsr.My unappilsd fund�nhall be pald to Trustor.
<br /> 8,p�r(nrmanc�bv L.�nd�r. Uuon the occurrence of e�Event ai Defeult hereunder, ar If any ect la taken or legel proceeding
<br /> �,m.,,c.��n,�„n���wuy�a�f���,deru InWras.t ui tho Praporry�Londcr mny In Its own dlscretirn,hut without obll�etlon to do t;o, �_
<br /> ond wkhout not{q W or d�rnand upon TruzWr and witliout nlauinp Tru�tor irom nny ob�l�etion,do any act whlch Truator has epreed
<br /> tiut falbd lo do�nd may alw de�ny otl��et R dama nea�sry to proteet lhe eee:urity hAreof. Trustor ehall, Immedletely upon
<br /> dem�nd th�rNa by Lend�r,pay W Lendsr ail cau end exp�rnes Incurr�d and e�uma axpended by Lende�in connection with the exer-
<br /> cKe by lAnder of Ihs(orpdnG riphb,to�ethAr wMh �tere�t therson at lhe default rate provlded in the Note,whlch sha�l be edded to
<br /> the�ndebtedn�ss wcurnd heroby.Lander�hall nal l�cur eny IiaWlity because ol enythinp it may do or omit to do herou�der.
<br /> 9. Ha=ardous Mat�lals.Trwtor thsil k�ep tlie Prop�ly In ccmp��ance with all applicabb laws, ordinances end repuletbna
<br /> reladnp po k�dustri�i hypl�or�nvironm�nhl proDsctbn (ooilediv�ly�emed to he�an aa"Envlronmental Lawe').Trustor ehall koep
<br /> ths Propsrty troe irom MI wbstu�s dsem�d to b� hwrdous or bxfc under any Envinunmsnt�l LaMn(coNectively roisrrsd W herein
<br /> se"Hazardow IN�terlals').Truttor heroby warnntz �nd npre�.0 b L�nd�r that thers�ro no Haz�rdou�Matwials on or under Ihs
<br /> Property.Trustor hereby eprees to indemnlfy end hold hesmleas Lende�,Ita directoro,o(flcers,employoes and agents,and any sur.ces-
<br /> aon to Lenders interast,from and againat eny and al c�alms,dameges,loaaes and Ilabiilties arlsing In connection with the presence.
<br /> uae,dlapoeal or transport of eny Hazardous Materiala on,under, irom or about the Property.THE FOIiE001NO WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.Assipnm�nt of R�nb.Trustor hsreby astlpns to Leridx, and prmts Lender a�ecurily�nterest In, aN pro�unt,futuro�nd
<br /> etter arisinp ronts,tssues and protits ot the PropeAy:provided that Tmstor shaN,undl ths occurrRnce ot on Event oi Defauft,hereundsr,
<br /> have the right to cdtect and retain such rents,issues end protite as 9�ey become due and payable.Upon the occurrence oi an Event ot
<br /> qa{a�n����may�either�n psraon or by egent, �wilh or wlthout brinyinp eny eation or proceeding,a by a receiver eppointed by e
<br /> couR and without rs�aM ta the adequacy of its aecu rily,enter upo�md take poaaesalon of the Ptoparty,w any peR thereof,U fts own
<br /> nams or in the nert�e o1 the Truatee,eu�d do eny ecq whkh �t deems neceasary or deatreble W preserve the value,marketaWiiry or
<br /> rontebility oi the Properly.or any part thereof or Nitereit there(n,or b incroase thd Income therofrom or protect the secu►ity hereot and,
<br /> with or without takin�posseasion of fhe Property walnr or othenNbe colbct the ronta,iswea and profits thereof,inc�udinp Hwse pest
<br /> due and urtpald.by rwtifyinp tenants to meke poyrnenta tc Lendsr.Lender mey appiy rents,(ssuea end profita,less cotta end expens-
<br /> ea oi operatbn and cdbcfion(ndudirg attame�e fee�. to eny Ir�btedness sacurod hereby�all in such order a�Lsnder rtwy deter-
<br /> mk�s.The enmrinp uPon and takinp pocseasion nf the P►opeAy. tla cdlection ot such rents,issuas and profib�and ths spplk�,aUon
<br /> thereot es atonesaid ahall not cure or wahre a�y detault or notlo� d default hereunder or Invelidate any ad done in response to aix;h
<br /> detauit or pu�auant M auch nodca of default and, ralwithstandiny the asnUnuanoe in poasesawn of the properiy or ti�e coiteciion� °
<br /> rsoeipt and appticaHon of rents,(ssuea or protite,Trustee end Lender shal!be entNied W exe►dae every rbht provided for In eny of the
<br /> Loan Instr�xnants or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Detault,inciudinp without Iimitatfon the right to exercise the power of sa{e.
<br /> Furthsr,LerKJer'a righ�a�d remedies under thh parepraph ahall be cumulative with,end fn no way e Iimitatian on,Len�fer's righb end
<br /> remedies under eny asslgnment ot leases and rents recordod a9auGSt the Property.Lender.TN31A9 8(Id H1E fQCBIVAr lihAll bB li8blll t0
<br /> eccount only for fhose rent�ectualiy received.
<br /> 11.Ewnt�ot DNsuM.The tollowtng ahaN oonsUtute an Event oi Default under this Deed of Truax
<br /> (a)FaAure to pay eny Installment of prN�cipel or interost a any other sum sscurod hereby when due�
<br /> (b)A breach of or dedault undar any pro�riebn ca►ta►nad h tt»Note�this need of Truat,eny ot the I.oan Inatruments,or eny
<br /> olher Nen or encumbrence upon the Propaty: �
<br /> (c)A writ of executlon ar ettachment a sny stmllar prooesa shall be entered against Truator whkh ahaN becort�a a Oen on
<br /> the Properlyr or any portion theteot or Interest tlierein;
<br /> (d)There ahall be filed by or egginst Tmstor or Borroweren adlon under eny present or fut�xe federal,atete or otl�er statute.
<br /> law or rs�ulatton nsletlnp to benkniptcy.Inalwncy or o1hRr roitetior debtors;or thsro sheN be e�oMted any hustee,receiver or
<br /> Ilyyuidator c{Trustor or Ba+rower or of ell a any paR of the Property.or the renb,lasues or proftte theroof.ar Truator or Barower
<br /> shall make eny general essignment for the beneflt of creditcrs;
<br /> (e)The sab, transfer, lease,asaigm�ent oonveyano�a tuther encumbrance of aU or any pert of or eny interest tn the
<br /> propeRy,eftMr volunta�iq or involuntarily,witlbut the expross wrkcon consent ot Lender,provfded that Trustor shall be permit-
<br /> ted to execute a lease of the PropeRy th�t doee not c�onntain en option to purchase end the[erm of whfch does not exoeed one
<br /> year,
<br /> (Q qbandonment of the Property;or
<br /> (g)If Trustor Is not en indivkJual,the Issuence,sale,transTer,essignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(H e
<br /> corporatbn)a totai oi percent of Its Issued and outstanding stock,or(if a partnership)a totel oi per-
<br /> cent of partnerah�P Interests,or(N a I;mited liability oompany)a total of percent of the Iimtted tiabiliry compa-
<br /> ny interests or voting rights dudng the pedx!tNs Deed of Trust remains a Ilen on the property.
<br /> 12,R�md�s;Acc�Nradon Upon D�t�ult.in the event of eny Event oi Defauit Lender may.wifhout notice exoept as required
<br /> by law.dedaro eN Indebtedneas secured herebY to be due end payable and the aeme shatl thereupon beoane due and pgyable with-
<br /> out any presenUnent,demend,protest or notice of any ktnd.TheneaRer Lendar may:
<br /> (a)Demand thst Trustee exerdae the POWER OF SP►LE granted herein,and Trustee shall thereatter cause Tnistors Inter-
<br /> est In the Prop9rly to be sold and the procbods to be d�sbi^IDuted,etl tn the manner provided in the Nebraske 7rust Deeds Act;
<br /> (b) Exerclse any and all rights provklsd tor In any ot the Loan Instrumenta or by law upon oa�umenoe M any Event of
<br /> [)efaul�and
<br /> (c)Cammence an actbn to tcxeGose this Deed of Tnssl es a mongage,appotnt a receiver,or spedflcally enforoo any of the
<br /> comnants hereof.
<br /> No remedy hereln oonterred upon or reservod to Trustee ar Lender is intended to be exciusive of any other remedy hereln,In the Loan
<br /> Instrumenta or by taw provided or pertnitted�but each shaA be cumulative,shall be fn addition to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> in the Loan Instruments or now or hereatter existln9 et law or(n eqaty or by atatute,and may be exerdsed ooncumently,independently
<br /> �s�i�,.�.. r�w rn,stee mav�esinn at env time wittwut cause,end Lender may et any Wr�e and wiUwut cause appoi�t a au�
<br />- cessor pr aubsHtute Trustee.Trustee shall not be liade to any paAyr, induding without I(mitetion Lender. Bonower,Trustor or eny pur-
<br />- q��o}�property,for any luss or damage unlau due to reckless o�willful misconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any actlon
<br /> - in connectbn with the enfacement oF this Deed of T�ust unless irdemnitied,tn writlng,for all costs,canpensat(on or expenses vrhk;h
<br /> may ba associated therewith.In additfon,Trustee�y beccmo a purchasc3r at any sale of ths Propedy(judidal or under the pawor oi
<br /> _ sale granted herein);postpone the sale ot all a any portion oi the Pnoperty,aa provided by law;or sell the Property es a who{e,or in
<br /> - separate paroels nr bts at Trustee's discreUon.
<br /> - 14.Fws�nd F�cP�ns�s.In the evont Trustee sells the Property by exercise ot power ot sale,Trustee shail be entltled to apply
<br />"" any sale proceeds flr�t to payment ot all oosts arM e�q►ens8s d axercising power oi sale,includfng all Tnistee's feos,and Lender's end
<br /> Trustee's attomey's fees, eCtually fnwrred to extent pertnitted by epplicable law.In the event Botrower or Trustor exercises any�ipf�t
<br /> = p�nvlded by law to curo en Event oi Defautt,Lender shall be entitied to recover from Trustor all oosts end expenses actually Ucumed ea
<br /> a resWt of Trustors defeult,InGuding without timitatbn alt Trusle�'s end ettomey's fees,to the extent permitted by appl(cable law.
<br /> 15. Futun Advanc��.Upon request ot Bono�wer,Len�er may,et ils option,make addit(onal end future advanoes and read-
<br /> vanaes to Bocrower.Such advances end readvanoes,wiN I�terest Ihereon,shall be secured by th(s Deed ot Trust.At no dme shall the
<br />�
<br /> � ,
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