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<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,��nade es of�hs Z 3 r d dey a 0 c t o b e r ,�g 9 7 ,by end aRwnp
<br /> �YNa�. Ted Robb, a single person _ �
<br /> �,�������a 3 7 4 0 S H i g h w a y 2 81, G r a n d I s 1 a n d. N E 6���•TNStor,whether one or more), ��'
<br /> �T�� Five Points aank, a Nebraska Corporati on
<br /> ������ P.O. Bax 1507, Grand Island, NE 68802 ���.T�.�.�
<br /> ���,Five points Bank, A Nebraska Corporation
<br /> „�hose met�np eddress is P.0. B o x 15 0 7. G r a n d I s 1 a n d, N E b 8 8 0 2 (henefn•�ende�.
<br /> FOR VALUABIE CONSIDERATION,indudirp Lendsr'e extensior►ot aedR identHled herein b
<br /> Ted Robb
<br /> (hersin'8orrower: whether one or more)and the truat her�k�a�sated,the►a�ei�t
<br /> �(�ich fs he�eby ack►�cr�edged,Truator heroby irrevocabiy yrants, tranafsra, oonveys end assfpns to Trustee,IN TRU3T,WITH
<br /> POWER OF 8ALE,for q�e beneflt and aecurity ot Let►der�undsr and subJect�o the Eem�a and condMbna herokialler aet iwth�the ts�l
<br /> property dstafbsd as bNowa:
<br /> Lots Eleven (il) and Twelve (12) in Phillips Subdivision in the
<br /> North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter(N�NW�NE�)
<br /> of Section Th�rty-three (33) . Townsh9p Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9�
<br /> Ne�St p�f h��6t�i�P.M _, Na11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> TopsthxwRh all � err�ents,tLcttKSS,sW�ete,albys. P�sepewaln,easemente.ri8hb.P�ivile�e+�r�d�
<br /> locaoed B�ron or k�mYwf+e Perteinkp Mereto.arKi the rents�iswss and prolia�raverslons�nd rsmainde�s thereot.and such psr-
<br /> sonal pvupsrty tl�st is ettsctbd to the improvemsnts ao aa to constitute e Ilxturo�Indudinp�but not NmiEed to.heatirp aod 000Nrp eqidp-
<br /> men��bpsther with tha hortbstead or marital tnteresta�N any.which intereats ere hereby re{eased end watved;all of which�kx�ud-
<br /> InD repl�oemerKs end�ddidons thereto�is hsroby dedarod W bs a part of the real astste sscured by the Wen of this Deed of Trust ond
<br /> w a a,s r�e�o�p beaw re�.�ea co r�e�e�as a�s'Propert�l'.
<br /> Thk vs�d d Tn�t shW seuue(al tt�p�yrnent o�the prindpel aum end Mteroat�b a rxomiseory�mmf�s q��t pr�es-
<br /> �� October 23, 1997 ___,hsvingartw�dxitydatsof N�vEmper z,
<br /> in ths ori�in�l PrkroiP�l amount ot i 70.021.00 , and any and ell modillcaUona, sxterNfora�nd ror�ewals
<br /> ttMxeo�or tl�eroSo snd�ny end aN tuturo advanoes and readvenoes b Bonowsr(or any of them N more than one)heroix�dst Pu�s��nt
<br /> b one or mas promh�oiy notss a cndR epnsrtienb(heroki calbd 'Noos")�(b)the PeYme�t of ofher sums advanoed bf►Lsnd�r b
<br /> pr�nled ths waxky oNhs NoDe:(c)the Psr(att�nce of ab cove�ante and eDneemenb of Troata•set toM herein:�nd(d)�II pro�sr�t md
<br /> tuturo kwfsbadneas and obllgatbns of Bonower(or any oi tham N moro than or►e)to Lender whether dlred.k�dinect.ebeolub or oont(n-
<br /> ps�t end wf�ett�er arkkg by note,puerenty,overdreR cr otherwlse.The Note,fhia Deed of Trusl and any and ell olhef doaytbnta that
<br /> aecuro the Note or otherwlae exacuted In connection therewith.includfn�without Iimitetlon guarantees.secu�ity aproeme�nts e�d
<br /> ass{�xnenta of basee end rents,ehaN ba roferted to herein as fhe'Loan Instrumenb'.
<br /> TrusLor covsnanb and agrees wRh Lender es fdbwa:
<br /> 1. Paymtnt ot Ind�bbdrwss.All indeblednesa securod hereby shall De Paid when due.
<br /> 2. Ti1M.Tn�sLor ia fhe owner ot the Property.haa the right end authority to oonvey the Properry,end warrante thet the Hen�xsK-
<br /> ed heroby b a flat and prbr Nen on the Property,except for ifens end enCUmbranoes set tath by Tr�stor tn v�rilk�p and deNvered to
<br /> L�nder befas executlon of thia Deed of Tn�st,end the execuUon and dolhrery oi this Deed M Trust does not vblate any oontrec:t or
<br /> dher obiipaUon to wl�Ich Trustor ts subJecl •
<br /> a.Tax�a,�ttsa�.n.na.ro�ay b.toro de8nyuency en caxes.speda�essessmer►ca and eN aner c�ar0es agalnst the P�operh►
<br /> now or heroalter bvled.
<br /> 4.Irwuraect.To keep the Property insured eqairtst damage by flro,hazanda Induded within the term'exbnded oover�s'.and
<br /> such other hazaMs as Ler�der may reQuire,In amounts end with companles acceptable to Lender, naming Lender as�n edditlonal
<br /> named insured,witfi bss payable to the Lender. in case ot loss undor such policies,the Lender Is authorized to sdjust,coUect end
<br /> compromise,ell claims thereunder and shali have the optlor►af applying ell or part ot the insurance{xoceeds(i)to any N�dabtedness
<br /> aecured hereby and in such order as lender may detertntne,pl)to the Trustor to be used for the repalr or restoraUon of the PropertY a
<br /> (iil)tor eny other puryose or obJect setlsfactory to Lerxler without effectkp ths Ilen oi this Deed ot Trust for the fuU amount secw�ed
<br /> hereby betae such peyment ever took place.Any epplicaUons of proceeda tn Indebtedness shall not oxtend or postpone the due dats
<br /> of any paymenb under the Note,or cure any defauft thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5.Essrow.Upon written demand by Lender.Trustor aAaO pay to�enaer. in sucn menner aa i.ender may dasyiwie,s�,�����
<br /> sums to eneble lender:o pey es they becan9 due one or mote ot the idbwing:(I)afl texes.essessments Nnd other dtarpes egeinst
<br /> the Property, (il)the premiurns on the property Insurance requlred hereundor,aad (ili) the premiums on any mortgeBe insurence
<br />. requlred by Lender.
<br /> 6. Matnt�nanc�, R�palra�nd Compllanc�wlth Lawa. Trustor shall keep the Property In good oonditbn and repalr. shell
<br /> prompUy repak,or replaee sny Improvement whlch may be dama9sd or destroyed;shaN not commlt or permit any waste ar detedora-
<br /> Uon of the PropeRy;ahall rwt rertwve,demolish or substanNally elter any of tho improvemenb on the Property:shaU not oommR.suffer
<br />- or permit any ect to be done In or upan the Property In violation ot eny law.oMlnance,or regulaUon:and shall pay end promptly dis-
<br /> charpe at Trustor's wst end expense all Iksns. encumbranoes and clurges levled,fmposed or acoessed epaUst the Property w eny
<br />_ part thereoi.
<br />- 7.Emlr�nt Domain.Lender Is hereby ass{gned all compensation,ewards,d�mages end other paymenb or relfet(horeinaRer
<br /> �ec s�s�n�•�+o».i w�eti
<br /> o,IM w`sr ara d can�rurnw r,a 6nea A�focwioa lnmi w�h.ra
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br />