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<br />''`�� 16. Borrower'e Copy.Bonower ehnll be given one confarmed copy of the Note and oi thfs Security Inetrument. __
<br />_�� nrt o!the Pro rt or any _
<br /> '�`� �� . l7. Traaii�or nf the Propert or� HenefIclal Iatereat in Borrower. Ii sll or any p P� Y, _
<br /> 4� ' intoreat in it ie sold or transferred or �f a benelicIel interest in Bonower ie sald or transterred and Borrower is not a :,
<br /> ., . natuisl peraun)without I.ender's p or wrltten consent,I,ender may,at ite option,require immediate payment in full of �,t
<br />;:�� � all sums securad by this SeaurIty Inatrument. Howev�r, thie option ahall not be exercised by �.ender if exercise is =
<br />-:,-- prohibited by federal law ae of the dato of this Socurity Instrument. _
<br /> I�Lender oxercises thie option,I.onder shall glvo Bonowa notice of ec:celeration.The notice shall provide a period
<br /> �.�.. of not lese than 30 days from the date the notice ie delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured _
<br /> _-- by thia Security It�strument.If Barrower fails tc�pay these sume prIor to the expiration of thie period,L.ender may invoka
<br />':��'� , at►y remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notico or demand on Bormwer.
<br /> - - -' 18. Borrov�er's ltitht to Aois�etate.If Barrower meets certain conditions,Horrower ehall have tha right to have �
<br />-- :s,`� enforcement at tbie SocurIty Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (e) S days(or such other period
<br /> = as applicabl�law may spa7fy for rrnstatement)beforo sele of the Property pursuant to anypoaer of sale contained in
<br /> — this 5ecudty Instrument;or (b) entty of e�udgment enforcing this Se�unty Inetrument.Those conditions are that
<br /> ° v Borrowe,: (a)paYe Lender a11 sume which then would be due under thie Security Instrumant and the Note es ii no
<br />"� � acceleration hnd occurrod;(b)cures eny default of any other covenants or agreementa; (c)pays alt eapensea incurred in
<br /> ;;�� enforcing thie Security Inatcument,including but not limited to,reasonable attorneye'fees;end(d)takes auch actian es
<br />-:;��� Londer mny rcasonably requiro to essure thet tha lien of this Security Inetrument,T..ender's rIghts in tha Property and
<br />-�� Bonower's obli$atton to pny tha eums secured by this Security Inetrumentehall continue unchenged.Up4n reinetatament
<br /> ---- by Borrowor,thieSecurity�Inetrumant and tlie obligations secured heceby ehell remain fully et[ective as it no acceleration
<br /> —= hed cecurred.However�this right to reineteteshall not spp ly in tha cas�e of ecceleration uttder paragraph 17.
<br />��__- 19.S�le oi Note;Ch�n�e of Loan Sarvicor.The Note or a partial interest in tha Note(togeth��r with this Secudty
<br /> - Instrument)msy be sold one or more times aithout prior notIco ta A�rrower.A sale may result in a change in thoentity
<br />-- " {lcnokn�e the"I.osn Servicer")thit collecte monthly peymente due under the Note end thieSecudty Instrument.There
<br /> ,�i aleo may be ano or more ahan�ee ot the I.om Servicer unrelsted w n etle of the Nato. If thero ie a ohnngo of the Loen
<br /> Servicar,Borrowar will be�Iven written natico of the chanYd�� In accardenco with paratraph 14 above end epplicable law.
<br />— The notice will�ute tho n�me tnd�ddreae oi the now I.oan Servtcer tnd tho�ddrese to whtch paymenta should be mnde.
<br /> The notice will�leo cantain any ather intorm�t�on ra�uired by appltcable bw.
<br /> ---- 20.Has�rdou�Sub�t�aca. Horrowvr ehdl not auso ar rmit tho presenco,uae,disposal,etorage,or releaso of
<br /> any H�z�rdaue Subeunce�on or in the Proporty.Horrower ah�l
<br /> not do,nos�llow enyoae elee to do,anything sftocting
<br />_.�� the Property that is in vialttian oi any�nvironmental I.aw.The proceding two sentcnces ehell nat apply to tho presence,
<br /> uee, or eton�e on the Property nt �mall quantltles oi Ha•urdoue Substences thnt ere genorally rGCOgniz�d to be
<br /> appro�pd�te to narmRl ra�identl�l usae and to mainunanco of the Property.
<br /> Borrower eiull promptly gIvo I.ender wrltun notIce of any investi�ation,cleim,demand,lawsuit or other nction by
<br /> any govarc�menUl o� ro ulatory agency or prlvate party involving the Property and any I3ezardoua Subetance or
<br /> Bnvlronmr,ntal l,dw ot w�ch Bonower has ectual knowledge.If Bonowa learna,or is notiGed by any governmental or
<br /> regulatory authadty,that any removal or other remedIation of any Hazerdous Substanee afiecting the Property is
<br /> neceseary,BorraNer ehall promptly take all nxessary remedial actions in nccordanca with Environmentel Law.
<br /> As ueed its thie ptta8raPh Z0. 1-laurdous�ubeiancce"aro it��o s.�to-taar�3cfined ss to:�^_Qf�1lZ#f�lntut aubeteACC9
<br /> by Envimnment�l Lew and the followiag substances:gasoline,kerosene,otber flnmmable or tozic petroleum produate,
<br /> toxia �esticides nnd herbicides, volatile eolventa. mnteriale contnining aebestoe or formaldehyde. end radioactive
<br /> matenale.Aa used in this parigraph 20,"EAVironmonul Law"means federal laws end lawe of the jurisdiction whoro the
<br />— Property ts lacaud that relnte to health�eafety or environmental protection.
<br /> -NON-UN IPORM COVBNANTS.&►rrawer and Lendar further covenant and agree as lollows:
<br /> 21. Acceloratiott; Remedies. Leader ahall =ive aotice to Borrower prtor to accetaration followins
<br /> Bonower'e brach oi sny covon�nt or�jrcomet�t in this Security Inetrumeat (but aot prlar to accoleratloa
<br /> uader pua�raph 17 unlesa applicable law provides otherwiee).The aotice sh�ll specl[y:la)the deiault;(b)the
<br /> actlon required to cure the detault; (c)s date, not less than 30 daye from the d�te the notice is sivon to
<br /> Borrower.by Rhich tho default must be cured;and(d)th�t ts�lure to cure the d�f�ult on or bofore tha d�te
<br /> specified�tn the aotica may rasult in accoleration oi the eums s�cured by thie Security Instrumeat�ad s�le c�i
<br /> tho Property_The notice ehall turther inform$orrower of the rl=ht to reinstate�iter accelerstion aad the
<br /> ri=ht to brin�� court�otioa to aaaart the non-exietence of a detault or any othet defeaso ot Bonower to
<br /> scceleration and eale. If the dotault is aot cured oa or before the dato specified ia the aotice,Leader. st ite
<br /> optioa, nciay requiro immediate payment in lull Qf all snms secured by thi� Secority Inetrumeat without
<br /> further derasnd and may invoke tho power of ssle and �ny other remedies permitted by �pplicable law.
<br /> Lender ehall Ue eatitled to collect all etpens�s incurred ia pursuin�the remedies provided in this para�raph
<br /> 21�iacludin=.but aot limited to,ra�aon�ble attornoys'fees and costs oi title evidenco_
<br /> It the power of s�le is iavoked,Truetee shsll record a aotice of default in cach county ia which�ay part of
<br /> tho Proporty ia located and shall mail copies of such notice ta the m�nner prescribed by applicablo Is�+to
<br /> BorroRar�ad to thc other peraone preacribed by applic�blo law.Aitor the time requ'ued by applicable law.
<br /> Truetee shdl five publlc aotice of s�lo to thepe raona�nd ia the m�aner rescrlbed b sppltcable law.Trustee,
<br /> �vithout demand on Horrower.ehall sell the Property st public�uctiaato the hi=best bidder at tho time�nd
<br /> � pl�ce and under the torme desi=nated ia the notico oi sale in oao or moro parcola�nd ia�ny ordor Tru�tee
<br /> doiormine�.Truetee may postpoae sale of all or aay psrcol oi the Praperty by public annovncemeat�t the
<br /> tima sad place of tny previoualy soheduled asle. Leader or its deai�aee may purchase the Property at any
<br /> ""—"— e�le.
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