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<br /> , et the optton ot I.ender, if mottgago insurance coverage (in the amount an�i for the period that I.cndor re@uires)
<br /> • �provided by an inauror spproved by L.endor s�ain becornes available and ie obtnined.Harrower�hell pay the premiume
<br /> required ta malntain mort�age tneurance !n etfxt,or ta pravid� a laus resorva, until the requiremcnt ior martgego
<br /> ineuranco ande in tccardanco wtth any wrttten agreement botween Borrawer and I.end�r or applicable law. -
<br /> 9.Inepection.Lender or tts eKent may meke reaewntble cntrisa upou end Inspecttone of the Propertf.I.andor shall
<br /> �Ivo Borrower notice at tho time of or prior tc�an inspection epecifying reasonsble cause ior the inepecttan.
<br /> 10. Coademaatloa.Tho pmceeds oi eny eward or claim for demages,direct or cone.equential,in connxtlon with
<br /> any condomxsai►uii ur u►�ioi i�1:Ing a!�,zy p�st at thc°mp.,�rty,ur for can�ayanx in liau of candcmnat[�n,an c�rty
<br /> eASigned and ehall be peid w Lender.
<br /> In tite event oP a total taking of the Property,the proceeda shnll be applicd ta the eums eecured by thie Security ,_
<br /> Instrument,whether or not then due,with eny excess paid to Borrower.In the evcnt of a partial taking of the Property in
<br /> whtch tho feir merket value of the Property immedletely before the teking is equel to or greater than the amount af the
<br /> sums secured by thie SecurIty Inatrument immedisuly betore the taking,unless Honower and Lender otherwise agroe
<br /> in writing,the suma secured by this Security Instruaientahall be reduced by the amaunt oi tha proceeds multiplied by
<br /> the fallowing fnction: (a) tho totnl amount of the surrza secured immediately before tho taking,divided by(b)tho fair
<br /> market valuo of the Property immedietely before the taking. Any balance shell be paid to Borrower. In the event of a
<br /> partisl teking of the Property in which tha fair market velue of tho Property immodisuly betore the tsking is tesa than
<br /> the amount of the sume secured immodiately befora the taking,utiless Borrower and Lender otherwIse agrx in writing
<br /> ar unlesa applicable law otherwise provides, the pr�ceede shall ba applied to tho suma secured by thie Security
<br /> Instrumant whether or not the eums aro then due.
<br /> If the Property is sbandoned by Bonuwer,or if,afur notice by I.ander to Borrower thst the condemnor offere to
<br /> malce an aaard or aettlo a claim for damegea, Hottower fatls to respond to Lender within 30 days atter the date the
<br /> not[ce ie given.I.onder ie authorizod to colleat aad epply the pracoode,at ite option,either to restoratton or repcir ot the -
<br /> Property or to the sums eeaured by thie Socurity In�trument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unleee L,ender and Borrower otherwiee a�roo in writing,sny application ot praceeda to princlpal shall not oxtond or
<br /> postpono tho due dete ot tho monthly p�yenente roferred to in persgraphs I and 2 ar chan�o tho emount of suoh
<br /> P�Ymastta.
<br /> 11. Borrower Nat Rela�ed; Farbe�r�nco By l.ender Nc�t� W�iver. F3xtenRtun��t the time fo�p�yment ar
<br /> modillcatian of�morttxation ot tho�ume exurod by thiA 3eaurit�1nAtrumont�nntecf by I,onder tc� iny nucceeeor in
<br /> interast ot Aarrower sh�ll not oponto ta�ole�se the Il�bility oi the ori�in�l Iiorrower ar Hnrruwor'n eucceeeore in
<br /> interoet. I.endor ehdl not be requlred ta wmme�nco pmceedinQs ��dnet any succoeaar in intera+t or rotuue to extond
<br /> ttme tar p�yment a�otherwiee mc�dity amortt�tion ot tho sumn Aecured by thie Socurity Inetrument by re�eon ai�ny
<br /> demand mide by the ariQinal Horrower or Horrawer'e eucceAeorts in Intereet.Any forbeannce by l.ender in oxercisinQ
<br /> any rI�ht oc romedy ehall nat be�waiver ot or prxiude the exercIr3e ot any rtght or remedy.
<br /> 12, Succe,uori and As�im� Hnund;Jolnt md Several I.i�bility;Caal�ner�.The coven�nte and a�roeinenta
<br /> of thle Socurity Insttument ehill bind and benetit the eucceseote end aesigna of Lender uid Borrower.eubjoct to tee
<br /> provIsione of puaRnph 17.Borrower's cavonu►ts and a�reementa sfull bo joint and sevoral.My Borrower aho co-stgne
<br /> thie SecurIty Instrument but das not execute the Nou: (a) ie co-sIgning this Securlty Instrument only to mortgago,
<br /> grant and convey thst Borrower's interest in the Praperty under the terms oi thie Seaurity Instrument; (bj is not
<br /> personnlly obli�atod to pay tho sums secured by thie Security Inatrument;and (c) agre�s that I.endor and tay other
<br /> Bonower msy�greo to oYtend,modity. forbenr or make nay accommndationa with regard to the terms oi thia Security
<br /> Inatrumont or the Noto without that Borcower'e consent.
<br /> 13. Loaa Charjea. If the loan eocured by thie Security Instrument ie subject to e law which seta mnximum loan
<br /> charges, u►d that lew ia finslly iaterpreted so thet the inurest or other lonn charges collectod nr to be collectod in
<br /> wnnection with tho loan exceed the permittod limits,then: (a) any suah loan charge shall be reducod by the emount
<br /> neceseary to reduce tbe charge to the permitted lirnit; and (b) any sume already collxtod irom Borrower whtch
<br /> eYCeeded prrmitted limite wi11 be retun�ied to Borrower. Leador msy choose to mnke this retund by reducing the
<br /> pdncipal owed under the Note or by maktng e diroct peyment to Bocrower.Ii a refund reducea principel,the reductlon
<br /> will bo treated ea a partial propayment without any prepyment chargo under the Nou. �
<br /> 14. Noticei.My notice to Borrower provided for in this Socurity Instrumont ahall be givon by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by tirst class mnil unless applicablo law requires uso of another method.The notice sh�ll bo ditected to tho
<br /> Property AddreaR or eny other addreas Borroaer des�gnttea by notice to L,ender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> firet clesa mail to Lendor's address stated her�in or any other address Lender designates by nottce to Borrower. My
<br /> notico provided tor in thia Security Ineitrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Londar when given
<br /> as provided in this pnragraph.
<br /> 1 S. Ooverninj Liw;Severability.Thie Sec��rity Instrvment shall ba governed by federal law nnd the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property ie locatod.In tho ovent that eny provieion or cleuso nf thia Security Inatrumont or the
<br /> Noto confllcta wtth applicable law�such conilict shall not eftect other provisions o!this Security Inetrument or the Note
<br />— which can be given eftxt without the contlicting provision. To thie end the provieions of thie Security Inatrument and
<br /> th�Note ere dxlared to be severable.
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