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<br /> =� "'---- �a31-�s�� DEED OF TRUST Pa�°3
<br /> "����� �. . Lo�n:No 6l�SS� (Continued) g?� �0 9�G r
<br />. • . +� `t� ���� �.
<br /> ,,� AfINn(16)day�atl�r Ih�I��arN�s a,H �INn N Ilbd,wlthin AMsen(16j d�ys�Mr Trustor haa notla of IM flNrp,sscun th�dbahuo�of IM -;
<br /> Ilm,a If rpwtbd by L�nd�r,d�pofll wllh l.end�r oteh a a euMlclsnl corpad�sunty hond a olh�r Naurity�alltfaotory lo L�ndu In�n .
<br /> •• �' �mount wMlol�nl lo dNofurp�Ih�Msn pluf�ny cosM�nd�HarNys'tMS a otMr oh�rp�s IMI could�ccrur u�rKUil of�fa�closun a aaN
<br /> undu th�INn. In any caM�st,Trusla sh�lf ddmd IISNI and Lsnder and aMN eatisN�ny�dvers�Jud�rrNnt b�la��ntoran»nt �ptinsl the •�'
<br /> •. � Proputy. Trusta ah�l nsrM L�ndN a an�ddlUOn�l oblly»und�r my fursly bond furnlsMd In Ih�contal prxNdlnps. �.
<br />: � Evid�nc�ot P�ynwnl. Trutfa�hall upon d�m�nd turnlsh lo Lenda wtbhctory�vld�nc�of p�ymmt of lhe tucw�a ass�ssrn�nl��nd thaM �;
<br /> „ � �Ihals�Ih� approprkl�powrnrn�nW ofACi�l ta dWwr lo L�nder st ony IIrtN�wrllhn �41�m�M of lh�tuca and�tsessrtNnts�p�lnst tlw _
<br /> � Hott�c o!Conrtruetlon. Tntata eh�A notNy Lende►sl leesl lllleen(t6)days bNor��ny wak la comrtwnc�d,�ny t�rvlas�n turnlsMd.or�ny �
<br /> maUrlW�n tuppM�E!o Ih� Prop�ry,M�ny mwhmb'�INn,malei��rtNn'�INn, or ollw IKn CoUd b�asHrt�d on account of Ih�wak,
<br />.=-����� s�rvkw�a rt►�M�f�N.Trudor wM upon r�ques!M l�nd�r Iurnish to L�nd�r adv�no��asurincw uHsl�otory ta Undrr Ihat Tnnlo�c�n�nd wIN
<br /> pay IM cat of Noh Improwmmb.
<br /> .- - � PROPERTY DAMAO�INWRAMCE.TM Idlowlrp provl�bns rNaHnp to Intur�np tM Prop�ty�n�Q�rt of 1hK DMd of Tru�f.
<br /> MMnl�n�of InsurM�C1. Tnntor IhaM proeun�nd rt�int�ln poAcle�of Iks Insunna w�h stendud�xl�nd�d cotrK�p��ndas�nNnb on�
<br /> ,.. �. �� ropl�ammt b�tfs tor Ilw h�ll InsaabN vaiu�covsrinp aN Improvsments on ths RNI PropaAy fn tn amount tutAcNnl lo avold�pplicalon o(�ny
<br /> �'• coln�urance ckuse.end wNh�ah�dud mortpag�s d�use In hvor of Lender,lopelh�r with lueh otMr h�ntrd�nd M�blNty Instmne��!Lende► _
<br /> r.•,�.:. .
<br />;,,.��r ._ : may rwsonaby requk�. Pollcbs sh�l b�wrlNen In torm,�mounts,coverapes�nd basls nason�bty accept�bk to Lander�nd fssusd y a
<br /> :.,��,�;, comp�ny a companNs reeson�bly axept�bie to Lender. Trusla,upon rsquest of Lender,wiN dellver to Lend�r hom Hme to tim�IIN pdfcles
<br /> �.�. or certillales d insunnd In tam s�bfactory to Lender,Includinq sllpulalions ttu�t cover�Qss wHl no!b�ca�d a dlminhh�d wfthout a1
<br /> ''`��=•�` leest Isn(10j dqs'ptlor vrrlHen notta lo Lender. EnCh Insurance polkiy nlso shnN Ir�clude tn endorsement proNdlrq Ihat cover�ps In hvor of
<br /> v* '-
<br /> �,�`" a'' Lender wiA nol bs irn��lnd in any w�y by eny ect,omFSSlon a delsult of Trusta o►my olf� son. Should Ihs R�al prop�rty d�ny Nme
<br /> j-_�"'����• becorr�e localed In an are�desipnated by Ihs Direator of Ihe Federal Emerpenoy Manepement�noy as a apeclal Aood hazard arw,Ttusta
<br /> __.,,r��
<br />__."�+:r_-�r� aqrels to obtaln and malnfain Fsdertl Flood In�uranc�ta the fuN unpdd pdnc�pal btlana of the loan,up b th�maximum poNoy Nmib set
<br />-.�;�z_�� under th�Nallon�l Flood Insunncs Propr�m,a ts otherwls�requked by Land�r,�nd to m�InMin auoh Insunnce fa lh�term ot Ih�lan.
<br />'-�';"�`,' App1katbn of ProcNds.Trusla slut prompfly noliy Lender ot any loss a dam�pe to tM Properiy. Lender iru�y m�ke praoi oi losc B Trusfor -
<br />_°�� �� f�ih lo do so wIIMn tlA�sn(16)d�ys d Ihe caau�ity. Whelhe►or not Lender's e�aurity Is Imptir�ed,Lend�r m�y,�t Its Neolion,recNw md rshln
<br />- : '� � tM procNds ol any Insunnce and tppy IM procNds to ths reduallon of th�Ind�bt�dnr�s,P�YrtNnt of tny il�n�(hcNnp IM Proowty.a th�
<br /> ,� nstoniton�nd npak of fh� Property, If Lsnder eleots to apply ths prxe�ds lo ratontlon�nd ropalr,Trustor�htll npak or rpiatw th�
<br /> -• •�•.• darr�psd or d�atroynd improwms�b In a mannsr�dlstactory to L�nder. Lend�r shall,upon�tltf�atory prooi of auch exp�ndilun, pay or
<br />�.�'�� • raimbura�Truslor hom ihe procNds lor th�re�sontbk cost o(repak a roslaallon N Trustor Is not In ddauN under thta DMd o1 Tnnt. Any
<br />-��.�A�::� ! proceeds whioh haw not been dlsbused withln 180 days atler thelr receipt and whtah Lends►hts not commiNed to ths repair a►eslo►allon of
<br /> --�_� tM Prop�ty aMM b�used Arst to pay�ny�mount owinp to Lender under this DNd af Trus4��n to pay tccrwd Inbnsl,�nd IM nmalnder,tt
<br /> ";'�+!-„ any,aFutA b�applfed lo tM p�inclpal Mlance of the Indebtedness. If Lende►holds any proaed�afbr peyment In fuN a(ths Ind�bl�dn�s�,suoh
<br /> �:3�;µ'w proce�dt thaM bs pNd ta Trusta as Trusta's Intxesb may appear.
<br />:�_��L:,.� Un�xpk�d Imuranc��t SM�.Any uMxpked inaursnce shaH Inure to tM bene8l of,tnd pus to,the purchassr of lh�Prop�rty cownd by this
<br /> � �' Oeed of Trust�t any tus1N's s�k cx dher stls held undx ihe provlslons of Ihls Deed of Trust,a at�ny tasctosun s�M of suah Prop�rty.
<br />=;1'�°;:�
<br /> ��r�;,,� EXPEtiDITl1FiE8 6Y LEpDEii. It 7rustahWs lo comply wlth�ny provlslon ot thi�Deed of T►usl,a H any acfbn a procMdlnp la com�d that
<br /> r�'� - �:•: woukf ou1�aM�ot Lend�t�IntKrsts N iM Prop�iy,Lender on Tru�ta's behaH may,but ehaH not be requked to,tak�any aclbn IIMt Under
<br /> -" -'''�'"�� d�sms�pproprl�t�.Any tmount th�t Lsnd�r�xp�nds In so ddnp wiM bser inixsst at ttw nts providetl fa In tn�Noi�from ihs d�i�inaund a p�id
<br /> .=;;;` ._.�
<br /> �`"• _�' by L�nd�r to th�daN ofnp aym�nl by Trulor. All suoh���ns�s,at Lender'a opMOn,will (�)6r pay�bN on d�mand, (b)b�add�d to th�bdanc�
<br /> ��'����� of lM Nol��nd b��ppallon�d amonp�nd be payabN with any InstaNment paymenb to bscans dus durlrp e11Mrc (q tM brm d tny�ppNabN
<br /> �� -='� insuranc�poNcy o►(N)tfN rertylnirp term of the Nol�,a (o)b�trsdad as a baqoon payrment whbh wlll be du�and pay�bU�t 1M NoUY m�tudly.
<br /> -------- TMs DNd of Trust uso wll securs p�ymed of Ih�se amounta. The rlphb provided tor In this p�npreph sh�N be In addlHon lo any other rqhts or tny
<br /> —
<br />