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<br />-, ::....,� :`.�•�: t0-3�-1997 QEED AF TRUST p�p� � r:.�:
<br /> � ��� Loan No 6a29s1� (Continued) 9?-'/U 9,30/ ��=
<br /> =�� .
<br /> :� - ---- ,:
<br /> :.a
<br /> ; � Nol�. TM word"ti�t1"nNUn�fh�Mol�dNed OofoM��/�1K7,In the�rin�l��l�tflOU�'1l 0�S3d,000.00 kom Trusta to L�nd�r,
<br /> r} topelha wlih�M nrNw�h, �xfmsiorte,modillc�Hons,nlln�ncinps,�nd eabsll utlom a Ih� Nol�. The maturlly d�t�oi thls D�d ol Trusl K
<br /> Nowmb�►1,2003.
<br /> r, . � �. P�r�onM prppNty. TM word�"P�rsonN Prop�rtyl'mNn�N•yuiprtwnt, Axlures,and oth�r ulkla of p�rsonal propsrly now a herNM�r
<br /> owr►�d by Tru�ta,and nnw a MnaMr atf�oh�d a�tfiad to lh� Rwl PreP�rM IopNh�r wilh�M�cc�salons,p�rts. �nd �ddlMon�lo, �N
<br /> • t npl�art►�nb of, �nd �N arb}Htuflon� la, any of�uah prop�rty;�nd IopNh�r with �1 P��bde I��cludinp without IImIltNon aN Ir»unna
<br /> ;, �� procNds�nd ntunds of pnmlums)hom�ny al�or olh�r dlaposltlon of Ihs Props�ly. .
<br /> . e 1 Property. Th�word"Prop�rty'm�ans aoHeotivsly Ih�RNI Praperty and ths Penond Property. ,�
<br /> RtM PropMty. TI�wado'fi�►I Propart�'mcan Iho properly,Intorests end ripht�described ebove In Ihe"Convaynnc�and OnM"aecnon. �.-
<br />- ..r� qN���d po¢untenU. Th� wo►ds'4isldsd DoaurrNnb" ms�n and includ�wilhout Ilmil�tlon nll promissory notn,credlt�yrwtrNnls,lo�n c-
<br /> �prMm�nb,�nvkonrrNnhl aprNrtwnb,puanMles,security�pnsmenta,malpapee,deeds ol Irust,�nd aN olhsr instrumsnb,apresrrNnb and
<br />-•�4,��� docurrNnb,whdMr now a h�narie sxfstinp,sxeauled In connscHon wlih thelndebtedneca.
<br /> ;�1"` *' R�nt�. The word'4isnt�•me�ns�N present tnd future renls,revenue�,Income,Issuas,roy�llles,proflts,and other beneAls dsrived hom lM
<br /> � Propsrty.
<br /> TN�lN. TM word"fniatM'means UNrtED M88RASI(A BANK�nd any subsHtuf�a suoc�asa bus1�.
<br /> , Ttutlar. Th�ward"Truslor'm�ar►�any�nd�N p�rsom and�nfllMs�x�ouNrp this DMd of Trust,Indudlrp wllhout Mmllallon�N Yruston ntm�d
<br /> ' abow.
<br /> d . 0!1 THE FOLLOWINO TERII�Ss
<br /> PAVMENT ANO PEAFORIrAANCE. Exapt u otherwls�provlded in Ihia Deed of Trust,Trustor ah�N pay lo Lendst�N amounts secured by iMs Os�d
<br /> � ot Tnni as fh�y A�corn�du�,and ahatl shbtty and In a timeiy manner perform�d ol Trustora oblig�Hons und�r lM Note,lhh OMd of Truat,tnd Ih� _
<br /> _ . ."��;� • R�latsd Dooumenb.
<br />_ • PQBSESSIOM AND FAA�NTENANCE OF TF�PROPERTY. Trustor�press Ihat Trustora poss�sslon and us�of th�Propwty shaM be powrn�d by
<br /> , ., Ihe foNOwlnq provlalom:
<br />=,�.,'�c�,�� ppsNiNOn rrW(PM. UMN ih�ocatxrmc�ol��Ewnt of D�huit,Trustor mty (a)rom1l�in possaslon and conird of th�Propwty, (b)us�,
<br />}� opsnN a man�p�1M Prop�rty,and (o)aoMect any Rsnta hom the Property.
<br />_�•:: ,,' puly�p MNntMn. Trusla shaN malntaln th�Prop�rty In bru�nlabN conditlan and prompdy pKlam�N np�ln,npt�amenb,and malnNr►Rna
<br /> �, n�cess�ry to pnssrvs Ib value.
<br />�i , '``. FI�►Oous Substmca. Th�t�rms"h�a�rdous wu1�"�rdous substana,"•disposd,"Rel�a�;and'thnabn�d�o1KS�,"as u�d In tNt
<br />:�ix,�..�. ., ONd ol Trust,thaN haw lh�same manlrWS ss s�t lath in tM Compnh�nslw EnvkonmenW Rnpons�,Comp�Hon,and LI�biNy Aot d
<br />-j"'� � 1980,ts�rn�nd�d,42 U.S.C.SecNon 9801,�t s�q.("CERCLA'�,ths Supertund Am�ndm�nb aed Retulhaiz�Uon Act ot 1988,Pub.L. No.
<br />=:�';.`' , 7: gg-499("3AqA'�,Ihs Hwrdous MalsrUls Tnns ort�Hon Aot,49 U.S.C.$ecNon 1501,d s�q•,tM Resourc�Cons�rvaflon�nd R�cowry Ac1�
<br /> .p_. 'r
<br />_:��..`��; _ ;�', 42 U.S.C.Sscllan 8901,stasq a other appNca k sfats a F�deral taws,rules,a rs�ukHons adopNd punwnt to�ny of th�tapdnp. 7M
<br />�=;;.F::1..�,:Y ivrms'i�anrdous w:s i:ar d'h�r d o u s a u b s l a s x a's h a!!a l s 4!n c l l�e,wuhoul Umilatlon,p eUoieum tnd Petrdeum bY-�roducts a�ny haction =.
<br /> " . ::r+.,• ihereo�and asbestos. Truata rapresents and warcanb to Lender that: (a)Ouri�p!hs pMiod ot Tru�tor's ownershlp of the Property,tMro hes
<br />-'`'�y• }• been no us�,p�neradon,manutactur�,etaays,treatment,disposal,relew a threttsned rMNSS of�ny hanrdou�w�ste a aubatana by a�ry
<br />:t=_'�',x';',
<br /> erson on,under,abaut a hom the Prop�►iy; (b)Trustw hu no knowkdpe oi,a reaaon to beiteve th�t ihere hu 6ssn,except�s pr�viou�iy
<br />���'��`��x% disclosed to end acknowledped by Lender in writinq, (q any use,penereUon,manufacture.ataage,tre�tment,disposal.roksae,a thrMt�ned
<br /> _ i : N;,.;
<br />�,,�,�"y���,,�, re�eas�of any huetdous waste a eubaltnc�on,under,about or hom the Properly by any pda ownera a occupanb oi tM Properly a ( am
<br /> ��i:;_,�,+t• eciwl a throatened NNpatlon or cinima of any klnd by any person rektinp to suoh rtuNera;end (e)Except�s previouety disclosed to and
<br /> _,_b,:F.-:,. acknowledped by Lander in writlnp, p)nellher Truslor na eny tenant,confraotor,ayent or other tuthorized user of the Frop�rty shNl us1,
<br /> -��-;,. qenertts,m�nul�cturo,atoro,heat,dispose of,or reNese any harerdous waste a subshnce on,under,tboul a Nom the Propsrly�nd (H)any
<br />�;-�.��,'-�=� suoh�ctivily sh�N bs conducted in compltancs wlth�N appuc�bb tedenl,state,and loal I�wa, �eputauons md adlnanc�s,Inctudinp wHhoul
<br /> ti� �"r'�`•." � Amifallon thos�I�ws,repulaHons,and adlnsnces descrlbed above. Trusta authaizes lend�r �nd ib aq�nts to enter upon lh� PropMfy lo
<br /> �',":=`�?'' m�k�sueh Insp�otlons and leats,at Trustor'a sxp�nss,as Lsnder m�Y dNm epproprkts lo detwmins compIianc�of tM Propstty wUh thls
<br />���+"�''R+ s�cHOn of 1M DNd of Trust. Any Inspeotlons or tab mad�by Und�r thall b�fa L�nMr's purposa only�nd sh�M not W conslrtNd to awN
<br /> -j~`�`=�.. any r�sporKlbNiry a N�bNity on th�parl of I.�nder to Trusta a to any other pKSOn. Thr r�pr�nkNons and wartenths conitin�d Mr�Nn�n
<br /> -..nr��.1N�
<br /> b�ts�d on Trustor's du�dli(p�nc�in Invsslip�tlnp tM Properly tor harardous waat�and h�rardoua substmces.T�ustor henby (a)rMMSM a
<br /> -°- ��� waives aoy lutun cldms�yainst Lender ta Indemnlly a contrfbution In the�vsnt Trusta b�oomes Ytbl�for cl�anup or olh�r costs und�r�ny
<br /> _L,�a� auch laws,and (b) �p�sss to indemnly and hdd harmbss Lsndar npalnst any end�Ii ckim�,bsees, IUbiHtNa,d�m�pss,p�n�Nly, and
<br /> __�.,�1� sxpenses whloh Lsndu may dlrectty a Indkeotiy sustain a auMer resulHnQ hom a bro�ch nt IMs seotlon o(th� �Nd of Trust or as t
<br /> ---=: conspusncr of�ny us�,q�neraflon,manuMaturo,stor�ps,disposal,reie�se a thnatmsd roisas�oocurrinp pda to Trustor'a ownKthlp a
<br />_ _:.:=_1�� Intersst In tIN Propsrly,whdher a not tM same wns or ahould have bean known to 7ruslor.The provislona of thls seation of ths Desd of Trusl,
<br />�-;�;��'�, Inctudinp tM oblfpatlon to Indemnity,shall suMvs Ihs peyment ot the Indeblednass and tM entlsl�ction and reconveyance ot Ihe Nen ot this
<br /> __� .__,<, D e e d o f T r u s t a n d s h e N n o t h e�B e o t e d b y L e n d e r's�c q u l s l U o n o f e n y I n t e r e s t In ths Pr o p e r t y,whether b y faeclosure or otherwiss.
<br /> -`�"=� Nut�ence,W�ute. Trustor eheN not cause,conduct or pxmlt any nulsance nor commll,perMt,or suffer nny sMpplrp of a waste on or to th�
<br /> �.-:;;:���� PropKty a my pation oi ths Propsrty. Without Nmlllnp ths penerality ot the torepolnp,Tnnla wU not remove,or prant to any other p�rty tM
<br /> - -- ripht to remove.any tlmber.minerah(Inciudlnp oll and pas),sdl,qravel a rxk Producb without the p�ia wrilNn conssnt o1 Lender.
<br /> —y�-`�"'°- RtmovM of Improv�nNnb. Trustor shali not demdlsh or removs any Improvsmenb kam iM ReU Properly without the prlor writtsn cons�nl
<br /> "'"�'"'.�•:-�_ � of Lender. As a condllion to the removal of any Improvsmsnis,Lender may requks Trusta to rtake ar►anpemenb salislactory to Lend�r b
<br />=__=r`-.'o'r`;`� replace such Improvements with Improvements of d least squnt vstue.
<br /> �-����r.� Lend�r's Ripht to EntK. Lender and Ib eyenta end representetives may enter upon tha Real Property at�tl re�soru�bN Nmes to aHend lo
<br />�_�� ' Lender's Interests�nd to inspeof ths Properiy fa purposes of Trusta's complience with Ihs lerms and condidons of Ihis Deed of Trust.
<br />-- " � CompN�nc�with(iov�rnmentat Requlrements. Trustor shell prompuy comply fvllh eIl Iaws,ordln�nces,and repul�Hons,now or here�fter In
<br />'- ettect,oi�M povernmentel authorlHes eppllc�bie to the use or occupenay of tM Pro�erty. Trusta rney contest In pood talth any such law, _
<br /> � adfnancs,or ro0uletlon end withhold compl�nce durfnp eny proceediny,Includlrp approprkte appeRis,so lap u Trusta has notlMd Lsndu
<br /> In wriling prla lo dolnfl so and so tonp as,In Lender's sob opinton,Lender's Interests in the Propedy ars not Jeap�rdized. Lsnder tmy roquke _..
<br /> �. Trustu to post adequate sacudly or a surety bond,reasonebty satlsfactory to Lender,to protecl Lender's InteresL �
<br /> .�
<br /> � � Outy to Proteal. Trusla aflreea nelther to abandon nor teave unaHended the Property.Truelor shel do etl other�cts,In eddition to ihoss acts _
<br /> � . set torlh abow In this s�otion,whbh hom the eheracter and use oi Ihe Property aro reasonabty nec�ssary to protect end preserve tho Property. _
<br /> ' • OUE ON SALE-CONBENT BY LENDER. Lender may,d ils optlon,deeltre ImmedlelMy due and payeble etl sums secured by thls De�d of Trust =
<br /> upon the etla or trensier,wllhout the Lander's pdor w�INen consent,oi atl or any pa�t oi tM ReN Property,or any IntKest In tho Rool Ptop�rty. A t
<br /> - '�sale or tnnsteP msans the conveyanee ot Rent Property or any ripht,tllie or Interost ihersln;whother tepd beneticlal or equltahb;whsther vduntuy �
<br /> „i3�^ { w Invdunitry;whsther by outripht saie,deed,Instal�ment seie contract,land contract,conhnct ta deed,ieasehdd lnterest wilh a term qre�ter tMn �
<br /> ' Ihree(3)years,tease-option contract,or by sale,asslgnment,or Iransfer of any benaNcial Interest In a to any Iand trust hddinp 11He to the Re�l =-
<br /> _ -- - - •� v..u,.fi, �,r h�nnv eth.r malhod ot convevance ot Reel ProperlY Interest. If any Trustor Is a corpo�elbn,perinership a Iimlled IlabNlty companr, E,
<br /> IrAnster aho Includss any cha�ge In ownership of more ihan lwenty-11ve percent(26%J ot Ine vounp stxk,patlnerstup mterosts a umrteo neuiery :
<br />- � comptny Interests,as ihe case may be,o}Trusta. However,thls optlan shall�ol be exerClsed by Lender If such exerdse is prohlbited by federll =
<br /> Inw or by Nsbraska law.
<br /> TAXES AMO I.IENS. Ths Idlowina proNslons r�l�tinp to the texes ond Ilens on tM Property aro a part ot Ihls Deed of Trust.
<br /> P�yrtNnt. Trustor ahall psy whsn due(end In all evenie prior to dellnquency)aN texe�,spxial taes,assassmsnts,eh�rqss(Includlnp waNr _
<br /> and sswer),Mes and Irnposiflons levled aqalnst a on eccount o}the Property,and she�ll pey when due eN clalms tor work done on or la •
<br /> servfces rondered or mete�ial lumished lo the Properiy. Truslor shatl malnteln tha Property kee ol nil Ilens havinp prlority over or equel to the '
<br /> Interest of Lender under Ihis Deed ot Trust,except fa the Ilen of taxes and essessmenls not due end except es otherw�se provlded In thls Deed
<br /> of Tttlsf. r
<br /> Ripht To Contat. Trustor mny wllhhdd payment of any tax,nssessmenl,a claim In conneclion with a pood tallA dispule over tha obllpatbn j
<br /> lo pey,so lonp es Lender's Interest In ihe Property Is not Jeopardlzed. It a IWn edses a is Abd as e resulf of nonpeyment,Tnntor shaN wiiNn �
<br /> �
<br /> � {
<br /> : I �
<br /> � __ _
<br />