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<br /> f� "f�"�'�~ ' + p gocrowcr,yhaU bog ive�onc conforn►td copy of thc Nota and of�hls Security InstrumenG R
<br />_,��i�,�, 16.Borrowe�e Co y. If aU or eny part of thc Property or any Intcrest in it Is
<br /> � 17.Traaafer of Ihe Propert or�Benelkiallntere�t fa Borm�ver.
<br /> ,^ • �x � sold or transferretf (or if a 6cne��t1 intcrest in Borrawcr i.4 sold or transfcacd und Borrowcr is not a naturalper.can) witliout
<br /> ,;�,. .... Lcndcr's prbr wriucn canscrU,Lcndcr may,Gl IlA 0pUan, rcyuuc immectiatc paymcnt in full of ull sums sccurcd by this Sccutlly �
<br /> Instrumcn�Hawavcr,thi�opUan ahell not bc cxcrei.scd by l.cndcr if cxcrcisc is prahibited by fcdcral law ag af the dato af�his _
<br />:':>x.;:' : Sccurity Insuumen�
<br /> - �� If Lcndu cxercisea thiaoption,Lcndcr shtll glvo Borrnwcr nodcc of acccicradon.'lhc nodce shall provlda aperiod af not kss
<br />'F�T,;;;a�' ihun 30 dAya from tho dnto t�o nadcc is doUvc�cd or mailcd within wMch Borrowcr must pay aU sums sccurcd by this Sxurity ?_
<br />-•;:;�r:��; Instrumer��If Borrowu ftib w ptY thcxa sum� Pn°r a tho°xpira�°af this period.l.cndcr may invoka eny rcmcdlcs pcmoincd
<br /> by lhia Sccurity Instnimcnt lvtthout notlo�at,dGn� 4�Borrower. Bono�vcr shall havc thc rlght ro havc —
<br /> la.BoROwcr'�Nl�ht Re te ,,I� rpw�.i1 tsc ccrtain condidons. �-
<br /> � enforr.ement af thia Socur�' I �i�ANod u;�4 � P�� �����f: (a) S days (or such other puiad es
<br />---�� apppcablc U�w msry apxUy Lor )tieYatc siks at Property pursuant w eny powcr of salc containcd in this Sccurity
<br /> .,;�q Insuument;or(b)eatrY of�Judgment enforcing thi�Saurity Inswmenl.'il�ose condltbns are that Borrowcr.(a)pays L.cndcrall
<br /> urcod• (b) ctucs any
<br /> ��• ;� eums which then wouW bo dua under this Sxw(ty Instrument and tha Nota a+If no acccluadon had occ .
<br />' i'� �'�' defwit of my dhcr covensnte or agrocme�ts;(c)p�Ya nll axPenses jncurtod in enfo�cing this Sesurity Inswmcnt,including,but
<br />` :�.':�_' not UmiWd w.nason�bb utomcya'fees;and(d)ukes auch�cdon es Lcnder may rcasonabiy roquira to assure that the lien of this
<br /> -- Socurity Insaument, L�cnder's rlghts in tho Property an4 Bocrower's obllgatlon to pay th� sums sccured by this Socurity --
<br /> �;;,;;.,� Insaument ah�il continue w�chAnged. UPan reinstat�+nent by Borrowu, this Sxurity Instrumcnt and the obligati�ons securo�
<br /> ------ heraby ahaU rcmain tully eCfa:tivc w if no ecccicretion had occurred.Howcvcr.lhis righc to rcinstatc shyill n�t apply in the caso of
<br /> — = ' accelaetion undu pare�gcaph lry.
<br /> ----- 19.Sak otNote=Clwn�e of l.wn Se�vker. 'Iha Noto or a partial lnterest in the Note (together wlth thi.s SccurIty
<br /> -- - In�lrument)may be sold ono or more tImcs without prbr nodcc to Borrowcr.A sale may result ln a change in the cntity(known
<br /> — ss the"Lou�Savka")that coilocts monthly ym�ait�duo under tho Nota and this Socurity Inswmen�Tbero also may 60 one os
<br /> — rtwro changea of the L.om Savicu unre�to�sa�o of the Note.If thene ls a changc of the Loan Servicex,Borrowu w�l be
<br /> --- glven wriqat notice oF the ciw�go in ecuwrda�tice with g h 14 above anda�llcable law.'Ihe natica will atate the name u�d
<br /> °---- addtes�of tha new Loan Servica and the addras to w�hich payments should ba made.'il�e notice wiU also contain any o�her
<br /> ,ti���� informptjon requtrai by npplkabk Iaw.
<br /> _-.c� 20.Hwrdous Substanan. Borrowcr shall not causc or pwmit tho presencc, use. disposal. storage. or nleasc of any
<br /> "' HaTardous Subatances on or in the Propeity.Bortowu shall not do.nor allow anyone else w do.anything affocting the Propaty
<br /> ihat is in vioWbn of any Snvironmentnt Lxw.'Itie procedln8 two sente,�ces stwU not apply a the�normal residendal uses
<br /> -�-�� Prnpaty of sm�U quanfltics of Hazardous Substances ths�t ere generally roco8nized to bc approp
<br /> and to maintemnce of the Property.
<br /> _'-� Barower atwU promP�Y 8ive L,axler writtrn nwice oF any invesdgadon.claim, demand.lawsuit or other ecBon by any
<br /> -`-Y•,�•� govemma►tal a cegul�tory ency or prlv�tc party involving the P[oputy end en/Ha�aMous Substena or Environmental Law
<br /> of which Barowet hu�c�knowlodge.If Bocrowa kam�.a is nodfiod by any govemmentat or regulawry a�►thoritY.thatwny
<br /> � removtl a othu�ranediation of any Hazardaus Substance�f'fecdng the Propaty is nocessary.Bomowu shall promptlY tsite all
<br /> nocessery remedial actions in accardance wlth Environmennl Law.
<br /> — na uaou u� t��G��ap� ?A. "lia�da�Sssb�..la�s=ts" �.M Lh��cuhs�nc�s defiaed a� mxk or hazardous substances by
<br /> Envicortma�tal Iaw and th� following substancc.4: gesolfno� kcrosane, othu tlammabk or to�cic pc�n� pcoducts. bxic
<br /> pesticidq and herbkides.voledie solvents,matrtWs containinB esbestoa a formaldehyde,and radioacdve terials.As uscd in
<br /> this p�ragr�h 2(1."EnvironmentAl Law" meens faleral lawa and laws of tfie jurisdicdon wheoe the Property is locetal Ihat relate
<br /> -- a health.safuy or cnvironmenW prouct�on.
<br /> NpN-UNgapRM CpVgNANTS.Borrower ond Lendet fucthei cov�nant and agrae as follows:
<br /> 21.Aocelaatiou;Rtmedks.Leeder sYall�tve notia to Borrower prbr to accelen:tlon toUowin�Borrower's breacY of
<br /> nny ooveaant or a=reemcat in t66 Sanrih Instrumatt (but not prbr t� siooeleratioe under psrap'aph 17 ��
<br /> applicabk Ww provides otherwi�e).The aotia s6AU specify:(a)the detaulh(b)the actbn required to cun the dehuk=(c)
<br /> a date,not lee�tban 30 days from t6e dwte tie noHce Y givea to Borrower�by whkL the defsuit must be curod;Rnd(d)
<br /> that fi8ure to cure the def4ult on or betore tk date specitkd in t6e noticx may result in wcakration a�the aume seared
<br /> b�thi�Security Ieatrnment aad sak ot the Property.T6e notia s6A11 further inform Borro�rer ot the ri�6t to reia�twte
<br /> �f'ter acakr�tioo and tbe�ht to brin�a oourt nctbn to assert the non�acistence of�ddauk or�ny M6er defe�ae ot
<br /> gorrov�*er to acnkrptbn�nd sak.It tUe det�ait b not cured on or before the dxte specitied in the notke,i.ender,�t its
<br /> uptjon,may require immediate paytnent in tuU ot aU sn�s aecured by t6ie Security Iastntment wit6out further de�od
<br /> and m�y invoke the power of�ak�nd aoy dYer remedie�permitted by appika6k la+v.Lender shall be eethkd to aroUect
<br /> all ezpenu�Incurred(n purauin�trie remcdies provtdM in thfs paraSraP6 Zl,iacludin�,but not limited to,re�souibk
<br /> Attoneys'feea and coets ot titk evidena.
<br /> If tLe power ot sa6e is invoked,Trustee shaU record A noNce ot del'AUIt in each county ie whkh any part d the
<br /> Property is loa�ted and ahaU m�il oopiea of such natiee in the manner pr�acribed by applicxbk law to Borrower snd to t6e
<br /> otber peraoos pnscrib�d by appikxble I�w.Atter the tGne required by Applicabk I�w,Trustee shaU give publle notbe ot
<br /> _ sak to the peraous s�nd in the manner prescrlbed by applicxbk Is►w.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,ahaY aeY tbe
<br /> � property at public Auction to the 6ighest bidder at the time and pl�ce and under the terme desi�nAted in t6e uotke dsak
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