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<br /> p�ymenta may no longcr ba required,at the optian of Lendu,if mortgage�nsuranco coveragc(in thc amount and[or thc neric�d �
<br /> that Lender requue.g)provided by�n insuru e�pprovad by LecidcR agein hocomcs availablo end is obtained.Borrowu sb�li pay tha
<br /> prcmiums required w mdntaln mongege insurance in effect,or to provide a loss rescrva, undl thc requirement for martgagc
<br /> insucance ends in accordanca with wny wriuen�groement betw�en Borrower end Lender or applicable lxw.
<br /> g,j�apection, I,�cndcr or its agent may malce rcasonabk cnuics upon snd inspccdans of thc Property.l.cndcr shaU give
<br /> Borrowa notice At the tima of or priar w An inspacti�on spoeUying nasonabb cause for the inspocdon.
<br /> �O.Candemnatton. The proceeds of any awerd or claim for damages,direct or consequential, in connecdan with any
<br /> condemnadon or othu taku►8 of eny pare of Ihe Pro�xxty.or for conveyance in Ileu of condemnation,are hereby�.ssigned and
<br />_ ,,hull ho p�ld w I.cnder. _
<br /> In the event of a total taking of�he Property�the Procood��hrU b°BPPlied�°�°sums secured by this 5eciuity Instrwnes►t,
<br /> whethu or not then due.with any eaaess paid w Bormwu.In thc event of a pactial tsking of fhe ProPercY in whkh�he fdr markct
<br /> v�lue of�he Proputy�rnmaW►cely bcforo 1hc takIng is eqwil lo or 8ceater tha"the amount of thc sums sccural by this Sccurlty
<br /> Instrumeot Immediatcly before the taking, unless Bcxrowu and Lendu otherwise egrce in wrlttng, the sums secural by this
<br /> Securlty I�swment shall be rcducod by thc amount of the proaecds muldpllod by thc foUowing fract�on: (a) tbe wtal unount of
<br />- the sums securod immodiauly befon �hc taking.dividcd by (b)the fair market velue of tho Property immediatcly beforo tha
<br /> nk}ng,pny baLnco shall bc paid to Borrowu.In the event of a�udal takin8 of the PcoPertY in which tha fair maricee value of the
<br /> Property Immodlately beforc itie takln8 is lcss than the am�cable taw otherwise pro d.th��`Procada shall bo applicd w the
<br /> � Borrawcr and Lender a�thuwise ag�ce In wrldng or unkss aP�
<br />' sums sccured by this Security Instmment whether or not the sums are thcn duc.
<br /> If the Propaty is a6�ndoned by Borrower.or�f.after nodtx by L,ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to malco an
<br /> award or settle a claim fa damnges.Borrowu fails co respoed to Lendu within 30 days Aftu the date Ihe nosicc i�given�La►der
<br /> - is authorjzed tp colloct and aPPly tS�a proce,cds,at its opdan.either to restoration or repair of thc Property or to the sums securod
<br /> by Ihia Socurity Insiruma►t,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unkss Lender and Borrowu othawise sgra ic�writin8,anY ePPlication oF proceecls to pdncipal shaU not extaid or postpone
<br /> the doe date of the monthly payments cefurcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbenr�nce By Lender No!a Waiver. Ext�enslon of tho dme fa payment or modification
<br /> of amortjzatk�n of the sums soc�red by this Security Insuumcat granted bY Lcndu to any successor in intcrest of Bormwu shaU
<br /> not opaate w nkase��i:bility of the or�ginal Borrower a Barower's sucassors in iateresG Lender shall aot be requirod w
<br /> commence procoedin8s against any successor in inurest or cefuse w extend timo for payme�►t or otherwlse modify a�nocdzation of
<br /> t!a sums socund by this SoCUriry Instrument by reason o�a�ryo��Y hs�allb ot�be a w�u o or preclude the exo�isa of e�ny
<br /> in iat�arst My forbearance by Lender tn exercising any 8
<br /> dght a retncdy.
<br /> i2.^o�c�:�:���:�lL�'a�a:•sss�t�nei Gweral Liability:CasUtners. 'ltie covenants and agroementa of this
<br /> Se�ur(ry Instrument st�sll bind and benefit tha successors end assigns of Lcnda and Bonowa, subjxt to the provisions of
<br /> paragroph 17. Horrowu's covenants and agroe�nents shall be joint and sevual. My Barowu who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> Instcument but docs not exceute th�Noro: (a) is co-signin8 this Sa;urity Instmment only w�BOb a�tedt�pa th�s ms
<br /> Borrowu's intRxest ia the Propacy undu the tams of this Securtty Instrumenh (b)is not personallY 8
<br /> secured by this Securlty Instrument;and(c)agroes that I.ender and any othu Borrowu may egroe to extend,modify,forbesr or
<br /> make ony accommodations with regerd w the tem�s of this Socurlty Instrument ar the Nou without that Borrowa's cons�rtt
<br /> 13.I.a�n Chanas. If the loAn sxured by this Securlty Insuument is subject to a law which sets mvcicnum lan chuges,
<br /> and that law is finally intapretad so that Ihe interest or other loan charges collectod or to be coUxted in connoction with the lan
<br /> eaceod the pumlued limits.thrn:(a)any such loen charge shall be red�ced by the amount nacessary to reduce the chuge w the
<br /> �i���;�nd�)�ny sums already collocted from Bocrowu which eaccaded permltted ILnits wlll be refunded to Bocrowu.
<br /> Lender may chooae t,o make thLa nfund by ralucing the principal owed undu the Note or by making a dirocc peymu►t to
<br /> Borrower.If a rofund reduces prtncipal,the roduction wiQ be treatcd a4 a pactiN PrepaYme�t without anY P�WYmu�t chArge
<br /> undu the Noto.
<br /> 14.Noticcv. Any noda W Barowa provided for in�his SecurIty InsGrument shall be given by deliveting it a by ma�ling it
<br /> by fuat class mail un1ess applicabla taw requires use of another method.71�e nodce shaU be dirocted w the Propaty Addnss or
<br /> eny wher address Borrower designates by nodce to Letida.Any notice w Lecider shall be gtven by first class mall w Lendex's
<br /> address staud herein or any o�her address Lender designates by notice to Bocrower. My notice provided for in this Security
<br /> Instrument shall be deemed to tiave boen Biven to Borrower or I.ender w6en given as provided in thi�paragaph.
<br /> 15.Governing Laei�ever�d�itS'• 'mis Securlty Insuument shall be govemed by fodual law and the law of the
<br /> jurlsdicdon in which the Propeity is 1o�eted. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Instrument a the Note
<br /> cont]fcts wlth epplicabk law, such conflict shall not affxt other provisions of this Securiry Instcument or the Note which can be
<br /> given effect wtthout the contlicring provision.To this end the pmvisions of this Securlty Insuument and the Note are declared to
<br /> be severabk.
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