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<br /> (i)All or part of the Pmperty,or a beneflcicl intenst in a trust owning all or part oY the Property, is sald
<br /> or otherwise transfernd (other than by devise or desceat). wd
<br /> (ii} The Property is not occupled by the purchuer obut hiseorsher �credit has�ao beendapproved�in
<br /> purchaser or granue das so occupy the ProP��Y
<br /> accotdanc;e with the requiremcats of the Secruary.
<br /> (c)No W�iver.If circumstances occur that would permit Lender to requin immediate nay�acnt ia full,but
<br /> L.ender does not nquire such paymenta,Lender da�not waive its righW witb respect to subsequent events.
<br /> (d)Re�ulattong ot ft�JD Secretwry. In manY ctrcumstances n8wations iasued by the Secretary wlll llmit
<br /> L,epder•s rights,ia the case of payment defaults, to require immediate payment in full and foreclose if not
<br /> paid,This Secur�ty Instcumeat does not authorize acceleradon or foreclosure if not permltted by ngulatIons
<br /> � ofthe Secretary.
<br /> (e)Mortgs�ge Not Insured.Borrower agncs that if this Securiry Insuuu�ent end the Note are not deterndned
<br /> to be eligible for insurance uader the Natlonal Housing Act wlthiu 60 daYa fcom the date hereof, Lender
<br /> may, at its option, requlre immediate payinent in full of all sums sceurod bY this Socurlry Instcument. A
<br /> wrltten statemeut of any Authorized agent of the Secretary dated subsequent to 60 days frora the date heroof,
<br /> declining to insure t�is Secusity Instniment and the Note, sba11 be damed conclusive proof of such
<br /> inellgibility. Notwithstanding the forcgoing, thls option may not be excrcised by Lender when the
<br /> unavailability of insuranc�la solely due to Lender's failure to nmit a mortgage insurance premiva►w tt►e
<br /> Secretary.
<br /> 10. Rdns�tanent. Borrowar has a right to be reinatated if Leader has required immediatc payment In full
<br /> bec�use of Borrower's failure to pay an anaount due under ihe Note or thia Secudry Instrnment•Thie ri8ht nPplia
<br /> even after foreclosure pmcadings sve lnstituted. To ninstate We Sauriry Instrument, Bosower shait teuder in a
<br /> lump sum ell amounta required to bnng 23orrower's acoount curieut 3�cluding,ia sht sxsans t3se�;art Qbll�ti�na of
<br /> Ho�wer under this Securiry Iosuumeat,foreclosure costs and reasowble and customary attorneys'foea u�d expensa
<br /> properly auociated with tha foreclosure proceedIng. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this Securfty Insavmenc and
<br /> the obligations that it aecures sha11 remain in effect as if L.ender had not required immed{ate paydient in fuU.
<br /> However. I.ender Is not requirod to permit ninstatemrnt if: (i) Lender haa �ocepced ninstuement aRet' t�e
<br /> commp�csment of forodosure proceedinBs within a'�'o Yeara immediuely pra�eding the comuKncement of a curreat
<br /> ' foroclosure proaeding, (ii) ninsuuement will preclude foreclosun on different grounds in the thtura, or (ill)
<br /> " reinstatewent wlll adversely affat the priority of the liea created by t6is Securlty Instnunent.
<br /> ll. Borrower Not ltdew«l;F�By I.ender Not s Watver. Extwston Qf the ttme of paymeat or
<br /> - modificuion of amortizatIon of the sunu securod by this Security Instrument gruuod by Lender to any�uccawr!n
<br /> intereat of Bomower a1W1 not opente to nlease the liablliry of the odginal Bomower or 8orcower't�uoctswr in
<br /> interat. Lender a8a11 aot be required to commence proceedir�gs a8aimt wy suooe�or in intenst or retiue to extend
<br /> � time for payakat or otherwise modity amortizattoa of the sums secuced by thia Socudty Instn�menc by nason of�ny
<br /> j ekmand wade by t6e or�glnal Bomower or Bomower's auccessora in interest.Any forbeuance by Leader in exercising
<br /> auy rIght or remedy shall not be�wdver of or preclude the eaercise ot any dgbt dr nmedy.
<br /> 12. Succeseor�t w�d Assign+ Boundt Jdnt ead Sever�l Li�billty: Co-Si�nere.The oovea�nta aad agroements
<br /> of this Socnrity Instniment sha11 bind and lxnefit the auccessors And usigns of Leacier and Borrower.aubjxt to tUee
<br /> provis[ons of puagraph 9(b). Borrower's coven�nts and agreements shall be joint aad several. MY Borroa►'or�'�'bo
<br /> . co.sigcis thie Securlry lnstn�ment but das not execute the NotG: (a)is w-signing this Secudry IastcumeAt only to
<br /> moRg�ge.grant and convey that Bomower's inurest ia the Property undcr the terros of this Secudty Instrumeot:(b)
<br /> ;s not personally obligated to pay the sums secumi by tLls Security Instcumrnt; and(c)agras thu Leader�ud any
<br /> ' wher Borrower may agra to extend, modify, fo�bear or make any aa�ommodations with ngard to the terms of this
<br /> Securicyr Insuument or the Note w�thout that Borrower's conset►t.
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