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<br /> abandoned Property. Borr4wer ehall alao be in default if BorroW'er. during the loan �pp�ication process, gave
<br /> matedally felae or inaccurate infomasdon or atatementa to l.ender (or failed to provide Lender with any macadai
<br /> information) in conn�ctlon with the loan evldenced by the Note. ineludtng, but pot Ilmited to, representation�
<br /> cunceming Bomower's occupancy of the Property as a principal nsideace. If thia Securtry Instnunent is oa a
<br /> leasehold,Barrower shail comply with the provisions ot tt�e lease. If Boaower acquires fa title to the Property.the
<br /> leasehold and fa title shdl not be mergod ualess 1.ender agms to the mergcr in wrtting.
<br /> 6.Condemnwtion.T'he proceeds of aay award or claim for damages,direct or consequential. in conaxtion wltb
<br /> any coademnatlon or other caking of any part of the Prapeny, or for conveyance ta place of condemnadon, are
<br /> h�seby assigned aad shall be paid to I,�nder to the extent of the tull amount of the indebtedness that rem�ins►►nPatd
<br /> under the Note and thie Security lnstrument. L.ender shall apply such pmceeds to the reducdon of the indebtedness
<br /> und'er the Note and this Sxurlty Iasmuneat. first to any delinqueat amouate spplied in the order pmvidod in
<br /> paragraph 3,aad then to prepayment of principat.Any application of the proceeds to ths principal sh�ll aot extend or _
<br /> postpone the due date of ttn�nonthlY paYmente�which ace tefemd co in paragraph 2,or change the anaount of such
<br /> payments. Any excess procxds over aa aznounc required to pay all outatanding fndebtedaess under tha Note aud this
<br /> 5ecudty Instnunent shall be paid to We entity legally entitled thereto. ����r ��1 pay aU
<br /> 7. Clwiges to Borrower and Protect[on of Lender e Ri�hts in the Propei'tY• u 2. Bon.ower shall pay
<br /> govemmentel or municipal charges. fines and imPositions thac are not includ�d in aragraP
<br /> these obligattons oa ticae dirccdy co tha entity wbich is owul the Payment• If failun w pa�y h�d��t�Ip
<br /> Lender's interest in the Properry. upon L.ender's request Bormwer shell promptlY
<br /> evidencing these pAymeats.
<br /> If Borcower fails to rnake these payments or the payments nqufred by paragraph 2.or fa11s ta perfottn�ny other
<br /> wvenanta end agreements wntained ia this Securlty Instrument�or there is a AeB�P��on or�t oenforceilaawator
<br /> affect Ledder'a nghts tn the rmP�nY tanc�i«s A proctx3inS ia hsnkn.gtry, f_:
<br /> regulations), then Lender msy do and pay whazever is nxessay► to protxt the value of tbo Property u�d 1�nd�r�a
<br /> rights in the property.iucluding paywent of taxes.hazud lnsur+uce and other items mentioned in puagnph 2.
<br /> Any amounta disbursed by I.ender undes this paragrepb shall become an addidon�l d�bt of Barrower uid be
<br /> secured by thia Security Instrument.These amounta shall beu interest from the datc of disburaemeat,at the Note
<br /> rate.and at the opdon of Leader,shall be immediately due and payable.
<br /> Borcower sh�!prompdy diseharge any lien which hu pdoriry over this Securlty Inatcuanent unleRS Bormwer:
<br /> (a) agrxs in wcitiAg to the paym�nt of the obligatioa sxured by the lien in a minner �ocept�ble ro L.enda'; (b)
<br /> contests in good faith the lien by. or defends agalnst enforament of thc ltea in,legd proseedin8s W�� ��
<br /> Lender'a opinion open�te tv prevent the enforcement of t6e lien; or (c) secun.+kom the holder ot the lien �n
<br /> agrameat satisfactory ta Leader aubordinAting che Hen to this Security Instcument.If Leador determines thu iny p�rt
<br /> of the Pcoperty is subject to a lien which maY attain PriudcY over tLia Security Instrument. 1�e�der �Y 8ive
<br /> Borrower a notice ideatifying the IIen. Borrowtr shall satisiy tUe lien or telce one or�non of tLe acdons set farth
<br /> above wtthin 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> g.Fees.I.ender may collxt foes and charges authoslzed by the Secntary.
<br /> 9.Gmun�b[or Accderatlon ot Debt•
<br /> (a)Default.Lender may,except as liraited by ngulations issued by the Secretary.in tUe cue of pay�t
<br /> defaults.requtre Imuxdjate payment in full of all sums secured by this Securlty Insuumenc if.
<br /> (i)Borrower defaulte by failing to pay in fiill any monthly payment required by this Secudry Iastcument
<br /> prior to or on tlte due date of the next montbly p�Yment,or
<br /> (ii)Borrower defaults by failing,for a period of thirty days,to perform any other obligadons containal
<br /> in thia Sawriry Insmuneat.
<br /> (b) SWe Without Credit Appmvel.Lender sball. lf permitted by applicable law(includiag Section 341(d)
<br /> apP�al of the Sec�,require immediat�paymeat in full8of�a11 sums secured by this Secudty Instivmcnt
<br /> — if:
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