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<br /> �`' 1 _.�'��F3y� i��t��'�YEv3�'lli.'�._._ ..,.._.. �
<br /> ✓S�;r aCu� '�f. N.4. _ __�_— __. — _ ..
<br /> • '2. Tix�:. Trustor aha �ach Insteliment of�II taxa�s and special�srnenea of every kind,now or heruftu
<br /> levied apalnst the Trust Estate ar any�the�eof, bafore del►nquency, wlthaut notf�o or dema�d.
<br /> 3• �i�turane��nd R�p�, T�uatar aheli malntatn ftre and extended coverape insunnce Insurinp t�y Improvementt
<br /> con�titutinp part of the Trust Estatn !or such amounts and on such terma reaaonably aatisfactory to 8enefi�iery, go lonp�r t��A
<br /> Praperty is securud by a first daed oi trust or rnort�ape,compltance with the Inaunrsce requtrers�anta of the ftrat deed of trwt or
<br /> moRpaqs ahsli be rufflcient to aatiaiy the requirements of thir panpraph 3 relatinp to tnsurance,
<br /> Truator shall pramptly repair and replace the Trust Eatate or any part theteof so that,except far ordtnary we�r�nd tNr,
<br /> the Truat Eatate ahalt not deteriorate. In no nvent shell the Trustar commit waate on or to the Trust Enate,or commlt,�uif�r or
<br /> d ache pe at T ustor��con�d expe ae af II I ens,encumbrana a and aha g/es et ed�mp sedaor aatesrsed aqa(ni�t t e T uit Eat te �
<br /> or any p�rt thereof.
<br /> �
<br /> 4• ActknrAN�ctlay 7iurt EJfat� Trunor thali appear(n and contest any action or proceedlnp purportinp to aiftot �
<br /> ths securtty hereof or the riphta or powera of Beneftciary or Truatee,and ahall pay alt eosta and expenses,Includinp cost of wtd�nc� Q
<br /> of tttle and attomeys'tees,in eny such action o�proceedinp in which 8pneflcfary or Truatee may appear. If Trustar f�its to m�ke �
<br /> . any payment or to do any act es and tn the manner provided in any of the Loan Inatruments,Benetictary and/or Truatee,esch In
<br /> their own discretion,wtthout obitpation ao to do and wfthaut notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releuainp Truetor irom �
<br /> , any ob!lyation, may make or do tl�e aame in auah maruie�and ta auch extent as efther may deem neceaaary to protect the security
<br /> here�f. Trustor ahall, immedlately upon demand theretor by Benaftciary, pay ail costa and expenses incurred by Benefictary in J
<br /> connection with tha exercise by Benefictary of the toreeoinp rlphts, tnCiudinp without timitation costs of eytdence of titie,aouR
<br /> costs,appraisals,surveys and attorneys'tees.
<br /> 5• Eminrnt Oom�fis. It the Trust Eatate,or any part theraof or interest therein, be taken or damaped by reason of
<br /> any pubHc tmprovement or condemnation proceedinp,or in any other manner tncludinp deed in Iieu theraof ("Condemnation"�, or
<br /> If Trustor racetves any notice or other information reyardlnp such proceedfnq, Trustor shali pive pramgt wrltten notice thereof to
<br /> ' 8enetictary. Trunor ahall be entitted to ai!compensatlon,awards and other payments or relief thereof and shall be entitled at Itt
<br />�' option to commence,appear in and prosacute in its ewn name any action or praceedinpa. Truator rhall also be entttled to maks
<br /> any compromise or sottlement In conneodon with euch takinp or damaQe.
<br /> c,
<br />± A� p�F�tm=sst ct�rrso.::vr Tnrsi.a Beneficiary may,trom time to time,by a written Instn,ment executed and
<br /> acknowledped by Beneficfary,mailed to Trustor and recorded in the County In whioh the Trust F,state is located and by otherwiae
<br /> complyinp with the provialons of the appitcable law of the State of Nebraska substitute a auccessor or aucceasors to the Trustee
<br /> named heretn or aot(np hereunde�.
<br /> , ?. Suc��saora aadAarlqnt. Thts Secand Deed oi Trust appliea to,inurea to the benefit o}and bi�ds all partin hereto,
<br /> � • thetr hetra,lepstees,devtsees, personsl representatives,suacessora and asstpna. The term"8enefictary'ahall mean the owner and
<br /> �'+` hplder of any promissory note piven to heneftciary,[whether or not named aa Beneficlary hereln].
<br /> �
<br /> :,T 8. M.ra�r, �?,��;�sr�;.;J,;��„;,�W i rustor covonanta that Trustor will nat sen,leaae or otherwise dl:pos�
<br /> oi iny of the Trust Estate. In the event that Trustor sells, leases or otherwfse dtsposas of any part oi ths Trust Eatate,8eneflcl�ry
<br /> may at its optton declare the Indebtedness secured herehy tmmedtateiy due and payable, whether or not iny defaWt extstt.
<br /> Beneficlary ahall consent to a tnnafer of the Trust Est�te to a third pany to the extent such third party meeu the roqutrement�
<br /> containtd in,and�ssumes the obllDationa set forth In the Firat Deed bf Trust. The Covenants contained t�erein shsll nrn wtth the
<br /> Property end shall remain in tull force and eNeot untit the Indebtedness is pe(d i�tutl.
<br /> Y
<br /> -�� 8• EwMs al D�tault. pny pf the toibwiny events shall be deemed an event of detault hereunder:
<br /> #
<br /> ' fal detault shal�be made in the payment of the Indabtedneas or eny other aum secured hereby when due;
<br /> f Ot
<br /> � )
<br /> � ' ib! Trustor ahali peMorm any aci(n bankruptcy; or
<br /> , tcl a Court of competent jurisdictlan shall enter an order,Judpment or decree epprovtnp e petition ftlad apainst
<br /> ` Truator seekinp any reorpanlxatton, dtssolutbn or simllar relief under eny preaent or future federal,atate or othet atatute,
<br /> law or requlation refatinp to bankruptcy, insolvency or othe�rel(et tor debtors,and such order, judpment or decree shalt
<br /> remain unvacated and unstayed for an epprepate oi`sixty(80)days(whether or not cansecutivel from the firat date of entry
<br /> thernof; or any trunee,receiver or liqufdator or Trustor or of ali or any part of the Trust Estate,or o}any or ell af the
<br /> royalties,revenues,rents,issues or profits thereot, shall be appotnted wtthout the consent or acqulescence of Trustor and
<br /> auch appotntment shall rematn unvacated and unstayed tor an aqprepate ot sixty(80)days(whether or not consecutive);
<br /> or
<br /> . 2
<br /> �
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