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<br /> (HBA IASri)
<br /> This 9econd Deed of Tru�t (thia "Secand Deed of Truat"I, is made a:of OCT. 31 . 19JI,by and amonp
<br /> Thomas J. Roberts, a single peraon, Wi].].iam P. Robexts, a sing�.s paz�sva, and�
<br /> E. Jean Roberts, l"Truator•!, whosemauin�eddress Is 1012 North Oak, Grand Ielcsnd, NE�68801
<br /> a vidow t'Trun4e'1 , whoas mallinq addresa is �
<br /> COenmerCial Federal Ban1�, Nebraska; and Nebraska Inveatment Finance Authority �
<br /> ('eensfici�ry"1, whose�n�i���d�s I������m��ourt, 1230 O 5t�eet.Uncoln, Nebraska B8b08-1402.
<br /> FaR VAIUABLE CONSIOERATION,Trusto►Irrevocably transiera,conveya and as�ipna to T►ustee,IN TRUST,WI'!'H POWER
<br /> OF SALE,for the benefit and aecuriry of Beneficlary,under and subject to the terms end condRtons of thla Secand Deed of Truai,
<br /> the real property, Iepaily deacribed on F�chibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Property"1;and
<br /> TOGETHER WITH,all rents,profita,roy�lttea,tncome snd other benefita derived irom the Property(coliectively,the"rents'1,
<br /> ail leaaea or aubleases coverinp the Property or�ny portion thereet now or hereafter existinp ar entered tnta,and all ripht,title and
<br /> interest of Trustor thereunder, aii ripht,title and interest of Trustor in and to any yreater estate In the Properry owned or here�fter
<br /> acqulred, aU interosts, eatate or other claims, both In Iaw�nd in equlty, which Trustor now hes or may hereafter�cqutre In ttu
<br /> Property,all e�sements,riqhta-of•way,tenements, hered(tamenta end appurtenances thereof�nd thereto,ali water riphts,all dqht,
<br /> tftle and intereat of Truato►, now owned or hereefter acquired, in and to any land, lyinp within the rlyhtwf-way ot any atteet or
<br /> hiqhway adJoininy the Property, and any md ell alieys ena atrips and pores of land adJacent to or used fn connection with tht
<br /> Property,end�ny and ail buildinqs,fixtures and improvements naw or hnreafter erected thereon tths'Improvements"1. and NI the ,
<br /> estate, interest,rtpht,title or any claim or dem�nd which T�ustar now haa or may hereaher�cquire(n ths P�opercy,and any and
<br /> all awards made far the takinQ by eminent domaln,or by any praceediny or purchase in Ileu thereof, of ihe whals or arry p�rt of
<br /> the Truat Estate, includtnp without IimitaUon any awards resultinp from a chanpe of prade of streets and awards for seveanae '
<br /> damaqes.
<br /> The Property and the entire estate and interest conveyed to the Trustee are referred to collectively as the"Trust Estete".
<br /> For th�Purpo��of S�curin�:
<br /> A. Payment of indebtedness evidenced by any pramiasory note of Trustor in favor of Benefioiary;and
<br /> B. Payment of all sum�ndvanced by Beneftclery to protect the Trust Estate,with interest thereon at the rate of
<br /> sixteen percent(16961 per annum. �'
<br /> Th�tndebtedness described in para�raphs A and B above ts referred to as the'I�debtedness."
<br /> This Second Deed of Trust, any promissory note of Trustar in favor of Beneflctary�nd any other tnstrumant piwn to
<br /> evidence or turther aecure the payment and performince ot�ny obtipadon aecured hereby are referred to collectively as the'Loan
<br /> �natruments'.
<br /> Trustor covenants that��)Trustar hoidp title to the Trust Estate and has lawful authorlty to enCUmber the Trust Fltete,
<br /> fIi► the Trust Estate ts iree and ctear of ell Ite�s md encumbrancea except for easements,restrictinns and covenants ot record and
<br /> the Deed of Trust frem Trustor encumberin� the Property dated on or abaut the date hereaf (the 'First Deed ot TrusYl�a�d
<br /> �ifi) Trustor witl defend the Trust Estate aqainst the Iawtul ctaims of any person.
<br /> To Protact th�S�cu�ity o}thi�S�cond n�M of Trurt:
<br /> 1. Paym�nt o,�Jndebr�dn�sa. Trostar shalt pay when due the principal of,and the interest an,the Indebtedneas and
<br /> all other sums an provtded in the Loan instrurnents.
<br />_ . � NIFA x/98
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