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<br /> 10. ReLo�tateaont Honowcr Ms a rlght to ba retnst�ted it Lender has requlred immedlate paymeat In fuA
<br /> because ot Bonowot's failure to pay an eraount due under the Note or this Security In.atrument. This rlgbt applies
<br /> even atcar fareclosure procceding,s are lnstituted. To relnstate tho Se�udty Instrument,Borrower shall tonder ln a lump _
<br /> sum all amounts requirod to brtng Honowar'a account cumnt including,to[he extent they aro obligations of Bonowet
<br /> under this SecuNty Inatrumeat�foreclosure oosis and reasarublo and cuscomary attorneys'fees and expenses properly
<br /> assoclated wlth tho forcclosure proceeding. Upon rctnstatement by Bonowcr, this Securlry lnstrument and the
<br /> obllgetioas tiwt[t secures shail romaia ln e�ect es if Lendet h�Q nat requiral immedIete payment in full. However,
<br /> Lendsr is nat requlred to permit reiastatement iL(!)Lcnder hu aocepted reinstatcment after the commencemeat of
<br /> foreclosurs procoedings wlthin two years Ia�tueclIately preceding tha comnwenccutent of a currenc foreclos�►re .
<br /> pra�xedtag, (if)ninsatement wUl precluda foreclosuro on di�[er�ent grounds in the future,or(iii)reinstatament will
<br /> adversely a�'ect the prloHty of the 11en cresud by this Security Inswmea�
<br /> 11. gori,o�er Not g,ek,a�od; gocbatanoe by I�ad�e:Nat s VYaiv�er. Extension of the time of payatent or
<br /> modificatton of amorti�ation of the sums secured by this Secudty Inst.rument granted by Lender co any successor in
<br /> iaterest of Bonower shail not operatc to release the IiabWty of thc orIgtnal Borrower or Borrnwer's successors in
<br /> interes� Lender shall not be required w aommeace procecdings agatnst aay sucoassor In interest or refuse ta extend
<br /> time for paymant or othenvlse modit�r ataorti�atlon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reasoa of any
<br /> demaad made by the orlginal Bonower or Bonower'a successors In iaterest. Any forbearance by L,ender in exerclsing
<br /> any right or remcdy sball aot be a waiver of or preclude the e�erctse of any riglat or remedy.
<br /> 12, �oo�Oa and�goaad;,bint and Se�aal ILbfl�ty;Co.Si�ea. 'Ihe wvenants and agreements oP thia
<br /> Securlty.Insuumenc shall bind and bencfit the suooessors and assigns of Lender and Bottower,subject to the pmvisions
<br /> oP paragraph 4(b).Bonawer's wvenants and agrcements sUall be)ofnt end several. Any Borrower who co-signs tbis
<br /> Security Insuument but does not execute tbe Note:(a)is oo-signing this Securlty Insuumeat oniy to mortgage,grant
<br /> and conv�y tUat Bonower's interest ia the Ptoperty uader the tern�s of this Security Insuument;(b)is not persoaally
<br /> obligated to pay the sums secured by this Securt�y Insuument;aad(c)agrdes that Lender and any other Bonower may
<br /> agree to extead,modit�,forbear or make any acxommodations with regard to the terms of thls Secur[ry Instrument or
<br /> the Noto without that Bonower's aonsea�
<br /> 13. NcNioos. Any notIce to Bonower provided for ia Wis SecurIty Instrument shall be given by deliverIng it or
<br /> by mailing it by&st cless mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notIoe shall be directed to
<br /> the Property Address or any oWer address Bonower desigaates by notice to I.ender.Any nodco to Lendor shall be
<br /> givea by Arst class meil to I.endar's addtess stated herela or aay addtess Lender designates by notice to Bonower.Any
<br /> notice provided for in this Secttdty In.stn►meat shall be deemed to havs 6een glven to Bonower or Lender whcn given
<br /> as providod in ttds paragraph.
<br /> 14. C3aNrtnira laM;SaMaaduiry. I'f�is�ecurity Inscrumeni shsIi bc guvciuixi�y lc�erai 2azv aitd iha la�,r af:he
<br /> _ jurisdicdan in w�lch the Propeny is located In the event that any provLsion or clause oP this Security Instrument or
<br /> ttte Nou conflicts wittt appUcable law,such oonflict shaU not�ffect other provtsions of tWs Security Insuument or the
<br /> Nou which c�a be givea effect without the coaflicting provlsioa Ta thts end the provisions of this SecurIty Instrument
<br /> and tha Noto are declared to be severable.
<br /> 15. Bo�rawrts Qopy. Bonawer shall be given one oonformed copy of the Noze and of thia Securiry Instcument
<br /> 16� Ha�ac�doMt Sti6staoon. Borrower shall aot cause or p�rmit the presena,use,disposal,stoxage,or release of
<br /> any Hazardous Substaztces on or!n tho Ptope[ty. Bormwer shall not do, nor sUow anyone else to do� anything
<br /> a�ectins the Propetty Wat is in violatlon of any Environmeatel I.aw. The precedIng twa sentences shall not apply to
<br /> the presenoe,use,or storage on the Property of small qusndttes of Hazardous Substances tt►at are geaerally rwognizod
<br /> to be appropriat�to normal residential uses and to malntenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shell promptly g[ve Lender wrlttea notioe ot any investigation,claim,demend,lawauit or other action•
<br /> by aay govemmental or regulatary agenry or pdvate parry involving the Property and any Hazardous Substanx or
<br /> Eavironmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bonower learns.or is notifted by aay grn�rnmentel
<br /> or rcgui�tory authority,that aay removel or other remedia�on of sny Ha�rdous Substences affating the Property ia
<br /> ncassary.Borrower ahall promptly take sW necessary remediel actions in socardsutoe wleh Envlronmental I.aw.
<br /> As used in tbis paragraph 16,"Ha�ardous Substanoes"arc thaso aubatances de8ned as tox[c or hazardous substanas
<br /> by Em�iroamental Law and the following substances:gasollue,kerosene,oiher flammable or to�dc petroleum ptoducts�
<br /> toxlc pesticldes and herbicldes, volaWe solvents. materlals conteining asbestos or formaldehyde. and radioactive
<br /> materlals. Ac used in this paragraph 16,"Environmental La�+'me�tfs foderal laws and laws of the jurisdtctton whera
<br /> _ the Property is located that retate ta health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonower and Lender turther oovenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 17. A�nmeat of Reats. Bonower unconditIoaally essigns and traasfers to Lender all We rents and rev�nues
<br /> , oP the Property. Borrower suthorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby directs
<br /> � each tenant of the Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents. However.prior to L.ender's notica to
<br />—! 13orrower of Borcowec's breuch of any covenant or agreement in the SecurIty Instroment,Borrower shall ooUect and
<br /> reaive all rents and revenues of the Propeny as trnstee for the beneSt of Lender and Bonower. This assip,ument of
<br /> rents constitut�s an absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional security only.
<br />- If Lender gives notice of breach to�omower. (a) all rents received by Borrower shell be held by Bonower as
<br />.= trustee for beneSt of I.ender oNy,to be applied to the sams secured by the Secudty Instrument;(b)Lender shall be
<br />= endtled to collect and rereive all of tUe rents of the Property;and(c)each tenant of the Pmperty shall pay all rents
<br />_` due and unpaid to I.ender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant
<br />— Borrower has not executed any prlor assignment of the rents and ha�not and wlll not perform aay act that would
<br /> = prevent iender irom exercising its rig6�s uader uus paragrapa i i.
<br /> — Lender shaU not be requirai w enter upon,takc�onuol of or maintain the Pmperty before or after gIvtng notioe
<br /> of breach to Borrnwer. However,Lender or a Judic[ally appoWted recetver aaey do so at aay time thero is a breach.
<br /> NBeRw�cw-�w nBBO oF zxusr �
<br /> Doamrne speem�Inc.(boo)6/9d�6z Page 4 of 6
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