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<br /> a e or substaatiaUy changa t e Property or ailow tho
<br /> circumstanc,�s•&�rrower shaU not commtt waste or desuoy,dam B �he Pto r iP tbe Praperty ls vaa►nt
<br /> propecty to detedorate.rwsanable wcar and tear ex,�epted. I.�nder may�p� � ty a��atetially
<br /> or abandoned or the lo�n is in de[aul� L.ender may talco ceasonabk$M`he l an a l licati n process�Buch vacant or
<br /> abandoned Praperly. Horrower sball alw be in default U Borcawor,durin8 PP
<br /> faise or iaaccurate intormut�on or�tem�ee Nou,Lnd cuding�bu�t ot limited t�rcPresentetions conceral g eBonower e
<br /> in connectioa�with the lora e.wlden bY Instrument la on a leasebold�Bonower sh�ll oomply r
<br /> occupancy of the Properry es a princlpal�idance. If this Sec�ty
<br /> with the provislons of the lease. lf�rrawer�cquires fee title to the Prapeny.tha�easehold and teo title shall not
<br /> be merged untess Lcader agrees to tho merger ia wrlting. direct or coasalusntial,in connectioa wltb
<br /> � ���,Tha ptacads of any award or claim for datnages,
<br /> aay wndemnatlon or ather taking of any pacc ot the Propeirj,oT for conveyance ia place ot condemnatioa,���abY
<br /> assigned aad shall be paid to Leader to We exteat ot the fuA amow►t of tho�Q�i��+� of the i�n d tedness uuder
<br /> the Note and tbis Securlty Insuum°n� Lender eha11 apply such proceeds
<br /> the Nota and this Secutlry Ins�en��t to any dellnquant amouats applied in the order provided ln pareBraPh 3►
<br /> and then to prepayment oP principal• AnY aPPik�uon ot the procteds to the prIacipal sUall aot extend or�tp��
<br /> the due date of the monthly payments�w'1��h&a r�f�n�LO�p��Ph Z'or change the amount oi such ym
<br /> pny exaess procced.g over an amouat requlred to pay all outstaading indebtedness under the Note and this Securiry
<br /> Insuument shall be paid to tho entity legaUy entitled thereto. gon�,er shaU pay all 8overn�nental
<br /> Z •Ch�r�es w Hat�=��0�0°atl�a"s Ri�a in tha Propany these obll ations
<br /> or munictpal charges,flnes and imposidons that are not included in paragreph 2. Bonower shall paY B -
<br /> on t(me directly to the endty which is owed tho pay�eu� �f��tO pay��d adversely a�'ect I.ender's ina r Qn�
<br /> the Prope r t y,u p o n I.e p d e r's r e quast Borma'�r shall promPUS'�h to Lender receipts evidencing th�p Y�
<br /> If Bonower fails to make these paymeats or the paymenta roquired b y I�B�P h�+o r f a i l s to p erfornt any other
<br /> Instrument,or tdere is a legal proceedin8 that may si�c�uY
<br /> covenants and agreements con t a i ned iasthis ���ng� bAniwptcY,for wndemna t ioa or and Lender's rights
<br /> affect Lender's rIghts in the Property( P to rotect the value of the Property
<br /> regulations),then Lender may do and pay whauver is n�ry P
<br /> ia tha Property.ineluding paymoat of texes,ha7ard Insuran�sheU beoome an additional de t of Bottower and be
<br /> p�y�o��s disbursed by Lender under this paraB�P
<br /> secured by this Securiry Ins�°n�- Th�81°0��$���teresc�rom the date of disbursement at the Note rate�
<br /> attd at the option of Lender shaU be imm0d�ete1Y due a�d PaYabla �n��
<br /> Bonower shall promptly clischarge any lien which has prlohe���uer a putable ta Lende @�er.(a)
<br /> aRrees in writing to the payment of che u8ii�att�a�sa!b, --- which in ehe iendci s arintan
<br /> {n good faith tho lien by,or defends agaiast eaforament of the����e�older�oP th�lien an aBreement satisfactory
<br /> , operatc to prevent the enforcement of the llen; or�(sc� u�nder detern�ines that a�►Y Par�of the Proporiy is
<br /> to Lender subordinadng the lien to this SecurltY ���A���der may g�ve Bonower a noticx identityin8
<br /> subject to a lien wbich may attain prlorIty over ttds Security of the glvin8
<br /> the lien. Bonower s1�a11 sadsfy the uen or take ane or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days
<br /> of n�tice. tbe Secretary•
<br /> & Feea. Lender may collect o Debt charges authorized by
<br /> 9. (irounds tor Aoak�t� dons issued by the Secretary in We case of payment
<br /> (a) Delault Lender may,except as limited by regWa Wis Securlty Instr�ment if:
<br /> dafaults�require immediate paycnent in tull of all sums o��� ent r uired by this Secudty Ins�ent
<br /> (i) Bonower defaults by failing to paY in full aay Y PaY� �
<br /> - prior ta or on the dua date of the next monthly paym�at,ar other obH tions oontAined
<br /> - (ii) Bocrower defauits by failing, for a perlod of ttirty daYs�t°Perform aay Sa
<br /> _ ��S Securlty Instrument �tted b a licable law(including scetion:141(d)of
<br /> _ �) �Wit��at C�dit��praval L,eader shall,if pe Y PP
<br /> � the C3arn-SG C3ermai�►II�epository Institutions Act of 1962.12 U.S.G 1701j-3�)���Ins�trupm�ent ipf proval
<br /> � of the Secretary,require immediato paymeat ia full of all sums secured bY p � �sold
<br /> _ (i) All or parc of the Property,or a beneflcisl interest tn a ttust owniug a11 or arc of the Pro riy,
<br /> - or otheNVise transferred(ather then by devise or descent)�end
<br /> _ (ti) The Properry is not occupled by the pur�has�r or graatee as his or her princlpal tesideacx,or the
<br />—= purchaser or granteo dces so occupy the Pcoperry, but hls or her credic has not bcea approved in
<br /> = a c o o r d a n c e w t t h t h e r e quirements of the Secretary. e n t i a N11.but
<br /> - (c) No VihiNar. If c(r�cumstanoes occur�de do�no twaive its rights wt�p�t t�SUbs�luent ovents.
<br /> � L e n d e r d a s n o t r e q P i'°t In man c l rcums t a n x s r e g u l a t i o n s i s s u e d b y t h e S e c reta ry wi11 limit
<br />-� �d� g�nyttons ot HIJD Saxeury►- y � pa ent in full and foreclose if not paid.
<br /> -.;:� Lender's dghts,in the case of payment defuults,to r uire itnmediate ym
<br /> ThLs Security Insuument does not authorize acceleradoa or foreclosure if not permitted by regulations of the
<br /> - Secrctary• Instrument and the Note are not detetminecl
<br /> (e) Morip�Not Iniured- Bon°wer agrees that if thic Security 6 0 DAYS ���e
<br /> - to be eligible for insurance undrsr the National Housing Act within
<br /> � date hereof,L.ender may,at its opdon require immedlat8 paY�eat in full of all sums secured by this S�'��Y
<br /> � Instrumen� A wrStten statement of any authorized�ag�u�f����'��e��d���tNote,sh�lt be
<br />�- • 60 DAYS from the date hersof,declining tion ma not be exerctsed
<br /> .._��__,,.�.:�:.., N.,�tn�tgnc�nn the fore�oing,this op Y
<br /> E ,_ dCCritCd COIICIUSIVC pTOO[t)i nuuu w�•,�.b...,..y. .._..._._-- „ -
<br />°-� by Lender when tha unavailabiliry of Insutance is solely due to Lender's failure to remit a mongage insuranix
<br /> =� premium to the Secretary•
<br /> ; G196
<br /> . Hgg�,qKA pHA UIiBD OK'IRU3C
<br /> ' p,q,mcnc s�r�em,,ix.�eoo�s��xt Page 3 of K
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