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<br /> ;�. 17.Trausfa•oi the ror�Benelicta!Interat In Borrowa.f nll or�ny pArt of�hc Properry ar pny laferest�out -.
<br /> 1�s o l c l o r u a n s f e r r e d(o r i f a�R c i e l i n t e r e s t�a B o n a w e r i A s o l d a r t r�n g e r r e d u W B r r a w c r i s n o t a n�t t u n t l p e r s o u)w i t h ;�
<br /> � Leuiler's prior wcltten couse�u. Lendei w�y, st Ite opdou, r uire ImmediWte pAynxuc In full nf�11 nume secur�cl by tWs !-
<br /> w
<br />-_ ;..'� SecurIty Insuument.However,t�ls opdon shall not be eaercisd y Lender if esercise Is prahlbited by fode�xl l�w�s of tha date
<br /> of tl�iie Securiry Iastmment.
<br /> ��� If Leader eaercises�bis optIoa� Lecder s1W1 gIve Bomower mdce of�ccelendon.Tl�o aodce slull provIdc a pedod of not
<br /> "" less than 30 drye fmm the dtte the mdce is delivered ur m�iled wlthin which Borrower must pay all sum.q secured by thiH
<br /> Sxurlty Instiuwent.If Borrower fiile w pay these sums pdor to the eapiradon of thie perlod, Ixndet may invoke any remedics
<br /> pezmitted by thia Sxurflty Instnsment wlthout funher noUca or demxnd an Borrower.
<br /> � 18. Borrowa'e Itigl�t to Rel�tate. If Bormwer mcete certain condidon9,Borrower sbaU tu�ve the dght to have
<br />�; ��._� • enforcement of this Securlty Instnuneat dlscontinued at any dme prlor w the eulier of (�) S daya (or such other pertod as
<br /> • � applicxble 1Aw may specify for relt�sdUement) before sale of the Property purbvvu to any power of sale contained in this
<br />' � , . Sxurlty Insaumenr,or(b) eatcy of a judgment eaforcing thie Securtty Instnunent.Tiwse condidoav Ara tlwt Bomower:(a)pays
<br /> � � Lender all svms which tLen would be due under t4is Security Insaument And the Nae as If no s�ccceleradon hAd occumcl;(b)
<br />,�. i,,;.'�''
<br /> ,� .,:; �, cures any defanit of any other covemnts or agreements; (c) pa a dl expea5es lacurnd in eaforcing thie Securiry Insuunient�
<br /> �� Iacludittg, but not llm�ted to,reasomble Attome s'fexs;nuud(d�takes euch acdon as I.�nder�y reasonably requtn to assure
<br /> m
<br />:..'�� . that the lIon of this SecurIty Insttument. Lendor s dghta in the Property And Borrower's obllgadon to y the dums secured by
<br /> -um
<br />'m�<�ss�.�, this Securlty lnsaument slull coatlaue unchanged. Upot1 re3uStAlemetlt by Bormwci, this Sec ty Iastrument and the -
<br /> '�x�' obligadons secured hereby sha11 nmxia fuUy effxdve aa if no acceleradon had occumd. However,this r�ght to niastate shwll
<br /> . � :, .,,.� aot apply in the case of atxelemdon uader psuagraph 17.
<br /> _ `;�,�.. 19. Sale of Notet Cl�an�e of Loan Ser►ica. The Nate or a partial interest ln the Note (wgether with this Sxurlty
<br /> ;=;;,�l'. Instrwnent)may be sold one or more dm�s wlthout pdor nodce to Borrower.A s�le rnty s+aalt in s►change in the endty(Icnown
<br /> as the'Loaa Secv3cer") that coltxts monthly payments due under the Note nad this Savri Insuument.Then also uuy be one
<br />'�?ct;.:'' or more chAngea of the LAan Se=vicer unnlxted to A eale of the Note.If tlnn is a change o�lhe Loan Sendcer,Bomnwer wlll be
<br />;-,�;<,,�.: Blven wrItten nodce of tLe ctwge in accardance wlth P�B�Ph 14 Above and applicable Is�w.The nodce will state the name uid
<br /> ,, addctiss of the aew LoAn Se�vlcer And the adduss to whtch piymente should t�e made.The nndce wlll also conqiia xny other
<br /> -_::;�; ' - infoimadon noquirrd by�pplicable law.
<br />:_y�_�y.' 20. Hazordous Subshncea.Borrower slwll not cause or pemdt tbe presence.usc.dlsposAl,stornge, or nla�se of�ny
<br />-°�;;���.,� PHnzardous Subst�aces oa or ln the Property. Borrower shall not do� nor allow anyo�else oo do, nnythiug Affecdng We
<br /> perty that is in vIolaHon of any Bnvlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences sball not apply W the presence,us�e,or
<br /> �T.��� storage on the Property of smxll qustnddes of HazaMous Subsw�ces Wat Are generally recognizat to be pgproprltte w nomv�l
<br /> ::�=;�,.,;-,;, tesldendal uses and to**�9intM�TM'of the Pcoperty.
<br /> ��•s�-��r Borrower stwll promptly glve Lender wrItten nodce of�n lnvestl on, cl�irn,demmd.lxwauit or other�on b aa
<br /> ,,,�:�;r„:,
<br /> '�--- governmental or ngulatory �c�y or prlvAte pxrty involvIug the Pmperty a�l any Hourdaus Subshnce or Smdm�sental Lsw
<br /> '��� of which Borrower has �ctwl lonowlalge.If Borrower Iwrns,or is mtlged by�ay governmenht or neguluWry authori , that
<br /> �;,.�„� any nmoval or other rea�edLdon of any HAZ�rdous Substxnce�ffecdng the Pmperty ia necacsuy,Bomnwer sbW
<br /> ----- �Il aecess�cy remcdi�l acdonsla accordance wlth Hnvtronmentwl I.aw. P�P Y�
<br /> �'='°� As used in this pangnph 20, "Haurdous Subsw�ces" are thosc substa�cs dt8ued�s Wzic or h�rutlous subswres by
<br /> = �nmental Law wnd the following substances: g�kerose�, other Aamm�ble or Wxtc petroleum prod�.�W�
<br /> '"-"`•"�"��f'r� dcides and herblcides,vohdle solvents�materlale co asbestos or fom�ldehqde,aod radioactive materinls.
<br /> °��'�A� thie paragraph 20, 'Envlrom�ental I.aw" me�tns faleral lawa And lAws of the jiuisdtcdoa where tl�ee Property is loatted tl�at
<br /> -- nlate to health,safety or environmend�l pmtecdoa.
<br /> — NON-iJNIFORM COVHNANTS.Borrower and L.ender furthex coven�nt and sgtte as follows:
<br /> 21.Acceleratlon; Remedtea.Leader stull al�e�wNce to Borrower prior to aadr�ton folbwtoj Boit+ewer'�brac6
<br /> -- ot nny cover�ant or st�reemaat in thls Sec�rity Instnuna�t (but not prtor to aader�tioa underpara��6 17 �nleas
<br /> ---�— • pUcable law prnvlda utha�vtse).The aotice shAll spectfy: (aj the defadk(b)tbe �ctioa rary[ced to cau+e the defaul�
<br /> ----- -- (c�a date,not less t6an 3fl da�a from tbe date the notice V�hen to Borrowa, 6r wt�ch tbe defanit must be cured;and
<br /> --- (� that failue+c to cure the defiult oa or befoce the d�te spectfled ta the aotice rt��crs�dt [n sooda�atlon of the sua�s
<br /> :��� eecured by tlils Security In�tr�ment�nd aale oi the Propety. The�wNce sh�lt lruther inform Borrower o[t6e ri�ht to
<br /> -- reinstste afta Accderatlon�nd the d�ht to bdn��court Rdton to aseert the non�ake o[a dd'RWt or any otlia�
<br /> _=�� defatise of Borrower to accder�tton�nd sala It the ddadt V not cural on or before ti�e d�te spxifkd in tha notta,
<br /> ---- I,ander,xt[te option, mwy reqWre immedilate pqmaat in fWl of�II suaas eec�red by thls Seairity Intsuma�t aitdout
<br /> °' [urther de�naad sind m�y inroke tIupower o[sale and any otha�ranalies p a�r n i t t e d 6y appliable lsw.Lender slull be
<br /> =�'°–'�'°��',�„.,"�,� aMitled to collect itll cxper►s�e irkurred In pursain�the rernediea pe+o�ided in this p�ra�nph 21,fncludtt�,but not Itmlted
<br /> �__,.�� to.reasorwble attorneye'[ea and costs o[Utle c►tdence.
<br /> :,, ._. y If the power of s�le ls imoked� Tnntee slWl record a aotice ot defanit in es.ch count3�in wWch any put of tLe
<br />-° : Propeity ts located and slvll m�U copfes of suctt nottce in the�prescribed by�ppllcable I�►w to Borruwer and to
<br /> ,�=',.•�:'� the other persons pr�sc�ilsed by ipppcable law.Atter the ttme required by aPPUc�ble uN, 'lY�tee elyll�ive publtc notke
<br /> - .` :i�`•' ot eale to the person4 and(n the mmner prescribed by applicable law.Trnsta,wit6out danaad on Berrower,s6all edl
<br /> �-- 'r the Propeity at public�uction to t6e hlql�est btdder at the time�nd pl�ce nnd under the taa�desi�ated in the nMlce of
<br /> +-,M-' ":+,•� s�le[n one or mon psucev and tn any orda�T�Sta detamines.Trustee mq poetpone s�le ot all or anr uarcel oi the
<br /> . • . . Propeity by public announxrnent at the t[me and place o[any preriously schcduled safe.La�der or its desi�a au�y _
<br /> - , purchase the Propaty�t anr sale.
<br /> Form 302a 9190
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