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<br />_��i+�� P�Ym�atx m�y ao lqc�er be required�xY�e opdon of Lend�er�if mortgage Ia�ur�r.e co rAge(in tbe wnount and or the pedad
<br />��:'"� ttut L,ender requlres)Provlded by�u tasurer Approved by Le�ler tg�in bxomes�vnilable nad is obt�inai.Borrower stu�ll PAY
<br />- t1�pi�:wtwus requlred to raaiatnin n�nrtg�ge insurAnce in et�'ect,or to provlde a loss reserve,undl the tequlremeat far morsgAge F
<br /> .:y+� imur�nce ondi In�ccord�nce wlth any writ�n�tgreement between Bortower w�d I.ender or applicable lnw. �ader s1W18ive
<br /> -��i� 9.Inpectlon.Lender or Its�genc mty make ce�son�►ble entcles upon�ud ia4lxcdoa9 of the Property
<br />- Horrower not�ce at the dme of or prlor to an inepocdon specifyln8 rexsoaable cAUSe for the iaspcedan
<br /> ��.,,h✓ 10. Cortdann�tlon.The prncads of�ny Award or cl�im for d�mages� dicect or coavequendal, fin conncdan with any
<br /> -4.��� cande�mnadoa or ottier taking of any p�rt of the Pmperty, or for conveyxnce in lieu of condem°adon,an henby assigned aud
<br />.;����;.� ehaU be psdd to L.ender. ued W the sums secural by thia Sccutlty Instrument, -
<br /> e_-- In the event of a total taldaB of the PropertY,the procads shAll be app' of the Prope�ty in wWch tha fair
<br /> _`:�� whather or not tl�en due. wltb�ny excess pxid to Bortower. Ia the event of s►parttal takin8
<br />°':�;,,,,� aouket value of the Property lmmedl4tely beforc the t�ICin81s equal to or greater tban the unount of the sums secured by t63e
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