_._..._ �. . .,.�:
<br /> �__..._,-���-:-.--___--._
<br /> ___-:1�.x.n�a°- — ' _-'__ — --_ _
<br /> g�-�a y���.-
<br /> 4.b�dditioaal Meurity,Zlweor h�nby�irM ea md aottt�n upon Bewfld�q th�ri�h��Powu u�d autbority,durla�We coatlnuana ot
<br /> tl��4+ut�to aol{�ot th�nnte�luw�wid praAta of wld prop�rty�nw�vin/unto'hu�tor tM�is!►t,Prior to�AY d�fault by 1fwWr ia p�ne
<br /> ol aqy ind�bt�dr.�wcund henby or 1n�rA+naana ot any a�n�nwnt Mnu�r,to od{�ct and nt�ia�urh r�nta,iwuN and pmAt�iu tM�r
<br /> biaw�dua and ps�yub�. Upon aqY eush dehult,Aenelld■ry e++�y at�ny time wfthout noNa.�ilh�r in p�rwn,by�at,o�by R nalwr to b� _
<br /> �ppolated b�r��wurt�and withauf n�ard W t1N adrqu�ey al�qy Mouriw Ib�tl�lad�bqdrw�Mnby Mcur�d��aar upon�nd taki po�lon
<br /> ot wld P�'oWr41�or�AY P��not�In hi�own n�nw�w�x or otMrwiw ooll�et�wab,lwua�ad Pwfit��iaeludiu�tluw Pot dw�nd
<br /> uapdd.and�OpRY eb�u�uyon any ind�bNdn�u wa�r+d h�nb�r.urd(A�uc6 ord�r a 8�n�llei�ry ra�y d�qnniar. TA��at�duf upo��nd
<br /> � taklo�pownlon ot u�id propn'tY�!IM oollatio�►ot�ueh iw►b,IMUN�ad proAU�d�appUatloa th�no��s�toro�afd.�haU aot cun or
<br /> waiw Rqy d�lault o�aotia of detault b�raund�r or Inv�lidat���et docM punuwt to nxh aotia.
<br /> 6. Upon d�Yult by'ltwtor ta t}u p�yEeeat of an,y iad�hbdn�Meund Mnby os ia Wr pedonaame of u�y wpeeaoeaL aoatdn�d b�rMo�
<br /> all�um��eeured Mr�by�b�il imtwdiat�ly 6�ooa�due�d pRY+��t t�optba ot t�Ha�lldaq% Ia�uch ev�nt u�d upon wrftt�n nqw�t
<br /> ol�lfdary�14u�tw�hall wll tL�trust P�'oWrtY.1a soaordana wIth tM N�bruicn 7tu�t DMd�Aet��t publie atkdoa w the hiQb�st bidd�r.
<br /> MY P�*�a:oept 1YuatM m�Y bid at Zhwt�s'�rat�. TrwtN�6s11�pply th�peooMdr ottL��ab d toqown: (1)W tL�ucprnM of W�MI�,
<br /> iacladia�a rsuonribl�71wbs'�fee;!4)to the ubli�atioa Meur�d M�tbU De�d of'hwt:(8)the ni*plui�if WR�h�ll M ditMbuted w tb�p�noo�
<br /> a�titkd�reto.
<br /> 6. 71rwt�e rhall deliver to We purcLuer a!tb�wls it�de�d,without w�rnuty.whfeh�hall ooavey ta the purehs.Me the int�rMt 1a tb�
<br /> P��*q wLkk�h�uWr had or had tL�porar W oonwr at t1M dm�ot hi��recutloa of thia DNd of Tnut,aad�ueh�u h�mq haw�oqidnd
<br /> thuwft�r. �utM'�dMd�haU»dte th�fact��howin�th�t th�nl�wu oondw�d ia aoropUaua witlt�11 t�»quiraro�nh af Isw aad a[Wis
<br /> Deed at7}�ut,whici►reettal�all b prIma fid�evldraos of euch compUaaa aad 000du�iw wld�aa tb�r�o[in tkvor otboas Ud�purdiwn
<br /> �ad wcvmbrai�fbr valw.
<br /> 4.'!'b�pawe a[�mot�tnd by f�i�DMd o[T�wt b aot ut aduriw rMO�d�;B�flda�7�cauN thi�IINd d'hv�t to i»br�elaMd
<br /> ���troet�.
<br /> a. L►t1N.wao d�.d.atD�ine.vadqg diu6iUt7 ee n�i�aation ot 1tu.we,Bw�Adaa pw�ra�e ia writio�.w�m...or tru.b...ewt
<br /> upon N»*�oordins at�ueh�ppoint+mont in tb n�oet��noord�ot tb�aouat�►in whkb Wi�DNd ot�wt L eroord�tb�waewor trwM
<br /> �h�U 6�vMMd wtth�11 powsn of t�oridn�l tnute�. TM trwtN f�not obl41���h�Al�P�b'6�nto ol p�ndins�ab Mod�e aa�r atMr
<br /> Ds�d a[11rwt or otaqp actioa or pt�o�dir►[in wLich'14u�tor,l�wbe or H�o�*y s6a11 bt s pRrty na)w�weL�c1im or proowdint is b�ht
<br /> • by t1w 74�tM.
<br /> �. Thf�DNd oillrust appliM to�iau:w to th�ber�dt of,wd L Mudint not od�on�partlM kre�o�but aa tlwir Mln,dwf��1�ptw.
<br /> ad�idnraton,rr�auton��uooMSOn�ad wipu.T!r terns BwMfcury�bdl mwn th�bold�r and owntr o[tL�aob Mcu»d Mnbr��+L�fi�r
<br /> or aot nam�d u B�a�lld�ry hwnin.
<br /> 10. RpuMt br Notlo�ot Ddaalt or Notlw ol B�. It L nquwt�d thRt a oopy ol aW Diotla+o[D�lYu1L or Noda af 8�1�b mafMd te�
<br /> p�nua w;w u�..:3 fa i�i:Trw't�8 si!�sn�!l4sL' `s�'�a-!'"'—•,^i•��h gwnoe u�.t out a6ow.
<br /> NOTICS TO CONBUMER. 1.Do aot dpi tbis p�per betora you read i�. 9.You are entitled to w oop�ot
<br /> tbi�paper. 8.You au�y prep�Y f�e unpRid b�lanoe at time�und may be en to t�eoeive R rethad
<br /> o!nne�rned oh�t�e�in w000rdance with l�w.
<br /> e�� 30 �y� October ,�,ls 97 ,
<br /> BTATE OF NSBRA9KA ) /
<br /> )w.
<br /> Hall COUNTY >
<br /> On tLis 30 d�y ot October ,A.D.lY��b�fnn ow,tb und�nt�n�d.a No�ary P�b1b.duly ooa�mWoo�1�oi
<br /> quaitMd tor and»�idin�in Mid oonab.P�U►� Jan M Kam�rad�► a{^_s1 p nerson _ _
<br /> W nw known to be tbt idaitial PKSOq.._�Dw�°••••---�fll�d to tM be+[dni i�at
<br /> a.7Ywtor and ac�nowled[ed!Le was to b� her
<br /> vduatary act aad dMd.
<br /> VYitaM��l 6ud�ud Notar1a18et1�dW aod Wt�bov�wrltt�a �
<br /> �,,��;��,�� 8th d� ��1,�M�f MIMMb �
<br /> of F�bruarv �19�.
<br /> w4�.�hk�1!!� � N Publia
<br /> BT/l,TE OF )
<br /> )N.
<br /> COUN'PY)
<br /> Entered in Numedcal Ind�wd Sled for»oord in t6�otlfoe ot t1►e Re�Ler of DMdt of aid wnaq�,tLe
<br /> d+�of �iB .at o'cloelc aad miaute� l�t.,
<br /> •ad duly ru�orded in Hook ot Moet;a�e�p�
<br /> � Re�i�ter dD�ed�
<br /> �V
<br /> �07N7(NE)
<br /> -.._._,.,� _. . --,gir!�s ��"�l�.:A� T�4'�+��i�. _. .- —.._
<br /> '-"•.ar�.iK'��r k�y'. �x,�.,� �t t��+,M''�,� � .-� _ - - --- ------ -'-�---�
<br /> �a r ut� F�l�, .. ! 3 '�M �e ,{� � vC
<br /> rA'�v����u��A�S•,+� . .t I'n...�_� ��F�`� � .���r � --- --
<br /> '��;�1., �
<br /> w.._x,}S;r,� �S:'�TiR1�i�7+fiyi rv3 T���� � 1 t� �ti"A�.v �s�� _�—- -------_ --_-- - ---
<br /> z,�,r z ��r xT�,,.g:+'!'» ,� , �> ri r� : t}r� ��71`+-�.
<br /> "."�c� _ f � - '�3�vr4 i.y- �.��r A ����-fi. 7_I�'..- ��f�V �/� �� .
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<br /> x.�S. �i�• Jt '�F�' q�� ..��� �rn t��l�+� ��.. C �z
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