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<br /> (With Po�ver oi 8ale) o
<br /> T�I3DBEDOFTRUBT,madetLie 30 dqoi __ October .l0 97, � _
<br /> ��a Jan M. Kamarad a eingle peraon _ _ - �
<br /> ��������. 3103 W 14th 5t GYand Island, NE 68803 �
<br /> u��„� Stewart Title GuaranXy Company
<br /> wbwa m.iliat addrsu t. 1 Kansae City Pl 1220 Waehinpton Ste 100 Kaasas Citv, MO 64105 .
<br /> u'I1nLtee,md Norwat Fiwnctd Nebruka,Ioo.,who�e mailinY addn�s i� 2319 North Webb Rd
<br /> Grand Island, NE 68803 ��$°A°��'�
<br /> WITNE89LrfH�Zlrwtor�ber�by irrevoe�b�ly tnut b�KRin,�sll�and aonvey W�ut�e in tw6 with powrr ot w1s.the folbwia�de�cribed
<br /> Fro��,� Hall County,Nebruta:
<br /> isiand Acres 2 LT 5 BLK 1, City of Grand Island� Hall County, Nebraslr�.
<br /> 'lb�ether witD tenemeav,Mndittmenta.and appurtauaoe�lher�unto bdaKtn�or in��lN aPPs��t a�t6e ants�iwws�ad
<br /> peolits t�noL
<br /> ot i� w i�1aLended fo�!h�purpo�s al�eau�tb�p�ymsnt to&aslld+ry ollkwWn'pe+oralMOry note of wea d�ts in tbs�onnt
<br /> 4�•��(7bt�1 ot Py�menta).S�td 1bq1 alP�nta i�rapsyabM�aooedlu�to the term�at�aid aot�. Pqm�at aW b nud�In
<br /> •dv�nar ta my�mouat�t any t(m�. D�tault in makin�u�WlY�nt�hall,a!th�HaMAd�rY'i optlon�nd witbont aatio�or denuod,r�
<br /> tbs�nti�+s pnpdd balanoe of udd loan at onoe due aad par�ble,leM a�r requir�sd nebate of ehar�w.
<br /> � 1b proMet tlw Ncudty af Wi�DMd a[1�ut.lfrwtoe oowaiats wd aj�:
<br /> '� ia oondtdon wd npitr;w y.tmts no w..te sh.evot;w oompbse.cy buudtnj�.Rruetun or i�oprowmanc b�as
<br /> 1.4b IcMP�D*�P��4' L�
<br /> bnils or aboas w Ee butic W.noo;so r..wn pe+omvW�wv bu�ldint,.seuctu�or imrrowrwnc tea�am whice�r b.aa�d or d..tm�nd:
<br /> . wd to aomply wiW dl law��ordin�nas.x�ulatlau.oovenat►fa.oonditlon�rpd iedrleHoas�tiee�n�ths P�*h�
<br /> 2.1b p�y b�fore ddinqwnt dl!aw[ul tnw�nd�wawnb upon th�propeeRy:to lcap tbs Proper4'tkt aad ciMr d all Mh�r clur�ee.
<br /> lian�or ennunbraa�es ia►pRtdrj tbs�ecur[ty cf thi�Leod of lfwt
<br /> a.Zb k�ep�116nildin�s now or b�n�tter�rsctad on tM D�rRr dwcrlb�d henfn aoatiauousl�inwnd apin�t lo�r br�n or otL�r Laa�rd�
<br /> in an anamt not lsa tlun tLe taW debt�red b0�tbis D�ad of R1n�aR All polida�ull be held by the B�oelkiaq,aud b in�nah oorop�dM
<br /> u tha B�wllci�*Y�U'�PPruv�and Lave low payable AnL to tM Hs�id�ry u it�intnwt m�y�+�ppar�ad th�n W th�1lmWr.Tbs amouat
<br /> aoll�.i�l wMltr aqy in�uranos Pulioy m�Y��PP�q� ��. � ,. ... �.+iee+d ia wcn ord�r�u t�H�iary aLdl d�eaaiw.
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<br /> Bueh appllcation by ths BeusliduY�hall eat awsd �.q� �'��'I�inp W foreclas tLis Dwd otllmt o��ves oe waiw�r
<br /> ,1 defaulc or aotia otd�faule or iavalidat�an,y act don�iw� at,. ,... .,f�°4.It4 ihe evatt ottoroclwurs.�ll risht�oith�ZY�utor in in�nrana
<br /> policiM tL�a in foras�LaU pw W the purcluaer at tht fo . . `.., . ...
<br /> 4. 7b obtafn Ws wr(tten ca�wnt otBea�llctary bsfon�sllia��oonveyfns or otL�rwbs tr�ufinlnt�p�P�NJ'or�qy qrt t�r�of�ad�
<br /> � �uch wle,oonvey�noe or kanster writ6oue ths BeneRciv��wrltten oo�wnt thnU aon�t[tute a defiult uader tLe tarm�her�ot.
<br /> 6. Tt>defend any�ctloa or proceedia�purpo*dat W att�e!t1+s�ecudty lwrootoe the d�ts or povren of BeneQclwr7 or'hwtN.
<br /> e. Bhould 1lrustor fdl to p�Y when due aqy ta:e�,weNmeut+.iwuraaoe promivau,llew,�ncua►branoe�or oth�r cDar�es apiwt tLs
<br /> i propn►tY 6erein�bove de�crlb�d�B�nesda*Y�Y P�y the wme��ad the amouat w pRid.witb inbrwt at!he nte�et farth ln tbe tate�ecu»d
<br /> . hereby,�hall b�addsd to aad b�oume a p�uR of the debt�ecurscl in tW�Deed of 14uat u peemitted by law
<br /> 1. In!he event any portioa of the pmperty ia takea or damaQed ia aa emineat domain pmabdin�,the eadre�mouat otthe aw�rd o��ueL
<br /> - : portion thereotu m�y be nsoewary to ti�lly tati�ths obliption�ecured hereby��hd16e paid to B�adfct�ry to 6e appliad w uid obii�atloo.
<br /> - ' 2. By accaptln�paYmeat otas�y swn�ecured hereby titar it�due d�te,Denet9d�ry does coL wdve ita rl�hi W requin pmmpi p�ym�at wbsa
<br /> - due of all oLher mm�w�eeured or W decLre dehult tor faibue to w psy.
<br /> - 3. The 1lwtee rhaU r000nvey ali or as�y p�r!of We property covered by thi�Deed oi'I1wL to the pe»oa eatitled tluroto,on rreitten rp�t
<br /> = oflLe 11wWr u►d t6e BeaeBci�ry,or upon wU�factioa of the obll�tton�ecured wd written request for reoonveyanoe made by the Heaesciary
<br /> = or We pe»on ent�tled thereto.
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