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<br /> � paYmcats msy na longer ba requircd,at the option af Lendu.if mortgage insurance coverage(in che amount and for tho�x,�ct �,,.`
<br /> • . . � duit Lender m�4uices)Ixovided by�n�nsurer spproved by Lender again bocomes aveilabla and is obtaincd.Bocrowu ahall PaY Ihe
<br /> : premiums required to m�lntain mangago insurance in effect, or to pmvide a loss reserva� undl the roquirement fa mortB�gc
<br /> r�n,lq(Y�✓'� ��tanco enda in occordnnce with any weluen agrccmcnt betweer►Borrower and T.r.nder or epplicabla law. ��r��ve �`
<br /> 9.Inepect{on. Lcnda a its�gent msy m�lce rea�om►bb entries upon aad inspoctions ot tha PropertY.
<br />` '-'�.-� Barowu nodce u the time af or pdor to an inspoction spocifying reasonabk cause fa�he inspecdan.
<br />_'�"�.: � 10.Condemnat{on. The procoods of any award or c1eim for dunages.direcc or consoquentlal�in conskcHon with u►y
<br /> � condemnadon a otber tekjng of eny part of ttio PropertY,or for conveyance in Heu of condemnadon,ara hereby assl8ned e�►d
<br /> �, shall be paid to Lettder. s shall be applied ta the sums secured bY�Securlty Instru�t,
<br /> 3, In We event of a toW talcing of the Property.tha procted � of the Pco{xaty ln which We fuir muk�t ��
<br /> whetheer a not thu►due.with my excess paid w Barower.Tn the event of i paccW 8
<br /> �� , � valu�of the Aaperty Immodfal�ely befon the taking is equal to or greater thau the amount of the aums secured by this Security
<br /> Insuument lmmediatelY befaro the teki�►g� unless Horcowu and I.ender othuwise ag�ee in wridng, the sums eecnced by this
<br /> : '�. ... Security Instcument sl�all be roduced by the amount of the proceeds muldpiled by tha following fcection: timmediateLY befote the
<br /> ; �� . t h e s u m s e x u r o d i m m o d i s�t+e 1 Y befon the taking,div{ded by N)the fair madcet value of ttk PropeieY
<br /> ". ` tAking.Any bal�nca eball be qid to Borrowcr.In the event of a partial mkin8 of the Pro�► in which the f e i r m a d cet v due o t t h e
<br />- � propGrty immediatelY betore the taking is less than tha amount of tho suins secured immcdiaccly bef���lied to the
<br />- -;''�'' ' gotrower aad Lenda othawlee ag�oe in writing or uakss aPPllcubla hw dhuw�sa provides,lhe proceeds
<br /> � sums secarod by this Securlty Insuument whethu or not the sums are then due.
<br /> �::,:;;v., If the Pm�atY is abamda�ed by Bouowa�or if,aftu noticce by I,erder ta Borrower that tho condemnor offers to make an
<br /> Pm at e
<br /> ., award ar settlo a cWm for dan►a8es.Borrowu feils oo respond to Lender within 30 days�ftu the data the nodca is gtveu,I.ender
<br />,:`. �:;�.' is authorizod to coUect end ppply the pcocneds,at its option.either to restaatlon or repair of the Propucy or to the sums secured
<br /> by thL+Sxiutry Inatzumcnt,whether or not then due. lication of procoeds to prinaip�l s1�aU aot eutend or pa��e
<br />� � Unie.4s LR,nder and Bormwer oth�xwlse agcee in wrltin8,anY�PP
<br />`'_=��-:°�.� •� hs 1 end 2 or chan e the amount of such paymeata.
<br />_•a�. ,. tho dae d�ta of the monthlY pYrne�ta refured to in p�a�p 8
<br /> `'�'`�" r 11.Borrowes'Not Rtlauedi Forbearanoe a7 LendK Not a WAiver. Bxtensiort of the time for payment ar modltiat�on
<br />.,��'�;;; Instcument granted by Lender w aay suca.gsor in�ntaest of Barowa shaU
<br /> �-- s., of amoid�don of the sums ex�ued by tfils Securlty
<br /> �"�.�` �,-b+,• not operate W reka�e the li�bility of the ortglnai tcarower or Bomiwu'e succ�ist 3aL�s.L�t!!r AL nnt be ra}uieod tn
<br />_�-�,r�,r.,: t a otherwlse modifY e�na�dzedo" of
<br />..-�r�.d,,•�� comnxnce ProceedinBe eB��Y��In interest a mfuso W extend Nme fa PaYma�
<br /> .'�`��•: . the sums secund by thi�Security Instcument by rea�on of eny demand rn�de by the orlgU�al Borrowa or Bo�mwa'a auccRSSOrs
<br /> %:a:=���':;:� in iat�ereat Any fo�bear�nce bY Lender in ea�a�cisfng any dght a remedy ehall not be a waiva of or precludo t6e eua+ciae of snY -
<br /> -=�;,Y:;�ti�i- right a remodY• v �f thia
<br /> -=� b:� 12.Sucaaeora and Ase$ns Boundi Jolat and Several LirbWtyi Co-�ers. Thes covenants end e�eanen
<br /> __°�=-s�� ��h, I�u�t sl�l( bind md bu�ef'it tthse succes.9ors and a4s�8i►s of Lenda end Bomowa, aubject to tha provisions of
<br /> perngraph 17. Bo:rowa's ooveaantv and �reemaits shall b���t � savual. Any Sarowa who co-signs dds Sa�vrlry
<br /> ���:���'.�°� In�t but dow not enxute the Noia: (o)is casigning this Security Instrument only W mortBeB�.Brent end convey ttut
<br /> _�'-':'�`�� Baaowa'a intaest in tha Propeny unda tho t�emn.9 of this Sec�uity Insa�uxn�(b)is not Pa�onauY��8��PaY��rae
<br /> _.��::
<br /> =��='� xcurod by this Socurlty In�t;and(a)agroes that].endu and my otha Borrowa may agcee to exta�d,modifY. a
<br /> ---- m�e any�ccommodations wtth ngard w tho tams of this Socurlty Instrument or tha Note witlwut that Barowa's cansaz�
<br /> :a„;� 13.Lou CharLa. If tha laan secuced by tlw Security Instrument is eubjoct to a law whlch eets m�rcimum lom chrges,
<br /> :����'��i end that law is fu�lly iatapret�od so that the int�e.�t or other lo�►ct�arges collected or W be wllectod in connocdon wilh tha loon
<br /> _ _ _---- exceod cde pesmittod limlts,then:(a)anY soch loan ci�ar8e shail be reducod by the amount necessarY to roduce che chuge w the
<br /> -�- pe�niu�ed 1LniG oad(b)�u►Y sums elready collectod from Borrower which wcceeded Pamiac�d Wnita wW ba refunded to Barrower.
<br /> �,'�*°�� Lenda may choo�o w nwice Ihis refand by roducing the princlpal owal under the Nou or witbout enY P�Y���
<br /> -�*�'� gorcowa. If a refund reduces principal, the ceduction w[ll be Ireated as a partial prqmYmar
<br /> -------- nnda the Nota
<br /> -��-�==�� 14.Notioea. My nodce W Bomower provided for in thls Securiry Instn�ment shall b�given by delivuing it a by cmili�ng it
<br /> --==`�'�-.r� by first cla4s mail unless aPAlicebk law requices use of another method.The notice stull be directod to the Proi�atY Address a
<br /> --.,;�':�;'� eny otha address Borrowa designaus by nodce W L.ender.Any nodce to Lenda shall be given by fuat class mdl to Itnd�er'a
<br /> an
<br />�.:'_�,�•' addcess statod huein or aay othar addcess Lendu designates by nodce to Borrowa.Any notloe providod for in this ry
<br /> Inst�umeat eh�U be doaned to ht►ve boen Sive�to Bomower or Lenda wlxn glven ag pmvlded in Ihis puagcaPh.
<br /> � . �• 1�.Governin�Law:SeverabWty. 'Il�is Securlty Ins�ument shell be govaned by fodcxal law and tt►c 4w of the
<br /> .. �' jurisdktEon in which the ProPacY Ls lacated.In tha evcnt that any pmvLsion ar clause of this Socutity Inshument or the Nota
<br /> � � `{ conflicts vvith a,pplicabk law,such conflict ehail not effect other pmvisions of this Securlty Inst�ument a t he No u w h i c h c a n b e
<br /> given effect without tha conflictin8 provision.To this end ttw pcovisions of this Securlry Ins�ument and the Nota aro daclarod W
<br /> • be s�sverabk.
<br /> • . � Form SOli 91Y0
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