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<br /> . .. , 97—/0 9.�/3 �_:
<br /> . sr�.; .
<br /> S.Hwrd ar Property I�wrnnce. Borrowcr ehall k�,ep tho impmvemenla now oxiaUng on c�ceatler uectad on tha Pro�eCtY =-
<br />�*�•����, ` inturod�ti�tu bis bY fire� h�zud�incladod w[tt►in tho��I m�intdned in tho unounts endh forrtho�Pe�od� �r
<br />-=.,:rr,r.:
<br /> � no�a�B.for w61ch L�ender raqulrea inaunnce.�m�, s�e
<br /> ,�� require�.Thc insursutice ca�ricr provldis►g the in�urence slu�ll ba choxn by Hoxrowu aubkct lo L,endu'e ePProv�l which ahail not �
<br /> � ba unrc�au�bly wllhheld. Ii Borcowa fiils to m�int�ln cover�o desccibed ebove, Lenda may. at 1.ender's opdan, obt�in
<br /> --_��s■ covengo to protect Londa'e righte in tha Propaty in�cca�e���p+�BnPeheillh'i�ncluda a standard mat8e�e clau�o.Lender shell
<br /> ---. All insur�nce palkles md renew�ls sh�U bo acceptsb ���wea ahall promPtly Bivo co Lender all roCeipts of paid
<br /> _ h�vn tiw right w hold tha pollcies And ren�wals. U Lender='e9 ve om notka w the�surmcu carrier and Lcndu.Lend�r
<br /> ; ._. , premiums�nd renaw�t noticc�.In tha avent of bss,Bo:rowcr aha11 Bi P� P�
<br /> :.. ` may rnplco proof af bs�if not mado pcomptlY bY Barowa. 1����n a repalr of the
<br />`�-"'c:�`"' Unkw Lendu and Bocrowet olliawiee�'oa in wrldng,inlurance procads atWl lxi �PP .
<br />:-LL i��= fastbb snd L�endu s eecurity is not kseened.If the restoratbn or
<br /> �-°�, �Y��Bad,lf the nator�tion or rq�ir is oconornk�llY � sh�U ba epplied to the a�uns
<br />.;�;���' repair is not�corwmicallY fasibb a I.ender's securtty would ba kaxned,the insucan� � .If Bamwer�bendons the
<br /> x<":�;:, sxured by thie Sccurity Insnument, whe�her or not tha► due� with eny excesa pdd
<br /> -`--�'�',�''�! Propaty,a daa not u�swer withii►30 dsye a notica trom Lender that the insua�nce c�rrier tw offaod��ums sooured
<br /> -`'.�'�`°'� I�nda may callect the uuar�nce Droceeds.L�enda msy uaa the procoeds W rq»ir or resu�ro the Pcopaty
<br /> _.:,°:`��`,"� by lhi+5ocurlty Inatcument,whether or not tixn due.Tfia 30-day Period w!!1 begin when the noticc Is give.n.
<br /> _�-�'•�a in wrldng,anY ePPlication of procoeds to principal shW not extend or Poatpon�
<br /> ==_ Unkaa I�dar and Barowa otha�w�so egroo hs 1 and 2 or chan8e tha amoum o�'the p0.yma�ts.If unda ParaBr�ph
<br /> "'�-���"�� the due date of thb monthlY PaYmenta refeirod to in parsBraQ
<br />�_':'���u:±�.� e W the
<br />_ ' 21 tba Propaty is acquirod by I�cndcr,Bo�W�tohthe oxtentnof the suma exured by Ihi�a SeCUr1�Y����"'ly
<br />'=:_2_��� propcity prbr w the acquisitbn she11 paa�
<br /> .::-,_=a�� ��payPancy preservatio��Mainteaanoe and Protectbn of the ProPertY� Borrowa'� I.ow Appflcatfo�i I.aubold�.
<br /> Bocrowu ahall occupy.esmbli�h.and uae tba ProputY a�Ho�rowu's p�rfncipd�wNhin ei�cty daye afta the exocutbn of
<br /> .�"�'� this Secutity Instcuma►t aad sh�ll coudnue to occupy tl�e PropacY a4 Borrower's cipal ns�da�ce fa Rt kagt one yar efta the
<br /> — dua of occvpmcY.unk�s Irendu otlrelwlae agraes L� writiag.which conxnt eh�U not be unre�sonably witht�eld, a unkss
<br /> wceaiwtinng eirenmst�neea aaist whieh�ce boyond BaroMa's eontrol.Barowu�hdl not date+oy,d�maBe a impair the Propaty,
<br /> - - -- w Aarrnver shall be b detwlt if eny forfeiWre acdon or
<br /> ------- Wow the Propaty w da�erio�ai�e�a ixn�w—+ii�.�c�s ths Pmg"'!Y- -- t coultlresult in fafeiwm of the PropatY a
<br /> y�� P��B.whaha civll or cr�minal,ls beBun @wt in Lenda's good faith judBme� mtaest.Barowa msy curo auch a
<br /> ---_°- otha'wiso ma�al�lly Lnpair�he lkn created by this Securlry Insuumeat a L,a�der'a aecutky.
<br /> -- _= default ond ninaaue, as provided in paragnph 18.by causing the action or proce�lin8 to ba dL�cniaaal wlth a ruling dut,in
<br /> --'=� L�enda'a good faith daaminatioa,Preciudes forfelaue of the Barowa'�iate�eat in the Pirope�ty or othu rtuterLl imp�im�ea►t of
<br /> .••••�� tha lia►creatod by lhls Security Insaumert a Lendu'e socurity incaa+�Bosmwu ahall alao ba in defwlt if B�a.I.e�tler�
<br /> --.�� bw�W�plicadar Pmcess�Aave mataiailY fwL�e or iruiccurata infortnadon a statunaits w L�r(or fiiled to pm
<br /> wl.e
<br /> --- any mauxfal infom�ation) in connecdon with tha tos�n evidarood by d�e Nota.includinB���t�on`a 1du�la�
<br /> .°"� ooncan�ng Barowa's occ�ncY of tho PropatY as 8 Pr�nc3Pe1�1��.If this Securlty
<br /> _� st�ll compiy wiW all tNa pmvlaions of the lase.If Barowu ac9uins fee title co the Pm�atY.d�kaxhoid end the foe titla atWl
<br /> _— not mage unie�a Laida�groes oo the ma8a in wrlti�g.
<br /> 7.Pro�eetio�af i.eoder'�Ri�Yts te ttie ProOert7. If Borrowrr fAils t�o pafam tha cova�nts�nd a�'ee+�nts c�anined in
<br /> -� this Security L�ument,a thaoe ls a kgal proceedln8 that maY significantly affoct Let�dx's iights in tha PropescY(aucb a a
<br /> P��6�b�P�Y•Din�fcx condemnatlon a fafe�tum or to enforce laws or regulatbns).d�a�I.endec may do aad P�Y
<br /> _--- ' fa wb�teva is neoessnY to P�'otect tl�e value of the PropertY�nd Lender's dgh�s In th��Y•���s acdons may inclnde
<br /> w s�ms eecucod b a lkn which haa prialtY ova this Security Instrumait,iPP��B in cauc. PaYL►8 �onabb
<br />---�.'�.�_ at�ta�ogys'fees and ei►taing on tho Propesty ro malce re�a�.��8����y �e�ction under this�7,L,ender
<br />:---.�:`,�� doe�not have b do so.
<br /> -- My a�nounts disiwrsed by Lender unda this p�Ph 7 shall b000ma addidonal debt of Bo�mwa xcured by this Socurity
<br />----.—_ Insaumait Unks�Barowa and L,aida agree to athu urms of payma�t,the�e am�unm sh�ll bear inoa+est from tde dene of
<br /> ....,�,�� dis6iuse�nau at dw Nota rata�end st�all be p�Yeblo,wlth inucest,upon notk�,e fcom Lender a Sormwer ra{t�stin8 P�Y�►G
<br /> -:;-""—= 6.Mnrtp�e Lwrana. If Laidcr roquired moitB+,Ba insurance a�a condidou af m�king the bm sxured by this Socurity
<br /> _ _.-�:���
<br /> Y' Instcuumen�, Borcvwer ahall pay the prcmiums raluirod to maintein tha mortBABe insu�u�ce in ef�ec� If� fa any ree.�on� the
<br /> - - �� s e jnsurenca covaege requirod by Lenda lanses or ce�ses to be in offoct,Bcxroker ahell pay the premiums requirod w
<br /> =�._�� �
<br /> =�--�L�Y�7 o M a i n c ov e r e ge substantiall y e 4uivaler►t to the mongage inswgnce previously in effect,u a cost subst�ntislly e9uivaleM to the
<br />-:�-.�:;•w.�� e i n s u r u e p p m v e d b y L e n d a. I f
<br /> :=-��- cost W Bomowex of the mortgage insuranco proviously in e f foct,f rom ea a l t�x n a t e m a t B a 6
<br />.:�;;z-►r�r�
<br />_,�,�,.;,,�..�. substendally oquivaknt mortgage fnsurance coverage is not available.Bonower sha11 pa9 to Lende�r ea�h month a sum equal w
<br /> �.,�'.,:'��� one-twelfth of t�e yearly moctBaBe insurance Pnmiun►being paid by Borrowa when the insura�nca covaage lapxd a oea.jod w
<br /> `',,;�:�� Uo in effec�Lender wlll accept,use and remin these payments as a tos.g r�eserve in ueu of mortgoge insnrance.Loss s�esav�
<br /> ' .Y Fonn�04t !NO
<br />. . �. ... InMIUt: .
<br /> - �-��, �•OR(NE�I021�).Ot P�q�9 ot 6
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