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<br />.-:-=� paymcn4s may no longcr bc rcquircd,at ihc opUon of Lcndcr,if mortgugc Insurancc covcragc(in Iho a�naunt ond for thu perind
<br /> that Lcnder rcqulrao)providcd by an insurcr approvcd by l,cndcr again becamav avaAablc ond is abutinccl.Borrawcr snall pay�hc
<br /> prcmiums rcyufred to malntaln mortgago i�suranca in cffcct,or W provido a bss rescrvc.until �ho rcqulrcmcnt far mortgago
<br /> _,� insurancc cnds in accordancc with at�y wrhtcn agrccmcnt bctwccn Barrowcr and Lcndcr or npplicablo law. -
<br /> -_ 9.Inspection. Lcndcr or its agcnl may makc rcasonablc cntrlcs upon and lnspcctiana oF thc Propcny. Lcndcr shnll givc
<br /> --r Borrowcr noticc at thc tImc of or pdor to an inspoalon spACifying rcasonablc cauao for thc inspocUon.
<br /> 10.Condemnation. Thc procccds of any awsrd or claim for damagcs.dircct or conscqucndal, in connccdon wlih any
<br /> r*�� condemnadon or othcr taking of any part of thc Pmperty,or for convcyancc in Ucu of condcmnation,uro hcrcby assigncd and
<br />-�� shell bc paid to Lcndcr.
<br />__� In the event of a total taking of tha Property,thc procccds ahall bc applicd to the sums socurcd by this Sccurtty Insaumcnt, _
<br />__?a whcthcr or not thcn due.with any cxccss paid to Bomower.In thc avcnt oF a partial talcing of thc Pmperty in which thc fair mathct
<br />-_�� value of the Property Immediaccly bcfora the �aking is equal to or greater than ihe emount of the sums socured by this Socurity
<br />-_= Instrument immediately before tho taking, unlcss Borrower and Lcnder otherwlse agree in wdUng, Ihc sums secured by this
<br /> �_ Securlty Instrument shall be rcduced by the amount of the procccds mult�pl�ed by thc foUowing fract3on: (a)thc total amount of
<br /> -- the sums socurcd immediately before thc takIng,divided by (b) tho fair marka valuc of the Praperty immcdiataly bcforc the
<br /> _ taking.My balance ahail be paid to Borrowcr.In thc event of a panial iaking ot'the Property In which the fair markct valuo of the
<br />___, Property immcdiatcly F�efor�s tho taking is less than the amount of the sums sccurcd immedlately before the takL►g, wiless -
<br /> Boarowcr and Lcnder otherwisc agree in wdting or unless applicablc law othcrwise providcs.the procecds shall bo applied to the
<br /> sums sociued by thjs.Security Instrument whcther or not the siuns arc thcn duc.
<br /> �� If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if, after nodce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> award or seulc a claim for damagcs,Borrower fails to respond w Lcnder within 30 days efter the dete thc nodcc 1s given,Lender
<br />•::� ' is authorized to coUcct and apply the procceds,at its opt�on,cithcr w restoretion or repair of the Property or to the sums socured
<br /> , by this SecurIty Instrument,whether ar not then duc.
<br />�-- Unkss Lcnder and Eiorrowcr otherwisc agn;e in wrldng.any application of procecds to principal shall not extend or postponc
<br /> =.:,= the due date of the monthly payments referred W in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change ihe mr►ount of such payments.
<br /> _ = 11.Borrawer Not Itekased;Forbwrance By Lender Not a Watver. fixtension of the dme for payment or modif"�cation
<br /> - ' of a�nortizedon of the sums secured by this Security Instr�ment granud by Lcndcr to any succcssor in interest of Bcrrowu shall
<br />-�-- , nOt oP�te Io �lease Ihe liabllily of the odgL�el Borrnw�.r�r Aor�.+K+�t's s •w� .,la inia��Les:��sha!!ssai is�i�quir�d tu
<br /> . commence procxd�ngs agalnst any successor in interest or refuse to extend tlme for payment or otherwise madify emoRfzadpn of
<br /> �� tha swns secured by ihis SecurIry Instrument by reason of any demand made by ihe original Borrowur or Horrower's sucoascora
<br /> in intemst,My forbearancc by Lendcr in exer+cisIng eny r�ght or remedy shell not be a waiver of or precluda the excrcise of any
<br /> dght or remedy.
<br /> 12.Succeators and Assigne Bound;Joint And Several LiAbility; Co-signera. 1Tie covcnants and agrocmcnts of this
<br />- Secudry Instrument shall bind and t►eneGt the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrowu, subject to tha provisions of
<br /> perngraph 17. Borrower's covenants end agrcements shall be jpint and saverel. Any Borrowcr who co•signs th�s Socurity
<br /> Instrument but does not execute tho Note: (a)Lv co-signing this Securfry Instrvment only to mortgage,grant and convey that
<br /> ° Bomnwu's int�emst in the Propc�ty under thc tcrms of this SecurIty Instrumcnt;@) is not peisonaUy obligated to pay the sums
<br /> _ .ti secwred by this Stxurity Instrument;and(c)egrecs that Lender and any other Bortower may agrce to aztcnd,madify,for�ar� ,
<br /> � make any aocommalations wlth regard to tha terms of this Socurlry Iastrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent
<br /> �.`. 13.Lown Charges, If tho loan sccurcd by this Sc�urity Instrument is subjat to a law which sets mauImum loan chargcs,
<br /> and that!aw ls finally Interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges colloctcd or to be collected in connectlon v�rith the loan
<br /> ' ezcrxcl the pcmiltted Wnits,then:(a)any such loan chargc shall be reduced by thc am�unt neces,sa�ry to reduce the chargc to ihe
<br /> permitiod limit;and(b)sny sums alrcady coAcxted from Borrower which exce�ded pertnitted limits wlll be refunded to Borrower.
<br /> Lender may choosc to make this refund by reducing the princlpsil owed unda tho Note or by making a dIre�t payment to
<br /> _ Borrowu. If n nfund reduces principal,the reducrion wIll be treated as a partiel pnpayment wIthout any prepayment charge
<br /> under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notkea. My nouce w Bo�rowec provlded for in this Socuriry Instrumcnt�shall be given by deIIvering ii or by maiUng it
<br /> by first class mail unlcss applicablc law rcquires use of another method.'It�a nodx shall be dirccced to thc Property Address or
<br /> any othe�address Borrower designatcs by notice to Lcnder.Any nodcc to Lender shall be given by fint class mail to L.ender's
<br /> address stated herein or any othcr address Lender designates by c►odce to Boaawer.Any notice pmvidcd for �n thi�Security
<br /> Instrument shall be dcemed to havc bcen given to Bortowcr or Lcnder when givcn ac provIdod in this paregraph.
<br /> -- 15.Goveming LAw;Severability. 'Ilds Security Inswment shall be govemcd by federal law nnd the law of the
<br /> -- jurisdic6un in which thc Property is locatcd. In thc cvcnt that any provis[on or clause of this Sccuriry InsUUment or the Notc
<br />=� • contlicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisjons of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br />:�.f� given effect without thc contlicting provision.To d�is cnd the provisions of th�s Sccuriry Inswment and►he Notc are declarcd to
<br /> bc scvcrable.
<br /> - Form sozs ��ao
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