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<br /> _ _ S.Hwiwrd u�Praperty indurance. B�rcawcr ehall kccp tha improvcmcnGs now caisUng on c�reaRcr crcctcd on thc Propcny
<br />- '���x"-- insprod Ainst las� h firc, har.arda includcd withfn tho tcrm "oxtcndcd cavc
<br />.�;� �. � A8 y rago" and any otttcr haiards, including tlaocts ar
<br /> �� (looding,for which Lcndct�nires insianncc,Ttiis insurnncc shall bc maintaincd in thc amounts and for thc periods Ihai Lcndcr
<br />--- rcquircs.Tho insurencc carricr providfag tha inaurence Rhall bo choscn by Bormwcr subjcct w L.cndc�'s approval whkh shell not
<br />--.••+�++!� bo unrcasonably withhcld. If Horrowcr falls to malntain covcragc dcscdbcd abovc, I.cndcr may. at I.cndcr'v opdon,obtain
<br /> '"'� covcrago w proticct Lcndcr's rlghta in Ihc Pmperty in accc�rdanco with paragraph 7.
<br /> _'''�;� All insuruice policies end rencwals shaU bc acccptablo to Lcndcr encl stiall inciudo a standard mc,ngagc clausc.Lcndu sholl
<br /> �'''�`�'• h a v c I h c d g h t t o h o l d t h c p n l i c i e a e n d r e n c w a l s.I f L c n d c r r c qu l r e s,Borr owcr s h a l l promp dy givc t o L en der a l l rccc ip t s o f p d d
<br /> """'" prcmiums and renawal noticc,s.In thc cvcnt of lass,Borrowcr shell givc prompt nnUce w the lnsuranc�carrler and Lender.Lcnder
<br /> ;,n, �.
<br /> "�,�^+�% may maka proof af loss if not mado prompUy by Borrowu.
<br />--�-'�::g� Unless I.endcr end Borrowu athcnvlsc agrcc in wr�dng,insurancc proccods ahall bc appl�cd tq restoration or rcpalr of the
<br /> =�,��:��,� Prope�'tY damagod,if the reswrat�on or rcpair is economically feasibla end Lcndcr'a sccurity is not Icsscned.If the restoration or
<br />=-���-,"'� re Ls not oconomicaU feaslble or Lender's securIt would ba lessened, 1he �nsurance roceeds shall 6e
<br /> -��� P� Y Y P apPllcd W thcsums
<br /> __- socurod by this SccurIty Instrumcrn, whcthcr or not thcn duc, with any cxccss paid w Barowcr. If Borrowu abandons thc
<br /> _-_= Property,or docs not answcr wlthln 30 days a naticc from L.cndcr that thc Insurancc caaicr ha4 offcrcd to settla a claim,the�
<br /> ----� I.endee n�y coAeet tl�e insu�ranee prnceects.Lender may usa the proaxds to repair or restore the Pr�per �or to{ v sums:xu od
<br /> � by thls Socurity Instrument,whethcr a not then due.Tha 30-day pctlod w1U bcgin whcn�he ndlce is givcn.
<br /> _�,�� Unless Lender and Horrowu othcrwIse agrec in wrldng,eny applicadon of procceds to principal shall not extcnd or postpone
<br /> _= the due date of the monthly payments nferred to in paregraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If andu pac�graph
<br /> 21 the Property is acqulred by Lender, Borrowu's rlght to any insurence poltcies and procceda resuldng from damage w the
<br /> -_=_'' Property prior to the acquisidon shall pass to I.ender w the eatent of the sums secured by this Securiry Inswment immeGlately
<br /> prlor w tha acquisiuon.
<br />___���' 6.Occup�ncy�Preservatbn�Mainteeanoe and Protecdon ot the Property; Borrower'a I.oAn A�pplicAtioni La�aeho{de.
<br /> t Borrowu shaU occupy�establish,and use the Property as Borrower's prL�cipal residence within si�ty days after the ea�ecut(on of
<br /> -�'"� this Security Inswment end shall condnue to occupy the Property as Borrowu's principsl residcnca for at IeaSt one year after the
<br /> date of occupency. unless [,ender otherwLse agree.g in writing� which consent shall not 6e unrcaSOnably withheld,or unlas
<br /> -_
<br />