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<br /> . ' 1�. Trand�r of th� Prop�rty or � B�n�flalal Int�r�st In 9orrow�r. it .0 ar.ny part ol tht Properly or
<br /> �ny Interest In fl ie satd or tranelerred(or H a 6enellci�l intereat In Bortowe� la aold or lnnaterrnd md Barower Is not a natur�i
<br /> p�rson) wHhaut Lmd�►'�pdor wdtteo co�ieent,Lendor may,�t Ite optlon,requlre Imrc�sdl�te p�yment In tull d wll nums secured by
<br /> thls 3�cutity Insirum�nt.Howsv�, thla optlon ch�ll not be sxxcleed by Lenda H exerclss la prohibft�d by tedKal i�w �s oi th�
<br />� d�t�of thls 8�cudty Inatrument. �•�-
<br /> II I.ender exerclaea thla opuon, Lender eh�q yNe Borcower notice ot acceleratlan. The notlae ehwll provlde a perlod oi not
<br /> I�s� th�n 30 daya kom th� dd� th� noqcs le d�Wwr�d or maN�d wilhln whlah Borrower muet p�y al�um� sacured by thla
<br /> Securtly Instrum�nt. If 9orrower hNs to pry ih�ae sumc:or demand oe Bortower,thle perlod, Lender m�Y Irnok�my remadlea � _
<br /> pKmltt�d by thl�3�cu�ity Instruma+t without turther n �
<br />� 18. �o►rOw�r's Fil{�ht to R�Initat�. H BortowK meets certdn condftiana, Bo►rower ehaN have th• dpht to hae
<br /> �►lorcwncnf o}thlo Secu►fly In�lrument dlecoMlnued �t any time P�a�t urau�n�toe�n f. owerbof e�e oont�lned In ti�la Socudly� �
<br />,.� �pp��I�W rtNy�pecHy for rrnaUtemmt� bdore eal�ot the Propsrty p Y P
<br /> Instmm�nt; or (b) entry of�Judqment anlorclny thle 9ecudty Inatrumenl.Thone condillons�n that Borrows►: la) P�Ys ��der�N�
<br /> eums whloh then would b�dw unde� thls 9ecu►ity Inatrument�nd the Note�s N no acceteretion h�d acu►red; (b) curea my
<br />� d�uR o1 �ny oths►covemnt a agreements; {a) p�ys �A sxPsnsee Incurred in entorclny thia Securfty Inetn�ment, Includinp, but
<br /> not Nmfted to, re�sonabl��ttomrya'fees;�nd(d)t�kes nuch�atlon as Lender may resson�by requlra to+�saure that the Ilen of
<br /> thla S�curity �nsuumeN� L�nd�s d9hts In th� PropMy and Bortow�r'e obllg�tlon to pay the auma eecurod by thts 3ecurfty
<br /> Inntrument sh�ll continue uncMnged. Upon reN►atatement by Bortowa, thia 3ecu►Ity Instn�ment nnd the obiigatloin thecc�ee
<br /> hareby ehaN remun hiMY dleaUn as M no ncceientlon hRd oceurred• However.thie dpht to relnatete sh�l not�ppy
<br /> ot acc�I�nUon under p�npaph 17•
<br /> 19. 5�1� Of NOR�� Ch�np� of Lonn S�ry�C�r. The Note or e e peAiat tntereat In the Note(topethe►wkh thls
<br /> Security Inatrument) may be add one or more timas without prior notice to Bortower.A saie may result In a change In the enUty
<br /> (knawn ae the'Lo�R 3ervicor'1 that collecta monthy paymente due under the Note and thls Securiry InsWment. 'fhere also may
<br /> b� on� or more oh�npea o11hs Loan Servlcsr unrsl�ted to e ede of the Note. It there Is a chanpe of the Loan Serv�er,
<br /> go�rowe�wNl b�qMen wdtten nofico of tha chanyo In encordenoe wfth pRr+igraph 14 above nnd applic�ble ww. The noUce wiN
<br /> state th�n�me�nd addreaa oithe new Lo�n Servlcx and the addreaa to whioh psymenta ehould be rnde. The noUco wlll alao
<br /> conUln any bthx inform�tion requked by appticable kw.
<br /> 20. H�sa►dou� Sub�tano��.Bortower 6hBo�wer eh�N not do'tnor qow anyone ei esPo do, a ything aRfecting the
<br /> any H�zudoua 3ubeUncea on or In the PropsRy. to the presence, use,or
<br /> — propeRy that Is In violaUon d�ny Envkonmental Lsw• The precedinq two eentences shaM not +ppty
<br /> etorape on the Property ot aarH quantNNs of Hwrdoua Subst�nces th�t ue qenenily rocogn(zed to be appropriate to nomwi
<br /> reald�ntkl uaaa Rnd to m�hiaunce of the Property.
<br /> BoROwer sh�N promptty Olve Lender wdtten nodce of Rny Investigstion, c1aMn, dem�nd, kwsuN or other aation by any
<br /> povsmm�r►tal or repul�tory ayency or prlvate p�Ay k►voNk►�the PropeAy and any Hazardoua Subatance o�EnvkonmenUl Law of
<br /> whlch Borrow�r has �etud bawl�dge. Ii BoROwer leama, or Is notMed by�ny povemmenUl a r�uMtory tuthority,that any
<br /> remowl or otha remedkUon of +ny H�zardoue 3ubabnce afteating PropsrtV la neceasary, Barower sh�ll pron'�PUY uke aY
<br /> necsa�ry renNafai aarione in�aco�dai�i;e iviih Esrrlrc�rss�sla!le:Y.
<br /> As uaed In thla parapraph 20,'H+wrdoua Subetancea' ere thoae subatancea detfned as toxla or h�zardous aubatances by
<br /> Envkonmentai I.�w and the foMowing aubstances: g�aoYne, keroaene, othe► 11�mmabie or toxic petroleum products, toxia
<br /> pestiddes and he�biddes,voMtlle soNents, materlals contalnlnp esbestos or tomuldehyde,and ndloac�e rntteriala. Aa used in
<br /> p�npraph 20, 'Envkonment�l I.�w' meMns tsderal kwe and lawa ot the Jurlsdictlon where the Properry la locat�d that rs{�t�to
<br /> he�fth,adety or envkonmenW proteetion.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT9.Bortower�nd Lander tuAher coven�nt�nd�prea as ToNows:
<br /> 21. Acc�l�rrtion; R�m�di�s. L.�nd�r sh�li �Iv� notic� to Borrow�r prlor to �caN�ratlon
<br /> followinp Borrow�r's br��ch of �ny cov�n�nt or �gn�m�nt In thh S�curily Instrum�nt (but not
<br /> prlor to aec�I�rallon und�r p�rapr�ph 17 unl�ss �pplicabl� law provid��otlw�wlM). 'Th� n0�a�
<br /> �hd� sp�cify: (�) th� d�fault; (b) th� �ctlon nqulr�d to cur� th� d�hult; (a) t dab. not I�ss thsn
<br /> 30 d�ya from th� dwR�ti� notic� Is plv�n to Bonow�r, by which #h� d�huit mud b�cund; �nd
<br /> (d) th�t ia��ur� to c�n th� d�huR on or bNon th� d�t� sp�cffi�d In th� nottc� m�n�c.
<br /> �ccd�r�tton of th�sums wcur�d by this S�curfiy Instrum�nt snd s�l� af th�ProM�Y•
<br /> shall furth�r Inform 8or�ow�r of th� ripht to r�in s t�t� a f t�r �ac�l�rallon �nd th��i�ht to brina A
<br /> oourt aatlon to asart th� non-�xtst�na� ot • dNauR or �ny oth�r drhns� of Borrovwr to
<br /> aacd�rallon snd a1�, If th� ddauR ts not cur�d on or b�fon th� d�te sp�ctfbd In tM noNc�,
<br /> L.�nd�r at Ib optlon may r�qulr� fmmsdlat� paym�nt In full of dl sums�cur�d by this S�curfly
<br /> Instrum�nt wRhout turth�r d�mand and may Invok� th� powu ot sd� �nd��y oRh�r rsm�dUs
<br /> p�rmftt�d by appilca6l� Iww L�nd�r shall b� �ntRl�d to aolloc!all �xp�nws incun�d In punulnp
<br /> th� r�m�df�s providW In tl�is p�ra�r�ph 21, Inctudi�g, but not Ilmit�d to. nasonabl� �ttorn�ys'
<br /> f��� and costs of titl��vidwnaw.
<br /> N th� powor of wlo Is Invokod, Truatoo sh�ll racord A notic� of d�fauft in �ach county In
<br /> — which any part of th� P►opn'ty► �� ����d and ahall m�ll copl�s ot such notic� In tt» mmnsr
<br /> — pnscrib�d by �pp���b���aw to Borrow�r and to th� othor p�nons pr�scrib�d by app��c�b�� �aw•
<br />== Aft�r th�tlin� r�quirM by applicabl� I�w� Trust�� shdl giv� public notic� of sal� to th� porsons
<br />-;;� and In th� mann�r pnscrib�d by applicable law. Trusto�, wRhout d�mand on Borrowsr. shal!sdl
<br />°°�A the Property at pubtla auctlon to the highest blddsr at the timd and pitce �nd undsr ths t�rms
<br /> -,�� dsslgnst�d In th� notic� of s�l� in ono or moro psrc�is and In any ordor Tru�t�� d�t�rminoa.
<br /> - Trustee may postPo�� s��• � ��� or any p�ra�l ot tha Propsrty by public �nnounc�m�nt at th�
<br /> time snd pl�c� of iny previousty sch�dut�d sal�. Lvndor or Ita dostpnu m�y purchaa� th�
<br /> Propsrty at any s�le.
<br /> ��� Upon rocatpt o�poymant of th� pric� bid, Trustv� sh�lt d�ilwr to tl�� purahtssr T�ush�'s
<br /> de�d convsying the PropArty. Ths recltds In ths Trust��'a d�ed sh�it b� prlms�hcl� �vid�nc� of
<br /> ... � ,�_ �-•-�-_..._ .....�� �h...in. Tru�ta� .hall aoniv th� procoods of th� aal� tn ths
<br />��-`t tfl� ifYifl Vi itt� �a�w.......� .....�� ..'_'—•'-- ---� ' • -
<br /> ; followinp ord�r: (a)to all costa and axptnsas of exorcising th� puw�r af s�lo� and tho sal��
<br /> �7' Includtng tho payrt��nt of th�Trustoe's teos actually incurred, not to sxo�sd thr��
<br /> �., % of tha principal amount ot ths
<br /> -z� —
<br /> nots at th� tim� of th� d�ciaration of dsiau{t, and n��on�ble�ttorn�y's fs���s psrmitt�d by aw;
<br /> �•�•• (tr�) to NI sum� socurad by thts SeQUHty I�strumsnt; and (c) any excess to the parson or pereons
<br /> �. logally �ntitl�d to it.
<br /> .. F1318.LM0(1197) Pago a ol 5
<br /> 9flB5
<br />