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<br /> y 1 17.TM�nter ot the Peoperty or A Beneliclal Interat in Borrower.If dl or any p�rt ot the Property or wy iaterat in it
<br /> � i�wld or truut'etred(or if a beneHaial iatet+a�t in�otrowar i��old or trw�ferrod�ad Borrowor is not�natw�! persou)wIthout �=
<br />� Lender'� pdor wdtteu wn�ent� Y.eader may, it iu optloa, requIre lmmediate p�ymaat ta tWl of �II �um� �ecured by t6i� _
<br /> Sncurlty In�hument.However. thl�option�hxll a�t be exerci�ed by I.ender If exerci�e i�prohibtted by federd law u of the date
<br /> ---- � of thi�Seaurlty I�utrumeat.
<br /> � ,� If Lender exemI�thi�optlon,Leador thdl gtve bortower noNee of aecolecttton.'Ihe notiee thall provlda a pedod of not �
<br /> leN th�n 3p day� grom the date the t�otice i�delivered or mdled wlt6in which Borrower mwt p�y ill eums recured bY tl�i�C4
<br /> Sscudty Inttrumettt.If Borrowor falls to pay theeo nu�us pdor to the oxpirndon of tl�i�pottod,Leader m�y tavoke�ay mmedia`
<br /> ��, :', pataritted by tht�Securil.y Inttrument wlthout flirthat aotice�r deaund on Borrower.
<br /> ls. �orrower'a �t tu Rdustate. If Borrower meets ce�taia condItion�, Horrowcr �hh�ll hsve the rl�hht to have
<br /> enforcement of thi�Sec u r T t y Imtrument di�coadnued at my Nme grior W the arlier of: (a) S d�y� (or ruch other padod a `
<br />_ ' : �pplieabt� l�w mny �pecify for roinstatement) beforo �+le of the Property pumu�nt to any powar of sale eontained in thie � —
<br /> Seeurity Inrtruiaeat;ur N)entry of+�judgmeat enforcing thi�Securlty Jnstsumeat.lbosa wnditton�ue that Borrower.(s)WY� 1O
<br />-.�i-; � � Lender all�umi whIch the�a would ba due uader tLb Sacurity InetcumeaL wd the Note u if no �ccelentloa h�d occurnd; (b) `
<br /> "`�',1 � cura my default of�ay oWer coveaante or a�reameate�(a)WY�all expenxa incurred in eafo�ing this Securiry IrutrumaU�
<br />- includin�,hut not limited to,reasonable attome�e'feaa;and(d)talce+such action ae I.eader may rwoaably require to wure �. _
<br />" � tbat the liea of tLis SecurIty instrumeat�Lender r �i ts in the Pmperty and Borrower's obli atton top ay the rum��ecured by ,�
<br /> B
<br /> ��,�,,�.•,;; thi� Security Iiutiument ahRll continue unch�n�� Upoa reimtataa�►t by Bortower, �s Securlty Iashua�eat u�d the
<br />° ' ' oblipatione eeautcd hereby sh�ll nmain tWly effxtive ae If no acceleration hui occunnd.Howevor, tLb d�ht w rainrtate eh�ll
<br /> _��=iia::_��,. . not appl�y in t�e ca�e of acceler�tion uader pua�ph 17.
<br /> - �.�:;.:� 1 9. Sttte ot Notcj C�e o�Lonn S e t►ica. 'I be Note or s p i rt i d in t eres t i a t h e N o t a(t o Y o t h e r w I t h t l�i� S e curl ty
<br /> Inrtrument)may be eold ona or more timea wlthout pdor nouce to Borrowar.A a�le may result in a chmge la tha eatlty(knowa
<br />��r�'���� } �e the"L�o�n ServIcer")that collacq monthlY P�Yments due under the Note�nd thi�SecurIty Initrum�at'Ibero�Iw may be one
<br />.,.;;>:„,, or more ehm�a of the Iaaa Servicer unrelated W s nla of the Note.If there I�a cban e of the Lo�n Servicer.Bomo�wer wIU be
<br />_.;y.,. ,t,, . �tvea wrtuea noHce of the eh�aQe in accordaaee wIth paaar�ph 14 abovs�ndappUe,�b�e law.The notiee wlll�t�te the nwie�nd
<br /> - '�• addc+ai of the new Lo�n Servicar�nd the addn,ae to whtah ptymeaU�hould be m�de. '!ha notice wID ala cantaia�ay othar
<br /> 'i'�•�� �' informatioa uired b �ppIIcable law.
<br />_��3: .. ='�9
<br />�=�••a`•�,,�; ?A. Has�rdou� ubetanas. Horrower�hall aot c�iwe o�permit the praenee�we, dispo�l� �torw�e� or roleue of�ay
<br /> _;;;:.t�`. � ',-;�,�ast: �u�a� aa ar ia !!tc Pro{r�t;. �rr�w�t wh.n not do, nor allow �nyone el�e W do, �nY�a ��� �
<br /> °.� �;� property tlu�t i�in vlolatlon of wy BuvImnmental L+�w.TLe pncedin�two eeata�ca�h�ll aotapply to the prerenee� we. or
<br /> �';r�:�.� � on the Pro�e�y of�maU wattda of Ha�udow SuMtance�that ue�eaeraUy reco�ized to be approprlRte W aornW
<br />-°"'���w�,;� raet�dantId wa wd w m�inter�nce of tLe Property.
<br />---=r� Borrowr��}uli promptly�ive Laider wdttem notice of�uy inve�ti�adon.olaim, denumd� lawsuit or otber�cdon by WY
<br />=�,:f�»�p �o�ernmenw or�e��l�wy aaay or pdvateputy lavolvia�the Property�nd�ny H�rwrdow Sub�tmce or Bavir�tment�l Law
<br /> �_'�=�''' of whlch Borrower!w�c�knowled�e. It�orr+ower larai, or It aoNfied by�ny ovemmeatal or nsul�tory tutlwd . th�t
<br /> `���:.'-� ' �ay rem�val or other remedittion of any Harardou�Sub�tuice affxtin�the Propacty�i nece�ry.Bosrowee�hall p�am�Y take
<br />_���;�� all neoe�ry ma�edid RcNon�in accord�nce wlth Bavie+onmeatal La►w.
<br /> •..;:r::._..��; .4i wed ia thi�p:rs�rgh 20, "H:.�z�ow Su1�L-.ac�"ar tlsa:;,rulsci�ucw:dafu�od w�tvua or La�u+ciow wb�oca bY
<br /> =_;.,;;�� Bnvironmental Lw uid We followin� mb�ncea: �aioline� kero�eae. other flammable or to�cfc pea+oleum uch, to�cic
<br /> •�--•:.?:_,�, paticida md herbIcida,volsWe rolveab� auteria�cont�iaing�ubesta or form�idebyda,�nd t�dio�cdve �1�.Ai wed 1a
<br /> -- thi�par�nph 20. 'Baviroameatal Lw' me�as faleral law� and law� of the juri�dicHon whem the Property i� located that
<br /> -- mlate to halth,afety or eavirnnmeatal protecdon.
<br /> _ NON-TJNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower�ad Leader fbrther covea�at and ayroe a follnwr.
<br /> -l;;�Y:� 21.Aoceletation;Reinedica.I.E!!d!!'6�1�II �It! lfOHCE t0 BOl7M1t!!'�1lI01't0�!�l�i�OD IOUOMI�BO!lONN'�f I�tI�
<br /> __._.�;i� ot a�q� oo�eiunt oe ap+eaneat Ia this Secw�Ity Instnnnent (but not peior to �ocelnatlon under 17 ude�
<br /> - - •pplErabk lawprodda othen►ise). The notix slull spedfy: (a)t6e de�'adti (b)the�ctbn ral to cLre the defadt;
<br /> �-u.:� (c?a daie,not Iw tl�n 30 da,y�fram the date the noHce i��ina to Borro�nr,by whk�i tbe deriult murt be cue+ed;aad
<br /> ,�tiF��.i (�tlu�t fiilure to cun the ddadt on or bet'ore We date apecified tn tbe nobice mqp reaWt tn �axkeatlon of t1�e su�ns
<br /> , �ecured by this Securlty Imhvment aad e�le o!fhe Property.The notla e6R11 further infonn �orro+�►ar o[the rltht 10
<br />==y�:;�:� reinhte aitiar accderadon �tnd the d=ht to brL� a oourt acxion to ataert the non�ar4tenoe ot• defialt or�n,y otLa�
<br />-____- — detense ot Bonnwer to aocdera8on and rale. It the defiult L� aot cured on or before the date�peciEied ia tl�e noHoe.
<br /> ----ry-� �� I.endar,At Ib option,mayreq uirc Gnmediate p�yment in fWl of all swns secui+ed by this Security L�sti+ment witiwut
<br /> �`--�'„_.�� fuether dan�nd aad may in�oke the power o[ sde and aay other remediea pamittdi by ap�ca6le law.Lender eb�U be
<br /> . ��
<br /> ';n,�,� entitkd to collect all acpada incurred in pursui�tlx remediea pro�tided in this pRraYraph 1�ineludi�,but not lim tal
<br /> ��, '��� to�rea�onable attorneya'fees and coate of title e�ideike.
<br /> �`''"'¢` ` U thepower of s�le ta imolced,Tn�tce sh�l! record a notice of defiWt In a�ch eouaty in which �ny piu't of the
<br /> r- `�fi-;, , Propaty(s Ixated And sl�ll mail oopks of each nodx In the mannar prescrlbed 6y applicable I�w to Borrowa u�d to
<br /> � ' ' the otLa�pe�OU�pr�a'ibed by Applicable IAw. Aftar the Nme required by spplicable law,Tru�t�e stWl ti�e pubik notice
<br /> tLa�
<br /> ' . .. o[eak to the pereoos ond in the mstnner prescribed by applicable law.Trusteq wttlaut de�n�nd on Borrower�siull sdl
<br /> the Proparty at public Ruction to tha 61�ficst bidder At the tjme And place and under the ternu dai�ted in t6e aotine of
<br /> � s�lc in one or more pu+cel+and in any orda�Twta detennines.Trustee may postpa�ne sale ot dl or any p�rad of the
<br /> Property by public announonna►t at the time�nd plaix of any predou4ly scl�rdded srla Lenda'or tb dni�nee nuy
<br /> p�u�cQ�se thc Property at any sale.
<br /> ;�;y''`� F a s�o
<br /> 114- 1569
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